John A Coleman Catholic High School Respect - Responsibility - Religion January 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Mon. Jan. 5th Thurs. Jan. 8th Fri. Jan 9th, 7-9pm Wed. Jan 14th, 6:30pm Sat. Jan 17th Mon. Jan. 19th Tues. Jan 20th, 5:30pm Sun. Jan. 25th, 1 – 4pm Mon. Jan 26th-Fri. Jan.30th Mon. Jan. 26th, 5:45pm Fri. Jan. 30th Mon. Feb. 2nd Week of Feb.9th Wed. Feb. 11th, 6:30pm School Reopens SUNY Ulster trip for Sophomores Catholic Youth Night Sophomore Guidance Parent Meeting Pasta Dinner Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – NO SCHOOL Golf Tournament Meeting Open House School Mid-Terms & Regents Exams (See impt. Info. below) Board of Trustees Meeting NO SCHOOL, Teacher Faculty Meeting 2nd semester begins/Report Cards available this week Drivers Education begins – applications in office, due 2/2 Junior Guidance Parent Meeting Mid Term and Regents Schedule: There will only be morning transportation to Coleman. Parents must arrange a ride home for their children after exams. If necessary, you may call your district’s transportation office to see if they will transport in the afternoon. Regents exams will be given to those students that need to make these up. Students who will be taking regents exams will be notified by their Guidance Counselor. The schedule is attached. If there is a two hour delay, mid terms will begin two hours late. If there is a Snow Day, the make-up day will be Friday. Information will be on our website and on the school’s answering machine. Mid-Term Exam Schedule January 2015 Coleman Exam 8:30 – 10 am Students must stay until 9:45 Coleman Exam 10:15– 11:45am Students must stay until 11:30 Monday Jan 26 Tuesday Jan 27 Wednesday Jan 28 Thursday Jan 29 Fri Jan 30 Living Environment Global I Spanish I Religion 9 Earth Science Global II Spanish II Religion 10 Grading Day US History AP Government Latin II Religion 11 English 9 Algebra 2/Trig Chemistry Algebra 1 English 10 Pre-Calculus Physics Geometry English 11 College Alg/Trig US History Regents Exam Algebra 2 /Trigonometry Regents Exam Religion 12 AP Calculus NYS Regents Exams 8:30 – 11:30 Living Environment Regents Exam Global History Regents Exam Students must stay until 10:30 NYS Regents Exams 12:00 – 3:00 Students must stay until 2:00 No Students Geometry Regents Exam Comprehensive English Regents Integrated Algebra Regents Earth Science Regents Chemistry Regents * Students for the 8:30 exams should be in their assigned classrooms by 8:15 for attendance. Students arriving before 8:15 should wait in the cafeteria. All students arriving for later exams must wait in the cafeteria until called to go to the assigned classroom for the test. * If a student must take a Regents exam and has a conflict with a school exam, he/she will take the regularly scheduled school exam when they finish the Regents exam. * Morning bus schedules are the same. Please check with your district for the bus schedule for midday/afternoon pickup. * Lunch will not be available during exam week. Those staying for an afternoon Regents exam should bring their lunch. GOLF TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE: We are planning our annual Golf Tournament for July 20, 2015 at Twaalskill Golf Club. We are looking to add committee members to help with the tournament. We are having a meeting on Tuesday January 20th at 5:30pm in the Conference Room at Coleman. Any questions, or if you are unable to come to the meeting but want to help, please call the school office, 338-2750. We hope you can join the committee! OPEN HOUSE: Our first Open House for prospective students will be on Sunday January 25th from 1:00-4:00pm. Attendees will meet the principal, faculty and guidance counselors, take a tour of the school and participate in a question and answer session with students and parents. Please join us and tell your friends. SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY: The Columbus Citizens Foundation offers four-year scholarships to students entering their freshman year of high school or college. Criteria is: Italian Ancestry, Financial Need, Academic Excellence, and Service to School and Community. Visit their website for more information and to download an application (available now) Application deadline is Jan. 31, 2015. DRIVERS EDUCATION: We will be offering Drivers Education after school here at Coleman for the Spring semester. The program begins during the week of February 9 th. The program consists of a lecture class one day a week after school and there will also be a driving day once a week. The cost is $545.00 and checks are made payable to John A. Coleman. You must have your learners permit by February 6th to participate. Applications are available in the school office. After your application and payment is turned in you will be contacted by mail by the Drivers Ed Company. The deadline for applications to the Coleman office is February 2, 2015. THANK YOU TO COLEMAN’S CHRISTMAS ANGELS! Thank you to all of the Coleman families that participated in the 4-H Club’s tag tree gift drive. The people who received the donations were deeply touched by the generosity of the Coleman Community. Your generosity made these two families able to enjoy a Merry Christmas! Coleman is very proud of our students who organized this drive!! ART NEWS: Congratulations to Andrew Davis for winning first place in the Ulster County Directory Photo Contest! Seen in photo is Andrew and John Parete, the Chairman of the Ulster County Legislature along with his winning photo. His photo will be featured on the cover of the directory as well as a photo credit in the directory. Great job Andrew!" NEWS FROM GUIDANCE PSAT Results- Juniors, Sophomores, Freshmen Juniors, sophomores and freshmen received their PSAT results and test booklet. These results were explained to the students and they were asked to bring them home. Please ask them for their scores, test booklet & test explanation papers. College Board offers My College QuickStart™, a personalized college and career planning kit powered by the PSAT/NMSQT test. All students will have the opportunity to learn this feature now that they have their scores. To sign in, you'll need the access code printed on the PSAT/NMSQT paper score report. If you do not already have a College Board account, you'll be prompted to create one. It typically takes less than two minutes to create your FREE account. To sign up, click on the link My College QuickStart™ . If you have any questions about your son/daughter’s results, please do not hesitate to call the guidance counselor. The information and answers your child provided when they took the test are incorporated into this useful tool, and it presents their data back to them in six main parts: My Online Score Report- an enhanced score report that allows students to review each test question, the student’s answer, and the correct answer with answer explanations. My SAT Study Plan- a customized SAT study plan based on student PSAT/NMSQT test performance, highlighting skills for review and practice. My Personality- a detailed personality test that helps students better understand their own strengths and interests. My College Matches- A starter list of colleges based on the student’s state and indicated choice of major. My Major and Career Matches- Major and career matches those that are compatible with the student’s general interests and personality type. My AP Potential- a report that shows students which AP® courses they may be ready for and which match the college majors that interest them. Access is available using the access code printed on the student’s paper score report, and the tool can be utilized throughout high school. Using My College QuickStart together with your child is a great way to introduce and guide your child through important aspects of the college-going process. Visit Attention Parents of Sophomores: Please join the guidance staff for a Guidance Meeting on Wed. Jan. 14, 2015 @ 6:30pm. Some of the items that will be covered are: 1. PSAT follow-up & questions 2. PSAT follow-up & questions 3. Re-designed PSAT & SAT for next year 4. Early College Planning & Career Planning 6. Course Selections for 2015-2016 Attention Parents of Juniors: We will be hosting a very important informational meeting on February 11th at 6:30pm in the Lecture Center. All Parents and Junior students are strongly encouraged to attend. We will be giving out information on the college process timeline along with important forms that are necessary to complete. In addition, we will be having the Assistant Director of Admissions from Marist College coming to present. He will give a presentation on the college process from an admissions standpoint. This is an opportunity you do not want to miss! Coleman Parent Association News: January 2015 There are still Coleman Golf Umbrellas available In the office! $25 each! Perfect for those rainy outdoor Spring Sports! GOLF COMMITTEE is still looking for new members to help with the event on July 20, 2015. If you are interested in helping. Please contact Bryan Smith at [email protected] ** UPCOMING EVENTS ** Donations Needed PASTA DINNER: January 17, 2015 See flyer and reservation form on following page for details! Also – if you would like to help with this event, contact Bev Hricisak at (845) 430-7731. Baked goods are needed for the Coleman Cabaret Pasta Dinner. Please drop off home baked desserts in the office on Friday, January 16th. OPEN HOUSE: Scheduled for January 25th. Please spread the word to family and friends! Thank you for your continued support! 2014 – 2015 Parent Association Officers President: Robyn Prosser 389 - 3896 [email protected] First Vice-President: Jocelyn Cariello 417 - 8832 [email protected] Second Vice-President: Bev Hricisak 430 - 7731 [email protected] Secretary: 389 - 5211 [email protected] Alison Belfance Parent Class Representatives Class of 2015: Annie Pombo, Mary Vazquez, Myrna Capaldi, Sarah Page Class of 2016: Carol Matthews-Kinnin, Christine LaValle, Dawn Jankowski, Mary Beth Koch, Patty Deegan Class of 2017: Deb Crump, Deb Ressa, Wendy Sinagra, Michele Herrling, Christine Hein, Class of 2018: John Mocarski, Antonia Camisa-Remsen, Crystal Caolan, Melissa Riley, Renate Soyer
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