BY SPpEp POST / FAX BIHAR ffi ffi {lgnq vqq No.1-4l2014-RKVY Government of India Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana Division Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Duted the 72't' Sep, 2014 To The Pay & Accounts Officer (Sectt.), Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, 1 6-Akbar Road Hutments, New Delhi - 110 011 Sub: Bihar under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RK\ID during 2014expenditure incurred from their own resources during 2013-14 - Release of funds to Govt. of 15 for adjustment of regarding. Sir, In continuation of this Departrnent's letters of even number d,ated,29.08.20L4,I arn directed to convey the sanction of the President to the payment of Rs. 91.68 crore (Rupees ninety one crore and sixty eight lakh only) to the Govemrnent of Bihar towards adjustment of extra expenditure incurred by the State from its own resources during 2013-14 under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKV!. 2. st. No. The details of allocation and amount beins released are as under:- Name of Scheme Allocation for 2014-15* Amount already released Rs. in crore Amount being released* Normal RKVY * Total 39r.73 19s.86 19s.86 91.68 91.68 391.73 x including Production Growtlt, Infrastructure & Assets and Flexi Fund Streams in the ratio of 35:35:10 3. This assistance is in the form of 1000 grant. 4. State GovernmentAtrodal Departrnent shall ensure that project details of all the projects approved are in the RKVY Database & Management Information System (RDMIS). State Govemment/Nodal Agency must also ensure that project status for the projects approved and taken up, upto the year 20I3-I4 entered are also entered in the RDMIS at the earliest. File No. |-412014-RKVY (Bihar) Dated 12^ Sep,2014 5. In accordance with the levised procedure, the Reserve Bank of India may please be advised fol debiting to the account of the Departrnent of Agriculture and Cooperation and passing on the credit to the Central Account Section, Nagpur for transfer to the State Government of Bihar. 6. Release of funds under Normal RKVY is based on interim allocation conveyed vide letter No. 71/2014-RKW dated 04.06.2014 and the amount of funds to be released to the state in the second instalment would be subject to adjustment in accordance with the final/revised allocation. State Government of Bihar is further informed that release of this amount will not increase the State's allocation under RKVY for the current year. State Government may curtail their sanctions to the amount of funds available to them (i.e. Allocation - Rs. 91.68 crore). The release of funds is further subject to the following conditions: 7. State Government of Bihar will be required to utilize the funds in the cunent year for implementation of the projects approved by State Level Sanctioning Cornmittee as per the above mentioned sanction letter and related detailed project documents. Wliile releasing the funds to implementing agencies State Government shall ensure that the proportion of expenditure incured in different strearns of RKVY are in accordance with para 4.1 of RKVY guidelines,2014 i.e., 35:35:10 in respect with Production Growth, lnfrastructure & Assets & Flexi Fund Streams respectively. b. The DepartmentA{odal Agency shall ensure that Project-wise accounts are maintained by the Implementing Agencies and are subject to the normal process of Statutory Audit. Likewise, an inventory of the assets created under the projects should be carefully preserved and assets that are no longer required should be transferred to the Nodai Department for its use and redeployment where possible. State Government of Bihar/fr{odal Implementing Agency will have to report onutllization of funds released and submit the physical and financial performance reports as well as utilization cerlificates in the prescribed proforma at the end of the financial year 20I4-I5 . d. Recurring kind of expenditure like manpower hiring, POL, TA/DA, transport, computer and other consumables shall not be incurred out of RKW Project Funds. These items shall be charged from RKVY Administrative Funds with the approval of the SLSC Chairman, separately. For trainings/awareness camps/demonstration/publicify, ATMA funds available with the State should also be utilized. It will not be advisable to have ATMA funds remain unutilized at the end of the year, whereas RKVY funds have been used. This is to note that without detailed physical and financial progress of the RKVY projects and their updated entry in the RDMIS during 2013-14 and audited accounts for years from200708 to 2012-13 release of 2"d installment shall not be considered. In other words, for the subsequent release, the conditions laid down in para-10.3 of the RKVY guidelines, 2014 would apply. 8. This amount is released with reference to the Administrative Approval accorded vide letter No. 51/2014-RKVY dated 19.05.2014 and 03.06.2014 and should be utilized as per the Guidelines for Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana during 2014-15. The financial assistance/cost norrns should be as per the existing 1/A -L'a- File No. L-412014-RKVY (Bihar) Dated 12th Sep, 2014 centrally sponsored/central sectorlstate plan schemes. Fufther, State Government is"advised to ensure that there is no duplication or overlapping of activities/areas covered under RKVY Projects vis-)-vis existing schemes of Central or State Govenrment. The project profile should inter-alia highlight physical targets/deliverables and outcome thereof. g. The expenditure is debitable under Demand No.i - Department of Agriculture and Cooperation for the year 2014-15 and may be debited to the following head of Account: Major Head - 3601 - Grants-in-aid to State Government Sub Major Head - 02 - Grant for State Plan Schemes Minor Head - 446 - Crop Husbandry-Other Grants 01 - Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana 010031 - Grants-in-aid 10. The payment sanctioned above is provisional and is subject to adjustrnent on the basis of the audited figures of expenditure in terms of Ministry of Finance letter No.2(19)-P.IV60 dated 09.I0.1964. 11. The accounts of the State grantee Institution shall be open to inspection by the sanctioning authority and audit, both by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India under the provision of CAG (DPC) Act, 1971, and internal audit by the Principal Accounts Office of the Ministry or Department, whenever the State(s) / institution is called upon to do so. 12. This sanction issues in exercise of the delegated powers in consultation with the Finance Division the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation vide their Dy. No. 1596/AS&FA dated 10.09,2014. of Yours faithfully, ,,411 tl ?tlh^o,y't lttt"-"* (V. K. Srivastava) Under Secretary to the Government of India Telephone No: 011-23383990 I 23070964 -3/4- FileNo. 1-4l20i4-RKVY (Bihar) Dated 12ft Sep,2014 Copy forwarded to: 1 2 3 4 The Principal Accounts Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agri. & Coop., 16-A, Akbar Road Hutments, New Delhi. Olo the Director General of Audit, Central Expenditure, AGCR Building, IP estates, New Delhi-2. The Accounts Officer (L&G), Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agricuiture & Cooperation, 16-4., Akbar Road Hutments, New Delhi. Principal Secretary (Agriculture) / ) / Commissioner a. Agri. Production ) b. c. d. e. 5 6 7 I (Agriculture)/ (Planning)/ (Finance)/ Agriculture Commissioner and Secretary ) Secretary ) Government of Bihar with reference to their letter Secretary ) No. RKVY - 171200813580/Agri. Dated 12108/20t4. Secretary ) Director of ) Accountant General (A&E), Bihar Secretary,Department of Expenditure, North Block, New Delhi JS (Seeds)/JS (Crops)/JS (INMyJS (PPyJS OTRMyJS (RFS)/JS (oil Seeds)/JS (M&T)/JS (Extn.)/JS f. (MrDH) 8 9 10 i1 12 13 Joint Secretary (RK\ O / Director (RK\f! / US (RKVY) Joint Secretary (L&H)lJoint Secretary (Fisheries), DAHD&F, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Senior Tech. Director, NIC, DAC, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Sr. PPS to Secretary (A&C)/PPS to AS (RKVY) Finance Division/Budget Section/Budget & Accounts Section of DAC RKVY Division/ Guard File / concerned State folder U444{il"'"tL (V. K. Srivastava) Under Secretary to the Government of India -414-
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