MATHIEU ICHOU Nuffield College | University of Oxford New Road |Oxford OX1 1NF, United Kingdom +44 1865 278501 | [email protected] | P OSITION 2014 – Present Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Sociology Nuffield College, University of Oxford E DUCATION 2014 PhD in Sociology Sciences Po, Paris, Center for Studies in Social Change (Observatoire sociologique du changement, Sciences Po‐CNRS) Dissertation: “The Academic Trajectories of Children of Immigrants in France and England” Advisers: Agnès van Zanten (Sciences Po) and Anthony Heath (University of Oxford) 2009 MA in Sociology Sciences Po, Paris Thesis: “Parental involvement in schooling in French working‐ class neighborhoods: a multi‐method analysis.” Grade: 18.5/20, highest honors, ranked 1st in the program. 2007 BA in Social Sciences Sciences Po, Paris Courses in Sociology, Economics, History, Political Science and Law P UBLICATIONS Peer‐reviewed journal articles Ichou, Mathieu, “Who They Were There: Immigrants’ Educational Selectivity and Their Children’s Educational Attainment,” European Sociological Review, Advance Access, first published online August 24, 2014, pp. 1‐16. Ichou, Mathieu et Oberti, Marco (2014), “Le rapport à l’école des familles déclarant une origine immigrée : enquête dans quatre lycées de la banlieue populaire,” Population, forthcoming. 1 MATHIEU ICHOU Ichou, Mathieu (2013), “Différences d’origine et origine des différences : les résultats scolaires des enfants d’émigrés/immigrés en France du début de l’école primaire à la fin du collège,” Revue française de sociologie, 54(1): 5‐52. Translated: Ichou, Mathieu (2013, forthcoming), “Different origins and the origin of differences: the academic achievement of children of emigrants/immigrants in France from the start of primary school to the end of compulsory education,” Revue française de sociologie (English), 54(1). Ichou, Mathieu & Vallet, Louis‐André (2012), “Performances scolaires, orientation et inégalités sociales d’éducation. Évolution en France en quatre décennies,” Éducation et formations, (82): 9‐18. Ichou, Mathieu & Vallet, Louis‐André (2011), “Do all roads lead to inequality? Trends in French upper secondary school analysed with four longitudinal surveys,” Oxford Review of Education, 37(2): 167‐194. Book chapters Ichou, Mathieu & van Zanten, Agnès (2014), “France,” in Peter A.J. Stevens and Gary A. Dworkin (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Race and Ethnic Inequalities in Education, London: Palgrave Macmillan. Ichou, Mathieu & Vallet, Louis‐André (2013), “Academic achievement, tracking decisions and their relative contribution to educational inequalities: Change over four decades in France,” in Michelle Jackson (ed.), Determined to Succeed? Performance, Choice and Education, Palo Alto: Stanford University Press. Other publications Ichou, Mathieu (2014), “Book Review of Grace Kao, Elizabeth Vaquera, and Kimberly Goyette, Education and Immigration,” European Sociological Review, 30(2): 271‐273. Ichou, Mathieu (2014), “Bibliographie critique: Grace Kao, Elizabeth Vaquera, and Kimberly Goyette, Education and Immigration,” Population, 69(2). Ichou, Mathieu (2013), “Les trajectoires scolaires des enfants d'immigrés en France ‐ Bilan des connaissances et pistes de recherche,” Diversité VEI, (172): 134‐ 139. Ichou, Mathieu & Vallet, Louis‐André (2012), “Performances scolaires, décisions d’orientation et leur importance relative dans la formation des inégalités sociales d’éducation. Évolution en France en quatre décennies,” in Mobilités et changements de catégories : portée et limites des données longitudinales, Actes des XIXe journées d’étude sur les données longitudinales dans l’analyse du marché du travail, Céreq, Caen, 24‐25 May, pp. 13‐27. Akkad, Nader, Ichou, Mathieu, Marchetti, Stefania & Zefi, Valbona (2011), “We and 2 MATHIEU ICHOU the others: A perspective of immigrants’ integration in the EU,” Quarterly of International Sociology/Trimestrale di Sociologia Internazionale, 20(2): 220‐242. Ichou, Mathieu (2011), “Rapprocher les familles populaires de l'école. Analyse sociologique d'un lieu commun,” Dossiers d'études, CNAF, (125): 1‐104. Manuscripts under review Ichou, Mathieu, “The Chicken or the Egg? Expectations and Achievement in Students’ Academic Trajectories,” to be submitted. Works in progress Ichou, Mathieu, “Ethnic Inequalities in Education: the Role of Educational Expectations.” Ichou, Mathieu, “Segregated Within: The Academic Trajectories of Children of Immigrants in English and French Schools.” Ichou, Mathieu & Kosunen, Sonja, “Competing Trends in the Sociological Theorization of Choice in Education.” Ichou, Mathieu, “Inégalités scolaires et ‘trajectoires types’ : enfants d’immigrés et de natifs de l’école primaire à l’enseignement supérieur en France.” P RESENTATIONS Conference presentations “Who They Were There: Immigrants’ Educational Selectivity and Their Children’s Educational Attainment,” Crossing Borders: Immigration, Race and Ethnicity in Comparative Perspective, Joint conference UCLA, Humboldt University, Oxford University and Sciences Po, Paris, France, June 2014. “Segregated Within: The Academic Trajectories of Children of Immigrants in English and French Schools,” The Civil Rights Project Conference on Segregation, Immigration, and Educational Inequality, University of Ghent, Belgium, September 2013. “Competing Trends in the Sociological Theorization of Choice in Education,” with Sonja Kosunen, European Conference on Educational Research, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2013. “L’œuf ou la poule ? Attentes et résultats dans les trajectoires scolaires des enfants d’immigrés et de natifs en Grande‐Bretagne,” French Sociological Association 3 MATHIEU ICHOU Congress, Research Network 20 on Methods, Nantes, France, September 2013. “Inégalités de trajectoire dans le champ scolaire : enfants d’immigrés et enfants de natifs en France,” French Sociological Association Congress, Research Network 4 on Sociology of Education, Nantes, France, September 2013. “The Chicken or the Egg? Expectations and Achievement in the Educational Trajectories of Descendants of Immigrants and Natives,” Section on International Migration, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, New York, USA, August 2013. “Who They Were There: Immigrants’ Educational Selectivity and Their Children’s Educational Attainment,” MAFE Final Conference, “Comparative and Multi‐ sited Approaches to International Migration”, French National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), Paris, France, December 2012. “Who They Were There: Immigrants’ Educational Selectivity and Their Children’s Educational Attainment,” Spring Conference of the International Sociological Association Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, May 2012. “Who They Were There: Immigrants’ Educational Selectivity and Their Children’s Educational Attainment,” Migration, Ethnicity, and Urban Inequality in Europe Graduate Student Conference, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA, March 2012. “Second‐generation immigrants and educational inequalities in France: describing and explaining differences in achievement,” European Consortium for Sociological Research 20th Conference, Dublin, Ireland, December 2011. “L’étude statistique des trajectoires scolaires des enfants d’immigrés : quelques pistes pour des avancées méthodologiques,” French Sociological Association Congress, Research Network 20 on Methods, Grenoble, France, July 2011. “Trajectoires et choix scolaires dans les familles immigrées turques et chinoises à Londres,” poster, French Sociological Association Congress, Research Network 2 on Sociology of Migrations and Otherness, Grenoble, France, July 2011. “The evolution of educational inequalities in French upper secondary school. Evidence from four longitudinal surveys,” with Louis‐André Vallet, European Consortium for Sociological Research 2010 Conference, Bamberg, Germany, October 2010. “The relative importance of achievement and tracking decisions in creating educational inequalities. Change over four decades in France,” with Louis‐André Vallet, XVII International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology, Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2010. 4 MATHIEU ICHOU “Primary and secondary effects in the creation of educational differentials within French society. Empirical results and methodological refinements,” with Louis‐ André Vallet, Final EQUALSOC Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2010. “Primary and secondary effects in the creation of educational differentials within French society,” with Louis‐André Vallet, European Consortium for Sociological Research Annual Conference, Paris, France, December 2009. Invited talks “Immigrants’ Educational Selectivity and Their Children’s Educational Attainment,” MZES Colloquium, University of Mannheim, Germany, November 2014. “Inégalités d’origine: les résultats scolaires des descendants d’immigrés du primaire à la fin du secondaire en France et en Grande‐Bretagne,” invited presentation for a symposium on children of immigrants in schools, University of Geneva, Switzerland, November 2013. “L’œuf ou la poule? Attentes et résultats dans les trajectoires scolaires des enfants d’immigrés et de natifs en Grande‐Bretagne,” invited presentation for the “Education” Symposium of the Economic Demography Research Unit of the French National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), Paris, France, March 2013. “Expliquer les inégalités scolaires,” invited lecture in Mirna Safi’s graduate‐level sociology course “Immigration et inégalités ethno‐raciales,” Sciences Po Paris, France, March 2013. “Résultats scolaires, décisions d’orientation et inégalités sociales d’éducation depuis les années 1960 en France. Mutations et reproduction,” invited presentation for the opening session of the Education Policy Seminar Series of the Interdisciplinary Research Center for the Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP), Paris, France, January 2013. “The Academic Trajectories of Children of Immigrants in France,” invited presentation for the Education Research Group at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, November 2012. “Différences d’origine et origine des différences : les résultats scolaires des enfants d’émigrés/immigrés en France du début de l’école primaire à la fin du collège,” invited presentation for the Sorbonne Research Group on Sociological Analysis Methods (GEMASS) Seminar, University of Paris‐Sorbonne, Paris, France, October 2012. “Évolution historique des inégalités sociales devant l’école : des résultats nouveaux à partir des panels d’élèves,” with Louis‐André Vallet, DEPP Seminar, French Ministry of Education, Paris, France, January 2012. 5 MATHIEU ICHOU Seminars and workshops “Who They Were There: Immigrants’ Educational Selectivity and Their Children’s Educational Attainment,” Nuffield College Sociology Seminar, Oxford, United Kingdom, October 2014. “The roots of educational inequality. The role of immigrant parents’ pre‐ migration experiences in their children’s academic trajectories in France and England,” Perspectives on Contemporary Research on Educational Policy and Educational Choices and Pathways, International Seminar of CELE and KEVEKO, University of Turku, Paris, France, June 2014. “Différences d’origine et origine des différences : les résultats scolaires des enfants d’émigrés/immigrés en France du début de l’école primaire à la fin du collège,” Meeting of the International Migrations and Minorities Research Unit, French National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), Paris, France, December 2012. “Ethnicity, Immigration, and the French Educational System: What do we know? What do we need to know?” with Paola Mattei and Agnès van Zanten, CNRS‐ Oxford‐Sciences Po Workshop on “Ethnicity, Immigration, and the French Educational System,” Paris, France, December 2012. “The Roots of Inequality: the Academic Achievement of Children of Immigrants in France,” Northwestern University‐Sciences Po Joint Seminar, Sciences Po, Paris, France, June 2012. “Évolution des inégalités éducatives en France depuis des années 1960 : mutations et reproduction. Deux études récentes à partir des panels d’élèves,” with Louis‐ André Vallet, Sociology Seminar of the Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST), Paris, France, September 2011. “Immigration and educational inequalities in France: statistical evidence and beyond,” Northwestern University‐Sciences Po Joint Seminar, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, United States, June 2011. “Second‐generation Turkish immigrants and education: Explaining their underachievement and educational choices in France,” Turkish Migration Studies Group (TurkMiS) Seminar, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford, United Kingdom, March 2011. “Bridging the gap between poor families and the school in deprived urban areas: debunking two persistent myths,” Northwestern University‐Sciences Po Joint Seminar, Paris, France, July 2010. “Le rapport à l’école des familles immigrées : enquête dans quatre lycées de la banlieue populaire,” with Marco Oberti, French National Institute for 6 MATHIEU ICHOU Demographic Studies (INED), Paris, France, May 2010. “Primary and secondary effects in the creation of educational differentials in France,” EQUALSOC Team Meeting in Nuffield College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, February 2010. T EACHING E XPERIENCE Spring 2012 Teaching Assistant, “Introduction to Sociology,” with Professor Pierre François, Undergraduate level, Sciences Po Paris, Menton Campus, 24 hours. Language: French. Teaching Assistant, “Introduction to Sociology,” with Professor Étienne Ollion, Undergraduate level, Sciences Po Paris, Menton Campus, 24 hours. Language: English Fall 2011 Teaching Assistant, “Survey Statistics,” with Professor Vincent Tiberj, Master level, Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po Paris, 24 hours. Language: French. May 2010 Guest Lecturer, “Immigration, School and Inequalities in France,” Undergraduate level, DePaul University, class taught in Paris, 3 hours. Language: English. Spring 2010 Lecturer, “Empirical Sociology of Inequalities: Educational and Cultural Divides in Contemporary Western Societies,” with Professor Louis Chauvel, Undergraduate level, International Program, Sciences Po Paris, 24 hours. Language: English. Teaching Assistant, “Introduction to Sociology: Concepts, Methods, and Current Trends,” with Professors Louis Chauvel, Marco Oberti, Patrick Le Galès & Pierre François, Undergraduate level, Sciences Po Paris, 28 hours. Language: French. A WARDS AND G RANTS Scholarships and prizes 2012‐2013 One‐year PhD scholarship, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST), Paris (€20,400). 2010 QMSS2 Excellent Contribution Grant, ECSR‐TransEurope‐QMSS2 conference (€600). 2009‐2012 Three‐year PhD scholarship, French Ministry of Research (€72,000). 7 MATHIEU ICHOU 2009 CNAF National Prize for the second best Master’s thesis in France on a topic related to family and inequalities (€5,000). 2008‐2009 Education Program Evaluation Grant, Mantes‐la‐Jolie Municipality, with Hugues Lagrange, PI (€10,000). Travel grants (selected) 2013 Swiss Doctoral Studies in Education (EDSE) (€500). Civil Rights Project, UCLA (€400). Center for Studies in Social Change (OSC), Sciences Po (€2,900). French National Institute for Demographic Studies (€1,000). Center for Research in Economics and Statistics, INSEE/CNRS (€1,000). 2012 Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford (£150). Center for Studies in Social Change (OSC), Sciences Po (€3,800). Center for European Studies, UCLA ($550). Doctoral School, Sciences Po (€600). 2011 Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University ($450). A FFILIATIONS AND VISITING POSITIONS Affiliations 2009‐ Present Sciences Po, Paris Center for Studies in Social Change (OSC), Sciences Po‐CNRS 2012‐2014 Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST), Paris Member of the Laboratory for Quantitative Sociology (LSQ), INSEE/ CNRS 2012‐2014 National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), Paris Member of the International Migrations and Minorities research unit Past visiting positions 2010‐2011 University of Oxford Junior Visiting Scholar, Nuffield College Academic visitor, Department of Sociology 8 MATHIEU ICHOU 2006‐2007 King’s College London Erasmus Exchange Program in the Department of European Studies A CADEMIC SERVICE March 2014 Organization (with Noémie Le Donné and Agathe Voisin) of a session of the “Current Research in Sociology” Sciences Po Doctoral Seminar with Georges Felouzis on “Tracks, Segregation and Academic Inequality.” April 2013 Organization (with Pauline Clech and Agathe Voisin) of a session of the “Current Research in Sociology” Sciences Po Doctoral Seminar with Patrick Simon on “Ethnicity, Lies and Discrimination: at the Heart of the French Model of Integration.” June‐ December 2012 Conception and organization (with Agnès van Zanten and Paola Mattei) of a two‐day symposium on “Ethnicity, Immigration, and the French Educational System,” held at Sciences Po, Paris on December 10‐11, jointly funded by CNRS and the University of Oxford that featured 19 presenters from six countries. November 2012 Organization (with Jérôme Deauvieau, Joanie Cayouette and Noémie Le Donné) of a session of the CREST Sociology Seminar with Agnès van Zanten on “Families’ Educational Choices.” 2011‐2012 Organization (with Aurore Flipo) of the Doctoral Seminar of the Center for Studies in Social Change, Sciences Po. June 2012 Member of the Admissions Committee for international applicants to Sciences Po’s Undergraduate Program for the Menton campus. May 2012 Organization (with Noémie Le Donné) of a session of the “Current Research in Sociology” Sciences Po Doctoral Seminar with Sylvain Broccolichi and Rémi Sinthon on “Academic Inequalities and their Variations.” April 2011 Member of the Admissions Committee for international applicants to Sciences Po’s Undergraduate Program for the Reims, Le Havre and Paris campuses. A DDITIONAL M ETHODOLOGICAL T RAINING June 2013 Computer‐Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis, by Virginie van Ingelgom, Advanced Methods in the Social Sciences Program, Sciences Po, Paris. 8 hours. 9 MATHIEU ICHOU June 2012 Introduction to the R Language, by Yannick Savina, Doctoral Seminar of the Center for Studies in Social Change, Sciences Po, Paris. 3 hours. Time Series Analysis, by Jim Stimson, Advanced Methods in the Social Sciences Program, Sciences Po, Paris. 8 hours. Causality in the Social Sciences: Explaining, Modeling, Measuring, National Institute for Demographic Studies and French Statistical Society, Institut Henri Poincaré. 6 hours. November 2011 Introduction to LaTeX, by Yoann Demoli, Doctoral Seminar of the Center for Studies in Social Change, Sciences Po, Paris. 2 hours. June 2011 Describing and Modeling Longitudinal Data, by Laurent Lesnard & Mirna Safi, Advanced Methods in the Social Sciences Program, Sciences Po, Paris. 8 hours. November 2010 Advanced Qualitative Methods Workshop, by Heather Hamill, Department of Sociology, University of Oxford. 2 hours. June 2010 Advanced Use of Stata: Programming, Matrices, Macros and Graphs, by Laurent Lesnard & Mirna Safi, Advanced Methods in the Social Sciences Program, Sciences Po, Paris. 8 hours. Introduction to NVivo software, by Hugues Draelants, Doctoral Seminar of the Center for Studies in Social Change, Sciences Po, Paris. 3 hours. May‐June 2009 Basic and Advanced Use of Stata, by Bruno Cautrès & Louis Chauvel, Sciences Po, Paris. 12 hours. April 2009 Inference in Multiple Correspondence Analysis, by Brigitte Le Roux, Sciences Po, Paris. 4 hours. S KILLS Languages French: Native English: Fluent German: Intermediate Software Desktop: Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access; Prezi Statistical analysis: Stata, SPSS, Spad, Mplus, LEM, R (beginner) Qualitative analysis: NVivo Bibliography management: EndNote Web design: Joomla! 10 MATHIEU ICHOU P ROFESSIONAL M EMBERSHIPS American Sociological Association International Sociological Association (RC 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility) French Sociological Association EQUALSOC Network of Excellence Turkish Migration Studies Group (Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, University of Oxford) International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion (IMISCOE) 11
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