Taxation under Autocracy: Theory and Evidence from Late Imperial China Qiang Chen School of Economics, Shandong University Jinan, China [email protected] Yijiang Wang CK Graduate School of Business Beijing, China [email protected] Chun-Lei Yang RCHSS, Academia Sinica Taipei, Taiwan [email protected] Abstract: We model a game to show that the taxation level in an autocracy reflects the state’s coercive power relative to people’s capacity for violence. The model also specifies the mechanisms through which various factors affect relative state power. The model predicts that taxation level increases with state coercion level, efficiency of coercion technology, cost of rebelling, and likely labor incomes. Data from late imperial China are used to test the hypotheses, and the findings are entirely consistent with the predictions of the theory. JEL: D74; H20; N45; O11 Key words: Taxation; Autocracy; State power; Rebellion; Imperial China Qiang Chen is grateful for financial support from Shandong University Independent Innovation Fund (FW12043), and Shandong University Humanities and Social Sciences Major Research Project “Western Cliometrics and Its Applications in China” (12RWZD12). Chun-lei Yang appreciates funding by National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC 101-2410-H-001-001-MY2). 1 1. Introduction Taxation impacts the welfare of billions of people living in autocracies. It is a core issue of the political economics of development.1 In this paper, we study a question of great theoretical and practical importance: What determines the taxation level in an autocracy? To answer the question, we first model a game between a ruler and people who pay taxes on their work incomes. We then use a unique set of data from late imperial China to test the hypotheses derived from the model. The model shows that taxation level is determined jointly with relative state power, i.e., the balance between state coercion and the capacity of the people for violent tax rebellions. The model identifies factors affecting relative state power and specifies a mechanism through which they determine taxation level, generating testable hypotheses. The empirical findings are entirely consistent with the predictions of the theory. There is no doubt that taxation in an autocracy is determined by complex factors. Any effort to explain it must confront two challenges: it must identify at least the main factors; and it must specify the mechanisms through which they affect taxation. Our model accomplishes the task by capturing the essence of taxation: it is a process by which the state uses coercion to extract revenue from society, and people can either pay or rebel against taxes. In our model the net-revenue maximizing ruler can strategically spend resources to enhance state coercive power (as in Besley and 1 North et al. (2009) refer to non-democracies as “natural states” emphasizing that they are the dominant political system of the world, both historically and contemporarily. Acemoglu and Robinson (2006) offer an excellent study of distributive politics centering on taxation. 2 Persson, 2011a, b). The spending is a cost that needs to be justified by tax revenue. Our analysis shed lights on the interplay between state power and taxation, based on the cost-and-benefit calculus of the ruler’s spending on state coercion. Specifically, we find that the upper limit of taxation is a function of the state’s coercive power, i.e., how much a state can maximally tax depends on how effectively it can deter people’s potential for violent tax rebellions. It follows that any factor affecting relative state power also affects taxation. Among these factors are violence factors such as the odds of a rebellion’s success, coercion technology and costs of violence; and income factors such as wages and the ruler’s benefits from non-tax sources. This work belongs to the political economics of development and benefits from many previous works. The model is adapted from Wang (2012), which builds on the landmark contributions of Acemoglu and Robinson (2006), North et al. (2009) and Besley and Persson (2011a, b) on distributive politics. Balance in violence is central in Acemoglu and Robinson (2006) to the transition to democracy, and in Besley and Persson’s (2011b) on the clustering of institutions. It is also central in Barzel (2002), North et al. (2009) and Acemoglu et al. (2013) to the relationship among the elites, and in Aoki (2014) to a three-party taxation game with a middleman between the ruler and the peasants as taxpayers. The main contribution of the present work to the literature is twofold: it adopts a model of relative state power to explain taxation levels in an autocracy and derives testable hypotheses from the model; and it uses a unique data set to test the hypotheses. 3 This work is also closely related to those studying the predatory behaviors of the state (see Shleifer and Vishny 2008, North et al. 2009, and Wang 2012, for reviews). Our contribution to this literature is to observe that violence is a two-way threat, and taxpayers’ capacity for violence sets a limit to taxation. We show how the threat of violence changes the ruler’s behavior. The logic is exactly the same as that of entry games studied by Milgrom and Roberts (1982). The empirical part of our work, in which we use a unique data set from late imperial China to test the hypotheses derived from the model, is closely related to Sng (2014), who explains the regional variations in land taxation in late imperial China through the lens of agency cost and predicts lower taxes in prefectures more distant from Beijing. In contrast, our theory predicts lower taxes in prefectures where state coercion is less effective, e.g., prefectures that are more distant from the state’s major military bases. It is also worth emphasizing that, although both works explain variations in taxation levels across prefectures within an autocracy, our theory can also apply to international variations, i.e., it can explain variations in taxation levels across countries. Our empirical findings also cast doubt on Fukuyama (2011)'s contention that emperors in imperial China may best be characterized as benevolent dictators rather than as stationary bandits who set tax rates optimally to maximize extraction of revenue (Olson, 2000)2. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces a simple 2 It is interesting to note that Olson (2000) has the Chinese warlords in the 1920s as his lead example for the notion of “stationary bandits”. 4 game-theoretic model where the levels of state spending for coercion and taxation are jointly determined in a sub-game perfect equilibrium. Section 3 describes the data from 261 prefectures in late imperial China circa 1820, and focuses on the determinants of per capita land tax in each prefecture. We observe a lot of variations in per capita land taxes across prefectures3. Among explanatory variables, we include army size and postal distance to Beijing as proxies for state coercion and agency costs respectively, various measures of allegiance, cropland per capita, population density, agricultural suitability, as well as a rich set of geographic and climate controls. In fact, the choice of historical China as an interesting case study is largely driven by this unusual data availability. Section 4 presents empirical results, which are consistent with the theory of relative state power. The empirical strategy exploits exogenous variations in army sizes due to the need for national defense and natural geographical conditions, and uses optimal GMM estimation under over-identification. We also conduct a variety of robustness checks with similar results. Section 5 concludes the paper. 2. The Model and Hypotheses 2.1. Players and Technology The taxation game is played between two types of players: the ruler and the 3 In particular, the standard deviation of land tax per capita was almost as large as the mean, implying a much larger variance than the mean (see Table 3). 5 worker class. All players are selfish and risk-neutral income maximizers with moves and payoffs as follows. The ruler has incomes from two sources: direct benefit from power (benefit) and taxation of workers’ wages.4 Direct benefit f is determined outside of the model so that the ruler concentrates on maximizing tax revenue. The ruler is not liquidity constrained. She spends e 0 to build state capacity in violence (state coercive power), which would inflict cost c(e) to a rebelling worker.5 The technology c(e) turns the ruler's spending e into effective coercive power, which is increasing at an ever lower rate, i.e. c() 0 and c() 0 . Moreover, we assume c(0) 0 . Relying on c(e) , the ruler taxes the workers on their wages at rate r 0,1 . There are two types of workers, worker A and worker B, and each has mass one. Let w 0 be the wage for a worker, where w is exogenously given and reflects the level of development or labor productivity. The cost of rebellion is c(e) z for worker A, and c(e) z for worker B, where c(e) is the systematic cost from state violence, while z 0 and z 0 are the idiosyncratic costs specific to each type of worker. It is assumed that z is prohibitively high such that worker B, a loyalist, never rebels. On the other hand, z is low enough that worker A, an opportunist, may decide 4 The phrase “direct benefit from power” is from Maskin and Tirole (2004). Examples of it are incomes from corruption, natural resource rent and foreign aid (as in Besley and Persson, 2011a, b) and large gaps between illicit rent and tax revenue (as in Acemoglu, 2005, and Sng, 2014). It also includes psychological satisfaction derived from being in power, such as national and historical legacy (Olson, 2000, p.13f) 5 Although referred to as technology, c(e) is a mix of technology and factors such as will power and social norms, e.g., c(e) is smaller if killing is not as easy because of social norms. Note that the ruler may also spend tax revenue on public goods that help increase his tax base (Olson, 2000, p.9f). For better focus, this is omitted from our simple model. 6 to work (W) or to rebel (R), i.e. his action a W , R . If both workers work, the total tax revenue would be 2rw and net revenue g (2rw e) . If worker A rebels, the total tax revenue would be rw and net revenue g (rw e h) , where h 0 is loss caused by the rebels. Assumption: For simplicity, assume h is prohibitively high such that the ruler never would want worker A to rebel in equilibrium6. If worker A rebels, he has probability 0, 1 to usurp power from the ruler, where is exogenously given7. If his rebellion is successful, once in power he can tax worker B for revenue rw and receive f, just as his predecessor would do. His income would then be ( rw f ) . Weighting it by and subtracting from it c(e) z , his expected rebelling income is (rw f ) c(e) z . On the other hand, if worker A works, his after-tax income is (1 r ) w . The payoffs for the ruler and worker A are summarized in Table 1 (worker B is silent and ignored). Table 1. Payoffs Ruler 2rw e f Ir rw e h Worker A W if a R (1 r ) w W IA if a (rw f ) c(e) z R r 0,1 ; e, z 0 ; , w, f , h 0 ; c(0) 0 , c 0 , c 0 6 This assumption does not mean that popular uprisings would never occur. Instead, it means that the ruler is not a roving bandit, and he never expects to have rebellions ex ante. 7 Wang (2012) discusses how to endogenize the probability of successful rebellion. However, the central messages from the theory remain the same. Thus, this assumption is made for brevity. 7 Information and the moves: Information is complete and perfect. The ruler moves first to decide on spending e and tax rate r. These decisions are truthfully announced and irreversible. After that, worker B sets to work, while worker A chooses to work or rebel, with respective consequences as specified above. 2.2. Subgame Perfect Equilibrium By backward induction, we know that the condition to ensure worker A’s choice of work, a W is (1 r ) w (rw f ) c(e) z . (1) Define r0 1 c ( e) z f 1 w(1 ) (2) as the highest tax rate which worker A will accept. In other words, the ruler can tax maximally up to r r 0 without causing a rebellion. Clearly, r 0 is increasing in the spending e for state coercion. Given e (hence also c(e) ) and all the other parameters, there is an r 0 such that worker A’s preference is to work if r [0, r 0 ] , but to rebel if r (r 0 ,1] . To maximize tax revenue, the ruler always sets tax rate at r 0 . Inserting (2) into the ruler’s objective function, the optimization problem is max 2r 0 (e) w e f . e The first-order condition for optimization is 8 (3) c(e* ) 1 . 2 (4) The second-order condition is satisfied iff c 0 as we assumed. From (4), it is easy to see that e* 1 0 . What this means is that, intuitively, when the odds of 2c(e* ) successful rebellion become higher, spending e is less effective at deterring worker A from rebelling. This leads to a lower optimal level of e. Lemma The pair (r * , e* ) r 0 (e* ), e* that results from (2) and (4) constitutes a Subgame Perfect Equilibrium (SPE) of the game. 2.3. Comparative Statics and Hypotheses The above model generates a number of interesting testable hypotheses. Hypothesis 1. The equilibrium tax rate r * increases with the equilibrium spending on coercion e* . This is evident from equation (2). In fact, a central message of our theory is that a state with greater coercive power can tax more. So if there is an exogenous shock to c’(e) resulting in a higher equilibrium spending e* , the shock also leads to a higher equilibrium tax rate r * . Additional hypotheses can be easily derived through comparative statics. Note that the SPE (r * , e* ) is a function of the structural parameters , w, f , z . Applying the total differentiation method to (2) and (4), which is a special variation of the Implicit Function Theorem, yields the following comparative statics results straightforwardly 9 (see Table 2)8. Table 2. Comparative Statics r * 1 0 z w(1 ) c(e* ) r * 1 * * f wr 0 w(1 ) 2c (e ) r * 0 f w(1 ) r * 1 1 1 r * 0 if r * w w (1 ) 1 From Table 2, we establish the following additional hypotheses. Hypothesis 2. The equilibrium tax rate r * increases with z , the idiosyncratic cost of rebellion to the rebels. The intuition is simple. The state can tax a citizen more heavily if he is loathe to engage in popular uprisings. An implication of Hypothesis 2 is that the tax rate should be set lower for a region dominated by minority groups with little allegiance to the central government, hence lower z (e.g. lower moral cost of rebellion). Moreover, the equilibrium tax rate r * decreases with , the probability of successful rebellion. The reason is that better odds of successful rebellion provide a stronger motivation for people to rebel. A lower tax rate is needed to offset the stronger motivation and appease them. 8 For illustration, from equation (2) we get (1 ) wr w c(e) z f . Apply total differentiation with respect to , we then get (1 )wdr wrd cde f d , i.e., dr de (1 ) w wr c f . The rest follows in the same manner. d d 10 Hypothesis 3. When the coercion technology becomes more efficient, the equilibrium coercion level and the equilibrium tax rate r * both rise. Without loss of generality, assume for example that the coercion technology has the special form of kc(e) . It is straightforward to obtain that e* c 0 and k kc r * c2 0 . In other words, if the state can hit the rebel more effectively at k w(1 )c any given level of e, then it is worthwhile for the ruler to increase the spending for coercion and tax more. The relation between the equilibrium tax rate r * and the exogenously given wage rate w is more complicated. Theoretically, it can go either way. As wage increases, the rebel has more to gain once he is in power, hence he is more motivated to rise up against taxation (known as the "greed" motive), and a lower tax rate is needed to appease the potential rebel. On the other hand, at higher wages the opportunity cost of soldiering is also higher (known as the "grievance" motive), implying that rich people are less willing to take to arms. When this latter motive dominates, higher taxes can be levied on those earning higher wages. Thus in general the net effect of wages on taxation is ambiguous depending on the relative strength of these two motivations. However, in our model, equilibrium tax rate r * increases in wage whenever r * 1 1 holds. If 0.05 , this requires that r * 0.95 , which is 1 1 0.05 a condition quite easy to satisfy in practice. Even in the extreme case where 1 (successful uprising guaranteed), this inequality requires only r * 0.5 , 11 which is still reasonable. These numerical examples suggest the following hypothesis. Hypothesis 4. With parameter values in reasonable ranges, the equilibrium tax rate r * increases with w. Below we will test the above hypotheses, all of which turn out to be consistent with empirical evidence. 3. Data In this section we take the theory of relative state power to a unique data set from 261 prefectures in late imperial China circa 1820, and focus on the determinants of per capita land tax across prefectures. The definitions of variables and data sources are described below. 3.1. Cropland, Population, and Tax The empirical counterpart of the theoretical tax rate is land tax per capita in late imperial China, where land tax was the primary source of revenue in an agricultural society. The data for total land tax in 1820 (tax) for each prefecture in China is derived from Liang (1980), which compiles information about cropland and land tax in the Qing dynasty from the Grand Gazetteer of the Qing during the Reign of Jiaqing (Jiaqing Chongxiu Yitong Zhi). The payment of land tax could take three forms, i.e. land tax payable in taels of silver, grain, or cereal. We use Grain Price Database in the Qing Dynasty (Wang, 2009)9 to retrieve the prices of grain and cereal for each 9 This data set is available at Since 1736, provincial governments were required to report grain prices in each prefecture within their province. Thanks 12 prefecture in 1820, and convert all land tax into taels of silver. The population of each prefecture in 1820 in thousands (pop) is derived from Cao (2001), which is widely considered the most authoritative study on historical Chinese demography. The dependent variable of this study, land tax per capita (taxpc), is simply defined as total land tax in 1820 (tax) divided by population in 1820 (pop). Since land tax in late imperial China only changed slowly over time (Wang, 1974; Liu and Fei, 1977), we define an alternative measure of land tax per capita taxpc1776 as total land tax in 1820 (tax) divided by population in 1776 (pop1776) as a robustness check. The data for cropland in mu (land) are also taken from Liang (1980). Dividing land by pop yields cropland per capita (landpc), which may be used as a proxy for wage, since income per capita depends heavily on land per capita in an agricultural society. The data for the area of each prefecture in km2 (area) are from Cao (2001). Dividing pop by area yields population density (pdensity), which is another proxy for wage, or level of development in general (Acemoglu et al., 2002). Alternatively, we define pdensity1776 as the ratio of pop1776 to area. These two proxies of wage are used to test Hypothesis 4 that the equilibrium tax rate increases with the wage. All croplands were not quite the same, since some were fertile and blessed with an auspicious climate, while others were not. Following ecologists' approach, we to decades of work by Yeh-chien Wang, data from the archives became a complete database, which has been used by Shiue and Keller (2007) to examine market integration in 18th-century China. 13 measure the agricultural suitability as the product of climate suitability and soil suitability. The original data are drawn from Ramankutty et al. (2002), which provides agricultural suitability data at the 0.5-degree grid level10. We define the agricultural suitability (agrisuit) of each prefecture as the average value of grid cells within its boundary. 3.2. Army A key explanatory variable is the state's spending on coercive power proxied by the size of army, which is used to test Hypothesis 1 that the equilibrium tax rate rises with equilibrium spending on coercion. Since the data for army size are not available at the prefectural level, we use the size of the provincial army (army) instead11, which is available from An Investigation of the Royal Military System (Wen, 1861). As an alternative measure, we also consider the direct distance from each prefecture to the nearest military center where the (Manchu) Eight Banners Army was stationed. The locations of these military centers are also available from Wen (1861), while the direct distance is computed with Chinese Historical GIS (CHGIS, Harvard Yenching Institute, version 5). However, this alternative measure performs rather poorly, and for a good reason, i.e. a military center typically did not have jurisdiction over prefectures in neighboring provinces. Therefore, we focus on the size of provincial army (army) as a proxy for state coercive power. 10 The agricultural suitability data can be downloaded from 11 A provincial army included the (Manchu) Eight Banners Army and the (Han) Green Standard Army. From an administrative perspective, the maintenance of local stability was mostly the duty of the provincial government, led by the provincial governor. Therefore, for our purpose the size of the provincial army mattered more than the size of the army stationed in each prefecture. 14 An obvious challenge in estimating the effect of army size on tax rate is its potential endogeneity. As clear from the model in Section 2, the size of the army as a proxy for coercive spending and the tax rate are jointly determined, so the causality can go both ways. We use two instrumental variables to overcome the endogeneity of army. First, we exploit the exogenous variation of army size due to the need for national defense, and use a dummy representing whether a prefecture is located in a province on the frontier with a foreign country, or a potentially rebellious autonomous region (frontier) as an IV for army. Specifically, frontier takes on the value of one for any prefecture in Zhili, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Guangxi and Yunan provinces, and zero otherwise. Obviously, frontier is correlated with army, since a frontier province typically had a larger army for national defense. The correlation coefficient is 0.352 in the sample, which is significant at the 1% level. On the other hand, the variation in army size due to the need for foreign defense arguably had nothing to do with domestic tax issues. The second IV for army is the ruggedness of the terrain. We used visual inspection in Google Earth to determine whether the dominant terrain of a prefecture is rugged (rugged). The size of the army is correlated with rugged, because a rugged terrain typically discourages the deployment of an army. The correlation coefficient is -0.182 in the sample, and significant at the 1% level. On the other hand, rugged appears to be exogenous, since we have already controlled for cropland per capita, agricultural suitability, and population density as alternative channels for rugged to affect the tax rate. 15 In addition, we follow Nunn and Puga (2011) to define an alternative measure of terrain ruggedness12, rugged2, which first computes a terrain ruggedness index for each 30-by-30 arc-second cell as the square root of the sum squared differences in elevation in eight directions, then averages this index over the entire portion of the prefecture not covered by water. However, rugged2 only measures small-scale terrain irregularities, and the correlation coefficient between rugged2 and army is just -0.105 and only significant at the 10% level. Therefore, rugged2 appears to be a weaker IV than rugged, and the former is only used as a robustness check. The correlation coefficient between these two measures of terrain ruggedness is 0.584. 3.3. Agency Cost Following Sng (2014), we use the postal distance from the provincial capital to Beijing (pdprov), and the direct distance from the prefectural seat to the provincial capital (dpref), as two proxies for agency costs13. The data for pdprov are derived from Collected Statutes of the Qing Dynasty by Imperial Order (QDZH, 1985, v. 121), which describes royal postal routes from Beijing to each provincial capital, and the corresponding postal distance in 'li' units, which is converted into kilometers14. The data for dpref are computed in CHGIS. We also define a dummy capturing whether the prefectural seat housed the provincial capital (prov_capital) according to China 12 We thank Ting Chen and Chicheng Ma for sharing the data, which are computed with SGS Digital Elevation Model (DEM) at 90 square-meter-cell grid resolution, matched with CHGIS, Version 4, 2007. 13 Sng (2014) uses the sum of dprov and dpref as an explanatory variable. However, more information may be gained if dprov and dpref are included as two separate regressors. Moreover, the nature of postal distance and directional distance are not quite the same. 14 The formula for conversion is 1 li = 0.576 km according to Yang et al. (2008), p.2248. 16 Historical Atlas (Tan,1982). Obviously, for prefectures with prov_capital = 1, we have dpref = 0. While the direct distance is merely a geographic feature, the postal distance was not. The imperial postal routes might be designed to pass through regions of higher population density and greater tax potential. To deal with the potential problem of endogeneity, we follow Sng (2014) and use the direct distance from the provincial capital to Beijing (dprov) as an IV for the postal distance from the provincial capital to Beijing (pdprov). These two measures of distance are highly correlated, with a correlation coefficient of 0.98. On the other hand, there is no obvious reason for the direct distance to affect tax per capita other than through the postal distance, thus dprov appears to be exogenous. 3.4. Allegiance To test Hypothesis 2 that tax rate rises with the cost of rebelling, we exploit the fact that a prefecture dominated by minority groups usually showed little allegiance to the central government, and had few scruples in contemplating a rebellion. To capture this effect, we define minority1 as an indicator of the presence of minority groups in a prefecture during 1661-1820 according to Atlas for Chinese History (Guo, 1996, v.2, p.103-106). However, the definition of minority1 may be too loose, since the presence of minority groups in a prefecture need not imply their dominance. As an alternative measure, we define minority2 as whether there was any autonomous county, autonomous zhou (city), or autonomous region (province) after 1949 17 according to China Historical Atlas (Tan,1982) and Atlas of China (Dizhi Press Editorial Office, 2011). The advantage of minority2 is that it does indicate the presence of dominant minority groups, while its disadvantage lies in the time mismatch, since the distribution of minority groups could have changed due to migration during 1820-1949. Nevertheless, since minority1 outperforms minority2, and these two measures are highly correlated, with a correlation coefficient of 0.65, we only use minority1 in the regressions. In the Qing dynasty, municipalities under direct control of the provincial government, known as "zhili ting", were often set up in regions dominated by minorities. Hence, we define another proxy for minority groups, ting, to indicate whether the prefectural unit was a zhili ting. Moreover, we look at the frequency of past uprisings as an ad hoc measure of a prefecture's readiness to take to arms, or absence of allegiance. For this purpose, we define riot1 as the number of peasant uprisings in a prefecture since the beginning of the Qing (Manchu) dynasty's rule in mainland China in 1644 until 1820. However, the invasion of the Manchu army was met with sustained resistance by the Han majority, which did not die down until the suppression of the Revolt of the Three Feudatories in 1682. Thus, many peasant uprisings before 1682 were actually part of the anti-Manchu resistance movement. Hence, we define an alternative measure riot2 as the number of peasant uprisings in a prefecture during 1682-1820. Both riot1 and riot2 are derived from A Chronology of Warfare in Dynastic China (China’s Military 18 History Editorial Committee, 2003), which has been used by Chen (2014) and Jia (2014) to study peasant uprisings in historical China. Since riot2 outperforms riot1, and these two measures are highly correlated with a correlation coefficient of 0.71, we only use riot2 in the regressions. 3.5. Geography As geographic controls, we define latitude, longitude, and elevation as the latitude, longitude and elevation of the prefectural seat respectively. Both latitude and longitude are directly available from CHGIS. With the latitude and longitude of the prefectural seat at hand, we use Google Earth to determine its elevation from the sea level. Moreover, we define a dummy capturing whether a prefecture had a coastline (coast), and a dummy for whether a prefecture was passed through by the Yangtze River or the Grand Canal (river). The data for both coast and river are derived from China Historical Atlas (Tan,1982). The variable coast is used as a proxy for less efficient coercion technology, since rebels in a coastal prefecture had the option of taking to the sea to avoid punishment. An additional geographic control is the size of prefecture, measured by its area (area) as noted before. 3.6. Climate As climate controls, we derive historical weather data from Collected Maps of Droughts and Floods in China in the Past Five Hundred Years (State Meteorological Society, 1981), which provides annual information on the weather for locations 19 throughout China dating back to 147015, and which has been used by Shiue and Keller (2007) and Jia (2014). This data set contains a variable dryness, a discrete indicator of the degree of aridity, which is coded in the following way: 1 2 dryness 3 4 5 if exceptional flood if limited flood if normal weather if limited drought if exceptional drought (5) We compute the average dryness during 1644-1820 for each prefecture, and still denote it as dryness. Since climate volatility may also matter, we compute the standard deviation of dryness, and denote it as dry_std. Summary statistics for the above variables are presented in Table 3. Table 3. Summary Statistics Variable taxpc army frontier rugged rugged2 pdprov dprov dpref prov_capital minority1 ting riot2 coast landpc pdensity Observation 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 Mean 110.49 46.57 0.36 0.59 2.30 1970.63 1193.33 198.58 0.07 0.49 0.06 0.18 0.14 1911.88 134.11 Std. Dev. 95.35 45.05 0.48 0.49 1.82 985.43 563.07 123.44 0.25 0.50 0.23 0.52 0.35 1444.97 144.34 Min 1.15 9.442 0 0 0.04 190.08 141.12 0 0 0 0 0 0 17.41 0.45 Max 611.22 208.61 1 1 9.72 3415.68 2090.19 872.90 1 1 1 4 1 6974.89 874.1 15 The sources of State Meteorological Society (1981) include rainfall records from weather stations, official documents of the Ming and Qing dynasties (the Veritable Records of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the History of the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty), as well as more than 2200 local gazetteers. 20 agrisuit area latitude longitude elevation river dryness dry_std 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 0.68 16029.46 30.67 111.64 470.79 0.17 2.94 0.86 0.58 19404.51 4.99 5.81 606.75 0.38 0.10 0.25 0.003 1270 20.01 95.79 6 0 2.71 0.25 9.34 192200 40.97 121.54 2966 1 3.18 1.29 4. Empirical Results Based on the above discussions, we specify the benchmark equation for the determination of land tax per capita in prefecture i as follows, taxpci 0 1armyi β2di β3 w i β4 z i β5 xi i , (6) where taxpc is land tax per capita, army is the size of the provincial army as a proxy for the state's coercive spending, di = (pdprov, dpref, prov_capital) is a vector of proxies for agency costs measuring the distance from a prefecture to political centers, wi = (landpc, pdensity, agrisuit) is a vector of proxies for wage measuring cropland per capita, population density, and agricultural suitability respectively, z i = (minority1, ting, riot2) is a vector of proxies for allegiance measuring the presence of minority groups and the frequency of past riots respectively16, and xi = (area, latitude, longitude, elevation, river, coast, dryness, dry_std) is a vector of geographic and climate controls. To tackle the endogeneity of army and pdprov (the postal distance from provincial 16 Since minority1 and minority2 are highly correlated, and the former outperforms the latter, we only keep minority1 in the regression. Similarly, we keep riot2 in the equation, but drop riot1. 21 capital to Beijing), we use three IVs as discussed in Section 3, i.e. frontier (dummy for frontier province), rugged (dummy for rugged terrain), and dprov (direct distance from the provincial capital to Beijing). With three valid IVs at hand for two endogenous variables, we conduct efficient GMM estimation under overidentification. The results are presented in column (1) of Table 4. First and foremost, the coefficient of army is positively significant at the 1% level, which supports the central message of Hypothesis 1, i.e. a state with more coercive power can set a higher tax rate. On the other hand, the coefficients of the three distance measures (pdprov, dpref, prov_capital) as proxies for agency cost are all insignificant, which casts doubt on the role of agency costs emphasized by Sng (2014). Intuitively, the importance of state coercion over agency costs may be due to the fact that it was much more costly to move an entire army around than simply sending a couple special envoys to audit local officials. Among proxies for lack of allegiance, the coefficients of minority1 and ting are both negatively significant at the 5% level, which lends support to Hypothesis 2, i.e. the tax rate was set lower for regions dominated by minority groups with little allegiance. However, the coefficient of the number of prior peasant uprisings (riot2) is not significant. The coefficient of coast is negatively significant at the 1% level. One explanation is to recognize that rebels in a coastal prefecture had the option of taking to the sea as 22 pirates17, making it more difficult to defeat them completely. Thus, it is more difficult for the state to punish rebels in a coastal prefecture, which means that the coercive technology c(e) is less efficient for a coastal prefecture. Therefore, the negative effect of coast is consistent with Hypothesis 3, which posits that the equilibrium tax rate rises with the efficiency of coercion technology. Among proxies for wage, the coefficients of cropland per capita (landpc) and population density (pdensity) are both positively significant at the 1% level, which is consistent with Hypothesis 4, i.e. the tax rate was set progressively higher for richer regions, where the opportunity cost of rebellion was higher since there was more to lose from a failed rebellion. However, while the coefficient of agricultural suitability (agrisuit) is positive, it is not significant. Perhaps the effect of agrisuit has already been represented through cropland per capita and population density. Table 4. Determinants of Land Tax Per Capita Dependent Variable: taxpc (1) GMM *** army pdprov dpref prov_capital minority1 ting riot2 0.973 (0.300) 0.00513 (0.0150) 0.0561 (0.0495) 19.04 (24.72) -28.74** (13.40) -43.16** (18.57) 0.0901 (2) GMM *** 0.974 (0.299) 0.00806 (0.0152) 0.0409 (0.0493) 16.33 (24.50) -27.67** (13.21) -41.37** (17.46) -1.446 (2) IGMM *** 0.973 (0.300) 0.00512 (0.0150) 0.0564 (0.0494) 19.21 (24.71) -28.71** (13.40) -43.12** (18.54) 0.0472 17 Piracy was a serious problem during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the immediate predecessor of the Qing dynasty. See, for example, Kung and Ma (2014). 23 (3) LIML 0.980*** (0.303) 0.00551 (0.0151) 0.0487 (0.0508) 18.67 (24.72) -29.54** (13.46) -42.60** (18.28) 0.0876 coast landpc pdensity agrisuit area latitude longitude elevation river dryness dry_std _cons N R2 p-value for Hansen J p-value for GMM C F-Stat for army F-Stat for pdprov (8.495) -76.14*** (22.64) 0.0249*** (0.00440) 0.332*** (0.0994) 4.331 (3.765) -0.000127 (0.000317) -6.108** (2.464) 2.790 (2.292) 0.0466*** (0.0116) 9.686 (18.48) 63.14 (45.19) 118.5*** (32.57) -458.1 (305.3) (8.529) -82.71*** (22.62) 0.0242*** (0.00434) 0.289*** (0.0939) 4.021 (3.739) -0.0000472 (0.000326) -5.309** (2.402) 3.377 (2.180) 0.0413*** (0.0117) 7.520 (18.16) 44.13 (44.84) 111.3*** (32.21) -480.5 (293.4) (8.497) -76.26*** (22.64) 0.0249*** (0.00440) 0.331*** (0.0994) 4.337 (3.764) -0.000125 (0.000317) -6.102** (2.463) 2.788 (2.291) 0.0465*** (0.0116) 9.636 (18.47) 63.01 (45.17) 118.5*** (32.57) -457.6 (305.1) (8.567) -78.62*** (22.81) 0.0248*** (0.00442) 0.322*** (0.0998) 4.359 (3.753) -0.000133 (0.000322) -6.025** (2.475) 2.805 (2.268) 0.0446*** (0.0120) 7.593 (18.55) 56.73 (45.78) 117.4*** (32.55) -438.7 (302.8) 261 0.327 0.409 0.000 10.695 418.436 261 0.324 0.236 0.000 10.707 435.658 261 0.327 0.410 0.000 10.695 418.436 261 0.325 10.695 418.436 Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses. * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01. Among geographic controls, the coefficients of area, longitude and river are all insignificant. The coefficient of latitude is negatively significant at the 5% level, implying that south China, with its lower latitude, paid more tax than north China. It is widely recognized that south China had higher agricultural productivity than north 24 China in pre-modern times18. Therefore, lower latitude could proxy for higher productivity or labor wages, which were associated with a higher tax rate according to Hypothesis 4. The coefficient of elevation is positively significant at the1% level, implying that a prefecture with a higher altitude paid more tax. A possible explanation is that a high-elevation prefecture was typically located in a frontier province with a larger provincial army, and hence paid more tax. In fact, elevation and frontier are positively correlated, with a correlation coefficient of 0.49 in the sample. Among climate controls, the coefficient of dryness is insignificant, while the coefficient of dry_st , a measure of rainfall volatility, is positively significant at the 1% level, which appears to be counterintuitive at first sight. A possible reconciliation has to do with China's climate and geography. While the eastern part of China is generally more fertile and productive, it is also more heavily influenced by the fickle monsoon, with larger climate volatility. In fact, dry_st and longitude are highly correlated in the sample, with a correlation coefficient of 0.64. Therefore, climate volatility (dry_std ) may proxy for higher agricultural productivity, which had a positive effect on the tax rate. A number of test statistics are reported at the bottom of Table 4. For the baseline specification in column (1), the p-value for the Hansen J statistic for overidentification 18 Since south China is typically more mountainous than north China, it makes more sense to define an alternative measure of population density, pdensity1, as the ratio of population to cropland as a proxy for productivity and economic development. By this measure, latitude and pdensity1 are positively correlated with a correlation coefficient of 0.155 significant at 5% (p-value 0.0121). 25 test is 0.281, which accepts the null hypothesis that all instrumental variables are exogenous. On the other hand, the p-value for the GMM C statistic testing for the endogeneity is 0.006, which strongly rejects the null hypothesis that both army and pdprov are exogenous. The F statistic for the first-stage regression with army as the dependent variable is 10.649, while the F statistic for the first-stage regression with pdprov as the dependent variable reaches as high as 414.657. Since both F statistics exceed the rule-of-thumb critical value of 10, we conclude that these instruments are not weak. Column (2) of Table 4 uses rugged2 instead of rugged as an IV for army size, and the results are very similar. Column (3) uses iterative GMM instead of two-step GMM, and the results still barely change. Since the F statistic for the first-stage regression with army as the dependent variable is only slighter larger than 10, column (4) reports estimation by Limited Information Maximum Likelihood (LIML), which is known to have better finite sample properties with weak instruments. The results are again quite similar. Table 5 conducts additional robustness checks. Since the tax quota only changed slowly over time (Wang, 1974; Liu and Fei, 1977), in column (1) of Table 5 we change the dependent variable to taxpc1776, which is computed as the ratio of land tax in 1820 to population in 1776; similarly, we use pdensity1776 (population in 1776 divided by area) instead of pdensity as a regressor. The results remain similar to those in Table 4. 26 Historically, land tax quota may have been set in consideration of cropland as well as population (Wang, 1974). In column (2) of Table 5, we change the dependent variable to land tax per mu of cropland (taxpl). The results are again qualitatively similar to Table 4, with the exception that minority1, ting, and dry_std are no longer significant. 27 Table 5. Robustness Checks (1) taxpc1776 army pdprov dpref prov_capital minority1 ting riot2 coast landpc *** 1.378 (0.460) 0.000391 (0.0181) 0.0775 (0.0586) 19.92 (31.51) -46.36*** (17.33) -55.71** (22.77) 10.36 (16.24) -89.05*** (30.82) 0.0253*** (0.00669) pdensity pdensity1776 agrisuit area longitude latitude elevation river dryness dry_std _cons 0.605*** (0.133) 5.355 (4.683) -0.000144 (0.000334) 0.183 (2.362) -9.181*** (3.141) 0.0485*** (0.0156) 5.769 (19.76) 39.63 (87.44) 150.7*** (39.43) -34.83 (371.5) 28 (2) taxpl 0.000629** (0.000302) -0.00000468 (0.0000129) 0.0000572 (0.0000447) 0.00687 (0.0160) -0.0151 (0.0104) -0.0252 (0.0227) 0.0182 (0.0168) -0.0495*** (0.0189) -0.0000190*** (0.00000312) 0.000163** (0.0000733) 0.00248 (0.00307) -0.000000211 (0.000000245) 0.00306* (0.00175) -0.00532** (0.00211) 0.0000426*** (0.0000125) 0.00861 (0.0125) 0.00636 (0.0338) 0.0300 (0.0278) -0.169 (0.247) N R2 p-value for Hansen J p-value for GMM C F-Stat for army F-Stat for pdprov 261 0.0839 0.281 0.006 10.649 414.657 261 0.177 0.679 0.0197 10.695 418.436 Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses. * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01. 5. Conclusion We have introduced a theory of relative state power to explain taxation levels under autocracy. The model used to advance the theory sheds light on a most important issue in the political economics of development, i.e., taxation under autocracy. We have also empirically tested the hypotheses derived from the model. The findings are entirely consistent with the predictions of the theory. The findings of this study have important policy implications. One of them is that, to avoid political violence, a revenue-maximizing ruler should adopt different policies on taxation across regions, imposing differentiated tax rates across regions according to local conditions of incomes, effectiveness of state coercion and attitudes towards violence. Tax rates should also be adjusted in response to changes in these conditions, e.g., an adversarial income shock resulting from a natural disaster. It is also politically beneficial to adopt lower taxes in earlier stages of development. As fruitful as it is, this work is only a first step towards understanding the critically important issue of taxation in autocracies in light of the theory of relative state power. Some of the assumptions made in the model can also be relaxed to allow richer results. For example, we can relax the assumption that the ruler never wants a 29 rebellion, to study when she might tax people like a roving bandit. The model can also be extended in different directions for additional insights, e.g., asymmetric information on worker types, endogenous odds of successful rebellion, the role of public goods and that of technology (productivity). On the empirical side, it would be most important and interesting to use cross-country data to test the predictions of the theory in an international setting. References Acemoglu, Daron, 2005. Politics and economics in weak and strong states. Journal of Monetary Economics 52, 1199-1226. Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson, 2002. 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