GLOSSARY A maldar Official Ami/ A revenue collector in the Mughal and later administrative set up in North India including Rajasthan Bargir Soldiers using state equipment. A trooper that is mounted and equipped by the chief or state that employs him, opp. to Shiledar; hired trooper Bhaum(ia) Term for Zamindar in Rajasthan Biniwala Quarter Master in Maratha army Campoo Indian term for Brigade, a unit in the European pattern army raised in India Charvadar Those personnel who maintained horses Chauki uutpost Daftar Collection of papers or records, pertaining to one particular person or state for example Peshwa Daftar, Kota Daftar, Mandloi Daftar Dastur Code of conduct that was followed during the period of a stay of a guest in the Jaipur court Dau/at Marathi term for estate & attached property, estate of a Maratha chieftain Deekhni Marathas called by this term in the court of Jaipur State and also in other parts of North India De orhi Protected place which acted as the entrance for the haveli and fortress Diwan Chief financial officer of a state Doab Territory enclosed by the rivers Ganga and Yamuna Durrah Valley, pass Faujdar Highest ranking military officer of a suba or sarkar during the Mughal period, in the 18th century period Zalim Singh too held the post offaujdar in the Kota state Faujkharch Payment of an amount of money equivalent to the expenditure on a standing army in the territory of the local elite Fauj-saranjam Land Assigned for raising as well as maintenance of a contingent of troops Garh Fort or Stronghold of a chief 302 Garhi Fortress or Stronghold of a chief, smaller in dimension compared to Garh Ghanim A Persian term for the Marathas; Marathas called by this term in the court of Jaipur State and other parts ofNorth India Ghanimi Ghasdana Fodder money, a military contribution amounting to five percent of the revenue Gosain An Ascetic person, a celibate of a martial category during the 18 111 century and essential part of the army of many chiefs of Western and North India Gumasta Official Halkara Those who carried letters and messages Hat Weekly Fairs Haveli Residential area of a chief in a fort or stronghold Hundi Written document for payment of a sum of money issued by a merchant banker in the name of the claimant to be paid by a designated merchant banker in another city; Bill of exchange Huzurat Kings own troops and later on that of a particular sardar Shinde or Holkar /jar a Revenue farming; unyielding piece of land from point of view of revenue administration granted to the highest bidder on contract for a fixed period of time Jstawa Makhta Method of revenue collection initiating a stepwise increase in revenue from three to six year periods. Jay dad Piece or tract of land given to Maratha generals to maintain their troops akin to saranjam with full sovereign rights Jins Commodity Jinsi Park of Artillery of a Maratha Chief Jinsa Grand Park of Artillery Kahila Family Kamavisdar A revenue official of the Marathas Kamdar An agent for the administration of property Karbhari Office of Administrator/Manager or agent in the particular areas under Maratha administration Kashida Messenger or those who were moving on the way with the letters of the rulers and other officials Khandni Tribute paid without assessment of land revenue 303 Kharita A special letter addressed by the head of the state to another Head Khas Deorhi Where the ruler's ancestral or private buildings were located Khas Pertaining or relating to the king or state; government &C; Own , private, personal Khasbargir The horse guard of the person of the king or chief Khasgi Household department, One's private or personal property or business Khaspaga The body of horse under the immediate keeping and command of the king or ruler or the State. Khassawari The equipage, procession or train of a chieftain Khilat Robe of honour bestowed by a superior in rank Khufianavis Spy of the State monitoring state affairs especially security related matters Kilikhana Workshop or Department for manufacturing iron implements Kumedan The post of Commandant in the European army Mahal A territorial unit smaller than a pargana Mahsul Tax collected from foreigners entering a particular ruler's territory, especially traders Makhta Contract, Revenue Farming Mamlat A specified area assigned for revenue collection in the Maratha territory Mamlatdar Maratha Revenue collector of a particular mamlat Mardana Deorhi Entrance for males to the royal palace and also the space at the entrance of the fort or haveli where visitors were received Modi Original Marathi script which was later replaced by Balbodhi or Devnagri Script Mulk-giri Expedition of conquest or ransom/tribute collection Munshi Clerk or accountant Mutsadi An official in the revenue department Najib Muslims soldiers in the army of the European mercenanes Nalbandi Advance money given to Maratha soldiers before a campaign by their sardars for purchase of arms and ammunition; amount given for preparations of war Nazar Succession Fee charged by the Mughal Emperor, later by the tradition was also adopted by the Peshwa ' 304 and Maratha sardars when dealing with their subordinates during the time of succession Paga Maratha Sardars armed contingent Paimali Rebate in tax collection over the area destroyed by Maratha army during their visit Palpatti A tax paid by Pindaris for the protection the Marathas provided them Pargana Territorial and administrative subdivision below Sarkar in Mughal and Maratha territory ' Peshkash Tribute in form of a fixed sum of money or household items equivalent to it to be collected from the subordinate chieftains in Maratha dominated areas Peshwa Prime Minister in Chhatrapati Shivaj's council of ministers called Ashta Pradhan, from the period of Balaji Vishwanath the position of Peshwa gained superior status and after the death of Chhatrapati Sahu Peshwa became de facto ruler of Maratha ruled territory Pindhari Maratha camp follower, engaged in looting and plunder of areas visited by Maratha sardars Qawa Indigenous Maratha System of warfare; literally meant light foray tactics Rahdari Road tax collected from the traders Rasad A sum of money taken in advance from the Maratha Mamlatdar and Kamavisdars before the beginning of an agricultural season Ryot Cultivator Sam vat Year according to the Vikram era, which is 57 years ahead of the Christian calendar Sanad Letter of grant or an order issued from the court of Maratha ruler or from the office of the Peshwa or any other ruler Saranjam Assignment of land to a Maratha sardars or his subordinate Sardars Chiefs or army commanders Sarkar A Mughal administrative division, smaller than a suba, usually composed of several parganas & mahals. Shibandi Untrained troops, auxiliary force (foreign or allied troops) 305 Shiledar A horse soldier who provides his own horse and arms for fighting Shileposh Those personnel who managed arms and weapons Telingas Hindu soldiers in the army raised by European mercenaries Thana A fortified post with its garrison for the military occupation of the country; Thana in Mughal vocabulary meant a corps off cavalry, matchlockmen, and archers, stationed within an enclosure. Their duty was to guard the roads, to hold the places surrounding the Thana and to dispatch provisions to the next Thana. Topkhana Department & Manufacturing place for large and heavy guns Vakil Representative or Agent that a state appointed in another ruler's court Vakil-i-Mutlaq C~puty Watan/ Vatan Homeland, patrimonial estate of a Maratha with hereditary vested right Zamindar Landholder with hereditary rights Zenana Deorhi Space within fort or haveli where female members gathered Zhadti Clearing off or year end account done for the paymaster ) to the Mughal Emperor 306
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