所蔵洋雑誌2014 No. 誌名 日本赤十字広島看護大学図書館 所蔵巻号 所蔵年 継続(+ は継続し て所蔵) ISSN 所在 7-15 1999-2007 09652302 集密書庫 2 Accident and emergency nursing【継続後誌:International emergency nursing】 Advances in nursing science : ANS 10-24,25(1-2),26-27 1987-2004 01619268 集密書庫 3 American journal of nursing 70-113 1970-2013 4 American journal of orthopsychiatry 69-76 1999-2006 5 American journal of psychology 112-126 1999-2013 6 American journal of public health 89-94 1999-2004 00900036 集密書庫 7 Archives of general psychiatry 56-63 1999-2006 0003990X 集密書庫 13-26,27(1-5) 1999-2013 14-15,16(1-2) 1998-2000 08839743 集密書庫 37-44 1999-2006 00057967 集密書庫 1 8 9 10 A Archives of psychiatric nursing Aspen's advisor for nurse executives【継続後誌:Patient care management】 B Behaviour research and therapy 11 Birth 12 BMJ : British medical journal 13 Bulletin of the World Health Organization 14 C Cancer nursing 29-39,40(1-3) 2002-2013 322(7277-7302),323(7303-7316,73187327),324(7328-7344),325(7354-7370,73727378),326(7379-7414,7416-7419),327(7415,74207429),328(7430-7455),329(7456-7480),330(74817506),331(7507-7531),332(7532-7556),333(75577582),334(7583-7612),335(7613-7633),336(7634- 2001-2013 7659,7661-7663),337(7660,7664-7684),338(76857710),339(7711-7735),340(7736-7761),341(77627786),342(7787-7812),343(7813-7837),344(78387863),345(7864-7888),346(7889-7916),347(79177933,7935-7937) + 0002936X 雑誌架 00029432 + + 集密書庫 00029556 雑誌架 08839417 雑誌架 07307659 雑誌架 + 09598146 / 雑誌架 02670623 77-82 1999-2004 22-36 1999-2013 + 0162220X 雑誌架 + 08876274 雑誌架 15 Clinical nurse specialist : CNS 13-27 1999-2013 16 Community mental health journal 35-41 1999-2005 1/6 00429686 00103853 集密書庫 集密書庫 所蔵洋雑誌2014 日本赤十字広島看護大学図書館 17 Cumulated index medicus 40-41 1999-2000 18 Cumulative index to nursing and allied health literature 44-46 1999-2001 集密書庫 1999-2006 21 D Developmental psychology 35-42 Dissertation abstracts international. A, The humanities and 59(7-12),60-66,67(1-6) social sciences E Evidence-based nursing 2-16 1999-2013 + 00121649 集密書庫 04194209 / 集密書庫 00123854 13676539 雑誌架 22 G Geriatric nursing 20-33,34(1-5) 1999-2013 + 01974572 雑誌架 23 Gerontologist 41-44 2001-2004 00169013 集密書庫 20-26 1999-2005 07399332 集密書庫 Holistic nursing practice 13-18 1998-2004 Image【継続後誌:Journal of nursing scholarship】 19-32 1987-2000 27 International emergency nursing 2008-2013 28 International journal for human caring 2002-2012 29 International journal of nursing studies 16-21 6(1-3),7(2-3),8(1-3),9,10(2),11(12,4),12(3),13,16(1-3) 36-50,51(1) 30 International journal of psycho-analysis 80-87 1999-2006 00207578 集密書庫 31 International nursing index 34-35 1999-2000 00208124 集密書庫 32 International nursing review 1-60 1954-2013 33 Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursing 22-23 1999-2000 19 20 24 H Health care for women international 25 26 34 I J JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association 00901423 1999-2006 1999-2014 + + 285(1-16,18-24),286(1-7,9-24),287(1-24),288(122,24),289(1-9,11-24),290(2-24),291(1-24),292(124),293(1-24),294(1-4,6-24),295(1-24),296(12001-2012 24),297(1-24),298(1-24),299(1-24),300(124),301(1-24),302(1-24),303(1-24),304(122,24),305(1-24),306(1-24),307(1-24),308(1-24) 35 Jona's healthcare law, ethics, and regulation 1-14,15(1-3) 1999-2013 36 Journal for nurses in staff development : JNSD 15-22 1999-2006 2/6 08879311 集密書庫 07435150 / 集密書庫 03632792 1755599X 雑誌架 10915710 + + 集密書庫 集密書庫 00207489 雑誌架 00208132 雑誌架 01460862 集密書庫 00987484 / 00029955 集密書庫 15209229 雑誌架 10987886 集密書庫 所蔵洋雑誌2014 日本赤十字広島看護大学図書館 37 Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing : JSPN 7-17 2002-2012 38 Journal of advanced nursing 29-69,70(1) 1999-2014 39 Journal of aging and health 13-17 2001-2005 08982643 集密書庫 40 Journal of applied behavioral science 35-41 1999-2005 00218863 集密書庫 41 Journal of child and adolescent psychiatric nursing 14-17 2001-2004 10736077 集密書庫 42 Journal of clinical psychology 55-62 1999-2006 00219762 集密書庫 43 Journal of community health nursing 21-30 2004-2013 + 44 Journal of continuing education in nursing 30-44 1999-2013 + 45 Journal of counseling psychology 1-53 1954-2006 46 Journal of experimental child psychology 72-95 1999-2006 00220965 集密書庫 47 journal of family health care 12-16 2002-2006 14749114 集密書庫 48 Journal of family nursing 5-18,19(1,3) 1999-2013 49 Journal of gerontological nursing 1-30 1975-2004 50 Journal of health and social behavior 40-53,54(1-3) 1999-2013 51 Journal of health economics 18-25 1999-2006 52 Journal of holistic nursing 17-30,31(1-3) 1999-2013 + 08980101 雑誌架 53 2000-2013 + 15269523 雑誌架 55 Journal of midwifery & women's health 45-57,58(1-5) Journal of nurse-midwifery【継続後誌:Journal of midwifery 44 & women's health】 Journal of nursing administration 29-40,41(1-7,9-12),42,43(1-11) 56 Journal of nursing education 1-43 1962-2004 01484834 集密書庫 57 Journal of nursing scholarship 33-36 2001-2004 15276546 集密書庫 58 Journal of occupational health 38,39(1,2),41-55 1996-2013 59 Journal of pediatric oncology nursing 16-22 1999-2005 10434542 集密書庫 60 Journal of personality and social psychology 76-91 1999-2006 00223514 集密書庫 54 3/6 1088145X 雑誌架 + + 03092402 雑誌架 07370016 雑誌架 00220124 / 雑誌架 00220125 00220167 集密書庫 10748407 雑誌架 00989134 + 00221465 雑誌架 01676296 1999-1999 1999-2013 集密書庫 集密書庫 集密書庫 + + 00020443 雑誌架 13419145 雑誌架 所蔵洋雑誌2014 61 62 63 Journal of professional nursing Journal of psychiatric nursing【継続後誌:Journal of psychiatric nursing and mental health services】 Journal of psychiatric nursing and mental health services 【継続前誌:Journal of psychiatric nursing】【継続後 誌:Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services】 日本赤十字広島看護大学図書館 15-28,29(1-5) 1999-2013 1-4 1963-1966 5-19(1-7) 1967-1981 + 87557223 雑誌架 02772973 / 集密書庫 00223948 03605973 / 00223948 集密書庫 64 Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services 19(8-12),20-42 1981-2004 65 Journal of rehabilitation 67-70 2001-2004 02793695 / 03605973 00224154 66 Journal of school health 69-74 1999-2004 00224391 集密書庫 67 Journal of social psychology 139-146 Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent 40-45,49-52 Psychiatry Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses : JSPN【継続後 4-6 誌:Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing : JSPN】 1999-2006 00224545 集密書庫 68 69 70 L Lancet 2001-2013 + 集密書庫 集密書庫 08908567 雑誌架 1999-2001 1088145X 集密書庫 7532-7574,7576-7583,7610-8042,81118320,8340-8366,8396-8613,8640-8679;3351968336,355-358,359(9300-9325),360(93261989;19909350),361(9351-9376),362(9377-9401),363(94022004 9427),364(9428-9452) 01406736 集密書庫 71 Linux journal 81,84-152 2001-2006 72 Lippincott's case management 5(3-6),6-11 2000-2006 1-38 1976-2013 + 10753583 集密書庫 15297764 / 集密書庫 10843647 0361929X 雑誌架 17-29 2001-2013 + 02666138 雑誌架 73 74 M MCN : the American journal of maternal child nursing Midwifery : an international journal 4/6 所蔵洋雑誌2014 75 76 N Nature 日本赤十字広島看護大学図書館 397-415,416(6876-6885),417(68866893),418(6894-6902),419(6903-6917),421(69186926),422(6927-6936),423(6937-6947),424(69486952),425(6953-6961),426(6962-6968),427(69696977),428(6978-6986),429(6987-6994),430(69951999-2006 7003),431(7004-7012),432(7013-7020),433(70217028),434(7029-7039),435(7040-7046),436(70477054),437(7055-7063),438(7064-7071),439(70727088),441(7089-7097),442(7098-7106),443(71077114),444(7115-7122) 00280836 / 03022889 集密書庫 Neonatal network : NN 18-22,23(1-6),24-32 1999-2013 07300832 雑誌架 77 New England journal of medicine 340-350,351(1-27),352(1-26),353(1-26),354(126),355(1-26),356(1-26),357(1-26),358(126),359(1-26),360(1-26),361(1-27),362(125),363(1-27),364(1-26),365(1-26),366(126),367(1-26),368(1-26),369(1-26) 1999-2013 00284793 雑誌架 78 Nurse education in practice 1-13 2001-2013 + 15329305 雑誌架 79 Nurse education today 21-24,25(1-4,6-8),26-33 2001-2013 + 02606917 雑誌架 80 Nurse educator 26-38 2001-2013 + 03633624 雑誌架 81 Nursing administration quarterly 23-28 1998-2004 82 Nursing and health care perspectives 20-22 1999-2001 83 Nursing case management 4,5(1-2) 84 Nursing clinics of North America 85 1999-2000 03639568 10942831 / 10818731 10843647 集密書庫 34-41 1999-2006 00296465 集密書庫 Nursing economics 17-30 1999-2012 86 Nursing education perspectives 23-25 2002-2004 87 Nursing ethics 6-19 1999-2012 88 Nursing management 12(9-12),13-35 1981-2004 89 Nursing outlook 47-61 1999-2013 5/6 + + + 集密書庫 集密書庫 07461739 雑誌架 15365026 / 10818731 / 集密書庫 10942831 09697330 雑誌架 07446314 / 集密書庫 00395870 00296554 雑誌架 所蔵洋雑誌2014 日本赤十字広島看護大学図書館 90 Nursing research 1-62 1952-2013 + 00296562 雑誌架 91 Nursing science quarterly 12-25 1999-2012 + 08943184 雑誌架 92 O Omega : journal of death and dying 39-42 1999-2001 00302228 集密書庫 93 P Palliative medicine 13-17,18(1-6,8),19-20 1999-2006 集密書庫 94 Patient care management 16(3-12),17,18(1-3),19(1-11) 2000-2003 95 Pediatric nursing 27-30 2001-2004 02692163 15328880 / 08839743 00979805 96 Perspectives in psychiatric care 35-40 1999-2004 00315990 集密書庫 97 Professional care of mother and child 9-11 1999-2001 09644156 集密書庫 98 Psychology and aging 14-21 1999-2006 08827974 集密書庫 4-22,23(1-11) 1994-2013 10(1-8) 2001-2001 101 R Research and theory for nursing practice 16-26,27(1-3) 102 99 Q Qualitative health research 100 Quality of life research 集密書庫 集密書庫 + 10497323 雑誌架 2002-2013 + 24-35,36(1-5) 2001-2013 + 09629343 集密書庫 15416577 / 雑誌架 08897182 01606891 雑誌架 103 S Scholarly inquiry for nursing practice 15 2001-2001 08897182 集密書庫 104 Science. New series 291-295,296(5565-5566,5570-5577),297(55785590),298(5591-5602),299(5603-5618),300(56195638),301(5639-5641),302(5642-5653),303(56545666),304(5667-5679),305(5680-5692),306(5693- 2001-2006 5705),307(5706-5722),308(5723-5730),309(57315744),310(5745-5756),311(5757-5769),312(57705784),313(5785-5795),314(5796-5807) 00368075 集密書庫 105 Supervisor nurse 12(1-8) 1981-1981 00395870 集密書庫 11-27 1989-2005 01939459 集密書庫 Research in nursing and health 106 W Western journal of nursing research 6/6
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