New Mexico Board of Nursing Advanced Practice Advisory Committee DRAFT Meeting Minutes September 12, 2014 Member Virginia Valentine (Chair) Jacquelyn Williams Roy Addignton Elaine Brightwater Karen-Lynn Fiato Gina Fullbright Janet Thelen Deanna Suggs Darlene Batson APRNRole CNS CNS/CNP CNP CNP CNP CNP CNP CNP CRNA Appointment Expiration Pending August 2016 Pending April, 2016 April, 2016 June, 2014 April, 2016 April, 2016 August, 2015 Attendance* Guests Present Present Absent Present Absent Absent Present Absent Absent Carloyn Robers; Bonita Hulin, San Juan Regional Medical Center; Shauna Saiz, San Juan Regional Medical Center; Meaghan Carey, UNMH; Darren Braude, UNMH; Eric Quintana, UNM SOM/PRes.; Robb McKean, UNMH; Michael (Mick) Leo, NM ACEP; Tony Salazar, NM ACEP; G. Mulzon, NM ACEP; Kim McKinley, UNMH; Melissa Reyes, GCU; Michael Chicarelli, UNMH/NM ENA; Julianna Kof, NM ANA; Kathy Lopez-Bushnell, UNMH; Talerra Rich, GCU; Reyna Gonzalez, GCU; Mariah Teasdale, GCU. Phone Guests: Chris Felt, Deborah Walker, NMNA Board Members: Kirk Irby (Video Conference) and Kris Willingham (Phone Conference) . Agenda Item Minutes Membership Notes Minutes from the July meeting were reviewed Virginia informed the Committee of her limited ability to serve as chair. The Committee discussed leadership and determined that co-chairs would be serve the committee best. There was a discussion about how meetings will be conducted. Meeting Operation Action The July 2014 minutes were approved by consensus Virginian Valentine and Elian Brightwater will serve as co-chairs. Gina Fullbright has now missed 5 meeting in a row and her appointment expired June of 2014. She has not submitted a new nomination form and will be removed from the roster. The Committee decided: 1. The agenda and associated documents will be sent to committee members a week prior to the meeting date by Board staff and/or Board officers 2. The Committee meeting agenda will be posted on the BON website a week prior to the meeting for public review. 1 New Mexico Board of Nursing Advanced Practice Advisory Committee DRAFT Meeting Minutes September 12, 2014 3. Documents associated with Committee meetings and the Committee’s work/recommendations/minutes will not be made available to the public until the committee has finished their work and is ready to make a recommendation to the Board of Nursing. Board Member, Willingham suggested to the Committee that the language around CRNA practice be changed to reflect the independence that is clear in the language of the CNP roles. The Committee discussed this and unanimously agreed. Rules Language: CRNA Independent Practice Procedural Sedation Rules Language The Committee declined to review the proposed rules language provided by Board staff, stating that they want to ensure that only the most current version of the proposed language is being reviewed. Demetrius will inquire about the ability for a members’ Sharepoint or similar electronic platform for the exchange of documents. The Committee recommends to the Board of Nursing the following rules change: Current The CRNA functions in an interdependent role as a member of the health care team in which the medical care of the patient is directed by a licensed physician, osteopathic physician, dentist or podiatrist licensed in New Mexico. Recommended The CRNA makes independent decisions regarding the health care needs of the client and also makes independent decision in carrying out health care regimes. The Committee recommends the creation of an ad hoc committee that includes representation from the Board Members, the Advanced Practice Committee, the Nursing Practice Committee, The New Mexico 2 New Mexico Board of Nursing Advanced Practice Advisory Committee DRAFT Meeting Minutes September 12, 2014 Association of Nurse Anesthetists and the New Mexico Emergency Nurses Association. The Committee also recommends that this ad hoc committee move quickly to wordsmith the most current version of the procedural sedation language and to make a recommendation to the BON. The meeting will be chaired by Kim McKinely of the Nursing Practice Committee. Non-cancer pain management CE Requirement and Nurses being treated with opiates Valid practitioner Anita Ralstin suggested at the last BON meeting a change to rules regarding the pharmacological continuing education requirement, and suggested a language change that is inclusive of nonpharmocological interventions. The equivalent language for CNSs is at This requirement is also noted as a requirement under the PMP program language at There was a discussion about the rules language Demetrius will facilitate the meeting of this committee and solicit the most current proposed language from the Board Members who have worked on it. Anita did not reply to a request to meet on this issue nor is she present at this meeting. The Committee tabled this issue. The Committee tabled this issue. There is a recommendation to make an exception for Elaine Brightwater needs an opportunity to do more public health emergencies in the definitions the valid research on this. The Committee tabled the issue for 3 New Mexico Board of Nursing Advanced Practice Advisory Committee DRAFT Meeting Minutes September 12, 2014 patient relationship Fingerprints Marijuana Prescribing by APRNs New and Views articles Jurisprudence Exam for new licensees practitioner patient relationship. now. Demetrius explained to the Committee that when APRNs endorse into New Mexico and hold an RN license from a compact state which is her or his state of legal residence and which does not require a criminal background check for RN licensure, then that advanced practice nurse can practice in New Mexico without ever having had a criminal background check. There is no provision in the NM NPA or rules for doing criminal background check for APRN licensure. The states that do not require CBC and are members of the Nurse Licensure Compact are Colorado, Maine, Nebraska, Virginia and Wisconsin. The committee discussed APRNs making recommendation for their patients for the use of cannabis and the fact that the DEA has cannabis listed as a schedule 1 drug. The Committee also discussed the recreational use of cannabis by nurses in both Colorado and New Mexico. Janet Thelen has written an article on CNP certification that she shared with the committee. This committee recommends that the Board consider modifying rules to ensure that all advanced practice nurses practicing in New Mexico who did not receive a criminal background check as part of their RN licensure receive a criminal background check. The Committee discussed a required exam on the New Mexico Nursing Practice Act for nurses being licensed by New Mexico The Committee has no recommendations regarding cannabis at this time. The Committee members will review the article for edits. Demetrius will work with Janet to submit an electronic version of the article for publication in the next News and Views. The deadline is September 19. The Committee does not recommend to the BON that a jurisprudence exam be required by the BON for nurses being licensed by New Mexico. 4 New Mexico Board of Nursing Advanced Practice Advisory Committee DRAFT Meeting Minutes September 12, 2014 The Committee does recommend to the New Mexico Nursing Education Committee to include The New Mexico Nursing Practice Act and New Mexico Nursing Jurisprudence to the NMEC statewide common Curriculum. The Committee reviewed the upcoming meeting dates for the BON and NCSBN and selected meeting dates for the coming year. The FY15 meeting dates: Meetings Please submit your agenda items to one of the cochairs or Demetrius. Next Agenda Demetrius will draft a letter NMNEC on behalf of the committee. The next meeting is November 3, 2014 April 6 July 10 September 7 December 4 All meetings will be at 0900 at the BON office. Membership Down to 8 members, poor attendance (60% for current members for the last 7 meetings) New and Views Articles No current articles proposed. Rules Changes Meeting Operation 5
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