Caregiving Today… A Scott County Early Childhood Conference

Caregiving Today… A Scott County Early Childhood Conference
Saturday, February 14, 2015
7:15 am- 3:15 pm
NEW LOCATION: Shakopee High School
100 17th Ave W
Shakopee, MN 55379
Conference Schedule
7:15-7:45 AM
Fire Extinguisher Check In
Continental Breakfast
Vendor Shopping
7:45-8:00 AM
8:00-10:00 AM
10:00-10:15 AM
Break & Vendor Shopping
10:15-12:15 PM
Session I Classes
12:15-1:15 PM
Lunch & Vendor Shopping
1:15-3:15 PM
Session II Classes
3:15 PM
Conference Ends
Turn in Evaluations
Conference Notes
Register early!
Limit of 500 participants
Pre-registration is required and
Registration deadline is:
February 8, 2015
Vendors will have items for sale
Fire Extinguishers Serviced
Central Fire Protection will offer on-site
fire extinguisher servicing for a small
fee. Bring your fire extinguishers
labeled with your name.
Lunch and Refreshments Included
Lunch and refreshments will be served
throughout the day
Keynote: Dr. Jean Feldman
Better Bodies and Brains
You learn on your feet, not on your seat! When children move, dance,
and wiggle, more senses are activated and the message is more likely to
get to the brain. Music and movement also emit endorphins which make
you happy. In this workshop you’ll discover activities that will help
children be their best physically, socially, and cognitively.
Highlights will include:
*Songs to start your day and get your blood going
*Routines for balancing, stretching, and relaxing
*Activities where children will cross the midline
*Dances to reinforce phonics and math skills
*Ideas to make you jump, hop, pretend, and smile!
CDA: 1
Parent Aware 6
Training Credit
6 Hours MNCPD Approved
Confirmation of Registration
There will be no written confirmation
Scott County Licensed Family Child Care
Association & Shakopee ECFE
Please e-mail [email protected]
Dr. Jean Feldman’s noteworthy educational career has spanned more than 40 years. She has served
as a classroom teacher, instructor of adults, author, and consultant. Dr. Feldman inspires teachers
across the country with her engaging songs and creative activities that help make teaching and
learning FUN!
Check out her website
Session I
10:15-12:15 pm
1. HIGH FIVE! Fifty Nifty Centers 2:00
You Can
5 Minutes
pm3:30 inpm
Dr. Jean Feldman
O.K. So you want to give your students more opportunities to work in centers because you
understand how powerful that can be for developing self-directed learners. You also know that
center work will give children opportunities to practice skills and learn to share and cooperate. But
how do you find the time? Join Dr. Jean for this fast-paced idea a minute session!
CDA: 2
Parent Aware 8
2 The Difference Between "Arts" and "Crafts" and creative ideas!
Michelle Anderson
Learn the differences between Arts and Crafts and the importance of each. And spend some time
learning new ideas for Arts and Crafts!
CDA: 2
3. Active Supervision for Emergency Situations
Carrie Speikers
This class meets the Family Child Care provider annual supervision training requirement. This
training curriculum will address best practices of active supervision in a family child care setting.
This training curriculum will discuss possible emergency situations in a home child care setting;
describe ways to respond to emergency situations as the only adult present in the home; identify
tools that can help providers find out about and respond to a disaster/emergency situation in
CDA: 1
4. Leaping into Literacy and Kid-Friendly Math Centers
Julie Torkelson
Find new ways to develop literacy with young children. We will be using music and movement to
reinforce readiness skills. Learn how to enhance literacy through literature and flannel board
activities. Discover how to boost your children's basic skills with easy-to-implement activities that
build independent learners.
CDA: 2
Session II
1:15-3:15 pm
5. Transition Tips and Tricks
Dr. Jean Feldman
2:00 pm- 3:30 pm
Transitions are all those “in between” times when things tend to get out of control. This workshop
will present positive ways to focus children’s attention with songs, finger plays, props, and games.
Ideas for circle time, clean up, focusing children’s attention, and releasing wiggles will be addressed.
CDA: 2
Parent Aware 8
6. Child Growth and Development and Curriculum
Carrie Speikers
Understanding the ages and stages of a child’s growth and development is the foundation for
creative play and learning in a family child care setting. Multi-age groups create diversity in a
providers day to meet the individual needs of infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school-age
children. Integrating curriculum in multi-age settings to be ages and developmentally appropriate is
explained. This class meets the Licensing Training Requirement for Child Growth & Development.
CDA: 8
Dawn Braa
This class meets DHS Licensing training requirements for both Sudden Unexpected Infant Death
(SUID) and Abusive Head Trauma (AHT). Content includes recommendations to reduce Sudden,
Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUID) including SIDS, suffocation, and other sleep related infant
deaths; safe sleep environments; MN Child Care regulations related to safe sleep; as well as
symptoms and consequences of abusive head trauma, risk factors for abusive head trauma;
strategies to use when stressed, angry or frustrated.
CDA: 1
8. Mess Management
Kimberly Giles
The benefits of being organized go far beyond having an uncluttered home or being able to find
things. Being organized can add hours to your day giving you more time providing direct care. Come
and join us for this fun filled workshop on simple and effective ways to get organized and eliminate
CDA: 5
Caregiving Today…Early Childhood Conference Registration
City _____________________MN_________ Email
SCLFCCA Member:_____ Yes
Develop Individual ID#_____________ (For more information go to
Be sure to circle your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th choice for each session.
We fill workshops on o first-come, first served basis in the order registrations are received.
Session I
Session II
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
4th Choice
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
4th Choice
5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8
Conference Fees: Check one
SCLFCCA Member Conference Fee
Non-Member Conference Fee
Conference Fee plus SCLFCCA New Membership
Conference Fee plus SCLFCCA Renewal of Current Membership
Make Checks Payable to: SCLFCCA
Mail to: Michelle Herzog
3110 173rd St. W
Jordan, MN 55352
For Office Use Only:
Check Number __
Check Amount
Date Received