Programme International Conference

Work, Identity and Globalization
International Students-Research Conference
March 23th–27th 2015
Master of Science
Fachbereich 11
Human- und Gesundheits­
Fachbereich 7
Introduction ..................................................................................................3
Program .......................................................................................................5
List of student-contributors...........................................................................9
Profiles ......................................................................................................10
List of Research Projects.......................................................................... 12
The Master of Science Wirtschaftspsychologie .........................................14
Thanks .......................................................................................................15
Conference Bureau
Building: Geisteswissenschaften 2 (GW 2)
Level 2 (in front of room B2880, B2890, B2900)
Tel. +49 173 531 94 62 (Clara Schließler)
Tel. +49 176 706 250 66 (Hauke Vorpahl)
Tel. +49 151 240 372 20 (Martin Kisse)
Latest information:­
Postal address
Fachbereich 11: Human-und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Institut für Psychologie und Transfer
Grazer Straße 2c
28359 Bremen
Titelbild: © eyetronic/fotolia, Symbole auf Seite 3,5,7,9,11,13,15 von, Gestaltung: [email protected], Satz: Janine Biermann, Uni-Druckerei Bremen
Paul Auster
Ongoing globalization processes are affecting all parts of economy and
our social life. Transnational and intercultural cooperation is becoming
more and more important. This has impacts for organisational structures,
work profiles and individual biographies. Internationalisation does not only
become a stronger normative for companies, but also for individuals. New
demands, new chances and new challenges for identity construction arise
with the processes of social change in the 21st century. That’s why our
conference is focussing on the interplay of work, globalization and identity.
The conference has an innovative design, as it is embedded in the curriculum of the Master of Sciences in Wirtschaftspsychologie. To provide opportunities of learning by research is a core value of the University of Bremen.
During the last two semesters, our Master students have done intensive
research within the area of “work, identity and globalization.” They are now
presenting their final works within the conference and discuss it with a
selected range of senior researchers from all over the world.
An effective networking and exchange of different intercultural perspectives is not only a theoretical demand, but put into practice by our conference. The conference will be an open space for interdisciplinary discussions.
In order to strengthen the idea of intercultural communication, different
projects will be intensively discussed in small research groups and plenary
sessions. Insights presented by our guests regarding their own research
projects complete the program.
“You can’t put your feet on the ground
until you have touched the sky.”
On behalf of the University of Bremen, we are proud and glad to welcome
the following guests to our conference:
Senior Lecturer Dr. Niels Sandholm Larsen,
University College Metropol, Copenhagen (DK)
Senior Lecturer, Senior Research Fellow Dr. Helen Stokes,
University of Melbourne (AUS)
Dr. Gavin Sullivan, Coventry University (UK)
We also want to send a warm welcome to our Master students. Their dedicated and intensive work set the ground for the upcoming event.
We are looking forward to an inspiring joint conference, full of intensive
discussions, a share of perspectives and intercultural experiences.
The conference team, teaching in the M.Sc. Wirtschaftspsychologie:
Prof. Dr. Birgit Volmerg (FB 11)
Dr. Thomas Kühn (FB 11)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Leithäuser (FB 11)
Prof. Dr: Georg Müller-Christ (FB 7)
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Poddig (FB 7)
Dr. Michael Schottmayer (FB 11)
Dr. Iris Stahlke (FB 11)
Sünje Lorenzen, M.Sc. Wirtschaftspsychologie, Dipl.Ök. (FB 11)
Monday, 23.03.2015
9.00 Welcome and introduction
(philosophy of the conference)
Get to know each other
10.30 Coffee break
Postersession: Research projects of the students
Review and information by the students
12.45 Lunch break
14.00 Guest lecture: Helen Stokes (Australia)
Positive education for school leaders: Exploring the effects
of emotion-gratitude and action-gratitude
14.45 Short break and discussion of the lecture in workgroups
15.30 Plenary: Presentation and discussion of the results
16.30 End
Tuesday, 24.03.2015
9.00 Plenary: Agenda of the day
9.30 Workgroup A
Guest: Helen Stokes
Chairperson: Birgit Volmerg, Iris Stahlke
Presentation: Thekla Busch, Sarah Paßfeld
The motivation for part-time advanced education in the
health sector at a distance learning university of applied
Workgroup B
Guest: Niels Sandholm Larsen
Chairperson: Michael Schottmayer, Sünje Lorenzen
Presentation: Sarah Ludwig
Self-optimization for a successful career start.
A qualitative study with female graduate students
Workgroup C
Guest: Gavin Sullivan
Chairperson: Thomas Kühn, Thomas Leithäuser,
Tanja Heidenfelder
Presentation: Denise Smith
Remigration – Rediscover home
10.30 Coffee break
Workgroup A
Presentation: Svenja Rohlfing
Towards creating an exchange program for administrative
staff among the international branches of a logistics company
Workgroup B
Presentation: Eva Bierkandt, Jessica Engelke
Lack of specialised workforce in handicraft businesses
Workgroup C
Presentation: Christina Kuhlmann, Maren Albrecht
Effect of bundled information about sustainability on
consumer behaviour. Do we need a “Planetenampel”?
Lunch break
13.15 Guest lecture: Niels Sandholm Larsen
Micro-politics in chronic disease
14.15 Coffee break
14.30 Discussion of the lecture in workgroups
15.15 Plenary: Presentation and discussion of the results
Wednesday, 25.03.2015
9.00 Agenda of the day
Workgroup D
Guest: Helen Stokes, Niels Sandholm Larsen
Chairperson: Thomas Kühn, Birgit Volmerg, Sünje Lorenzen,
Tanja Heidenfelder
Presentation: Niccolo von Blanckenburg
The impact of feminist advertising on gender equality
Workgroup E
Guest: Gavin Sullivan
Chairperson: Iris Stahlke, Michael Schottmayer,
Thomas Leithäuser
Presentation: Cordelia Mühlbach
The Ritter Sport Blog – Characteristics of blog users
concerning a “low-involvement product” like chocolate
Coffee break
11.00 Workgroup D
Presentation: Lina Henkel
Competence models for sustainability-based decision
making – A comparison and proposal
Workgroup E
Presentation: Julian Derst
Viral brand communication - factors influencing the
likelihood of people forwarding digital video clips
Lunch break
13.15 Workshops
with the guests
on their own approach, empirical research and methods
Helen Stokes – Workshop I
Gavin Sullivan – Workshop II
Niels Sandholm Larsen – Workshop III
15.00 Coffee break
15.15 Continuation workshops I, II, III
Thursday, 26.03.2015
9.00 Agenda of the day
10.00 Guest lecture: Gavin Sullivan
Methodical pluralism
10.45 Coffee break
Discussion of the lecture in workgroups
Plenary: Presentation and discussion of the results
Lunch break
valuation of the conference in focus groups with report
in the plenary concerning experiences in:
• Intercultural communication and understanding
• Methodology and different research methods
• Interdisciplinarity and differences in academic culture
• Group dynamic and role taking in the plenary and in the
• Personal insights and learning outcomes
15.00 Plenary
Friday, 27.03.2015
9.00 Plenary: Presentation and discussion of the results of
10.30 Brunch-buffet from the students
Farewell and many thanks for the contributions of all
End of the conference
List of student-contributors (4th semester)
Maren Albrecht
Eva Bierkandt
Niccolo von Blanckenburg
Thekla Busch
Julian Derst
Jessica Engelke
Lina Henkel
Christina Kuhlmann
Sarah Ludwig
Cordelia Mühlbach
Sarah Paßfeld
Svenja Rohlfing
Denise Smith
List of student-contributors (2nd semester)
Lara Hofmann
Svenia Körner
Sarah Krenz
Denis Nukic
Tjorven Raddatz
Niels Sandholm Larsen
PhD, Senior Lecturer at The Department of Nursing.
Faculty of Health and Technology, Metropolitan University
College, Denmark.
Research areas
Experiences and strategies of healthcare professionals and
clients, especially the micro politics of health care work and
everyday life in chronic disease.
Sociology in BA and master programs.
He publishes articles, mostly in Danish, on health care
professions, inter professional work, micro politics of chronic
Helen Stokes
PhD, Senior Lecturer and Senior Research Fellow at the
Youth Research Center in the Melbourne Graduate School
of Education, University of Melbourne, Australia
Research areas
Researching and evaluation programs in the youth and
education sectors
Young people, education and marginalisation from education
Young people, careers and identity work
Positive education and school leadership
Action learning and research
Coordination of the Masters in Instructional Leadership and
subject coordination of the capstone subjects for the research
in this masters course. Subject coordination of Leadership in
Schools in the Master Teaching.
She publishes books on young people part time work and
identity work, and articles on alternative approaches to
education, and positive education.
Gavin Sullivan
C. Psychol., Reader in Identity and Resilience in Communities and
Organisations, Centre for Research in Psychology, Behaviour and
Achievement, Coventry University
Research areas
Emotions, self-conscious emotion and pride - survey-based,
experimental, observational/naturalistic, content analysis,
qualitative and cultural-historical research
Theoretical psychology - survey based research of
psychologists and qualitative interviews with theoreticians on
contemporary issues
Qualitative research methods
Psychology, Masters (Health and Organisational) and
He published books and articles on reflexivity
(self-referentiality) in psychology, about Wittgenstein‘s
relevance as a framework for qualitative research and about
self-conscious, self-reflective emotions.
Research Projects
List of Research Projects
fifth course M.Sc. Wirtschaftspsychologie, Universität Bremen
Supervisor: Birgit Volmerg, Sünje Lorenzen
Motivation zur nebenberuflichen Weiterbildung an einer Fernhochschule
im Gesundheitssektor
The motivation for part-time advanced education in the health sector at a
distance learning university of applied sciences
Thekla Busch, Sarah Paßfeld
Selbstoptimierung für den erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg. Eine qualitative
Studie mit weiblichen Master-Studierenden
Self-optimization for a successful career start. A qualitative study with
female graduate students
Sarah Ludwig, Julia Wesseler, Judith Wittig
Supervisor: Georg Müller-Christ
Einfluss einer gebündelten Information über Nachhaltigkeit auf das Konsumentenverhalten. Brauchen wir eine „Planetenampel“?
Effect of bundled information about sustainability on consumer behavior.
Do we need a „Planetenampel“?
Christina Kuhlmann, Maren Albrecht
Kompetenzmodelle für nachhaltiges Entscheiden – Ein Vergleich und
Competence models for sustainability-based decision making – A comparison and proposal
Lina Henkel
Fachkräftemangel im Handwerk
Lack of specialised workforce in handicraft businesses
Eva Bierkandt, Jessica Engelke
Research Projects
Supervisor: Thomas Kühn
Wie eine Idee zum Virus wird − Eine Betrachtung viraler Markenkommunikation aus wirtschaftspsychologischer Perspektive
Viral brand communication - factors influencing the likelihood of people
forwarding digital video clips
Julian Derst, Jonas Hartung, Lukas Sarnecki, Tobias Schwarck
Der Ritter Sport Blog – Wirkung von Corporate Blogs auf das Einkaufs­
verhalten von Low Involvement Produkten am Beispiel von Schokolade
The Ritter Sport Blog - Characteristics of blog users concerning a
„low-involvement product“ like chocolate
Cordelia Mühlbach, Katharina Buckemüller, Maxi Böhm
Der Einfluss feministischer Werbung auf die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter
The impact of feminist advertising on gender equality
Niccolo von Blanckenburg, Katrin Erbacher, Hendrik Hoch, Lisa Schleker
Supervisor: Michael Schottmayer
Konzeption eines internationalen Austauschprogramms auf Sachbearbeiterebene
Towards creating an exchange program for administrative staff among the
international branches of a logistics company
Svenja Rohlfing, Jan-David Kukla
„Remigration- Alte Heimat neu entdecken“ - Eine qualitative Analyse
des individuellen erlebten Rückkehrprozesses am Beispiel ghanaischer
Remigration - Rediscover home
Denise Smith, Andrea Miler
The Master of Science
The content of the Masters course is related to current social and global
change which has altered the demands and structural conditions for companies and employees and placed new demands on career self-management and corporate initiative.
The Masters course Organizational Psychology provides, in the face
of profound changes in life-, occupational-, and organizational models,
support in dealing with the expected and existent problems. Students gain
in-depth theoretical and methodological competences enabling them both
in research and practice. Social systems may thus be successfully led:
economically, socially responsibly and ecologically.
The Bremen curriculum meets these demands above all through:
• Interdisciplinary cooperation of the areas
Labor & Organizational Psychology, Business and Labour science and
• A window provided in the 4th semester for a term of study or internship
The course prepares not only for a future career role in management, leadership, human resources or organizational development but also for tasks
such as consultlng, work analysis and preparation.
The interdisciplinary competences provide excellent qualifications for participants who will be able to take on responsibilities in many branches and
institutional connections e.g. in the areas of health, industry, in administration and non-profit organizations.
Many thanks
We would most especially like to thank the following persons and institutions for their help and support in the organization of this International
Conference „Work, Identity and Globalization“:
• F
achbereich 11 of the University of Bremen for financing of guest
speakers and organizational support
• Clara Schließler, Martin Kisse and Hauke Vorpahl, student assistants,
for their invaluable help in organizing the conference
• Frau Beate Heitzhausen of the Praxisbüro im Fachbereich 11
Prof. Dr. Birgit Volmerg and
the conference team