i mm ! i^iMinh,j:!!.rnv:.iii!; , ,.,. - \ • \\ M ~ •*. >j , : " f ' - ' / ' ' " : . ,_ mm mm \H.i 1 ' I V. tH-URSDAY, MAY $7, 1965. THE REGISTEfrHERALP> PINE PLAINS, N;,*. ANCRAM the home of Mr, and Mrs. Percy Jack Lake, of Millbrook, was Dickinson on Sunday. a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. ' Mrs. Bernard Parsoiis Russell Finkle. Correspondent E A 9-6239 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Drum and Mrs. Thomas Moore Jr. attended the Grand Ole Opery at New Milford, Conn. Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown, Mr., and Mrs. Herman Gray and Kenneth Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Simonson and chil- Robert Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Ridren, of Brooklyn, spent the chard Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Weekend' a t their farm. Jack Cooper enjoyed dinner ai Thomas Moore spent the week- DeLa Vergne F a r m s Hotel in end bowling in Rochester. Amenta Saturday night. ST. J O H N ' S .CHURCH N E W S Candles were lighted in honor of the birthday of Mi's. Robert Boothby and Katie Boothby given by Mrs. Clayton Boucher. Monday, May- 31st, Memorial Day open house at 'Mt. Tremper Lutheran Camp, Mt. Tremper, N. Y. Sundav, June 13th, The Lord's Supper will be celebrated. SHEKOMEKO PERSONALS Mrs. Bradford Parsons and Mi's, Blanche Parsons spent Wednesday! at the home of Mr. and Mrs.! Charles Boice. [ Mrs. Herbert Miller of Copake called one -afternoon last week at; the home of Mr. and Mi's. John; Mclntyre. Mrs. Harvey Hawver of Phil-, mont called at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Boice Thurs-i day evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Parsons, Mrs. Leroy Blass and Mrs. Chas. Boice were in Hudson on Friday, last week, Mr. and Mrs. William Durwin of Florida and Nashua, New Hampshire and their son, William of Nashua called on Mrs. Lerov Blass on Saturday afternoon last week. Mr. and Mrs Hoysradt Porter and daughter, Sandra were in New York City on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kilmer of Millerton and Mrs. Blanche Parsons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mi-s. Charles Boice. •Miss J a n e Fingai—of'""Albany spent two days at her home here last week. Mrs. Florence Rockefeller of Ancramdale is spending this week a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Simons and daughter. Mr. ""and Mrs. Mark Piester of Pine Plains called a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parsons on Thursday evening last week. Miss Katie Boothby entertained Miss Robin Roche over the weekend. Mi's. John Derrick and children called on Mrs. Robert Boothby on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Gerald Simons and Mrs. Blanche Parsons were in Copake on Thursday afternoon last week. Mrs. Ruth Borland of Albany spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. H a r r y King of Greenport and Mrs. Kenneth Tompkins of Bells Pond called at , On April 21, 1965 Irwin's sixth grade s t a r t e d project, that he enjoyed reading them. Episcopal church, Hudson: Mrs. which, was making puppets and David Perry brought several Virginia Steuervvald, sopranq solwriting plays. items for a miniature airport oist; Mi-s. Helen Alters,, alto solWe made t h e heads with wall- which he arranged on our display oist; David Clapper, tenor solopaper paste and newspaper. After table with the help of Doris Diet-! ist; Miss Jean Ihlenburg, flute; ,he heads dried, \ve painted and ter, Kenneth Stippa, Gary Pezze' Donald Steele, 1st trumpet and shellaced them. We dressed them and Mark Miles. Some of the; Alan Saulpaugh, 2nd trumpet. with pieces of cloth, ribbon, and 1 buildings were made of boxes. W e ! The Rev. E. W. Weinreich, pastor braid. We used fur, yarn, and will keep this on display for! of St. John's,, was the director. wool for hair, t o complete our awhile as it will also relate to Attending from Pine Plains puppets. jour final unit on Communication. were Miss Lulu Kisselbrack, Mrs. The second part of our project Here are two original poems' E. M. Net ter, "Mr. and Mrs.. Herwas writing plays. We paired off that we thought you might enjoy.' man Baden. Mr. and ''Mrs.' H a r r y into groups and w r o t e them. Baden, Mrs. Carl Schroeder,. Miss The Jet The titles of t h e plays, and the Janet Sherwood, Mrs L. C Aroh, The jet goes very .hi.gh.__ names-of-the..students..who -wrote Miss Nancy Johnston "and "Mi\ and And it goes very fast. and acted out the parts in their Mrs. Thomas Foster. It takes the people where they play are as follows. want to go, i 1. "Crime Never Pays Pam SCHOOL LUNCH MENU As it is built to last. Sietz and Elissa Wright. June 1 - 4 by Thomas Bryant 2. "Eating a t Home," Kathv Tuesday—I - Fruit juice grilRyan and Debbie Salvia. The Butterfly led cheese sandwich, olives, pick3. "Buttons and His Pal Jay les. tossed salad, frosted There is a butterfly Francis and David Han loh. cake, milk. II - Cream of celery soup, L'p so high. 4. "The Man F r o m Venus", Jeff ham sandwich, peaches, milk. Where is k going? Valcourt. John Crandall, and AlNobody knows. len Shelton. Wednesday^-I - Spaghetti with There it goes up very high, 5. "The Fuller Tooth Brush meat sauce, Italian bread, cole Goodby, butterfly. >.lan", Dougie Goons and. Dorean slaw, pineapple, milk. II - Chiby Pete Mosher Gardner. cken rice soup, bologna sandwich, plums, milk. 6. "A Trip T o E a r t h " , Marilyn Miller, Gail Burdick, and Kathy 2ND GRADERS ENJOYED T h u r s d a y - - I - Beef stew with Heermance. vegetables, celery & cheese sticks, SCIENCE INVESTIGATION T. "Fighting Never Pays", John apple crisp, milk. II - Tomato Aim, Peter Staph, and Peter soup, cream cheese & jelly sandThe second grade class (Room 3artoIomew. wich, apricots, milk. 217) had a most interesting ex8. "Jail Birds a r e Alike", Barry i Friday—J: - Fish stick burger perience on Wednesday, May 19th Halbritter, Teddy Tenore, and 1 with t a r t e r sauce;; veg. jello salwhen Dr. Phyllis Busch conducted Tern' Sorbo. j ad on lettuce, fruit cup, milk. II a science investigation with us. - Beef veg, soup, turkey salad 9. "A Trip to the Moon", Alan; Our subject was the dandelion, sandwich, apple sauce, milk. Stippa and J o h n Gallagher. ! 10. "Hot Stuff and the Fain- which we learned comes from thb Princess" P a m Camburn, Lorraine French phrase "dent de lion" tooth of the lion. Reed and K a t h y P e t t y . 11. "Two Men in Times Square",' W e were amazed to discover Edward La Marche and Philip how very many of these little Yv'hittemore. I flowers we could count standing Cheryle Victor acted as mistress in only one spot. Notice is hereby given that the following proposed of ceremonies. . Among other things we learned about the parts of the flower. Grade Kindergarten through rates for leasing facilities for Community Antenna second came to see our show. All« One member of our groupr John Television have been filed with The New York State enjoyed it. j Seism, discovered that the flower of the dandelion could be used Public Service Commission to become effective Jeff Valcourt as a crayon. June 1, 1965." Debbie Whiteley Dr. Busch stressed the impor„ Monthly Rate (orm-fion—In the article "P tance of keeping our outdoors beautiful. We talked about why P. Central to G r a d u a t e largest Aerial Cable (Distribution) Mileage ciass" on page 1 of last week's some flowers could be picked but why others should not be picked. Each one-fourth mile or Register-Herald, Susan Krrschner. We were pleased to have «r a 5th honor graduate, plans to atfraction thereof $17.50 from Miss Kisseltend State University a t P i t t s - representative brack's class - Robert Cahill. and Drop Wire 35 burgh, mot Potsdam) from Miss Knickerbocker's class Allan Mowris. Inside Wiring ,35 THIRD GRADE — ROOM 201 Mrs. B. L. Grant SACRED CANTATA,BY We thought you might like to DONALD STEELE FOR hear about the special guest t h a t CHURCH'S 2;-)0TH ANNI. v»ited us last week Monday afternoon. This special guest w a s ' Elizabeth White's father, Captain, A sapred . C a n t a t a , J n four parts Theodore White of United Air- j was especially written by:> Donal|l j lines, He told u s ' . m a n y interest- Steele for the 250th Annniversary' ing facts about t h e big passenger | 0 f St. John's Lutheran church, na planes, and very patiently answer-• Manorton. It was written in four ed our many questions. He had parts and consisted of' recitative,' a wonderful surprise in the form! chorus,' organ, instrumental duets. °f a parachute, the harness and i and soloists. helmet that goes with it. We j Mr. Steele is a member of St. learned that parachutes arc not John's, a resident of Eliznville, canned on passenger planes. Cap- . and a member of this year's grad'ain White explained about the uating class at Pine Plains Cenmany safety precautions that are tral. His major theme was taken before the plane is ready "Thanks be to God In the Highe r its flight. All of this gave n est." Mr. Steele has a fine sense very special finish to our-.Social : of interpretation and the work Studies unit on Trnnspdrtnfion,, took him alxnlt six months to &nd we showed out- appreciation (complete. by writing Individual letters to . T a k i n g ' l e n d i n g parts were the Captain White. Elizabeth told us organist, Ross King, of Christ NOTICE Best Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Pulver attended the baptism of their new grandson, Stephen Michael F a s c i a n i . ^ t the Zion Episcopal church in Wappingej-s Falls Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. George Morres were godparents. Later the Fascianis entertained at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Dyke and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnell, Hyde Park, called on Mns. Van D> ke's sister. Mrs Robert Brands Monday night. ©in Wheels Swingin' Summer Specials A-l Prices Reduced 3 Days, Wed., Thurs., FrL May 27, 28 and 29 Unit Description '64 '64 '6.3 '62 '62 '61 '61 '61 '61 '61 '61 '60 '60 '60 '60 '60 '59 '59 '59 '59 '59 '59 '59 Regular Price §1460.00 1570.00 1450.00 1095.00 . . . 1010.00 1250.00 1295.00 1480.00 1375.00 850.00 950.00 950.00 995.00 695.00 795.00 595.00 775.00 675.00 595.00 395.00 1295.00 950.00 495.00 595.00 Renault Sedan, Automatic Trans, (White) Renault Sedan R-8, Auto. Trans. (Blue) Falcon Station Wagon (Red) Falcon Sedan (Gray) Renault Gordini Sedan (Green) Ford Country Sedan Wagon (Red) Ford Sunliner Convert. (Aqua) V-W Micro Bus Deluxe Ford Sunliner Convert. (Black) Ford Falcon Fordor (White) Falcon Futura Sport Coupe (White) Rambler Station Wagon Ford Sunliner Convert. (Black) Corvair Sedan (Blue) Plymouth Station Wagon Deluxe (Red Gr) Ford Sedan (Blue White) Ford Country Sedan St. Wagon (Blue) Volvo Sedan (White) Lark Wagon (White) Plymouth Sedan (Black White) VW Karmann Ghia Convert. (Red) Chevrolet Sedan (White) Opel Station Wagon (Red) ' Willys Jeep with Plow Sale Price 1200.00 1350.00 1250.00 825.00 800.00 1050.00 1095.00 1200.00 1175.00 650.00 750.00 695.00 800.00 600.00 675.00 500.00 575.00 575.00 445.00 300.00 995.00 595.00 395.00 495.00 nm N. BROADWAY RED HOOK, N. Y. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. e Now! Buy Now! Before New Sales Tax ©es In Effect. COPAKE TELEPHONE CO. lUST July • • • Today 1000 W. HANLON WON 2ND PLACE IN FEEDLOT CON. Electrically £'''" '" t't **•'* Heated / It took almost four years to reach the 500 mark for. electrically heated homes in this area • . » . Now, only ten months later, the number of satisfied electric heat users has more than doubled! Thai's how modern, electric heat is catching on! People who live in new homes, old homes, big or small, arcfinding\out that electric heat is best for all* . V . If ycKt*4 lifoe tdmpl^tc Infotniatl^ibout this wondcrfulway to^ heat your home, call Central Hudson or-send us the coupon. There's nd obh'gatioto, get m touch William Hanlotw: 18, soho! Mm mont. He-received his award in .u Hfm,on * AVdftv«e<6tty .Waco from FAy. Carey, Hmvestore reiv R w•w i nnW ^loftai :ttarve^t6W Feed res^ntfttfvciat the annuat HarvesL./2L' * R wnWtri-This terfl* 'ArV covers east of the' Hudson toro Owners meeting held At the ^J^V MasMchutetW Connect I* fteLaverRne Hotel, Amenjiv a \w\ ; •««» Now Hampshire and Ver- Wednesday, May. 19. •; 1^ui'd^a#ay; • J.VJV.. i^V£: •^•: '• lUiV- '• •,-<••.v — Untitled Document *g#*m^ wntemtmisCSt^ MuiMMmiwiimiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiinr gjj SBMBSKBKBSBB Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com '''^ • MM. * M «M M l IMM M M M l MM M MM) W M MM) rntmt MM) MM) M M T n-ould Hkc to knot* tntte I . electric heat. '. • • < I I 1 1 1 Name about modern M AddresA~_ Phone___ •>_— fc*M*A M M ViMHt h H MM M b I [ I I —4. ^^^~ MIMJL ^MMM M | ^ * M M _ t ^_^_M_* ©CENTRAL HUDSON gJLSi,.fitCTHiC CORPORATION _ •. . • •«iTJi^
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