December 2014 Compass and Leader

on Pag
5 - 8!
Crawling Towards Success
The Freedom of Movement Campaign is crawling along quickly!
Since its start in December of 2013, ten child care programs
have become Freedom of Movement certified! Congratulations
to Brooke Kilmer and Lindsey Bradt of Bethlehem Preschool;
Margaret Yetto, Vicky Leite and Emily Matuszak of Maple
Leaf Rotterdam; and Family Child Care provider Jennifer
Sutherland on becoming our newest certified programs!
Their dedication and commitment to infants is inspiring.
Removing equipment like swings, seats, and walkers is a big
step towards the committment to giving babies the freedom
of movement. Freedom of movement allows babies to experience positions they can get in and out
of on their own, encouraging them
to move and manipulate their own
bodies and have control of themselves in their own environment.
Using Movement and Reading to Create a
StoryWalk© Adventure!
When Farm to Preschool
started earlier this year, Darlene Yule, (Farm to Preschool
Coordinator) introduced us
When infants spend a lot of time
in swings, seats, or other contain- to the StoryWalk . To create
ers; they rely on adults to move a StoryWalk , you take the
pages of a book, laminate them,
them around which reduces
control of their own bodies. mount them on stakes, and turn
them into signs that are placed
Containers also place
babies in positions their along an outdoor walkway. You
then invite children and adults
bodies are not ready
to follow the path and discover
for, such as standing
the story along the way.
or sitting before they
are developmentally
The first book we “walked” was
ready. This premaHow Old MacDonald Got His
ture positioning can
Farm. It took a few pages for
throw off the normal
the children to catch on, but
developmental track.
once they did they loved it. It
Providing infants
is such a great way to combine
Crawling continued, page 10 literacy and physical activ-
ity. It becomes almost like a
scavenger hunt and children
get so excited trying to find the
next page. One of their favorite
books was Yoga Bear. Not only
did the story continue on each
page, but there was also a new
yoga pose to try. The children
look forward to going on new
StoryWalk® adventures and
have been asking their teachers
to use their favorite stories!
~Rebecca Fitch, Site Coordinator,
YWCA Children’s Center
pg. 3 What’s Happening
pg. 4 Environmental Health Toolkit on It’s Way to You
pg. 4 Breakfast, Snack, or Supper, CACFP Serves a Benefit
pg. 5 - 8 Workshops
pg. 9 Infant and Toddler Training Series
pg. 11 Make a Difference: New You Tube Videos
The Council’s 1st Annual
Menands Monster Mile and 5K
From the Desk of
Abbe Kovacik, Executive Director
The Capital District Child Care Council has served early
childhood and school-age educators, families and their
children of their children since 1971. Since then, the child
care community has evolved in size, makeup, and complexity, and our service delivery plan must also grow.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Council’s 1st
annual 5K! It was a huge success and we couldn’t have done
it without the terrific support of our child care provider community, our Menands neighbors, and our generous sponsors! Plan on joining us next year for the 2nd annual 5K...
guaranteed to be fun! Follow us on
and join our e-news (sign up on our website) for race updates and the announcement of next year’s race date.
I want to share the results of ongoing conversations with our
Board of Directors, Staff, and Stakeholders that will ultimately
culminate in our collective vision for the future of services
at the Capital District Child Care Council. In December of
2013, at the Council’s Annual Meeting, community stakeholders gathered to share their perspective with regard to
industry trends and needs. Topics included the curriculum
conundrum, values, and strategies for improving quality.
Thank you to the following:
At a recent retreat of Board Members and Council
staff, the following initial priorities were discussed;
1. To ensure that Council Board, Staff & Stakeholders
fully articulate the mission and vision of the agency.
2. To ensure that the Community (business, policy makers, families) understands the important components
of quality early childhood and school age care.
3. To ensure that the Council supports strategic risk taking that will aid in moving the community forward with
regard to child care accessibility, affordability, and quality.
After the retreat I met with Betty Bellino from the Workforce
Development Institute ( about the needs
of working families who find child care services difficult to afford. Betty and I discussed collaborative strategic priorities as a means of creating community impact.
This pathway gives us a flexible framework to follow as we
engage in long-term planning that will provide even better opportunities for early childhood and school age providers, families, and children. The plan will develop over
time, and as each year’s goals are accomplished, the plan
for the next year will become more focused and specific.
We are certain that you will appreciate the nature of strategic
plans, as they allow us to focus on the attainment of long-term
goals, while we continue to maintain the high quality of service
delivery we enjoy in our region. Please join us in this journey.
Include t
he Monst
er Mile
& 5K Run
/Walk in
2015 New
Year’s He
and Fitne
ss Resolu
What’s Happening
11/1 - Medication Administration Training, see pg. 5
11/6 - Howard Gardner: Multiple Intelligences
for School-age Children, see pg. 6
11/6 - Health and Safety, see pg. 5
11/10 - Watch WNYT Live at Noon as we share tips and advice
11/12 - Intro to Infant Development, see pg. 6
11/11 - Council office closed for Veterans’ Day
11/13 - Business Development 101, see pg. 5
11/13 - Emergency Medication Administration, see pg. 5
11/17 - Developing a Risk Management Plan, see pg. 6
11/17 - MAT Renewal, See pg. 5
11/19 - Technology in Early Childhood Programs, see pg. 6
11/19 - Reflecting Diversity in Holidat Art, see pg. 6
11/20 - The Mighty Explorer, see pg. 6
11/20 - SUNY/PDP Videoconference on “Continuity of Care”
visit to register
11/27 & 11/28 - Closed for Thanksgiving
12/3 - Annual Meeting
12/4 - Mine! Mine! Mine!, see pg. 6
12/4 - Medication Administration Training, see pg. 5
12/8 - Open-Ended Art, see pg. 6
12/8 - Adult, Infant and Child CPR, see pg. 5
12/9 - MAT Renewal, See pg. 5
12/10 - First Aid, See pg. 5
12/10 - Responsive Caregiving and Attachment, see pg. 6
12/11 - Math All Around Us! see pg. 6
12/11 - Building Social Skills, see pg. 7
12/15 - School-age Regulations, see pg. 7
12/16 - Watch WNYT Live at Noon as we share tips and advice
12/24 & 25 - Closed for Christmas
12/31 - Memberships Expire! Renew for 2015 at
12/31 & 1/1 - Closed for New Year
For more information on these and other
Child Care Council events, visit, follow us on Facebook,
3 Twitter, Pinterest and You Tube, and sign up for our e-newsletter
Breakfast, Snack, or Supper,
CACFP Serves up a Great Benefit
Environmental Health Toolkit
On It’s Way to YOU!
The Child and Adult Care
Food Program (CACFP) is a
federal reimbursement program available to registered,
licensed, and legally exempt
child care providers, who are
supplying meals and snacks
to children in their care.
Spend five minutes on Pinterest and you’ll find hundreds
of articles, tips, and DIY cleaning products aimed at
making short work of a dirty job. But, how do we know
what cleaning products, solutions, and procedures
are safe to use around children? We have developed
a great new resource for providers and parents, The
Environmental Health Toolkit. This toolkit is filled
with tons of useful and practical information that
will help you maintain a healthy environment.
Each year the meal and snacks
reimbursement rates are reviewed and increases may be
made. This year we saw a significant increase. Providers are
going to be averaging approximately $160 more per year.
This toolkit not only educates, but provides alternative
practices and products to create healthier environments
for everyone. The toolkit includes information about:
• Cleaning and sanitizing
• Household chemicals
• Air quality
• Sun exposure
• Lead
• Pest prevention
• Garbage and
The average Tier I child care
provider reimbursement,
with 5 full time children
enrolled in care for 1 month
(on average 22 days), serving Breakfast, Lunch, and PM
Snack, the monthly check
could be $496.10 per month,
which is $5953.20 per year! At
Tier II rate your reimbursement could be $238.70 per
month, which is $2864.40 per
year! All providers are Tier II
eligible. Providers who serve
low-income children as determined by census or school
district data are Tier I eligible.
CACFP staff work with providers to determine eligibility.
The toolkit also
provides a section that
includes various DIY,
friendly cleaning
products that are
extremely simple!
Sign up for
our e-news to
receive a link to
the completed
toolkit when it
is published.
We chatted with long time
licensed provider, Claudia
Wolfgang, who recently joined
the food program. She had
been contemplating joining the
food program for about 3 years
and finally decided to give it a
try. Her reason for joining was
simple, “I’ve been following
the guidelines all along, why
not get the check [reimbursement] for it?” Even though
she is at the lower reimbursement tier, she thought giving
the food program was worth
a try and now has the ability
to start saving for retirement.
Claudia proudly stated, “My
home child care is my career
and I need to start thinking about my future and this
[food program] may help me
to be able to retire one day.”
If you have any child care
provider colleagues who are
participating in the food
program, now is a great time
to talk to them and ask about
their experience. You may find
yourself as pleasantly surprised
as Claudia, who said, “It’s not
as hard as I thought and the
CACFP staff have been very
helpful and eager to assist me.”
Reimbursement Rates for Meals Served in Child
Care Homes Effective 7/1/2014-6/30/2015
Have questions about creating
a healthy environment?
Call the Nurses! 426-7181
Tier I
Tier II
If you are interested in learning more or have any
questions about the food program please call
426-7181 and ask to speak to the food program.
To Register  go to, click the “Education” tab, click on “Register for Workshops” or
use the registration form on page ###. Call 518.426.7181 with questions.
Children’s Health
Adult, Infant, and Child CPR
Learn rescue skills for infants, children, and
adults including unconscious choking and
cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Participants will
earn the American Red Cross Certification which
is valid for two years. Wear comfortable clothing
and bring a mat or something to kneel on for
floor demonstrations. Presented by: Arlene
Schmidt, NYS Credentialed Trainer and
Heather Sweet, NYS Credentialed Trainer.
Child Care Council, 91 Broadway, Menands
December 8, 5:45 - 10 pm; ID# 5561
Training hours: 4, CEU: 0.4
OCFS Area: 4, CBK Area: 5
CDA area: 1, SAC Area: 4
Cost: $35 materials fee
Audience: Center, Family/
Group, School-age, Parents
First Aid
Participants will have hands-on experience
practicing bandaging, learning first aid for burns,
and discussing sudden illness. Participants
will earn the American Red Cross Certification
which is valid for two years. Wear comfortable
clothing and bring a mat or something to kneel
on for floor demonstrations. Presented by:
Arlene Schmidt, NYS Credentialed Trainer and
Heather Sweet, NYS Credentialed Trainer.
Child Care Council, 91 Broadway, Menands
December 10, 5:45 - 10 pm; ID# 5560
Training hours: 4, CEU: 0.4
OCFS Area: 4, CBK Area: 5
CDA Area: 1, SAC area: 4
Cost: $35 materials fee
Audience: Center, Family/
Group, School-age, Parents
Emergency Medication
Administration (EMA)
OCFS allows programs to administer EpiPens,
asthma inhalers, and nebulizer treatments
to accommodate children that fall under the
ADA guidelines. Learn to identify the signs
and symptoms of anaphylaxis and asthma
and practice administering emergency
medications using best practice techniques.
Review the permission requirements needed
to give these medications and develop a
child’s individual special needs care plan.
You will leave feeling more confident about
administering emergency medications.
Child Care Council, 91 Broadway, Menands
November 13, 6:30 - 8:30 pm; ID# 5551
Training hours: 2, CEU: 0.2
OCFS Area: 2, 4, 7
ELG Domain: D1, CDA Area: 1, SAC area: 4
Cost: $12 ($17 non-member)
Audience: Center, Family/Group, School-age
Medication Administration
Training (MAT)
Becoming a MAT certified program provides
you with an edge on the competition. Learn
best practice techniques when administering
medications to children. Receive eight hours
of training and a certification that is good
for three years. A rebate of $100 is available
upon successful completion of MAT. Due to
the nature of the class we will be unable to
accommodate late arrivals. Presented by: Child
Care Health Consultants, NYS Verified Trainers.
 This workshop is offered twice
Rotterdam Senior Citizens Center
2639 Hamburg St., Rotterdam
November 1, 7:45 am - 6 pm and
November 3, 6 - 10 pm; ID# 5541
Training hours: 8, CEU: 0.8
OCFS Area: 2, 4, 7
Cost: $150
Audience: Center, Family/Group, School-age
Child Care Council, 91 Broadway, Menands
December 4, 7:45 am - 6 pm and
December 5, 8 am - 1 pm; ID# 5542
Training hours: 8, CEU: 0.8
OCFS Area: 2, 4, 7
Cost: $150
Audience: Center, Family/Group, School-age
MAT Renewal
Many Medication Administrators are approaching
their third renewal period. To ensure that those
providers administering medications in child
care continue to follow proper administration
techniques, a Skills Competency Component
has been added to the renewal process after
completing the online renewal test. A rebate
of $70 is available. Presented by: Child Care
Health Consultants, NYS Verified Trainers.
Child Care Council, 91 Broadway, Menands
Cost: $70
Audience: Center, Family/Group, School-age
 MAT renewal is offered on dates at various times
November 17, (Time and ID# below)
10 am - 12 pm ID# 5543
1 - 3 pm
ID# 5544
3 - 5 pm
ID# 5545
5 - 7 pm
ID# 5546
December 9, (Time and ID# below)
10 am - 12 pm ID# 5547
1 - 3 pm
ID# 5548
3 - 5 pm
ID# 5549
5 - 7 pm
ID# 5550
Business and Administration
Health and Safety including
Business Development 101
Health and Safety is required by the NYS Office
of Children and Family Services (OCFS) in
order to open a Family or Group Family Child
Care Business. When you enroll in Health
and Safety, you are automatically registered
for Business Development 101 which may be
taken separately, see page left for details. Due
to the nature of the class we will be unable
to accommodate late arrivals. Presented by:
Arlene Schmidt, NYS Credentialed Trainer.
Child Care Council, 91 Broadway, Menands
November 6, 7, 10, 13
9 am - 4 pm each day; ID# 5555
Training hours: 21.5, CEU: 2.15
OCFS Area: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, CBK Area: 6, 7
ELG Domain: D1, CDA Area: 1, 5, 6
Cost: $285
Audience: Family/Group
 A special note about Health and Safety
Health and Safety is taught in English. There are five written
tests that must be passed (with an 80% or better) to be
eligible to provide registered or licensed child care in New
York State. If you are concerned that you might not be
able to understand the course or the written tests, please
contact Education Director, Lynn M. Siebert at 518-4267181 x322. We will explore ways to help you with translation
services. Health and Safety is also available in Spanish.
Call 518-426-7181 for dates and registration information.
Business Development 101
Learn how to run a business in your home.
Review marketing strategy, “Doing Business As,”
policies, the benefits of participating in the Food
Program, and organizing tax records. Presented
by: Anne Gresco, NYS Credentialed Trainer.
Child Care Council, 91 Broadway, Menands
November 13, 9 am - 4 pm; ID# 5556
Training hours: 6.5, CEU: 0.65
OCFS Area: 5, CBK Area: 6, 7
CDA Area: 6, 7
Cost: $25 ($35 non-member)
Audience: Family/Group
Developing a Risk Management Plan
Examine the components of a risk management
plan as outlined by the Program Administrators
Scale (PAS). This tool is designed to measure
and improve leadership and management
practices of center-based programs. Presented
by: Sheri Dushane, NYS Credentialed Trainer.
Krause Center, 2212 Burdett Ave., Troy
November 17, 6 - 8 pm; ID# 5579
Training hours: 2, CEU: 0.2
OCFS Area: 3, 4, 5; CBK Area: 6, 7
CDA Area: 5
Cost: $10 ($15 non-member)
Audience: Administrators
To Register  go to, click the “Education” tab, click on “Register for Workshops” or
use the registration form on page ###. Call 518.426.7181 with questions.
School-Age Regulations 101
Technology in Early Childhood Programs
Mine, Mine, Mine!
All school-age providers must have an
understanding of the regulations. Discuss
the regulations, share compliance strategies,
and review case studies. Come prepared with
questions and concerns to be addressed
during the Q&A session. Presented by: Erin
Broderick-Roberts, NYS Credentialed Trainer.
Child Care Council, 91 Broadway, Menands
December 15, 6:30 - 8 pm; ID# 5552
Training hours: 1.5, CEU: 0.15
OCFS Area: 1, 4, 7; CBK Area: 5; SAC Area: 14
Cost: $10 ($15 non-member)
Audience: School-age
Discover the positive side of technology and
how to use it appropriately to enhance learning
opportunities. Conquer screen-time by adding
technology to your teaching toolkit! Presented
by: Heather Sweet, NYS Credentialed Trainer.
YMCA Early Childhood Center Hagaman
58 North Pawling St., Hagaman
November 19, 6:30 - 8 pm; ID# 5578
Training hours: 1.5, CEU: 0.15
OCFS Area: 1, 3, CBK Area: 1, 4
ELG Domain: D3, D4, CDA Area: 2, 5, 8
Cost: $10 ($15 non-member)
Audience: Center, Family/Group, Parents
Uncover the top 5 reasons a toddler may
engage in difficult behaviors. Explore social
and emotional development, including
temperarment, while learning tried and
true techniques to channel behaviors
appropriately. Presented by: Sarah GouldHoude, MS Ed. ., NYS Credentialed Trainer.
Cornell Cooperative Extension
50 West High St., Ballston Spa
December 4, 6:30 - 8:30 pm; ID# 5573
Training hours: 2, CEU: 0.2
OCFS Area: 1, 3, CBK Area: 1, 3
ELG Domain: D2, D4; CDA Area: 2, 3, 8
Cost: $12 ($17 non-member)
Audience: Center, Family/Group, Parents
Child Development
Intro to Infant Development
Learn about infant development from birth
to 18 months of age! Explore the different
areas of development such as physical,
cognitive, social, and language. Learn how
the NY Early Learning Guidelines can be
used as a resource to help you support
infants. Presented by: Rebecca Stahl, M.A.
Cornell Cooperative Extension
50 West High St., Ballston Spa
November 12, 6:30 - 8:30 pm; ID# 5574
Training hours: 2, CEU: 0.2
OCFS Area: 1, CBK Area: 1
ELG Domain: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5
Cost: $12 ($17 non-member)
Audience: Center, Family/Group, Parents
Howard Gardner: Multiple
Intelligences for School-age Children
Discover Howard Gardner’s eight intelligences.
While examining each intelligence, learn to
identify the associated skills, what a child
who is strong in each looks like, and ways
to best support children. Presented by:
Lynn Siebert, NYS Credentialed Trainer.
Child Care Council, 91 Broadway, Menands
November 6, 6:30 - 8 pm; ID# 5553
Training hours: 1.5, CEU: 0.15
OCFS Area: 1, 3; CBK Area: 1, 4
SAC Area: 2, 10
Cost: $10 ($15 non-member)
Audience: School-age, Parents
Reflecting Diversity in Holiday Art
Holiday art is a fun time in a program’s
curriculum. Including children’s culture in the
art projects can be challenging. Discuss ways
to be culturally sensitive while introducing
open-ended art activities. Presented by:
Arlene Schmidt, NYS Credentialed Trainer.
Child Care Council, 91 Broadway, Menands
November 19, 6:45 - 8:45 pm; ID# 5562
Training hours: 2, CEU: 0.2
OCFS Area: 1, 3, CBK Area: 1, 4
ELG Domain: D2, D3, D5, CDA Area: 3, 4, 7
Cost: $12 ($17 non-member)
Audience: Center, Family/Group, Parents
The Mighty Explorer: Intro to
Toddler Development
Dive into the world of the toddler! Examine
their unique developmental process and explore
ways to work with toddlers on a daily basis that
are fun and educational. Presented by: Sarah
Gould-Houde, Ms. Ed., NYS Credentialed Trainer.
Cornell Cooperative Extension
50 West High St., Ballston Spa
November 25, 6:30 - 8:30 pm; ID# 5571
Training hours: 2, CEU: 0.2
OCFS Area: 1, 3, CBK Area: 1
ELG Domain: D1, D3, D4, D5; CDA Area: 2, 3, 8
Cost: $12 ($17 non-member)
Audience: Center, Family/Group, Parents
Open-Ended Art using Recycled Materials
Discover ideas for open-ended art using
every-day materials. Learn why open-ended
art is appropriate in early childhood and
gain practical ideas for collecting and storing
materials. Participants will have fun while
creating their own open-ended artwork!
Presented by: Carrie Mitchell, MS Ed. .
Child Care Council, 91 Broadway, Menands
December 1, 6 - 8 pm; ID# 5580
Training hours: 2, CEU: 0.2
OCFS Area: 1; CBK Area: 4
ELG Domain: D3
Cost: $12 ($17 non-member)
Audience: Center, Family/Group, Parents
Responsive Caregiving and
Attachment in Infant Classrooms
Explore responsive caregiving while
learning the different types of attachment.
Uncover your own caregiving practices and
learn how to become more responsive.
Presented by: Rebecca Stahl, M.A.
Cornell Cooperative Extension
50 West High St., Ballston Spa
December 10, 6:30 - 8:30 pm; ID# 5576
Training hours: 2, CEU: 0.2
OCFS Area: 1; CBK Area: 1
Cost: $12 ($17 non-member)
Audience: Center, Family/Group, Parents
Math All Around Us!
Math is part of everyday life and can be
incorporated into your program with ease.
Gain a deeper knowledge of math skills that
children age birth-5 acquire. Examine practices
you can implement tomorrow to turn your
activities and routines into meaningful math
experiences. Presented by: Carrie Mitchell.
Child Care Council, 91 Broadway, Menands
December 11, 6 - 8 pm; ID# 5572
Training hours: 2, CEU: 0.2
OCFS Area: 1; CBK Area: 1, 4
ELG Domain: D4; CDA Area: 1, 2
Cost: $12 ($17 non-member)
Audience: Center, Family/Group, Parents
Independent MAT is also
available  Call the Nurses
with your questions about
common illnesses 426-7181
Child Care Health Consultant Services
On-Site Training
Health consultant services include a free warm line to answer questions
about common child care health issues. The Child Care Health Consultants
also visit programs to develop, review, and sign-off on health care plans.
Call the Nurses! 518 426-7181 Jean Wiseman, RN x354, Barbara Vickery, RN x353
Call to learn about our new and improved on-site
pricing and scheduling. Call 518 426-7181.
School-Age programs call Erin Broderick-Roberts at x320.
All others call Tina Rose-Turiglio x355.
Building Social Skills
Social skills are the building block for future
learning. Create ways to help children learn
skills to interact with others in positive
ways. Discover how to use the work of
Lev Vygotsky to create an environment to
support social development. Presented by:
Heather Sweet, NYS Credentialed Trainer.
YWCA of NorthEastern NY
44 Washington Ave., Schenectady
December 11, 6:30 - 8:30 pm; ID# 5577
Training hours: 2, CEU: 0.2
OCFS Area: 1, 3; CBK Area: 1
ELG Domain: D2; CDA Area: 3
Cost: $12 ($17 non-member)
Audience: Center, Family/Group, Parents
Distance Learning
Basics of Developmentally
Appropriate Practice
Learn the basics of developmentally
appropriate practice using the book.
Basics of Developmentally Appropriate
Practice: An Introduction for Teachers of Children
3 - 6, by Carol Copple and Sue Bredekamp.
Gain an understanding of DAP and how to
apply it to your curriculum. Presented by:
Arlene Schmidt, NYS Credentialed Trainer
Date and time is up to you! ID# 5615
Training hours: 8, CEU: 0.8
OCFS Area: 1, 3, 4, 7; CBK Area: 1, 2, 3, 4
ELG Domain: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5,
CDA Area: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8
SAC area: 2, 6, 12, 13
Cost: $121 ($161 non-member)
Audience: Center, Group/
Family, School-age, Parent
1. Why We Hold a Crying Baby
Attachment is the emotional glue that bonds
children to the important people in their lives.
These relationships bring safety, comfort, and
pleasure to the child’s world and set the stage
for relationships with others throughout life.
Discover the different types of attachments, why
they are important, and how they affect learning.
Date and time is up to you! ID# 5591
Training hours: 3, CEU: 0.3
OCFS Area: 1, 3, 4, 7; CBK Area: 1, 2, 3, 4
ELG Domain: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5,
CDA Area: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8
Cost: $55 (includes book that will
be used thoughout the series)
Audience: Center, Group/Family, Parent
2. Why We Talk About How
the Bunny Feels
Explore friendships and pro-social behavior
among young children. Learn about peer
relationships, socialization, and the caregiver’s
role in supporting and promoting relationships
among children. The sociocultural developmental
theory of Lev Vygotsky is outlined.
Date and time is up to you! ID# 5592
Training hours: 3, CEU: 0.3
OCFS Area: 1, 3, 4, 7; CBK Area: 1, 4
ELG Domain: D2, D5, CDA Area: 3, 8
Cost: $36 ($46 non-member)
Audience: Center, Group/Family, Parent
3. Why We Play Simon Says
“Simon Says” and “Red Light-Green Light” are
common activities in an early childhood setting.
Discover ways to help children practice their
self regulation skills. Learn what self regulation
really means and why it is important. Course
topics include impulse control, cognitive and
emotional self-regulation, and the caregiver’s
role in supporting children’s development.
Date and time is up to you! ID# 5593
Training hours: 3, CEU: 0.3
OCFS Area: 1, 3, 4, 7; CBK Area: 1, 4
ELG Domain: D2, D4, CDA Area: 2, 3
Cost: $36 ($46 non-member)
Audience: Center, Group/Family, Parent
Training Topic Index:
NYSOCFS Regulation areas (OCFS Area):
1. Principles of childhood development
2. Nutrition and health needs of children
3. Child day care program development
4. Safety and security procedures, including
communication between parents and staff
5. Business record maintenance and management
6. Child abuse and maltreatment
identification and prevention
7. Statutes and regulations
pertaining to child day care
8. Statutes and regulations pertaining to
child abuse and maltreatment
9. Shaken baby syndrome.
Core Body of Knowledge Core
Competency Areas (CBK Area):
1. Child growth and development
2. Family and community relationships
3. Observation and assessment
4. Environment and curriculum
5. Health, safety and nutrition
6. Professionalism and leadership
7. Administration and management
4. Why We Keep a Pot of Coffee
NYS Early Learning Guidelines (ELG Domain):
Domain 1 (D1): Physical well-being,
health, and motor development
Domain 2 (D2): Social and emotional development
Domain 3 (D3): Approaches to learning
Domain 4 (D4): Cognition and general knowledge
Domain 5 (D5): Language,
communication and literacy
Learn about building relationships with families
and creating a family-friendly classroom.
Topics include overcoming barriers to familycentered practice, fathers’ involvement,
and fostering better communication
between parents and providers.
Date and time is up to you! ID# 5594
Training hours: 3, CEU: 0.3
OCFS Area: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8; CBK Area: 1, 2
ELG Domain: D2, D3, CDA Area: 4
Cost: $36 ($46 non-member)
Audience: Center, Group/Family, Parent
CDA Content Areas (CDA Area):
1. Planning a safe, healthy, learning environment
2. Steps to advance children’s physical
and intellectual development
3. Positive ways to support children’s
social and emotional development
4. Strategies to establish productive
relationships with families
5. Strategies to manage an effective
program operation
6. Maintaining a commitment to professionalism
7. Observing and recording children’s behavior
8. Principles of child growth and development
SAC Credential Skill Areas (SAC Area):
1. Professionalism
2. Child development
3. Safety
4. Health
5. Self
6. Guidance
7. Out of school environment
8. Creative
9. Physical
10. Cognitive
11. Communication
12. Social (Positive classroom community)
13. Families
14. Operational program management
To Register  go to, click the “Education” tab, click on “Register for Workshops” or
use the registration form below. Call 518.426.7181 with questions.
Program name
Program phone
First & last name
Registration Policies
Program address
Are you a member of the Child
Care Council? (check one)
 Yes, member #:______________
Workplace type (check one)
 Family Child Care
 Group Family Child Care
 Child Care Center
 School-Age Child Care
 Head Start
Best phone number to reach you in
the event of a class cancellation:
Date & Time
 No
Legally Exempt
Nursery School
Integrated Classroom
Other (please specify):
Title & Workshop ID# (ID# is found next
to the date in the workshop details)
Payment Options:
 Check/Money Order payable to Capital District Child Care Council
 Signed EIP Award Notification
When selecting this option, your valid, signed
EIP must be enclosed with registration!
 Visa/MasterCard
Registrations using credit card payment may be faxed to 518 4269649. When selecting this option, please complete information below.
*MEMBERSHIP-record membership in box above
 Receive reduced rates on workshops & conferences
 Receive a coupon towards Council training
 Vote at the Annual Meeting in December
Membership levels (to right). Select and add
amount to your registration subtotal.
Total payment
$75: child care centers or school-age programs
licensed for 50 or more children (each site)
$50: child care centers or school-age programs
licensed for fewer than 50 children (each site)
$30: family and group family child care homes
$25: student/CDA, SAC Credential
holder/NAFCC Accredited/Council
Food Program participant
office use only:
Card Number: ___________________________________________________________
Amount enclosed
Expiration Date: _________/______________
Check #
Authorized Signature: _____________________________________________________
PRINT Name on Card:_____________________________________________________
Pre-Registration & Payment
All registrations must be paid in advance.
Payment by Visa, MasterCard, check, cash,
money order and signed Educational Incentive
Program (EIP) awards are accepted. Use credit
cards by mail, online, or by fax at 518 4269649. Registrations received without payment
will be returned. Pre-registration is recommended 3 days in advance of the workshop
date to reserve your seat. Registration at the
door will be accepted only if seating is available and all fees must be paid at that time.
Special note for at the door registration: please
call in advance to check on available seating.
Membership Rates
Payment at the member rate is only available
when your current membership number is
noted or when membership payment is made
along with the registration fee. If registering
at the door, a current membership card must
be shown to receive the reduced member
rate. Membership fees paid after December 15 will be valid for the following year.
Refunds & Cancellations
Refunds will only be given if the Council is
notified 2 weeks prior to the workshop date.
Please send a substitute in your place if you
cannot attend. The Council reserves the right
to cancel any workshop with no enrollment.
Workshops with no enrollment will be cancelled
24 hours in advance. If you wish to attend a
workshop without pre-registering, please call
the Council to confirm the class has not been
cancelled or rescheduled. Workshops may also
be cancelled due to inclement weather. For
workshop cancellations, call 426-7181, log on
to, listen to Radio 810 WGY,
or watch WNYT 13, WTEN 10, CBS 6, Capital
News 9, or WXXA Fox 23. Refunds or credit
to attend a future workshop will be issued.
Continuing Education Units (CEU)
You will receive Continuing Education Units
for the indicated classes. For each hour of
class, 0.1 units are awarded. These credits
can be used to renew your Child Development
Associate (CDA) or your SAC Credential.
Educational Incentive Program (EIP)
If you have applied for and received an EIP
voucher, please sign it and mail it to the Council
along with your registration. If you have applied for, but have not received the voucher,
remit payment by check, money order, Visa or
MasterCard. When the Council receives your
signed EIP voucher, you will be reimbursed in
the original form of payment in 2 to 4 weeks.
Confirmation letters are sent by mail. On-line
registrations will receive confirmation by email.
We are unable to accommodate children
during workshops and conferences. Please
make other arrangements. If you bring a child
to a workshop, you may be asked to leave and
we regret that a refund cannot be issued.
Photos of workshops may be taken for
use in Council marketing and on the internet. Please alert your presenter if you
do not wish to be photographed.
The Virtual Veggie Mobile
is Just a Click Away
Infant and Toddler Training
Series Begins in November
Capital District Community
Gardens (CDCG) is proud to
announce the arrival of The
Virtual Veggie Mobile; an
online farmer’s market that
delivers the freshest produce right to your door! This
CDCCCC approved market
allows child care providers a
convenient way to view and
order fresh, healthy snack
options. The Virtual Veggie
Mobile gathers products from
local farmers and vendors,
while also offering many traditional produce-aisle staples
like bananas and oranges; plus
value-added items like cider.
minimums or maximums
required for your order, no
additional taxes or higher fees
for delivery. CDCG is currently providing produce to 15
child care centers in Albany,
Schenectady, Rensselaer, and
Southern Saratoga Counties
that have made it a priority to offer more nutritious
food for children. Visit our
site at on
your computer or from your
smart phone and see all we
have to offer! Let us help your
program make it easier and
more cost-effective to nurture
healthy and happy children.
Perhaps the best part of The
Virtual Veggie Mobile is
that we bundle your order
and deliver it right to your
door on any one of our three
delivery days. There are no
Contact Will at CDCG with
any questions! Office:
274-8685 or [email protected]
Got forms?
The Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) has
many new forms now available. The forms were developed and revised to align with the new Family and
Group Family Day Care Regulations that went into effect on May 1, 2014. Additional forms will be added as
they become approved by OCFS. Providers are encouraged to visit the OCFS website to view and use the new
forms which can be downloaded and printed as needed.
Renew Your Membership for 2015
Membership entitles you to:
 Receive reduced rates on workshops and conferences
 Receive a coupon for one individual to attend a two-hour
Y o n tr
Council workshop ($12 value)
ai n
 Be eligible to vote at the Annual
Meeting of the Capital District
a mem
Child Care Council
Membership is valid January
of the C
1 through December 31
Care C
For more information, call
cdcccc il at
518 426-7181 or visit us on
the web at
Intro to Infant Development
Learn all about infant development from birth to 18 months
of age! Explore the different
areas of development such as
physical, cognitive, social, and
language. Learn how the NY
Early Learning Guidelines can
be used as a resource to help
you support infants in your program. November 12, ID# 5574
The Mighty Explorer:
Toddler Development 101
Dive into the world of the
toddler! Examine the unique
developmental process toddler’s experience. Explore ways
to work with toddlers on a daily
basis that are fun and educational. November 25, ID# 5571
Mine, Mine and Mine:
The Social and Emotional
Development of Toddlers and
Responsive Caregiving
Behavior Management Tips
and Attachment in
Uncover the top 5 reasons a
Infant Classrooms
toddler may engage in diffiExplore attachment and
cult behaviors. Explore social
responsive caregiving while
and emotional development
learning the different types of
attachment. Uncover your own including temperament while
responsive caregiving practices learning tried and true techniques to channel behaviors
and learn how to become a
appropriately. Leave this
more responsive caregiver.
workshop with renewed energy
December 10, ID# 5576
and skills in working with toddlers! December 4, ID# 5573
Open Ended and Play-Based
Curriculum for Infants
One, Two Bananas:
Examine open ended and
Toddler Curriculum
play based curriculum that is
Dive into the learning needs
appropriate for infants. Study
of toddlers. Examine rouhow important sensory play is
tines and schedules that
to infants and how individualization benefits infants in child work for ALL toddlers in
care. Practice observation
care. Learn the importance of
techniques and link with
having infants play to learn.
developmentally appropriJanuary 21, 2015, ID# 5583
ate and individualized plans.
January 14, 2015, ID# 5595
Environments and Activities
Examine the “Infant and
Dynamite Play Areas: Toddler
Toddler Environmental Rating
Environments and Activities
Scale” (ITERS), a research
Learn how to design an enviand scaled based tool that
ronment that fits the needs
evaluates the environment
of all toddlers. Explore fun
but also the caregiving pracactivities and homemade
tices. The ITERS will help
identify what types of toys and materials while aligning with
the Environment Rating Scales.
activities are appropriate for
February 4, 2015, ID# 5596
infants and study different
ideal infant environments.
February 11, 2015, ID# 5584
Series Location: Cornell Cooperative Extension
50 W High St, Ballston Spa, NY 12020
Series time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Cost per workshop: $12 ($17 non-member)
Register using the form on page 8
The Annual Meeting of the
Child Care Council
You are Invited to Attend on the
Evening of Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Fans of the Month
Crystal Swinton
I have been speaking with Anne
Gresco at the Child Care Council for over
a year now. I am so grateful for Anne Gresco,
Abbe Kovacik, and Sheri Dushane. These women
have been so instrumental in helping my husband and
I craft a literacy rich preschool, daycare and aftercare
program. Of course I still have more to learn but.
We are off to a great start. Thank you for the
opportunity to lead America’s future and for
the advice that you have given us both.
Jane Carmody
CPR and First aid training
done for another 2 years.!!!
Thank you to the great trainers
today... I just love the Capital
District Child Care Council!!!!
Rebecca Grunenwald
YWCA Children’s Center Staff explore
art materials during a “there’s more to
art than play dough” training. It was GREAT!
Arlene did a wonderful job... We love the
Capital District Child Care Council.
(Picture posted by Rebecca to the
Council’s Facebook page)
Invitations will be mailed in Early November
Dianne Meckler Scholarship Application
Each year, one scholarship is awarded to a professional who has
exhibited leadership in the field of early childhood or school-age
care. The scholarship will be up to $1,000 and will be awarded
at the Child Care Council’s Annual Meeting in December.
Eligibility: Applicants must be employed by a New York State
licensed or registered program (Family, Group Family, Center or
School Age). Current Capital District Child Care Council Board
Members are not eligible. Application deadline: November 1
Complete the following
information (required):
• Name
• Address, City, State, Zip
• Daytime phone
• Email address
• Name of child care
program (workplace)
• Program license/
registration number
• Number of years in
the child care field
• Please indicate how you
will use the scholarship
(example: college level
course, early childhood
conference, etc.)
Essay (required):
In a typewritten essay, state
the reason you should be
the recipient of the Dianne
Meckler Scholarship.
The essay must:
• Include a description
your leadership accomplishments as a
child care professional
• Be a minimum
of 500 words
• Include your name
and phone number in
the top left corner
• Include all info to the left
Answer all of the questions above and submit your application and typewritten essay to:
The Dianne Meckler Scholarship
Capital District Child Care Council
91 Broadway, Menands, New York 12204
Crawling, continued from front
Join our online community!
with safe and clean areas where they can be on the floor exploring in natural positions optimizes the developmental impact.
Join the movement! Provide infants and toddlers with freeing play spaces and become Freedom of Movement Certified
by calling the Regional Infant and Toddler Specialists here
at the Council. Our well trained and friendly Specialists are
more than happy to come out to your program and work
with you in providing programming that supports movement! Please feel free to contact Sarah Gould-Houde at
10426-7181 extension 345 or email at: [email protected].
Make a Difference: New Videos Released on You Tube
Watch as our early childhood
experts share tips and step
by step instructions for these
incredibly simple, openended, and easy to make DIY
toys. Beyond a simple DIY
craft, the Make a Difference
video series highlights an
early childhood developmental component for each item.
Whether you are teaching
children empathy through
playing with Sock Babies,
or encouraging gross motor
playtime with a set of Amazing
Capes, you’ll find the uses for
these items to be endless.
Let your imagination soar
You Tube Video Series:
while you check out the Make
 Light Tables
a Difference video series on
 Sock Babies
our You Tube channel found at  Fleece Balls
Tracking Tubes
Wrinkly Rings
Amazing Capes
One Play Space at a Time: Classroom
This is a publication of the
Capital District Child Care
Coordinating Council, Inc.,
91 Broadway, Menands,
New York 12204-2728.
“Leader” is published by-monthly
in January, March, May, July,
September, and November.
Leader accepts paid advertising,
but does not recommend
or endorse any program
or service. Articles may be
reprinted with credit to source
& author. Vol. 2014 Issue 5.
Top 4 Tips to Winter-Proof Your Playground
For more information call Heather Sweet, Certified Playground
Safety Inspector 518-426-7181 ext 347 or [email protected]
1. Make sure that there is at least 9 inches of resilient
surfacing 6 feet around playground equipment.
2. Clear the entire playground area from any litter, debris, leaves, and branches.
3. Harsh winter weather can cause hardware to loosen on equipment.
Check all nuts and bolts and tighten if necessary.
4. Seal wood structures with a non-toxic wood preservative.
Com hops
ks !
W side
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