Tribune February 2015 A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, MERRILL, WI Words of Life From the Cross Lent 2015 The Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ is the corner stone of our faith. Thank God, we see it now as an empty cross! But has it become for us just a nicely sculpted piece of wood or after 2,000 years, is it still something more? Of course it’s more than just a sculpture or a piece of jewelry! The Cross of Christ is God’s final word as to the character and consequence of human sin, and of the wonder and sacrifice of His divine love for us. Jesus went to the Cross so that through his death and resurrection we each might have a personal union with God. Therefore, when we Christians speak of “the Cross,” it is a shorthand expression meaning the death of Jesus. It’s Jesus stretched out between heaven and earth, suffering more than anyone has ever suffered… All for you and me. The Cross is Jesus as our Savior. There is no holier place that we can ever hope to come to, for the Cross is the place where heaven’s love and heaven’s justice meet. The Gospels contain a most wonderful commentary on the Cross in the words of Jesus himself, spoken from the Cross itself. Seven sayings are recorded: if there were more we don’t know but surely it’s significant that seven is God’s perfect number. It represents completeness and wholeness. As Jesus hung upon that Cross almost two thousand years ago, he made seven great statements, treasured by believers as the Seven Words from the Cross. They cover the basic needs of mankind. This Lenten and Holy Week season, let’s meditate on them together as our Lord’s testament to a world wrecked by sin, bowed down by needs of healing in body, mind and spirit. The Words from the Cross reveal God’s answer to our basic needs… our need for a perfect love, our need for a Savior! Allow these Words of Jesus from the Cross to speak to you this Lenten Season, and may you feed on them in your hearts by faith: "Father, forgive them" There’s forgiveness for you at the Cross. "Today, you will be with me" There’s salvation for you at the Cross. "Woman, here is your son" There’s love for you at the Cross. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me" There’s atonement for you at the Cross. "I thirst" Jesus suffered for you at the Cross. "It is finished" Jesus was the victor over sin for you at the Cross. "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit" There’s eternal security for you at the Cross. This Lenten season you’re invited to Jesus’ Words of Life from the Cross. 1 Trinity School, Pre-School, Day Care Welcome to Trinity’s New Teaching Assistant A lifelong Trinity member recently joined the staff of Trinity school as our new teaching assistant. We’re enjoying getting to know Mrs. Jill (Savaske) Pehlke, and hope you will, too. 3rd Grade is an Exciting Year for Learning New “Stuff” Mrs. Pehlke is married to Chad, and they have a blended family consisting of Brittney, age 18, Megan 15, Connor 12, Kortney 12, and Harlie, 4. Family time, including trips to Wisconsin Dells, are enjoyed by Mrs. Pehlke and her family. Her favorite time of year is summer! Social Studies has us studying people and the communities they live in and why some communities are where they are. Mrs. Pehlke started work at Trinity School on January 6, and already loves working with the students and teachers and helping in any way possible. She takes great pleasure to see the looks on the children’s faces when they have accomplished learning something new. Mrs. Pehlke attended Trinity School herself as a child, and enjoys the full circle she has travelled, coming back to serve the current students and teachers. We learn many new Bible verses and Old Testament narratives. In physical education classe, we do golf, archery, volleyball and floor hockey. The list could go on and on. We master all the multiplication facts, how to subtract two and three digit numbers, and add and subtract fractions with like denominators, just to name a few. We wrote friendly letters and business letters and we are working on report writing. We will be writing all kinds of poems plus we are learning nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and all the other basics of language. A lot of our spelling skills are working on spelling patterns. We use trade books for reading and have doubled up some of our reading groups with fourth grade. We also do science with the fourth grade and are learning about measurement, the human body, physics of sound, and the structures of life. We have given socks to Hannah’s Socks, an organization started by a little girl in Ohio who collects socks for the homeless. We invite you to come and learn with us at any time. (Are you able to help 45 – 60 minutes a week? We really could use some help right after lunch on Tuesdays. Also, we are in need of a new classroom camera, nothing too fancy, just one that works. If able to help with either of these requests, please contact Miss Kamps. Thank you!) February Chapel Schedule The theme for chapel this year is “STAND in Mercy.” “God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved.” (Eph. 2:4-5 NIV). Come join us for chapel devotions to see Jesus who came to earth as a baby and whose sacrifice makes it possible for us to “STAND in Mercy.” Weekly chapel services are a highlight of our life in our Lutheran school. The chapel service brings our school families together to hear God’s Word, praise Him for His mercy, and pray for His blessing on church, school, and the lives of children and families. We invite you to join us every Wednesday for chapel at 8:20am. Here is the schedule for the month of February: Wednesday, February 4 ..... 8:20am....... Pastor Stolarczyk Wednesday, February 11..... 8:20am....... Mrs. Marnholtz & Gr.1 Wednesday, February 18..... 8:20am....... Mrs. Gustafson & Gr. 6 Wednesday, February 25..... 8:20am....... Mrs. Schult & Gr. 4 Our chapel offering, of treasure, this month is going to Lutheran Heritage Foundation. LHF translates, publishes, distributes and introduces books that are Bible-based, Christ-centered and Reformation-driven. LHF has published the catechism in more than 70 languages, and many more translations have been requested. In the past decade, LHF has published and distributed more than 700 titles/editions and 3 million Lutheran books to pastors, seminary students, missionaries and churches – all at no cost to them. Please join us for chapel on Wednesdays at 8:20am. 2 T.Y.M. / Camp Luther / Lenten Worship LENTEN SCHEDULE YOUTH EVENTS • Feb 1: T.Y.M. • Feb 18: Ash Wed. Lenten Meal • Mar 1:T.Y.M. • Feb 8:T.Y.M. • Feb 22: T.Y.M. • Feb 14-15: Winter Retreat • Feb 25: Lenten Meal T.Y.M JR. AND SR. -youth in grades 6th through 12th are invited to join us in the Youth room Sunday evenings from 7 - 9p.m. Bring a friend along, for some fun and Christian fellowship. WINTER RETREAT All TYM Jr. & Sr. Youth are invited to join us February 14th & 15th for fun and fellowship with youth from other area Lutheran churches, Bible Study, and of course some great outdoor activities. Our retreat will begin Saturday Morning upon arrival at Camp Forest Springs. We will be spending the night in Medford @ Boarders Inn and Suites. Get your slips and money in to Pat A.S.A.P! Cost for this retreat is $50 per person before Feb 2, $65 after. We will meet at the Trinity Church parking lot Saturday at 7 a.m. and return Sunday afternoon. If you have any questions please contact Pat Stark at 551-8768. Permission slip included LENTEN MEALS Trinity Youth Groups are again offering the Lenten Soup Meals before the Wed night services. This is a great opportunity for the youth to earn money for the upcoming national youth gathering. The Youth Board will be sending out a letter letting you know what items will be needed. Summer Camp Registration now open! Camp Luther summer youth camps provide a fun, faith-filled experience for children from Kindergarten all the way through High School. It’s our goal at Camp Luther for campers to be encouraged and strengthened in their faith through Christian friendships, caring role models, and God’s Word. Camp Luther has much to offer for children of all ages. Check out our fun and exciting weekend camps for Kindergarten through 3rd grade. Pathfinder (grades 3-6) and Trailblazer (Grades 5-9) are specially designed for each age group to give your child the best possible Camp Luther experience! New this summer is Guitar Camp and our Kayak and Hike Camp. Have a teenager? They can choose Bike Camp, X-tremeTeen, or IMPACT, our leadership development program. Or if they are up and ready to take it to the next level, check out our new Keweenaw Base Camp adventures at Whatever camp you choose, you can count on our staff to provide the best possible summer camp experience for your child. Struggling with finances this year? Ask about our Campership program. We look forward to serving you and your family for many years to come! “WORDS OF LIFE FROM THE CROSS” ASH WEDNESDAY February 18 10:30am (IC) 6:30pm (IC) MIDWEEK SERVICE February 25 10:30am • 6:30pm MIDWEEK SERVICE March 4 10:30am • 6:30pm MIDWEEK SERVICE March 11 10:30am • 6:30pm MIDWEEK SERVICE March 18 10:30am • 6:30pm MIDWEEK SERVICE March 25 10:30am • 6:30pm MAUNDY THURSDAY April 2 10:30am (IC) 6:30pm (IC) GOOD FRIDAY April 2 1:00pm • 6:30pm PALM SUNDAY 7:00pm (IC) 8:00am 10:30am 6:00pm EASTER SUNDAY 6:00am (IC) 7:30am (IC) 9:00am (IC) 10:30pm (IC) 3 Trinity School, Preschool & Dayca,, re What’s Happening? A Huge "Thank You"... ALL our faithful workers for Attention All Ushers and “Want-To-Be” Ushers their time and hard work in taking down the Christmas decorations and storing them away. The Board of Elders has decided to try to schedule the service ushers provide. Changes are often difficult, but the following are good reasons why this change is worth trying to do: It could not have been done without: Carol Heyel, Irma Stine, Jean Rajek,Candy Peterson, Judy Zimmerman, Mary Ann Kufall, Karen Schult, Carol Swoboda, Sherry Kleinschmidt, Jilli Severt, Shirley Olkives, and Marcella Voigt. • The present system leaves out some people who want to be ushers. We would like everyone involved if they want to help. • New elders, when they start eldering, can have a difficult time finding ushers. • On short notice, elders could serve for other elders, if they did not have to find ushers. • Scheduling ushers will help ushers get to know other church members. ...And thank you to Irvin Rice, John Schult, Jerry Swoboda, Willie Schult, Emery Kufall, Jack Kleinschmidt, Allen Olkives, for taking down and removing the trees and the outside decorations. Whether you took off tree ornaments, packed them away, sawed up the trees or pushed the vacuum, every bit of help was GREATLY APPRECIATED! "THANK YOU" also to one of our team members who donated a tarp, so we don't have to borrow one each year. "TIME" is precious to each and everyone of us and it is a blessing to have so many of our members generously give of their tme. Thank you so very much. — Carol Fiebke, Decorating "Cleanup" Chair If You Were One of Trinity’s Generous Members... ...who purchased a gift for a person whose name you took from the Giving Tree, we want to thank you. We’ve had several “thank you’s” from families who received your gifts. It is a good feeling to make someone’s Christmas special. About 100 people received gifts from our members this year. Thank you! — Trinity Board of Evangelism 4 Please volunteer. We need lots of ushers to make this work. We need to know if enough people are willing to help as ushers. Everyone who wants to help our church as an usher needs to sign up, even if you already often serve as an usher. Please sign the list on the credenza in the narthex. Thank You from Trinity’s Christmas Tree Ministry Trinity is pleased to announce that Kris Kuklinski won the drawing for $50 gift certificate from Lee’s Piggly Wiggly Supermarket and Ryan Ott won the $50 gift certificate from Dave’s County Market. Thank you for the help from Cindy & Steve Latzig of Badger Evergreen for making wreaths, Dave & Brenda Black of high Ground Tree Farms for the very generous prices on the Christmas Trees, Northland Evergreen for the wreath ribbons, Mitchell Metal Products for the wreath rings, and Grace Frick for decorating the wreaths. This Ministry raised $ 4,307.50 for Trinity. Special thanks to everyone who helped set up the sale shed and remove it again, and to the people who carried the trees into the garage, cut them open to thaw out and then carried the tree’s out to the Tree lot, to set them up and tag them. Thank you to Norm & Joyce Weisenfeld and Carla Wiesenfeld for making all the tags for the trees and wreaths. Stop in at the Cenex Gas Station on North Center Ave Merrill and tell them thank you for selling Trinity’s Wreaths. Trinity also has their scrip for you to buy. The support from the congregation and the community is very much appreciated. Check it Out √ A novel recently donated to our library is “A Time to Mend” by Angela Hunt. Jacquelyn, an oncology nurse, expereiences breast cancer. Her question was “Why Me, God?” Read to find out how she learns to put her life back in God’s hands. Have You Ever Considered Becoming a Pastor or Deaconess? If so, the Rev. Bill Wrede from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis would like to meet with you at Trinity Lutheran Church (501 Stewart Ave), Wausau on Saturday, February 28th from 11am3pm. Pastor Wrede is interested in meeting with prospective students of all ages—elementary school age through adults. Appointments are individual, informal, and family/friends are welcome to come with you. Appointments are not necessary, but encouraged. If you are interested in scheduling a specific time, please contact Pastor Wrede at 314 505-7221 or [email protected]. Lenten Information Ash Wednesday, February 18, begins this year’s Lenten Season. Lenten Worship will be held at 10:30am and 6:30pm on Wednesdays during Lent. This year’s sermon theme will be “Words of Life from the Cross.” We encourage you to invite a friend or neighbor to these inspirational services. A bake sale will be held in the church basement each Wednesday, and there will also be soup luncheons following the morning services, and evening meals, sponsored by the Youth Group, beginning at 4:30pm. Come join us. Children’s Page 5 Church Mouse / Statistics The Church Mouse... Hello Everyone... Miriam Mouse here February has arrived. What a winter we’ve had so far. With more than normal snowfalls, I’ve been staying within my residence. However, the church remains a busy place, and there is always something for me to observe. There always seems to be one meeting or another, worship services and Bible study groups. I spend most of my time in the church sanctuary, out of the way of the cold air rushing in through the door, as folks come and go. God's Blessings... these (80+) Seniors with Birthdays in February Norma Hanke................................................................February 1 William Kirstein............................................................February 2 Harlan Storm.................................................................February 4 Airabell Beyer...............................................................February 6 Donna Mielke................................................................February 8 Sandra Hartwig...........................................................February 13 Eleanor Natzke............................................................February 15 Kenneth Meier............................................................February 21 I received a note from my good friend, Ms. Yahr, who has been filling me in on the happenings over at the school, preschool and daycare. I sure will be glad when spring arrives so that I can scamper across the street, and see the children’s activities first hand. Fred Stevens................................................................February 21 Ms. Yahr tells me that there will be a Scholastic Book Fair downstairs in my residence February 6 through February 8. The children have so much fun checking on new books that are available for purchase. Any of the church members are welcome to come and see what is available, and also are welcome to purchase selections that might make good gifts. I understand that there is also a new teacher at the school who is working with the middle school students of Trinity in Language Arts. I haven’t met her yet, so that is something I would like to do once the weather improves. Ms. Yahr also told me that the teachers from Trinity and the teachers from St. John get together every other month to exchange ideas for making each school even better. What a great idea! and these Couples with Anniversaries (50+) in February As I said, there is much going on here. Lent will begin on February 18th. There will be mid-week Lenten services, with more somber, reflective hymns. No Alleluias for awhile. The Trinity members planning their trip to Guatemala are still meeting to finalize their mission plans. Church members are encouraged to take a paper “chili” from the Chili tree, and purchase items for the mission. I also see that the Food Pantry is still a busy place - hardly a crumb left for me. That just means that the food is much needed, as were all of the hats and mittens that were donated. Another Bible study group is just leaving as I finish this writing. I think I shall find a warm corner to snuggle down for a short nap. So until next month, enjoy all the blessings that God continues to provide. God’s Blessings ~ Love, Miriam Dorothy Klade.............................................................February 21 Bernette Steffenhagen.................................................February 26 David and Susan Smith........................... 51 years on February 15 Joe and Marlene Thomaschefsky............ 53 years on February 17 Pastoral Acts... Baptized December 21: Peter James Swenson, son of Jonathan and Andrea (Roets) Swenson. December 27: Catherine Elaine Tuft, daughter of Cynthia (Taylor) Russell and Benjamin Tuft. January 18: MarLee Serentiy Grace Schulz, daughter of Alyssa Schulz. Funerals December 20: Delores Scheu, (d. 12-17-14) December 23: Doris Kelm, (d. 12-19014) January 3: Harold Stoeckmann, (d. 12-28-14) Received by Transfer December 23: Cynthia Russell, and son, Christopher Taylor, from St. John, Merrill. Received by Adult Confirmation December 18: Kyle Langsdorf, Greg Langsdorf. Received by Profession of Faith December 29: Goldie Broeren. Released to Other Churches December 30: Daryl Radtke to Merrill Bible Church. 6 Gifts & Memorials / Scrip News HOME / GENERAL FUND Memorials were Given... ...for LeElda Giese, by Carol Fiebke, Leila Marnholtz, and Mark and Laurie Swope. ...for Harold Stoeckmann, by his sister and brother-in-law, Dorothea and Frank La Musga. ...for Mary Mootz, by Carol Holz. ...for Richard Ritter, by Richard and Shirley Kuehn. ...for Delores Scheu, by her family, Judy Chartier, JoAnn Carlson, Sandy Roloff, Donna Scheu and Donna Berndt; and Terry and Susan Marth. ...for Harold Stoeckmann, by Dorothy Hagedorn. TRINITY SCHOOL, PRESCHOOL & DAYCARE Memorials were Given.. ...for Jennine Thimm, by Ron and family. ...for Anthony Moser, Viola Zich and Tim Sandholm, by Don and Karen Radloff, (for school tuition). ...for sister in law, Judy Klug, by Don and Karen Radloff, Russ Radloff, and Cheryl Radloff, for school tuition. ...for Eunice Koehler, by Dan and Grace Frick. ...for Russ Scheu, by Ralph and Arlene Voigt, and Gladys Eichelberg. ...for Doris Kelm, by Rodger and Donna Thompson. ...for Kathleen Henson by John and Sharon Burgener, (for school tuition). ...for LeElda Giese, Doris Kelm and Harold Stoeckmann, by Ken and Faye Meier. ...for Elroy Brandt, (former neighbor), and for Marlene Untiedt, (cousin), by Wayne and Marlene Teske. RADIO MINISTRY Memorials were given... ...for Doris Kelm, from Phyllis Merkel and Iris Strozewski. ...for LeElda Giese, by her sister, Lenore Ehlert, Richard and Carol Giese, Eleanor Krause, and Geno & Marion Hackbart. ...for husband, Floyd Grunenwald, and parents, Leslie and Clara Smith, by Val Grunenwald and family. ...for LeElda Giese, Eunice Koehler, Delores Scheu, Doris Kelm, Walter Rusch, Mary Mootz, Harold Stoeckmann, Richard Ritter and Frieda Karau, by Allen and Shirley Olkives. ...for Esther Barna, James Severt, Ruffina Hagedorn, Delores Scheu, Irene Guerin, Harold Stoeckmann, and Barbara Loskot, by their friends. DEBT FUND Memorials were Given... ...for Elaine Paris, Charles Ambrose, Clifford Olson, and Robert Bauer, by Jim and Mary Downing. ...for Doris Kelm, Eunice Koehler and Shirley Krueger, by Gerald and Dawn Schmidt. ...for Doris Kelm, by Arleigh and Barbara Lutz, Gene and Sharon Bartelt, Thomas and Mardell Pagel, Florence Schaupp, Paulette Robinson, Irma Stine, and Jeff and Cindy Artus, Judy Tucek, Roger and Marion Anderson and other family and friends. ...for Harold Stoeckmann, by Joe and Marlene Thomaschefsky. RADIO MINISTRY Memorials were Given... ...for Doris Kelm, by Eleanor Krause, and Richard and Carol Giese. LADIES AID Memorials were Given... ...for LeElda Giese, by Irma Stine. ...for Doris Kelm, by Leila Marnholtz OPEN HEARTS Gifts were Given... Gary and Linda Schuster. Memorials were Given... ...for LeElda Giese and Delores Scheu, by Lorene Hass. IMMEASURABLY MORE CAMPAIGN Gifts were Given... Paul and Jean Labbus. Harlan and Carol Becker. Joanne Fischer. Memorials were Given... ...for son, Clark Downing, by Jim and Mary Downing. MISCELLANEOUS Gifts were Given... ...two large Air-pot Coffee Brewers were donated to the church by Associated Bank of Merrill, and are being used for our Sunday morning Coffee Fellowship. ...for Trinity Drama Ministry, by Mark and Rachel Brault. IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please remember to always include your envelope number with any memorials or gifts to Trinity, if you wish to receive credit for them on your year-end statement. NOTE: Please make all donation checks out to “Trinity Lutheran Church” ONLY, and write the fund you wish to give to on the MEMO line at the bottom of your offering envelope. (We do not have separate accounts at the bank for each fund.) Checks made out to things like “Choir,” “VBS,” “Decorating Committee,” etc. only serve to confuse things at the bank. So PLEASE, always just make your check out to “TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH”, and put the FUND you are donating to on the memo line at the bottom of your offering envelope. DONATE A CAN OF SOUP ... SHOW YOU GIVE A HOOT! Please donate to the Food Pantry in February. Thank you! 7 Financial Report Trinity Lutheran Church 2:33 PM 01/14/15 Cash Basis Profit & Loss December 2014 01-Church Dec 14 02-School Jul - Dec 14 Dec 14 03-Preschool Jul - Dec 14 Dec 14 04-Day Care Jul - Dec 14 Dec 14 TOTAL Jul - Dec 14 Dec 14 Jul - Dec 14 Income Offering Home 69,933.90 324,004.95 2,995.25 12,639.90 312.25 1,336.07 0.00 0.00 73,241.40 337,980.92 School Reimbursement 0.00 0.00 10,880.25 93,437.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,880.25 93,437.14 Preschool tuition 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,935.00 29,479.00 0.00 0.00 1,935.00 29,479.00 Day Care 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,997.55 102,743.23 11,997.55 102,743.23 Dedicated Accounts 2,678.00 35,805.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,678.00 35,805.34 Misc. Income 2,550.36 16,447.01 1,907.03 8,261.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,457.39 24,708.72 75,162.26 376,257.30 15,782.53 114,338.75 2,247.25 30,815.07 11,997.55 102,743.23 105,189.59 624,154.35 28,881.52 146,224.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28,881.52 146,224.84 890.61 7,008.08 47,019.38 271,481.85 7,264.96 43,644.32 10,764.81 84,854.88 65,939.76 406,989.13 Total Income Expense Board of Elders Board of Education Council Expense 100.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 600.00 9,281.56 49,702.07 7,087.97 33,331.37 124.23 931.51 0.00 0.00 16,493.76 83,964.95 Total Expense 39,153.69 203,534.99 54,107.35 304,813.22 7,389.19 44,575.83 10,764.81 84,854.88 111,415.04 637,778.92 Net Income/Net Subsidy 36,008.57 172,722.31 -38,324.82 -190,474.47 -5,141.94 -13,760.76 1,232.74 17,888.35 -6,225.45 -13,624.57 Board of Trustees External Loans: LCEF $213,250.71; LCB $156,297.86; Internal Loans: $105,576.60 IMMEASURABLY MORE CAMPAIGN Goal: $1,000,000.00 Received In December: Received to Date: $57,287.42 $85,248.42 We have different gifts according to the grace given use in proportion to our faith. Romans 12:6 February Scrip News And Summary: SALES AND PROFIT SALES PROFIT (JAN-DEC) $546,254.59 $27,850.68 Hope everyone is enjoying the New Year and keeping all your resolutions. We would like to thank all those who helped with Scrip last year, especially our church service sellers and Grace Frick. Special thanks to Sue at church and Robin at school for selling during their busy schedules. We very much thank all our businesses for their generous profit returns and to our faithful scrip buyers. 2014 sales were $546,254.59, up $7028.01 from 2013 sales of $539,226.58. We unfortunately lost some vendors, due to business closing, but added, Los Mezcales at 15% profit, Studio 808 at 10%, Arby’s in Merrill at 8%, and Super-Lube at 50%. Included in our sales totals are profits from vendors that do not require the purchase of scrip cards. This is one of the easiest way to earn profit for Scrip but one that is often over-looked. We received $1,768.09 last year, which is not a large amount compared to total sales, but I believe we could bring that up. Sales from these businesses are usually quite high and there is no work involved other than letting the business know you are a member of Trinity and would like your purchase to go towards Scrip. Check out the back of our scrip order form. There is a list of businesses with different ways to earn profit without buying Scrip cards. We need your participation to keep Scrip growing. If you’ve thought about Scrip buying in the past but just haven’t started, 2015 is the time to begin. Help start the New Year off right and make all of our goals by being a more faithful member of Trinity Church and supporter of Trinity School and make buying Scrip part of your plan today. Thank you, — Scrip Committee 8 Page February 2015 FEBRUARY 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Bible Studies 9:15 AM Coffee Fellowship 10:30 AM Traditional Worship 6:00 PM Contemporary Worship Boy Scout Sunday 8:00 AM Traditional Worship (IC) 9:15 AM Bible Studies 9:15 AM Coffee Fellowship 10:30 AM Traditional Worship (IC) 6:00 PM Contemporary Worship (IC) Transfiguration Sunday 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Bible Studies 9:15 AM Coffee Fellowship 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship 6:00 PM Contemporary Worship 8:00 AM Traditional Worship (IC/CC) 9:15 AM Bible Studies 9:15 AM Coffee Fellowship 10:30 AM Traditional Worship (IC/CC) 6:00 PM Contemporary Worship (IC) 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Bible Studies 9:15 AM Coffee Fellowship 10:30 AM Traditional Worship 6:00 PM Contemporary Worship 6:00 PM School Board 6:30 PM Board of Trustees 6:30 PM 8:00 PM Adult Choir 6:00 PM P.T.O. meeting (School Cafeteria child care provided) 6:30 PM 8:00 PM Adult Choir 6:30 PM 8:00 PM Adult Choir 6:00 PM School Board 6:30 PM Board of Trustees 9:30 AM Park Place Worship 12:30 PM Jenny Tower Bible Study 1:15 PM Jenny Tower Worship 2:30 PM Woodland Ct. Worship 4:00 PM Fellowship Ministries 5:00 PM Bulletin Deadline 5:00 PM Public Relations 6:00 PM Board of Elders 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Financial Peace University 6:30 PM Board of Evangelism 5:00 PM Bulletin Deadline 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Financial Peace University 6:30 PM Youth Board 5:00 PM Bulletin Deadline 6:00 PM Baptism Class 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Financial Peace University 6:00 PM Mens' Club 7:00 PM Church Council 5:00 PM Bulletin Deadline 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Financial Peace University 9:30 AM Park Place Worship 12:30 PM Jenny Tower Bible Study 1:15 PM Jenny Tower Worship 2:30 PM Woodland Ct. Worship 4:00 PM Fellowship Ministries 5:00 PM Bulletin Deadline 5:00 PM Public Relations 6:00 PM Board of Elders 6:30 PM Board of Evangelism 8:20 AM Chapel 12:30 PM Wednesday Bible Study 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 3:30 PM Stewardship 6:30 PM Confirmation 8:20 AM Chapel 12:30 PM Wednesday Bible Study 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 6:30 PM Confirmation Ash Wednesday 8:20 AM Chapel 10:30 AM Ash Wednesday Worship (IC) 12:00 PM Newsletter Deadline!! 12:30 PM Wednesday Bible Study 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 6:30 PM Ash Wednesday Worship (IC) 6:30 PM Confirmation 8:20 AM Chapel 10:30 AM Lenten Worship 12:30 PM Wednesday Bible Study 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 6:30 PM Confirmation 6:30 PM Lenten Worship 8:20 AM Chapel 10:30 AM Lenten Worship 12:30 PM Wednesday Bible Study 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 3:30 PM Stewardship 6:30 PM Confirmation 6:30 PM Lenten Worship 7:00 PM Dorcas 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 3:00 PM Bell Tower Worship 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 2:00 PM Pine Crest Worship 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 7:00 PM Traditional Worship (IC) 7:00 PM Traditional Worship (IC) 7:00 PM Traditional Worship (IC) 7:00 PM Traditional Worship (IC) 7:00 PM Traditional Worship (IC) 9 Worship Schedule DATE TIME ELDERS ACOLYTES SCRIP SELLERS GREETERS Jan Feb Feb Feb 31 7:00pm (IC) 1 8:00am 1 10:30am 1 6:00pm Mark Knorr Jay Koebe John Rainville Timothy Dupke Alexan Bienfang Mercedes Gilson Joesph Johns Katelynn Hahn Esther & Leah Johnson Donna Thompson & Dawn Ives Mary Ann Zastrow & Penny Callahan Phyllis Bauman Mary Ann Zastrow Dennis & Carol Berndt Ninette Candler Dawn Ives Rick & Ninette Candler Feb Feb Feb Feb 7 8 8 8 (IC) (IC) (IC) (IC) Michael Neumann Ken Kreager John Geiss Jack Kleinschmidt Devon Waldburger Philip Moyer Connor Sczygelski Taylor Korman Carol Fiebke Joe & Marlene Thomaschefsky Greg & Dawn Leavitt Mike & Angie Zocher Folz Family Phyllis Meyer Jay & Polly Koebe Wendy Jean Owens Ivan & Terry Pick Feb Feb Feb Feb 14 7:00pm (IC) 15 8:00am 15 10:30am 15 6:00pm Jeremy Thompson Jay Koebe Mark Skic Dennis Krenzke Allysen Semling Eric Page Molly Duginski Jayden Beyer Larry & Laura Marnholtz Lyle & Fern Whiting Jean Ravn & Molly Schult Russ Utech Oscar & Jeanne Wangen Palazzo Family Robert & Tiffany Lee Open Joe & Marlene Thomaschefsky 7:00pm 8:00am 10:30am 6:00pm ASH WEDNESDAY Feb 18 10:30am (IC) Feb 18 6:30pm (IC) Daniel Schneider Jeffrey Holt Tatiana Hoernke Darlene Pepke Open Feb Feb Feb Feb Michael Neumann Ken Kreager John Rainville Jeremy Thompson Mary Ann Zastrow Marie Skic Ed & Sue Pernsteiner Brad & Tammy Woller 21 7:00pm 22 8:00am 22 10:30am 22 6:00pm (IC) (IC/CC) (IC/CC) (IC) MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICES Feb 25 10:30am Feb 25 6:30pm Feb Mar Mar Mar Alexander Schmidt Corey Graap Quinn Rainville MacKenah Krause Barb & Jarred Smith Russ & Joan Whiting Bob & Jennifer Christiansen Jeff & Cindy Artus Daniel Schneider Nate Burtman Bryce Dresen 28 7:00pm (IC) Mark Knorr Xandra Bienfang 1 8:00am Donald Radtke Brandon Stolz 1 10:30am John Geiss Kortney Pehlke 1 6:00pm Jim & Mary Downing John & Barb Wais Tyler & Maria Drake Bob & Chris Reichelt Darlene Pepke Open Ament Family Dresen Family Irvin & Denise Rice FELLOWSHIP HOSTS Randy & Sharon Welch Dennis & Sharon Karow MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICES Mar 4 10:30am Mar 4 6:30pm Daniel Schneider Jack Kleinschmidt Cody Lemmer Darlene Pepke Open Mar Mar Mar Mar Dennis Krenzke Ken Kreager Donald Heyel Jeffre Holt Faye Krenzke Sue Smith & Rachelle Baade Dennis & Kathy Palazzo Dan & Grace Frick Glenn & Sandy Frank 7 8 8 8 7:00pm 8:00am 10:30am 6:00pm (IC) (IC) (IC) (IC) Elizabeth Hartson Macayla Langsdorf Nickolas Schuelke David Frazier Carol Holz & Laurie Swope Sharon Welch & Carol Leavitt Al & Joy Hulke Lyle & Mary Banser MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICES Mar 11 10:30am Mar 11 6:30pm Daniel Schneider Nate Burtman Alexys Langsdorf Darlene Pepke Open Mar Mar Mar Mar Jeremy Thompson Mark Knorr Mark Skic Timothy Dupke Arleigh Linder Sherri Langsdorf Don & Carol Helel Dan & Gail Schneider 14 7:00pm (IC) 15 8:00am 15 10:30am 15 6:00pm Sean Berndt Zachary Eggebrecht Ashley Prebeg Hailey Tellekson Jim & Jean Rajek Dick & Gay Baumgart Sherry Zortman & Jamie Seliger Jim & Jean Wiseman MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICES Mar 18 10:30am Mar 18 6:30pm Daniel Schneider Jay Koebe Kyah Eggebrecht Darlene Pepke Open Mar Mar Mar Mar Jeremy Thompson Donald Radtke John Rainville Donald Heyel Dorothy Hagedorn Jerome & Janice Oelke Joan Beyer Skidmore Family 21 7:00pm 22 8:00am 22 10:30am 22 6:00pm (IC) (IC/CC) (IC/CC) (IC) Nicholas Holz Austin Wiederhoeft Caleb Gustafson Hannah Tomajcik Glenn & Sandy Frank John & Barb Wais Carlon & Darlene Pepke Robin Tomajcik & Lucille Pehlke Dan & Gail Schneider Ed & Sue Pernsteiner MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICES Mar 25 10:30am Mar 25 6:30pm Daniel Schneider Mark Skic Megan Schneider Darlene Pepke Open Mar Mar Mar Mar Michael Neumann Jay Koebe John Geiss Jack Kleinschmidt Irma Stine Jean Gleich & Pat Schwartz Dick & Michele Moyer John Geiss Open 28 7:00pm (IC) 29 8:00am 29 10:30am 29 6:00pm Austin Laabs Austin DuFrame Austin Wiederhoeft Noah Parrett Larry & Laura Marnholtz Donna Thompson & Dawn Ives Mary Ann Zastrow & Penny Callahan Brad & Tammy Woller We continue to look for people to greet. It’s easy.. Just arrive 30 minutes before service and greet those coming to church. Contact Darlene Pepke w/questions, (715-536-1220). 10 The Trinity Tribune is a Monthly publication of Trinity Lutheran Church 107 N. State St., Merrill, WI Phone: 715-536-5482 Fax: 715-539-2911 EMAIL: [email protected] Trinity Lutheran Church 107 North State Street Merrill, Wisconsin 54452 Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Permit #16 Merrill, WI 54452 EDITOR: Susan J. Hass ADMINISTRATIVE PASTOR: The Rev. Scott A. Gustafson ASSOCIATE PASTOR: The Rev. R. Brian Stolarczyk LAY MINISTER: Bob Schneider SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Kathy Yahr SCHOOL WEBSITE: Pick a Chili! “SHARE, STRENGTHEN AND SERVE”... This is the mission of Trinity Lutheran Church. To Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who have not received Him as Savior and Lord; To Strengthen the believers in Jesus Christ; To Serve people through Christian fellowship and caring. Look for the Chili Tree located in the narthex area. Pick a Chili and purchase the item, then return it to the box under the tree. No need to wrap the item. These gifts of supplies and vitamins (please NO GUMMIES) will be delivered to Groundwork Guatemala in April 2015 when our mission team travels to Guatemala City. The Chili Tree will be available during the months of January and February. As travel expenses increase, your financial support for the mission team would also be appreciated. Please drop off at the church office. CHURCH WEBSITE: 11
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