PLN130997 Environmental Sustainable Development

ESD in the Planning Permit Application Process:
Yarra City Council's planning permit application process includes Environmentally Sustainable Design
(ESD, considerations. The Sustainable Design Assessment in the Planning Process (SDAPP)
program is:
A practical approach to assessing sustainable development matters during the planning permit
application process.
• The consistent inclusion of key environmental performance considerations into the planning
approvals process.
• Your guide to achieving more sustainable building outcomes for the long-term benefit of the
wider community.
planning permit applications with Yarra City Council are requested to include a
Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA). Your application is a 'Medium' planning application if it meets
one of the following categories:
Residential - one to nine residential dwellings
Non-residential - 100m2 to 1000m2 of non-residential Gross Floor Area (GFA).
Please refer to the Sustainable Management Plan (SMP) information for building sizes exceeding
these categories. All information on the SDAPP program can be obtained on our webpage:
What is a Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA)?
An SDA addresses 10 Key Sustainable Building Categories (also refer to Table of Content on the
(residential) and
next page). You can either use free web-based tools, such as
(non-residential) or prepare an SDA report by following this template. By choosing one of
these options, you can easily demonstrate that your project meets Yarra's best practice standards.
This template is designed to provide guidance how to prepare an SDA report. The document
outlines objectives. ESD issues and references for all 10 Key Sustainable Building Categories. You
can either prepare your own SDA report or use this document by inserting your responses in the
grey shaded table cells.
Please also make sure that your architectural drawings reflect all relevant ESD matters where
feasible. As an example, window attributes, sun shading and materials should be noted on
elevations, and finishes schedules, water tanks and renewable energy devices should be shown on
plans. It might also be useful to indicate water catchment areas and a site's permeability on roof- or
site plans to confirm water re-use calculations.
Yar; ei City
i- i-
AssEssment SDA
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nable Peso ni Assessment (SDA)
nq apptiatioas
h ronw„le, ecl by
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Table of Contents:
72-74 Regent Street Richmod,Vic. 3121
Project Information
1. Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ)
2. Energy Efficiency
3. Water Resources
4. Storrnwater Management
5. Building Materials
6. Transport
7. Waste Management
8. Urban Ecology
9. Innovation
10. Ongoing Building and Site Management
Yarra CltV
.ent SDA v.2
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Project Information
Plarmin • Permit Applicant: Julian Fraraccio 16 Durrant St Bd. ton V1C.3186
MOBILE 0419 991 187
Pro'ect Descri • tion: 7 Unit develo.ment
Prop: rty Address: 72-74 're, ent Strret Richmont
Site Area: 137 meters
Site Coverat e (buildirt. and hard lamisca sin. areas :117 meters
Pro •.sed Buildin . Areas GFA m : 110 meters
The sustainable desi n a • roach of our buildin • ro'ect and its ke ESD ob'ectives: Design Assessment SDA V.2
'o r:: City Counci , City Development
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1. Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ)
to achieve a healthy indoor environment quality for the wellbeing of building occupants.
to provide a naturally comfortable indoor environment will lower the need for building services,
such as artificial lighting, mechanical ventilation and cooling and heating devices.
sign: 14
. itll windows facing east of the building allow for sufficient sun fight to bed room and lounge. The second bedroom on
•, and 2"d level will have daylight from a window which is fire rated and also transferred light from lounge.
. he flat on the ground, I ° and 2Hd. Floor facing west will have natural light from the court yard for the lounge and
lb! the bedroom. The second bed room will have natural fight from the window in the open stair well and transferred
light from the lounge.
. -he to fiat will all have natural sun light from the east and west. though its forge glazed windows
v elnt i ti
Ai! of the units are provided with natural ventilations due to the large windows in the east and west of the building and
also by having an open corridor/stair will further increase the ventilation to the units. The bedrooms and bathrooms
which have no external window will be fitted with mechanical ventilation
„.......--The wall e)c..:e.rnatly will all be insulated to the required energy efficiency requirement. Acoustic insulation to walls,
floors between tenancies
The windows witi all be acoustically treated !double glazed and all windows facing west will have in addition to double
glazing glass which is sun-reflective..
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We are strongly commitment to choose building materials and finishes with low levels ofVolatile Organic Compounds
(voq and other hazardous components.
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The ground front court yard will have low see through fence with medium height plants that allow for
sufficient sun/daylight to the internal lounge and bedrooms
Citri.=-, • 3
More information can be found in the Indoor Environment Quality fact sheet
2. Energy Efficiency
to ensure the efficient use of energy
to reduce total operating greenhouse emissions
to reduce energy peak demand
to minimize associated energy costs.
'ft imses
The building main structure is sealed concrete panels and windows all double glaze. It will be well insulates and the
windows facing west will all have sun reflective glass and the balcony above the windows provide shading. The
rating should be .5.
Er dose prekrninary energy rating.
The hot v!ater will be installed on the roof as a Gas boosted Solar hot water system to service all 7 flats.
Gas cook tabs will be used to reduce energy cost
The is iAd o faces east and no windows are provided on the north and south wall to allow for better control of
heat and cold.
On ground levet shrabs/ trees will be planted in the front and rear court yard to allow some shading and also to
add street appeal.
E;Lisanabie DEtIgn Ass:Essment SDA v.2
City Council.
§ Devcilopment
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The units will be fitted with reverse cycle air conditions for heating and cooling, The efficient wall mass, insulation
and double glazed windows will provide good thermal insulation and therefor the use of the conditioners will be
minimum.. The compressor will be located on the balcony.
All roars wiit have sufficient natural daylight during the day The bathrooms are the only areas where light is
needed. L<ght-Emitting Diode (LED) and Compact Fluorescent will be provided in all of the units.
The open corridor/ stair well and the main entrance will have sufficient light though the day but at night., sensor
switch on and light will be installed.
No generation provided for this building..
Mote information can oe found in the Enerqy Efficiency fact sheet
3. kilihate r lEff iCien(;y(
to ensure the efficient use of water
to reduce total operating potable water use
to encourage the collection and reuse of rainwater and stormwater
to encourage the appropriate use of alternative water sources (e.g. grey water)
to minimise associated water costs.
LOW FLOW shower heads, low flow taps and duel flash tails will all be installed in each of the units.
Dishwashers and closer washers will be chosen on energy rating — using less water and electricity.
Due rc insufficient space for a reticulated storm water system for toilet flashing will not be able to be installed..
Each of me unit's will have its own water meter on the ground floor. This will provide a user pay system and
therefor encourages reducing water consumption.
The development will have only two court yards with a porous surface to allow natural absorption of rain water.
Water resistant plants will be planted to reduce the water usage for irrigation.
More information can be found in the Water Efficiency fact sheet
!r ent
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4. Stormwater Management
to reduce the impact of stormwater runoff
to improve the water quality of stormwater runoff
to achieve bes: practice stormwater quality outcomes
to incorporate Water Sensitive Urban Design principles.
1301t9 " Responses
The site will have 16 square meters of permeability.
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Rain wak,r rank unable to be installed. .
Will prov,de Porous paving including land area will be the two ground court yards and a green tree plantation
alongside of the front boundary.. The total area will be approximately 16 square meters).
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More information can be found in the Stormwater Management fact sheet
5. Building Materials
to minimise the environmental impact of materials used by encouraging the use of materials
with a favourable lifecycle assessment.
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i]e existing structures and far materials within the proposed design can be reused.
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The bricks will be recycled as well as all timber trusses and wood beams
Concrete recycled for aggregate.
Most materials will be used that have sustainable production processes including low embodied energy etc)
Fri er :t
De.i>ign Ass.,assment SDA V.2
Council, (Development
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Australicn building timber will be used for internal walls and for the top unit which are constructed of lightweight
materos, (Wood and insulation foam sheets).
Mote informaticin can ic found in the Building Materials fact sheet
6. '11' ra
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Obj actives:
to minimise car dependency
to ensure that the built environment is designed to promote the use of public transport, walking
and cycling.
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Have opr led for dispensation of car parks requirements. This is to minimise car dependency,
Jnd reducing traffic in the city
Sit.,. i,? will be provided for 7 bikes in the special designed bike room located on the ground floor. The bikes will
Be provided by the builder .
At the end of the bike trip the rider parks his bike in the hanging bike rack and then proceeds to his/ her flat to
ch ange.
No car shoring is Provide at this stage.
More information can be found in the Transport fact sheet
Sit.isiwrabie De F:ign AssEssment SDA v.7
Yarra City C:)uncii, City Development
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7. Waste Management
to ensure waste avoidance, reuse and recycling during the design, construction and operation
stages of development
to ensure long term reusability of building materials.
to meet Councils' requirement that all multi-unit developments must provide a Waste
Management Plan in accordance with the Guide to Best Practice for Waste Management in
Multi-unit Developments 2010, published by Sustainability Victoria.
Design Responses
,..,r)Ftois for
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Corsi r ct or
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Space has been p!ovidec; on the ground level to allow for recycling bins and general waste. The waste area has a
closed door access and the room is fitted with mechanical ventilation to alleviate any possible order into the main
resident corridor.
Bricks will be recycled, concrete will be recycled for aggregate Timber and timber beams will also be recycled.
Construction waste will be managed through the construction process firstly by including material sorting, disposal
to appropriate area! location.
Operational waste will be managed through the occupied life ofthe building by the City of Yarra,
More information can be found in the Waste Management fact sheet
8. Urban Ecology
to protect and enhance biodiversity
to provide sustainable landscaping
to protect and manage all remnant indigenous plant communities
to encourage the planting of indigenous vegetation.
Lie cu.-teat site is all concrete. There is no porous soil and no green trees..
Toe new development allows for two court yard and an open corridorlstair well and a garden bed alongside the
front boundary.
All of these court yard will be using porous paves and green vegetation of trees and shrubs planted.
The new trees/ shrubs and vegetation will be chosen on the bases of drought tolerant..
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The windows on the west wall will all have double glazing and sun reflective glass.
Mote information can '.1e found in the Urban Ecology fact sheet
9. Innovation
Obj act ve:
• to encourage innovative technology, design and processes in all development, which
positively influence the sustainability of buildings.
We wli use double glazed and acoustically treated windows which are well sealed for any air gaps. This
innovation not only it provides for better thermal insulation but also acts as an effective sound barrier.
Oo site third /eve/ a herb garden area will be provided.
will have sensor lights as well as the corridor/ stair well. This will reduce energy cost because the
bets wqi switch off automatically.
More information can he found in the frelevation fact sheet
Silsa#1,31ple De.t,ign /Assessment SDA v.2
Yanz City C:) ci• Development
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10. Construction and Building Management
ON -active:
• to encourage a holistic and integrated design and construction process and ongoing high
The designs building systems is managed during construction and after by providing a preventative maintenance
manual especially on plant like hot water, air con stormwater etc. Etc. this is to ensure optimal efficiency for the
A USER'S guide for each of the seven units will be provided.. In this guide all equipment, plant and how public
areas ore to operated and maintained guide will also be provided for the body corp with further information on
how to deal with certain issues that may arise. The objective of the user guide is for the owners to maximize the
environmental sustainable design and equipment.
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arid Cperetioh
Preferably Green smart builders, Green plumbers and EcoSmart electricians will selected for the project Provide
The waste management will be handled by firstly only receiving on site materials that are needed. All packaging
is ;!() be taken back by the suppliers at time of delivery.
The si;:e will be fenced and all materials and waste will be contained on site. No Materials, chemicals and other
products will be left open that could cause contamination into the waterways.
The site is to be cleaned regularly and or as needed and any refuse is to be sorted and recycled wherever
possible. The i water used for the building Must be contained on site. Rain water is also to be handled in a way
that roost of it is contained on site and any run-off water does not pick-up contaminants from building materials.
. There will be no or very little run-off water draining into the streets..
Moire information can be found in the C nstruction and Building Management fact heet
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