McGill University Program Update

August 2014
McGill University Program Update
Jean-Philppe Lacroix, MD, PGY2 & Elena Netchinporouk, MD, PGY3
New Graduates
McGill Dermatology is proud to be graduating its largest team of Dermatologists
this year! Drs. Mathieu Powell, Barbara Miedzybrodzki, Mohammad Almohideb,
Majid Foorozan and Dimitrios Kyritsis are all moving on to bigger and better
projects this summer! Congratulations and best wishes to them all as they start
their fellowships or private practices.
New Residents
McGill is also excited to welcome our newest members to our ever-growing team! Drs. Amy Cao,
Claudia Flores Echaiz, Naif Aljahani and Maha Alkofide have all kicked off their R1 year. We are also
thrilled to welcome Dr. Camille Loranger from the University of Sherbrooke to join our program as
a PGY-2. Also, three fellows will be joining our division – Dr. Khuzama Al-Falah in Surgical
Dermatology, Dr. Maisa Al-Falah in Contact Dermatitis and Dr. Mathieu
Powell in Medical Dermatology. Dr. Roni Munk has re-joined McGill
Dermatology as a faculty member at the Royal Victoria Hospital. Dr. Munk
has completed advanced training in laser dermatology and will split his
time between academic and private practices.
Big congratulations are also due to Dr. Carolyn Jack, Dr. Ivan Litvinov, and Dr. Denis Sasseville, in
their success and growth in basic research in CTCL and psoriasis at McGill. Dr. Carolyn Jack and
Dr. Sasseville were awarded sizable research grants from the Canadian Dermatology Foundation,
while Dr. Litvinov was the recipient of the prestigious Barney Usher Research Award in
Dermatology and the Canadian Professors of Dermatology award during the 2014 CDA annual
meeting. Also, Dr. Sasseville has been appointed to the Experimental Medicine Graduate Program
and his lab is welcoming a new M.Sc. graduate student, Dr. Elena Netchiporouk.
McGill was especially fertile during the past year. We are proud to announce the birth of FIVE
beautiful children. In December, Dr. Raqiya Al Rajaibi welcomed Hadeel and Dr. Aida Al-Khalili
welcomed Adnan and Sultan. Dr. Kevin Pehr and his spouse welcomed Normandie in
March and Dr. Monica Stanciu welcomed Alice in May! Congratulations to all new
parents and we look forward to the arrival of some more additions in the 2014-2015
academic year to our growing Dermatology family!
Important Academic Events
First and foremost, Kudos to Dr. Therese El-Helou (McGill University) and Dr. Catherine McCuaig
for making the 2014 Atlantic Dermatological Conference a huge success. Also, as part of a great
tradition, Dr. Sasseville led McGill, Laval and University of Montreal residents this year on a tour of
Montreal Botanical Gardens where we all learned about plants that cause phytophotodermatitis.
Furthermore, McGill Dermatology is partnering with the Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation (CLF) to
pioneer the first patient education forum in the province on September 13, 2014. Together with
CLF, we will be launching a bilingual Canadian version of the Cutaneous Lymphoma guide in the
upcoming weeks. Stay tuned for this and for more publications coming out of McGill in this
exciting field of research.
Editorial Board /
Conseil de rédaction
National editor/
Rédacteur en chef
Regional editors /
Rédacteurs régionaux
Robert Jackson, MD
Ottawa, ON
Paul Kuzel, MD
Edmonton, AB
Charles W. Lynde, MD
Markham, ON
Benjamin Barankin, MD
Toronto, ON
Ian Landells, MD
St. John’s, NL
G. Daniel Schachter, MD
Toronto, MD
Executive director /
Directeure générale
Marc Bourcier, MD
Moncton, NB
Catherine McCuaig, MD
Montréal, QC
Victoria Taraska, MD
Winnipeg, MB
Chantal Courchesne
Ottawa, ON
Peter R. Hull, MD
Saskatoon, SK
Kathleen Moses, MD
Ottawa, ON
Catherine Zip, MD
Calgary, AB
Statements and opinions expressed in the CDA eBulletin
reflect the opinions of the authors and not necessarily the
CDA. The CDA does not assume responsibility or liability for
damages arising from errors or omissions or from the use of
information or advice contained in the CDA eBulletin articles
or letters.
The Canadian Dermatology Association eBulletin is issued monthly as a
forum for Association news, information of interest to members and for
members’ opinions. Please notify the Executive Director of any change
in address.
L’Association canadienne de dermatologie publie chaque mois le
bulletin électronique en tant que forum de nouvelles de l’Association,
d’informations qui pourraient intéresser nos membres, ainsi que pour
Les textes et les opinions publiés dans le bulletin
électronique de l’ACD reflètent les points de vue de leurs
auteurs et non pas nécessairement ceux de l’ACD. L’ACD ne
peut être tenue responsable des dommages qui pourraient
résulter d’erreurs ou d’omissions reliées à l’utilisation de
renseignements ou de conseils inclus dans les articles ou
lettres apparaissant dans le bulletin électronique.
recueillir leurs opinions. Prière d’aviser la directeure générale pour tout
changement d’adresse.
425-1385 rue, Bank Street, Ottawa, ON K1H 8N4
Tel: (613) 738-1748 / 1-800-267-3376 | Fax: (613) 738-4695
[email protected]