9 THE BINGHAMTGN PRESS, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 21, 1947. Trickery' Killing Case Reds to Lift Press Curbs On Big 4 Registration Of Autos at Peak in '46 Permanent Car Licenses Proposed Washington—-<U.R> — Russia has notified the United States that it will 4ift its press censorship during the forthcoming.Big 4 foreign ministers meeting in Moscow on the Gernjan peace treaty, it was learned today, > 'Foreign correspondents will be allowed to file uncehsored dispatches about the day-to-day events of the Big 4 meetings which start March 10. The assumption is that such dispatcher will not even be subjected to a screening censorship to make sure they are not on subjects extraneous to the conference. It still is not clear, however, whether radio correspondents will be permitted to make voice broadcasts from the Russian capital. The Soviet; decision on press censorship was transmitted to the U. S. Government in fulfillment* of the agreement made between Byrnes and Molotoy. Albany—(IP)—Motor vehicle registrations in New York State during 1946 reached the highest level since pre-war days and the third highest peak on record. C o m m i s s i o n e r Clifford J. Fletcher today announced a total registration of 2,772,541 vehicles through Nov. 30, an increase of 13.7 per cent over 1945. The record year was 1941, when 2,974,036 were registered, followed by 2,848,515 in 1940. Albany—(IP)—A bill to provide permanent license plates for motor vehicles was introduced in the Legislature tocb;' by State Senator Seymour Halpern, Queens Republican. The plates would contain a removable date tag so that a new date might be inserted annually. Halpern, who is chairman of the Senate Committee on Motor Vehicles and Transportation,, said that in view of "the favorable experience" of states that had adopted the system, he "strongly urged adoption" of the plan for New York "when the necessary and desirable, material for the manufacture of the plates is available." He said he hoped this would be by next year. * PICTUKE AT SIGHT ^ ^ Brockton. Mass.—(JP)—The prosecution was Accused of "trickery" and -wicked injustice" today by Mrs. Bertha Surprise Cote, 28, who was charged* with the bludgeon slaying of her husband, in a dramatic courtroom scene yesterday in which Walter Steele. 24, was released in connection with the crime. The "double-dealing" charge was hurled by Mrs. Cote from her Plymouth County Jail cell after the man she described as her "lover," -IniematlonalNewa'Photo. and whom she accused of beating her husband to death, had been set WHO SWUNG THE BLUDGEON?-Mrs. Berthd '^^^^^1^^^WXf is free by order of District Judge William G. Rowe because of "in- charged at Brockton, Mass., with the Christmas tree bludgeon slaying of her hussufficient evidence." band, Rene, 35, on Dec. 28. She is shown with Police Matron Mrs. Alice Devine DUAL DENIAL going to court to plead innocent. A.t left is Walter E. Steele, 24, garage mechanic, Steele denied the charge or that freed in the case because of insufficient e vidence. (ADVERTISEMENT) he had been intimate with Mrs. Cote. band, Rene, 34, a garage foreman, Tung oil, used for paints, comes Apparently shocked by the turn to death on a couch near a gaily from a tree which is native to of events. Eben G. Townes. the atChina. tractive widow's counsel, told news- decorated Christmas tree. men that at the very moment the state's forces were striving vainly to bold Steele for the grand jury on a charge of murder, they had a complaint prepared charging Mrs. Cote with the crime. T h e y will have to prove that charge." Townes declared, "and they- won't be able to do i t " TRY NEW TACK English Tudor house. Brick and clapboard. Slate Meanwhile, prosecutors indicated they would try to by-pass a Jan. 30 roof, Fenestra -Windows with fitted copper screens* After a big eteolng "with the boys", it's GENTLE ACTION—Its formula 2s .balhearing for Mr& Cote and submit a wise husband who makes himself a, anced to act gently, without unpleasant Built on a 90x106 lot, beautifully landscaped. High, the entire case to the Plymouth nightcap of 'the aperient—refreshing, after-effects. ; County Grand Jury which conTIME-TESTED—Over 300,000,000 packmildly laxative KRUSCHEN. overlooking city. 10 rooms, 2 baths, 2 lavatories, venes Feb. 3. Gently, yet effectively Kruschen's bal- ages sold throughout the world; Ask for kruschen today. Now in laundry chutes, incinerator, gas vapor heat. New tiled anced blend of saline minerals (which Mrs. Cote had been held as a are also found in the natural waters of Two EOftMS: Kew, pleasant-tasting. material witness until the sensakitchen, large living room with fireplace.. Knotty pine many famous medicinal springs') helps Effervescent Kruschen and the original tional courtroom developments nature relieve discomfort due to tern* Kruschen Salts. 33tf during which she declined to tes-l library, large flagstone terrace and numerous attracporary constipation or "too much party'*. to85^atyout;drugtify on the ground that she might gist. Simple direcincriminate herself. tive features. Leaving town; • Will sell for less than EASY TO TAKE —Dissolves quickly in tions for best rewater. Makes a refreshing saline drink. sults on every packSteele was arrested on the what it cost to build in 1932. Phone 4-3311 or 4-5165. widow's accusation that he entered WORKS FAST—Usually within an hour. age. Caution: use their home early on the morning only as directed. Does not spoil your'day. of Dec. 28 and battered her husII !!• I I Busy Man The U. S. flag has 13 stripes. The Great Seal of the United States presents 13 national emblems. In the right talon of the American eagle is an olive branch with 13 leaves, in his left talon are 13 arrows. ARE YOUR False Teeth Clean Enough 7 0 SUIT YOU? Be sure to try Coleo.. • made by Colgate on anew formula especially to remove Aim! Duanesburg — (IP) — Neighbors thought Guy Shafer a busy man when, simultaneously, he operated a.men's barber shop, a beauty parlor, a chicken farm and four truck gardens. Now Shafer has added In 1940, over half the popula- Film.. .one of the hardest things to carpentry to his activities... . He's tion of 28 of the 48 states lived in remove from false teeth! Does building a house. rural areas. Coleo succeed? Hundreds have tried Coleo in introductory tests. More than 7 out of 10 preferred Coleo to all other types of false teeth cleansers! There's your answer! faUfsPiano'Dept ,P/t><t j i n FUN.' ITS CASY/ HOUSE for Lessons—If You Wish Terms—If You Wish ATTENTION, GUITAR PLAYERS Make your present Guitar an "Electric" with an electric pick-up and amplifier from Fowler's complete selection of electrical attachments. Come in for a demonstration. No obligation. Fibn and stainsfizzedaway in 10 to 15 minutes without brushing! Coleo contains a special ingredient that fizzes away mucin (film) and removable surface stains better, v-^ -: 11 quicker.. . with complete '•£& '• | safety to plates! False teeth Hlia:r/, J * and mouth feel fresher, cleaner. Try it now. Note: Coleo will not fade dentures, even the new acrylic plastic plates. \V\jr- sm* Coleo b the trssMssrfc sf Urn Colgsts-Pstaoitt-PssN faUrtPfonopept ' "Head A Dimmock * # * . Ths Plan© Houss «f fimihaartoa i i^.-**'.*. Ohy happy day! Restrictions are out • • . arid designers can use all the fabric they want . this Spring to make your fashions more becoming than ever. Camellia blouse In Koda acetate rayon, luxable. New white, sizes 32 to 38. Blouses take on a doll prettiness that does wonders for the most jaded wardrobe. Skirts are full and swagger... Come see, come sigh. $ even pleats are back. 7 A woman's blouse i n Romaine rayon crepe. White, pink, turquoise. Sizes 40 to 46. $ 98 5 98 Sportswear, second floor. N e w w i n g collar blouse, in gray, coral or white rayon shantung with printed design, 32 to 38. 4 (-No mail or phone orders, please.) Box pleated skirt for you who are 5 ft. 4 in. or less. Black, aqua, gold or gray, all wool. Sizes 10 to 18. ! $C9» 5 4-gored swing skirt,: smartly belted. Black virgin wool. Junior sizes 9" to 15. All wool^ pleated skirt in ice cream plaids . .. white with pink and green or blue and browri; Sizes 12 to 18. "k Woman's "slim hip" skirt^ in black, gray or cinnamon wool. Waist Bizes 31" to 37". $7?8 $798 7 •x '. • • ' ; SF.98 5 • 4L: ' & . i Open Every Thursday Night Until 8:30 9vmtw+&iclk$ Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com The belted "streamliner" in black, navy or cinnamon, ail wool. Sizes 24 to 30. $798 7
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