Yarra Ranges Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) Minutes of Meeting - MEMPC Date / Time / Venue 27 August 2014 Time: 1100hr – 1400hr Venue: Conference Room, Yarra Ranges Council, Lilydale Committee Name Meeting no Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee Meeting Purpose Emergency Management Planning and Coordination Committee Delegates Diana Ferguson (Chair) - Vic SES Kate Siebert (Executive Officer) - YRC Brett Ellis (MEM) - YRC Tony McGann (MERO) - YRC Colin James (MRM) - YRC Glenn Hunt - YRC David Eastham - YRC Lisa Keedle - YRC Agency Reps/Regular Visitors Apologies # 1. 2/2014 Andrew Hives (Deputy MERC) - Vic Police Ross Smith - MFB Nigel Brennan - DEPI Jim Tite - Melb Water Lynette Collier - Red Cross Councillor Jim Child - YRC Councillor Samantha Dunn - YRC Ian Cross – CFA Helen Wositzky - YRC Deb Martin - (Minutes) YRC Darren Simon - CFA Don Tomkins CFA, Colin McKinney (MERC) - Vic Police, Brian Hillier (REMI) Vic Police, Alan Ross DEPI, Dev Vagel VicRoads, Marguerite Bisset – DHS, Catherine McLeod – DHS, Dwayne Dobson - Ambulance Victoria, Colin McKinney (MERC) - Vic Police Item Who Time Welcome & Introductions Chair 1100 Chair 1105 Delegate Contact List – Updates/Amendments – Delegate List distributed for updating. 2. Confirmation of Previous Minutes “That the minutes of the meeting of 14 May 2014 be confirmed true and correct.” Moved: Seconded: Carried Brett Ellis Ross Smith Page 1 of 7 Yarra Ranges Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) Minutes of Meeting - MEMPC 3. Actions and Agreements Record – Business arising from previous minutes 3.1 MEMPC – Operations and Governance Review 1110 Kate Seibert Action: Kate to seek expressions of interest from the MEMPC to assist with drafting a vision and mission for the Yarra Ranges MEMPC. This is to be reported at the August meeting. (See Item 4.1) 3.2 4. Community Emergency Risk Assessment (CERA) Process – Yarra Ranges Action: Glenn to provide support to Diana with convening the Risk Committee to undertake CERA. (See Item 4.2) - Completed Diana Ferguson Reports and Discussions: 4.1 MEMP – Operation and Governance Review 1115 Kate Siebert Kate: MEMP Strategy – the intent was to form a small working group and report back to the committee with a draft Vision and Mission Statement for the future strategic direction for the MEMPC. The group consisted of Committee representatives from SES, CFA, VicPol, DHS and Yarra Ranges Council. The Group undertook an active SWOT analysis of the MEMPC function and identified strengths such as networking and information sharing opportunities and weaknesses such as a lack of strategic focus and purpose. A sub committee was suggested such as a “Strategic Planning Group” to set the strategic direction for the MEMPC. Kate envisaged the MEMP as similar document to the Fire Management Plan with a strategic component and an action plan. Action: Kate to prepare the Terms of Reference and an Action Plan for the next 12 months Strategic Planning Group (MEMP STG). Page 2 of 7 Yarra Ranges Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) Minutes of Meeting - MEMPC 4.2 Community Emergency Risk Assessment (CERA) Process – Yarra Ranges Diana Ferguson Diana: Advised the first workshop meeting has been held and the outcome was a vote for the committee to rank hazards from highest to lowest. The second workshop will be held on 30 September 2014, where the subject matter experts will be asked to provide information at the workshop relating to a particular hazard. Kate: The risk assessment process will look further into the future - next 3 to 4 years to identify priority of risks which will help form the work that we tackle. The risk profile, the likelihood, the treatment etc, we will work our way through the 16 hazards (it’s a lengthy process). 4.3 MEMP Consistency across Councils Lisa Keedle Lisa: Gave an overview of her role as the Emergency Management Projects Co-ordinator, working across 3 councils, Yarra Ranges, Knox & Maroondah, looking at consistency across the councils (refer to handout MEMP Consistency). The draft MEMP structure for consultative input – we will aim for the November meeting to have something in place, at this stage not sure what format it will be in, hopefully electronic. At a local level there are challenges – clear activity within Yarra Ranges however not happening in Maroondah or Knox. Kate: The work Lisa is doing across the 3 councils is very exciting, benefits for agencies across each region. We have the other councils “looking in” from other regions, State Government are really keen to see the outcome. Page 3 of 7 Yarra Ranges Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) Minutes of Meeting - MEMPC 5. Standing Items: 5.1 Glenn Hunt Fire Management Plan Update Glenn: A Working Group consisting of representatives of YRC, Parks Vic, DEPI met on 5 August 2014 to review the actions from the Yarra Ranges Fire Management Plan (CFA were an apology). Actions were noted as; completed, not yet started, in progress, no longer relevent as well as new actions identified. Action Stage Complete On Track / Ongoing Not Started Clarification Sought from Agency No of Actions 7 33 3 32 Percentage 9% 45% 4% 42% There are 22 new Actions that have been identified, eg: the maintenance of NSPs / Landscape Risks etc. Action: Glenn - Will make the outcome of the review available. Action: Glenn - Follow up with the CFA and other agencies for status on remaining actions. 5.2 White Paper Discussion Kate Siebert Kate: With the recent establishment of Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) this item can be removed as a “standing item” from the agenda. Action: Kate will forward the link to the EMV PowerPoint presentation/report to the committee. Action: Glenn to remove “White Paper Discussion” as a standing item from the agenda. Page 4 of 7 Yarra Ranges Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) Minutes of Meeting - MEMPC 5.3 Bushfire Shelter Options Helen Wositzky Helen talked about the report on the Bushfire Shelter Options and noted there are potential new sites as NSPs have been identified. Looking at buildings as opposed to open spaces for NSPs in the municipality – Currently looking at the Warburton Sports Pavilion on the proviso that there is an agreement with the landowner to maintain the fuel on the site. A new CFA station is to be built in Millgrove which will incorporate a Community Fire Refuge, however there are potential traffic management problems if the highway becomes blocked. YRC will support the shelter options but must be based on a sound risk basis. (Refer to the Bushfire Shelter Options Report). 5.4 Emergency Exercises All Lisa: On the 6 November 2014 YRC are hosting multiagency training “Exercise Discovery” based on the previous “Your Emergency Services at Work” (YES@Work) which takes participants from the point of origin from the emergency through to the recovery stages. Kerry Rollins is the contact person for YRC. There will be 3 to 4 activities hosted at YRC. 5.5 Training Opportunities All Andrew: Will advise the committee and include in the next Emergency Management Bulletin. Diana: SES – EMLO training on 18 September 2014 and open to IM intro at Whitehorse 14 & 15 September 2014. Andrew: With the demise of AEMI there may be a shortfall in training opportunities? Brett: AEMI while not based in Victoria will still be delivered as usual but in different venues. Page 5 of 7 Yarra Ranges Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) Minutes of Meeting - MEMPC Andrew: Believes there are opportunities for training – need to put together a training schedule. Action: Andrew to report back at the next meeting. 5.6 MEMP Updates / Amendments Kate Siebert Kate: Update contact directory has been reviewed and amended. 5.7 Risks Update All Diana: Refer to the CERA Process 4.2 above. 6. General Business: All Helen discussed the “3799 Project”, which Catherine Nelsson is working on community engagement at Warburton & East Warburton. Catherine is following the CERA process and leading the community through the risk identification process – with YRC taking the lead role. The events so far have attracted a couple of hundred people. Cr Jim Child spoke about the Warburton Valley being a black spot for mobile phones reception. There is a need for a “public” emergency management portal for the community Cr Jim Child tabled a letter from a local resident Mr Gordon Buller from the Warburton Emergency Planning Group outlining a number of recommendations. Brett advised the Warburton Emergency Planning Group have requested: an improved availability of ABC Radio in the area. an expansion of the digital network/platform in the area the provision of Public Emergency Management Portal Page 6 of 7 Yarra Ranges Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) Minutes of Meeting - MEMPC Action: Brett to write a letter to ABC Radio requesting better coverage for the Warburton Community. http://hardenup.org/about-harden-up.aspx http://www.actfirst.org.au/ Action: Brett to organise a presentation on the portal for the committee. 6.1 Agency Reports: (See Portal) VICSES Red Cross Health and Human Services Bushfire Shelter Options 7. Close Meeting at 12:16pm 8. Next meeting 12 November 2014 Enquiries/Apologies – Deb Martin – 9294 6737 - [email protected] Page 7 of 7
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