The Waterhouse Club Events 2014

EVENTS 2014 and Beyond
As the Club’s expeditions and events are frequently over -subscribed we offer you an opportunity to “express
early interest” in any of our offerings by contacting the Waterhouse Club office via post, email or telephone
(form attached). This will place your name on a priority list which will be held open for a few days following the
mail out of the invitation closer to the event. You will then be asked to confirm your registration by return mail.
Registrations will be accepted in date order of receipt and a waiting list will be maintained if necessary.
At times your Club offers members the opportunity to work shoulder to
shoulder with scientists on important scientific projects. These are not
Club expeditions as you largely look after yourself, but they can be very
rewarding and great fun. We are pleased to offer members the
opportunity to be involved in two SAM projects, see below. You will need
to make your own travel, accommodation and catering arrangements in
conjunction with the relevant scientist.
Sometime in late 2013 or early in 2014
In Search of the Marla Tree Frog
A 4-day trip to search for the “heard but not seen” Gillen Tree Frog with Mike
Tyler, sometime between November 2013 and April 2014. We are asking for
those interested to register so if and when a rainfall event occurs in north west
South Australia we can rapidly mobilise and go north with Mike. You will be
under Mike’s direction, provide your own accommodation and catering would
be a team effort. Contact the Club office to register your interest.
19 to 27 January 2014
Cape du Couedic, Kangaroo Island Seal Survey
At Cape du Couedic, on Kangaroo Island, members will be under the direction
of SA Museum seal expert, Dr Peter Shaughnessy. Peter is working on the
Fur Seal Mark and Recapture Program, an important part of seal population
management. Accommodation will be in the Field Station nearby and catering
will be a team effort. You will need to be agile and have a reasonable degree
of fitness to assist with this project. Contact Tim Tolley: 0407 610 420.
Please note: dates and venues can be subject to change
31 March to 11 April 2014
The Micronesia Expedition
Micronesia is a necklace of tropical islands north of Papua New Guinea where
we will visit the principal islands of Pohnpei, Chuuk Atoll and Guam. Our
scientific project is to collect the Giant Columbella or springtail. The SA
Museum’s Dr Mark Stevens is working on the tree of life project and
importantly our work may fill a gap. In addition, there will be opportunities for
exploring archaeological sites and reflecting on some World War II relics.
Grand tropical scenery and wonderful snorkelling and scuba diving are to be
Expedition Leader: Ben Robinson, contact 0428 811 946
Galapagos 2013
Sunday 4 May 2014
Rocks in your Glass: A one-day event investigating terroir of the
Southern Vales
SAM geologist, Jim Jago, Jeff Olliver, geologist and grape grower, along with
selected winemakers will lead us through the mysterious elements of ‘terroir’
in the Southern Vales wine region. Their insights into the vagaries of
geology, soils, landform and climate will hopefully leave us all a little better
informed as to how these elements impart the characteristics which
distinguish one shiraz or chardonnay from another within the region. We will
visit and taste at several wineries, and enjoy the regional specialties in a
local restaurant. Event Co-ordinators: Trevor and Carol Ireland
GOGO Fishing Expedition
Kimberley WA 2013
Dinosaur footprints - Broome
A Friday in July 2014 at 6.00 pm (date to be confirmed)
SA Museum’s Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize Gala Opening
This social extravaganza is limited entry and all Waterhouse Club members
are entitled to receive a 10% discount from the official ticket price. Each year
this exhibition gets bigger and better and is an opportunity for members to
make an early purchase while enjoying exquisite finger food and wines.
June 2014 - Arnhem Land with Philip Jones (to be confirmed)
The SA Museum’s Philip Jones is the author of the prize winning “Ochre and
Rust” which vividly and sympathetically describes moments of first contact
between European and Aboriginal Australians. Our appreciation will be
enriched by Philip’s story-telling skills and encyclopaedic knowledge of the
history of the area. John Goldberg will be remembered for his expertly led
Arnhem Land expedition in May 1999.
Expedition Leader: John Goldberg
Tuesday 9 September 2014
The Waterhouse Club Annual General Meeting
Look out for the invitation and Agenda in mid-August. Our meeting typically
precedes the Sprigg Lecture so book in for that as well.
Organisation: Natalie Rollinson
October 2014
Wetlands, birds and plants of the Kuitpo Forest region
The valleys of the Willunga Hills not only provide superb views out over the
Gulf but also have many hidden treasures. Geoff Stuckey is a landowner
with a mission who is fencing off the pretty valleys with creeks edged by
natural scrub. The remainder is pasture and Geoff’s management is
changing it for the better as he implements bio-dynamic principles. We will
walk the paths through the scrub and along the creeks with SA Museum
scientists who will interpret the biodiversity for us. We will arrive at our picnic
spot for a welcome lunch, enjoy the view and chat to Geoff about his exciting
Event Co-ordinator: Tim Tolley
6 October to 18 October 2014
West Papua Expedition on “True North” SHARE BERTH FOR A WOMAN
Your Club has chartered the 32 passenger cruise ship “True North” to
explore the “Birds Head” of West Papua. This ship is so luxurious that it
carries its own helicopter. The most diverse corals are found there and the
snorkelling and scuba diving is extraordinary. Land expeditions are rich in
interest including the Banda Islands, the chance to see birds of paradise,
local villages and more. We have on board two of the SA Museum’s most
charismatic scientists, Professors Steve Donnellan and Greg Rouse
(formerly SAM now Scripps USA) to interpret the extraordinary marine and
land diversity. Expedition Leader: Antony Simpson – Contact 0407 715562
Late October 2014
WHC Gala Event – what, where and who?
Whatever form it takes, it will contain the ingredients of all great Waterhouse
Club parties, that is in-your-face science, great food and drink, wit and
humour while teetering on the brink of bad taste. Watch this space as more
details emerge in early 2014.
Exploring Geikie Gorge
End of June 2015
The Alcoota Megafauna Site
The dispersal of mega-fauna across Australia is little understood. Hence recent work at Alcoota 150km north east
of Alice Springs where new discoveries of Thylacine and Thylacoleo bones have been made is a source of great
excitement in the paleontological world. We have been offered privileged access to work at this dig site among
these exciting new discoveries with Dr Adam Yates from the Museum of Central Australia. Duration would be
about ten days, a professional camp manager would be engaged and you would drive yourself.
Expedition Leader: Don Heylen
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EXPRESSION OF INTEREST
If you would like to express interest in joining one or more events, please complete this form and return it
to the Waterhouse Club Secretariat as soon as possible via:
The Waterhouse Club, c/- SA Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000
[email protected] or
(08) 8203 9802
I/we would like to express interest in the following expeditions and/or events
Postal Address:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….