Olivier Piau (Agropolis Productions)

List of acronyms
and abbreviations
AFD French Agency for Development / Agence Française de Développement
Inter-institutional agency for research and development
Agence inter-établissements de recherche pour le développement (France)
ANR French National Research Agency / Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France)
CGIAR Global agricultural research partnership for a food secure future
International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies – Montpellier
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute / Centre International de Hautes Études
Agronomiques Méditerranéennes – Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de
Agricultural Research for Development / Centre de coopération internationale en
recherche agronomique pour le développement (France)
National Center for Scientific Research
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
EU European Union
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FFEM French Global Environment Facility / Fonds Français pour l'Environnement Mondial
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea
Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer
National Institute for Agricultural Research
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (France)
Institute of Agricultural Technology
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina)
IRD Institut de recherche pour le développement (France)
National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and
IRSTEA Agriculture / Institut national de recherche en sciences pour l’environnement et
l’agriculture (France)
NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development
PP Platforms in Partnership for research and training
University of the French West Indies and Guiana
Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (France)
UM1 Université Montpellier 1 (France)
UM2 Université Montpellier 2 (France)
UM3 Université Montpellier 3 (France)
UMR Joint research unit / Unité mixte de recherche
UPR Internal research unit / Unité propre de recherche
UPVD Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (France)
Family farming
UR Université de La Réunion (France)
This document was published
with the support of the French government,
Languedoc-Roussillon Region and Agropolis Fondation.
Member organizations and partners of
Agropolis International involved in this Dossier
CGIAR Consortium
Montpellier SupAgro
Director in Chief: Bernard Hubert
Scientific Coordinator: Jean-Michel Sourisseau (CIRAD)
Agropolis International Coordinators:
Sylvie Albert & Mélanie Broin
Scientific Writer and Editor: Isabelle Amsallem
(Agropolis Productions)
Communication: Nathalie Villeméjeanne
Layout and Computer Graphics:
Olivier Piau (Agropolis Productions)
[email protected]
Printing: Les Petites Affiches (Montpellier, France)
ISSN: 1628-4240 • Copyright: May 2014
Also available in French and Spanish
June 2010
48 pages
English / French
August 2011
July 2012
68 pages
(2nd edition) 68 pages
English / French
English / French
March 2012
72 pages
English / French /
October 2012
48 pages
English / French
February 2013
48 pages
English / French /
December 2013
72 pages
October 2013
76 pages
Dossiers d’Agropolis International
The Dossiers d’Agropolis International series is a deliverable of Agropolis International that is
produced within the scope of its mission to promote expertise of the scientific community.
Each Dossier is devoted to a broad scientific theme, and includes a clear overview that is a ready
reference for all laboratories and teams associated with Agropolis International that are conducting
research on the target theme.
This series is meant to boost the awareness of our different partners on the expertise and
potential available within our scientific community, but also to facilitate contacts for the
development of scientific and technical cooperation and exchange.
Family farming
we thank all contributors to this Dossier, Christelle Mary and
Diana Rechner (Photothèque INDIGO, IRD).
Nineteen dossiers published in the same collection, including:
Translation: David Manley
Participated in this issue: Tahani AbdelHakim,
Amandine Adamczewski, François Affholder,
Véronique Alary, Martine Antona, Magali Aubert,
Patrice Autfray, Adeline Barnaud, Didier Bazile,
Maya Benouniche, Alain Billand, Claire Billot, Antoine Boge,
Pierre-Marie Bosc, Fabien Boulier, Perrine Burnod,
Stéphanie Carrière, Claudio Reis de Carvalho,
Bénédicte Chambon, Béatrice Chatain, Véronique Chevalier,
Jean-Luc Chotte, Roberto Cittadini, Danièle Clavel,
Cathy Clermont-Dauphin, Jean-Philippe Colin, Geo Coppens,
Christian Corniaux, Geneviève Cortes, Jean-François Cruz,
Hubert de Bon, Olivier Deheuvels, Dominique Dessauw,
Paula Dias, Jean-Jacques Drevon, Magali Dufour,
Robin Duponnois, Driss Ezzine De Blas, Jean Delarivière, Patrick
Dugué, Michel Dulcire, Philippe Ellul, Mireille Fargette, Laurène
Feintrenie, Jean-Louis Fusillier, Patrice Garin,
Christian Gary, Pierre Gasselin, Jean-Christophe Glaszmann,
Éric Gohet, Flavie Goutard, Claude Hammecker, Serge Hamon,
Thomas Hertzog, Patrick Jagoret, Jean-Yves Jamin,
Marcel Kuper, Vanesse Labeyrie, Jean-Pierre Labouisse,
Francis Laloë, Frédéric Lançon, Fabrice Le Bellec, Vincent Lebot,
Michel Lebrun, Christian Leclerc, Philippe Lecomte,
Pierre-Yves Le Gal, Sylvaine Lemeilleur, Thérèse Libourel,
Maud Loireau, Bruno Losch, Jean-Luc Maeght, Éric Malézieux,
Dominique Masse, Gilles Massardier, Isabelle Michel,
Olivier Mikolasek, Izildinha Miranda, Danielle Mitja,
Étienne Montaigne, Dominique Pallet, Laurent Parrot,
Régis Peltier, Philippe Perrier-Cornet, Marisa Peyre,
Jean-Louis Pham, Marc Piraux, Sylvain Rafflegeau,
Daniel Rearte, Henri Robain, Newton José Rodrigues da Silva,
François Roger, Véronique Rousseau, Éric Sabourin,
Éric Scopel, Plinio Sist, Christophe Soulard,
Nopmanee Suwannang, Bréhima Tangara, Jérôme Thonnat,
Anne-Céline Thuillet, Jean-Philippe Tonneau, Emmanuel
Torquebiau, Élodie Valette, Yves Vigouroux,
Kirsten vom Brocke.
For further information: www.agropolis.org/publications/thematic-files-agropolis.php