New Mexico Military Institute Board of Regents Open Meeting 13:00 06 March 2014 Jack Daniels Room, DLC, NMMI DRAFT MINUTES The Board of Regents of New Mexico Military Institute met at 13:00 on Thursday 06 March 2014 in the Jack Daniels Room in the Daniels Leadership Center at New Mexico Military Institute. Call to Order: Mr. Jesse Eckel called the meeting to order. Pledge of Allegiance Regents Present: Mr. Jesse Eckel; President Mrs. Kea Riggs; Secretary, COL Fermin Rubio; Vice President, Mr. Steve Paternoster; Member. Staff Present: MG Jerry Grizzle, COL David West, COL Judy Scharmer, LTC David Gray, Mr. Kent Taylor, LTC Jeff Savage, BG Rick Geraci, BG Doug Murray, COL Rick Megahan. ITEM 1 Approval of Agenda Mr. Jesse Eckel called for a Motion to approve the Agenda as presented for the 06 March 2014 meeting. COL Fermin Rubio made Motion to approve the Agenda as presented. Seconded by Mrs. Kea Riggs. Motion carried: Mr. Jesse Eckel – For, Mrs. Kea Riggs – For, Mr. Steve Paternoster – For, COL Fermin Rubio – For. ITEM 2 Approval of 29 January 2014 Minutes Mr. Jesse Eckel called for a Motion to approve the Minutes of 29 January 2014 as presented. Mrs. Kea Riggs made Motion to approve the Minutes of 29 January 2014 as presented. Seconded by COL Fermin Rubio. Motion carried: Mr. Jesse Eckel – For, Mrs. Kea Riggs- For, Mr. Steve Paternoster – For, COL Fermin Rubio - For. ITEM 3 Approval of Auction Inventory COL Judy Scharmer (Chief Financial Officer) approached the Board of Regents regarding approval of the auction inventory. She explained that New Mexico State Agencies are not allowed by law to dispose of Board of Regents 06 March 2014 Page 1 fixed assets without approval from Board of Regents. A NM State Agency can only dispose of items through a public auction, this being a transparent method of disposing of public assets. If the Regents approve the inventory then the State of NM requires that list to be forwarded to the State Auditor then 30 days must pass before items can be disposed of via a public auction or via an open bid process. NMMI has chosen to auction these items. A list of fixed assets was placed in each Regent packet for the Regents to peruse. The total acquisition cost is $1.6 million, however the net book value is $16 000 after depreciation. A Fixed Asset Committee including LTC David Gray (Internal Auditor) did some specific testing and verified the majority of the assets. In the Committee’s opinion, the list is materially stated as ‘correct’. Mr. Paternoster asked if the assets will be disposed of in lots. COL Scharmer confirmed that yes they would be. Steve then mentioned that he sees items that would be ideal for the YMCA and asked if, due to his position as Regent member there would be a conflict of interest. COL Scharmer explained that there would be no conflict of interest as it is a public auction. MG Grizzle asked if NMMI can eliminate the need to do this periodically. COL Scharmer commented that last year the capitalization threshold was raised from $1 000 to $ 5 000 which will now eliminate a lot of the small items. Any items of a less than $5 000 value can now be disposed of by the school as is deemed fit. COL Scharmer answered in the affirmative to Mr. Eckel’s question as to whether NMMI will hire an auctioneer. Mr. Jesse Eckel called for a Motion to approve the auction inventory. Motion made by COL Fermin Rubio. Seconded by Mrs. Kea Riggs. Motion carried: Mr. Steve Paternoster – For, Mr. Jesse Eckel – For, Mrs. Kea Riggs – For, COL Fermin Rubio - For. Motion approved with all in favor. ITEM 4 Approval of student fee insurance Currently NMMI cadets have to have proof of health insurance and have to purchase accident insurance. The Affordable Care Act of 01 January 2012 along with the health insurance proposed by the current vendor leads the annual premium to be $1295 from the current $337. There would be an increase in benefit to cover a certain level of benefit, for example, prescription drugs. This led to COL Scharmer reflecting as to why NMMI is mandating cadets to have health insurance. International students are not required to have the insurance. Administration has decided to put the following recommendation for approval to the Regents; To eliminate the proof of health insurance policy and to eliminate accident insurance – in lieu of this, COL Scharmer asks that the Regents approve tuition refund insurance with the intention to protect a family’s financial interest if, for example, a cadet withdraws within a semester. The situation now is that the semester fees have to be paid in full even if a cadet withdraws early. Mr. Paternoster asked COL Scharmer if the aforementioned situation is the source of most of the bad debt. COL Scharmer confirmed yes and that the tuition refund insurance would be a hedge against most of the bad debt. An analysis of the first semester of 2013 displayed that $93 000 of bad debt was incurred by those who withdrew early. In the event of tuition refund insurance with an unpaid balance NMMI will receive 50% of the remaining amount of the tuition portion. Board of Regents 06 March 2014 Page 2 Some of the benefits include the fact that the tuition refund insurance premium will not exceed $267.00, and the financial burden on the family will not increase. COL Rubio asked how many National Guard members are students at NMMI. B Rick Geraci responded with between 45 and 55. COL Rubio explained that NG members have TriCare which is really inexpensive. MG Grizzle said that there are a lot of individual circumstances but the idea here is to get out of the health insurance market. BG Geraci commented that he had a discussion with NMMI’s on site healthcare manager the content of which revealed that her nurses deal with insurance issues 25% of their time rather than medical matters. This new recommendation will improve the care of cadets. COL Rubio asked how NMMI would educate parents that insurance is their responsibility. BG Geraci stated that there will be a portion devoted to an explanation of medical care within the initial parent pack. Mr. Paternoster commented that this recommendation is the only way of handling the health insurance situation and is a great vehicle to reduce the bad debt. Mr. Jesse Eckel called for a Motion to approve student fee insurance. Motion made by COL Fermin Rubio. Seconded by Mrs. Kea Riggs. Motion carried: Mr. Steve Paternoster – For, Mr. Jesse Eckel – For, Mrs. Kea Riggs – For, COL Fermin Rubio - For. Motion carried with all in favor. ITEM 5 Approval of Age Waiver LTC Jeff Savage approached the Board of Regents with an age waiver request. The cadet in question turned age 22 just before matriculating. His details were stored within the Regents folders. Mr. Paternoster queried the ACT composite score of 18 – LTC Savage stated that this was the minimum score but was deemed to be about average. There was no further discussion. Mr. Jesse Eckel called for a Motion to approve the age waiver. Motion made by Mrs. Kea Riggs. Seconded by COL Fermin Rubio. Motion carried: Mr. Steve Paternoster – For, Mr. Jesse Eckel – For, Mrs. Kea Riggs – For, COL Fermin Rubio - For. Motion carried with all in favor. ITEM 6 Approval of Gene Hardman memorial plaque COL David West approached the Board of Regents for approval of a Gene Hardman memorial plaque for the tennis courts. Mr. Paternoster commented that the late Eugene Hardman was a contemporary of Roger Staubach at The Institute and was a really good guy. Mr. Jesse Eckel called for a Motion to approve the memorial plaque. Motion made by Mrs. Kea Riggs. Seconded by COL Fermin Rubio. Motion carried: Mr. Steve Paternoster – For, Mr. Jesse Eckel – For, Mrs. Kea Riggs – For, COL Fermin Rubio - For. Motion carried with all in favor. Board of Regents 06 March 2014 Page 3 Mr. Jesse Eckel called for a motion to move to a Closed Executive Session. Motion made b y COL Rubio and seconded by Mrs. Riggs. Motion carried with all in favor. ITEM 7 Approval to move to Closed Executive Session for the purpose of the evaluation of Superintendent/President and Internal Auditor The only matters discussed in the closed meeting were those matters stated in the agenda. No votes were taken during the closed session. Mr. Jesse Eckel entertained a motion from the chair to emerge from the Closed Executive Session. Motion made by COL Rubio, Seconded by Mrs. Kea Riggs. Motion carried –COL Fermin Rubio – For, Mrs. Kea Riggs – For, Mr. Jesse Eckel – For, Mr. Steve Paternoster - For. Mr. Jesse Eckel called the open meeting back to order. Mr. Jesse Eckel conducted a roll call vote to return from Executive session. Vote carried in full by Regents. Motion carried. ITEM 8 Renewal of Superintendent/President and Internal Auditor employment contracts The Board of Regents returned from the Closed Executive session and Mr. Jesse Eckel called the open meeting back to order. Mr. Eckel called for a motion to recommend contracts for Superintendent/President and Internal Auditor be extended . Motion made by Mrs. Kea Riggs. Seconded by COL Fermin Rubio. Motion carried: Mr. Steve Paternoster –For, Mr. Jesse Eckel-For, Mrs. Kea Riggs -For, COL Fermin Rubio-For. ITEM 9 Regent Committee Assignments approval Mr. Jesse Eckel commented that he and his fellow Regents had reviewed the 9 different standing committees and viewed them as too excessive. Thus there is a proposal as follows; 2014 NMMI Regent Committee Assignments Executive Committee – MG Jerry Grizzle Chairperson – Mr. Jesse Eckel Member – COL Fermin Rubio Support Services (I.S. Admissions Facilities) – COL David West Chairperson – COL Fermin Rubio Member – New Regent Finance & Audit – COL Judy Scharmer Chairperson – Mr. Jesse Eckel Member - Mrs. Kea Riggs Board of Regents 06 March 2014 Page 4 Cadet Life – BG Rick Geraci Chairperson – Mr. Steve Paternoster Member – Mrs. Kea Riggs Academics - BG Doug Murray Chairperson - Mr. Steve Paternoster Member – COL Fermin Rubio Athletics – COL Reggie Franklin Chairperson – New Regent Member – Mr. Jesse Eckel The initial suggestion was to have Mr. Steve Paternoster as member to The Finance and Audit Committee. A discussion ensued where Mr. Paternoster suggested that Mr. Eckel take on a protégé to this committee to take on knowledge of Finance & Audit. Mr. Eckel asked for a recommendation. Mr. Paternoster made a recommendation as to Mrs. Kea Riggs. Mr. Jesse Eckel called for a Motion to approve the committee assignments as modified. Motion made by Mr. Steve Paternoster. Seconded by Mrs. Kea Riggs. Motion carried: Mr. Steve Paternoster – For, Mr. Jesse Eckel – For, Mrs. Kea Riggs – For, COL Fermin Rubio - For. Motion carried with all in favor. ITEM 10 Superintendent update MG Grizzle stated that the Knowles Scholarship fund will receive $1 362 800 should Governor Martinez sign off as ‘approved’ by Wednesday March 12 at 1200. It is still an annual challenge for NMMI to have the Knowles scholarship as a line item at the Legislature and NMMI continues to work on this. There are 191 Knowles scholars. 97 of whom are on the Commandants/Deans/Superintendents List with a GPA of 3.0 or better. 164 of the 191 are classed as being in good standing academically and in the corps. MG Grizzle has the initiative of filming the recipients of the scholarships and have the 191 around the flagpole declaring their thanks to the legislators. There will also be a written communication to the legislators and Mrs. Riggs asked that NMMI include the ACT scores within the communication. If approved by the Governor, NMMI will receive $153 000 from the severance tax bonds. This will enable permanent turf to be installed on the infield of the baseball field. If approved by the Governor, NMMI will receive $4 800 000 from general obligation bonds for the renovation of Marshall Hall. If signed by the Governor, his will still need to go to a ballot in November 2014 to be approved by the citizens. Board of Regents 06 March 2014 Page 5 MG Grizzle remarked that with regard to severance tax bond and general obligation bond funding that it can take several years from start to end for its life cycle – the example is Lusk Hall. This started with a consideration of the renovation in 2009. The bonds were only approved by the citizens in 2011 and passed in 2012 with the money for the renovation only received in 2013 and construction to end late 2014. The cost comes in $500 000 under budget but the Lusk Hall inhabitants will be in 6 months later than anticipated. Mr. Jesse Eckel enquired as to whether the contracts for the Portables can be extended to take into account the later date to return to Lusk. Mr. Kent Taylor commented that the contract for the Portables expires in October 2014 but he has held positive communications with the owners and feels confident of a contract extension. The renovation of Bates Hall has started with asbestos remediation occurring during Spring Break. The Sally Port magazine has been issued and the producers of said magazine have been given the remit of producing this twice a year. The Dispatches magazine was printed today with the producers of the Dispatches having the remit of producing 6 of these a year (one every 2 months) – this magazine has an audience of 25 000. Graduation will take place on May 24 at Colt Field, the same venue as last year. Congressman Steven Pearce will be the commencement speaker. MG James Laster (Chief of Staff SOCOM) is the commissioning speaker. Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame has been invited to be the Baccalaureate Speaker. The 3rd class speaker is Lance Benham and 1st class speaker is to be advised – the invitee would be the first female speaker. Trail Ride preparations are going well – the venue is the Brad Christmas Ranch in Wagon Mound, NM. Dates – June 11 to 14. Recruitment – Admissions are driving up the number of applications received - 30% of applicants end up here at NMMI. The statistics reveal that we are 225 applications ahead of last year. Retention efforts are going very well with ice cream socials; indeed 227 have already reapplied for next year. MG Grizzle is in the midst of the recruiting cycle right now, taking in Oklahoma, Albuquerque, Dallas, Fort Worth. MG Grizzle concluded by referring to the Regents handbook and the response plan to an active shooter situation. Mr. Paternoster commented that this is the best work he has ever seen and that this must have great value to other administrators in the community. The Regents were then shown via DVTEL the security cameras on campus which can now be accessed via a smartphone. MG Grizzle assured the Regents that this was a great tool in recruitment as it comforts and reassures the parents regarding security on campus. As an aside, the 1 to 1 computer initiative has also been tremendously well received at recruiting events. Board of Regents 06 March 2014 Page 6 ITEM 11 NMMI Safety Policy Review and Tour With the Regents next due to receive a Tour of the TLA Command Post away from the meeting venue and with no further actionable items COL David West suggested that the meeting be adjourned then the tour can commence. Before adjourning Mr. Eckel confirmed the next meeting date of 30 April 2014. Mr. Jesse Eckel called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion made by Mrs. Kea Riggs. Seconded by Mr. Steve Paternoster. Motion carried: Mr. Steve Paternoster – For, Mr. Jesse Eckel – For, Mrs. Kea Riggs – For, COL Fermin Rubio - For. Motion carried with all in favor. ITEM 12 Confirmation of next meeting The next meeting date is 30 April 2014 at 1300. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For the Board of Regents ____________________________ Jesse Eckel, President ATTEST: ____________________________ Kea Riggs, Secretary/Treasurer Board of Regents 06 March 2014 Page 7
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