r W\t Bailg pennsgtoanian PHII.ADKU'HIA, PA.. TH Vol. LXX ., JANUARY Five Undergraduates To Be Presented Awards of Merit at Annual Exercises Dr. Jonathan E. Bhoadi, proi the Unit will be the main speakei thia Saturday in HH Auditorium at which tit will be given »hn K. Smui chairmai 'ay Committee, announced. Frank, chairman of the I vniity Council and a the id' Council, and CharlJ iith. III. undergrad id of Mask and v. chief of Sph ty, will i;. Wan-, chairman of Houston Hall Board and Undergraduan, will . id. 1 Women undergradui in a petition submitted to Dr. Alth<-a K Hottel, dei Hall slated that • improvi would ,nt Hall and eal line to the petilIon, called for t p.m dent t'm I af- in order to and Entry Deadline Today For Queen Contestants Knl romi ian. II l)C, ii Hall t n an il the with the women \ n»»ered said 0 i ■ | along with the nt affairs on the ■ nit a ■ ation chow i I'enn captain I.ou Bayne drives past Cornell's Be.'. Ranger for two points in the second half of last night - I'alestra game. 'I'he Quakers staged a 20-point rally in tlie second half to defeat I c.niell, 77-72. and win their firHt League contest of the season. Wharton School Adopts Rules For Activity, Athletic Eligibility mine more clearly for both athletic and non-athletic the Whar eligibi IL In that dur- facu! Ugible unless he is in good scholastic standing and is making normal both quantitatively and qualita e rejruUe Dr. l the morning and i ligibility thc Wharrequirements with ide by defining quaa- d qualitative tttributed to a mild epidemic of 24 hour vi» ting forth the eligibility require ■ ant Hall was the difficulty of that the food I mining normal progress. Ti quality since th< pt to aid that the men ■ me this problem. anythii than tots Normal Progress Defined g to th.' l .i.k nt \ ariet) Cited In answer to the complaint that ■ i eil t" only i rshire iking normal progress, both added to the tabl mil qualit mod tu Dr. Ilottcl, i' at the beginning ml that this was only truth. He said that the involving '"' has i. qiu 'i '1 in .i ■ condi- acquired t Ibed numl ments and I hat thi quality credit.- Bet forth in a table led with. He d that vi mined by the Wharton factint d about the lack of . in the menus and th Wharton may I analyzing eight mm of 111 semester credits i d that this ranted for me other things additional mal quantithat • were tative progri is may be determined also , comment iinination of the number of ly taken by a stui n charged that all left ■'.-illation of whether during the week wi i will have the number Ight Storing die--ecded for .' that left graduation. erved all during the en -- In ■ restaurant. Spectfk Courses Required ■ d thai Hr. Hottel has i Wharton student I V who quired to take "d number - in Sci| of required COU I -. aluatc tii ' ' the Dining i on likes and die- them. The and arc the University Receives Electron Microscope a purchased an i the Ra* \ a, Dr. M Mitchell, 'lean Of the of medicine and Arthur L. i Ident ami general i . commercial \, announi The ... i i purchased ipplied by tin Bl cer Institute of the 0. B. Health ind will be i arly this year in one of inatomy laboratories. The macnine macliine will win be oe used uscu i«» for ,areh by studying no. and the distributi pr. teini within these cells, ■ qualitative progri \ t may be pr i normally if he has sat 84, low Founders Day Speech To Be Given Saturday By Dr. Rhoads in HH Meeting Called for Today by Gisburne; Situation Will Be Discussed, Reviewed * ill nut pay their board until n d by 121 plit room and bo morning, turning colder in High 10, Board Not To Be Paid Unless Meals Improve, Coeds State in Petition nl Official Forecast Weather Bureau at- Dr. Bulli H lite of thl -ity II chological \ He discussed how human and aniertain mil quai ' variou if effort on their behalf. Dr. Bullock said ' of interest to the it an individual behavior pattern determines the manner in which money is spent and He ralati oology when a p •ant to work even when is to how and ant I to situao which a reward would result fi of the in thi IT, Bullock how the Iarc of ii mining behavior ■ Motion P own janiin franklin, I I irly in the arsity of the . it the To Hear Kelly Today John B. Kelly. Jr.. a member I.I the United Olympic Team. will speak before a class in editorial writing at II a.m. today. Kelly will tell "f his experience- at the recent Olympics in Melbourne, Australia. Kelly was in the finals in the single -kulls rowing event. The clsss inducted by Dr. Reese I). Jame*. professor of KngHsh. lien, ■lent nt' \VS< iA, ] h> Lloyd St) aim. Jr. Editorial Writing Class Bullock Discusses Psychology, Its Relationship to Economics The aspect of how human behavychological >int, can be related to the field ' ' as discus Dr. Donald I'.ulloek at a meeting of unom- Penn Comeback Defeats Cornell In League Game who will of M- a sound the the cture i munit muring in sparki will receive alumi da of ICOnd half drive with ■ id. alumni i rl C. in the K. Addan. Chamb second half to notch the win. Jr., "2 I William H in the rue thriller. Making only four field gee I out of .' \ Kodinan, '12 I'enn fell behind minuti Jf. In the ! half it was I'enn that had Mliinni Honored alumni game I I., ram will b with ' I.ou Jordan had DOUI - half whi vith a low ity. its led seven Smucker, who will introd l i with a - oak featuring a point play by quickly followed by two fotll Two free thro 'wman Uumnl well, . aarros Paan w ill a' n Alex and Wit; Clubroom b dorm i i (Continued on page / Pro- finally went al • Students Plan Publication of Political Opinions by Arthur ('. F'aricnte and Raymond J. McGlens politic. :mil with polit! Although it will I ■ the Philadelphia area only at ' .! it will eventual. ard. re of •ation 'ident ormulated g held |n ion no publication rep The publi have not, nt of r it will be a magazine or newspaper in design—wdll I to the I |. but will seek ntributiona tar as from all colleges in the Phi irth in the table. phia a i l„ addition to th< itlons, ed for Name Decided r igibility ■ students ative name for the pul A Review of inning with the Spring Collegi Thought." The ill l>o eligible for and non-athletic extracurrieulomorc in the Wharton provided that School. "1 n general probata journal which will robation; that they arc all fa> ll though taking the minimum or more hours though I call it a liberal publicaof classes; that their non-passing of the tion, it will reflect the th of political thought—liberal, conirried; that they servative and middle-of-the-road," tor credit and qualhe said. requirem* The publication will not carry as grades are posted to ■-, ,. ..- __. „» ising. It will be supported, oH cards after the end of Wolpin said, by three sources of ■ fall term the eligibility of each income: single copy sales, subscripstudent will be reviewed. V on the maii by either the by a printer who. ly print it at wh of the Adult Adu i ol. and, while it might Tlte I* Miles Wolpin. moderator at the organizational meeting of the new political "review" is at the right. Two others present at the meeting are on the left. have an adu. son would not have I trol over the publi At present ti- HO in- thc t student activity. 'he group nt, January 28, at K ians, political parties and tions and contributions. The single ted in pol- in Potter Dormitory. Wolpin said copy price will be five cents. Sub- other individua: all ire wellin noted. scriptions will ' tributed at meetings come. tiibutions will be solicited from + Penn Whirled See page 3 for Varsity Shop Alice in Sergeant Hall Annual Sale . . . come to save. by Arthur C. Pariente•iink that it iy night LOW COST TRIP TO BERMUDA directorV\ he Renamed. "[*>*•* Spring Vacation —Trips from $140 Id. "What r head. Special Package Deal at $187 1. Round Trip Pan-American Airways 2. Stay at Beautiful First Class Hotel 3. Two Meals Oaily 'nl I don't Contact Al Rosen or Les Gallant—EV 6-6244 il 10. ft in matter." ••u i are Pre-Finals I COMPLETE REVIEW COURSE "II of ! ■ i t • -11 * "01 i iialf- Accounting la Accounting lb Accounting 2a $15/12 hrs. $20/15 hrs. $20/15 hrs. Given by •■)l SAMUEL MYERS, ACCOUNTANT li ME 5-5864 ." On: Wednesday and Thursday, January 9 and 10, 1957 "| think I'll Between: 1:00-2:00, 4:00-6:00,7:30-9:00 In: D-E 309 BO hoe.ie and hate a >lra»- irt. I Mr queen bake* some nice oi In a (Iran kitchen I (iitm. The pail) Pennaylvanian: REGISTER: "\\ Letters to the Editor BA 2-7059 miri uldn't Improvement Guaranteed * to the I In- t rurihle. . "Will t I ildiog up a "V. I am told i seii?" Why don't you tell 01( ' \ SOK MILLER a ind. . our mil ma E;re* MnnrJ n the D....I The Hungarian Spirit who vil] by Joseph Corriere with Johl to II In tl i many thii g1! \ mid gathi I," commented the when they leno "other da if it be y ..-.try now, hut illy at peace with iag a fes, ''K'1 ] hit Stuart Mill "If al a " ' hletic cont ort of • futun bring a U opln- """ unjr to this the Phils club, Sail. ■jjjjjjjjjjjjjljfjjjajjjjjjja them. utinue . "Just ■ pi.'. "They wl had anything I, h I will joil >ula than with Milton, will 1. or St. Paul, bu! -liift my all. . "' proud].. Bent tha; d into thi Olympic in, the it had been III Barrj >'<pian (Grad. School of \rt> and Scjem HI markii only Letters to the Editor should be addressed to the editor of The Daily Pennsylvania^ .'tilt Woodland Avenue. They should be double spaced at 61 characters to the line. All letters must be signed although The Daily PennsyUanian will withhold names on request. Ihc Bailu J^cnnsulVJanian A Franklin Society Publication Published Monday through Friday bu and f°i the I oo*'•'• t'»<l''rarad'<atcs of tie J957 loo.) 1 mylvania VOL I W iXY the n< I but Such gre ry match an exciting oi ■ turned out I that it worl ,uld have!", he ild make it in the for the Maestro was when Rudy . won the individual saber championship. T: . M d him out of ii and helped him tition. After hi- anal mi ted and I in favor of i The ould not .-ay too much about the situation at home. They had all left in the middle of a battle and knew only what they read in the papers. Many felt that hould be fighting, but almost all of them Telephone EV 6-0100 Ext. 535, 536 realized that the whole revolution was hopeThe big question then was whether they l,r *enni should return or seek asylum elsewr Night Kditor Lloyd B, Swaim, Jr. e are many names I could mention and ROBERT B. DAROFF, Ed htrf HARVEY ZAI.ES tying Editor DONALD M. STRAUBER, Bueix+it Manager RAI.PH THOU lanager thin] *ed him with the In which he won hi ml. II. e returned to Hungary to gather his family ai batt! | country. He had a bleak future when he left, but the Maestro hopes it will become much brighter. Maybe some .lay hi be able to see the shoes which he autographed for h can frien v hang in the fern Gym. A N N U A L {] I Substantial Reductions on L E A R A N C E Men's Suits Shirts Outercoats Neckwear Sportcoats Sweaters All Sales Final STORE HOURS: 9:00 6:00 WEDNESDAY 9:00-9:00 IThc Bailu pcnnsuluaman SPORTS ilRFE Freshman Five Bows To Lions In 2 Overtimes Perm Grapplers Score First Victory of Season rlings, 1| i point final ■ in the f two the M k l.llhe, 27 I lint with a minute it with a r but i '< | Now is the time to save A few of our reduced items • Imported Challis wool ties $ 2.50 • Fast color argyle socks 85 • Ivy styled raincoats 19.95 • Nylon stretch socks 1.00 • Repp striped ties 1.50 • Ivy styled wool and gab. caps . . . 2.95 • Penn. sweat shirts, Navy or white 3.00 i t y tl an Impressive This is our ANNUAL SALE . one n this •All wool Ivy flannel slax •All wool Sport Jackets • Imported argyle wool socks • Penn. wool 6 foot scarfs • Blue Blazers (Jackets) •Fine striped and plaid shirts •Novelty striped belts •Cotton T shirrs or shorts •All wool suits, tweeds, etc •Ivy styled oxford shirts •Cummerbund sets, plain or fancy 15.00 35.00 2.50 3.95 35.00 5.95 1.75 1.00 65.00 4,50 5.95 Value now $ 1.79 Value Value now now .64 13.90 Value Value Value Value now now now now .79 1.29 2.29 2.59 Value Value Value Value Value Value Value now now now now now now now 9.90 24.00 1.59 2.90 24.00 4.50 1.39 Value Value Value Value now now now now .87 47.00 3.65 4.50 n Ii i a Hill!' and many morecome and seel come to save! Baseball Edict Barring Scouts Termed Silly mar| VARSITY SHOP 3711 Spruce St. opposite men's dorms ii heading I ions |)ri\e drive In has . from whi Man" ■ fortum ■ . Quaker to put his natcl ball ci » in in the 111, the Knipe linpn ni the Knipe i raiding lod. Knipe when I body > II. ill tl I and major if the maiandon policy hi I" i down it at 57. In i it Doelling with a 17-foot jumper with 12 IDe Bailg of the Quinn g like ion. ■ I for tion," timer ■ ■ | . 1 < >tn- final idle tin ii they will o USE I' The , he'll get signed up. id, that much moi pennsuju-anian and lihii' mentor might be kind .if -illy for him to The that value by pitching in col i i,g alarm. If the boy is really ami ■■liege in the of! • r hand, if $2,1 me irt of tl i Olympic Stars Perform Here 11 i from York, i.irt of H iff ■ an, l . . ifting ■ i York, announced Vinci's thi i am. iptured ■ I will make future is at stake and there is a big risk involved.'' Perm's a sons back ke Dalton, :is a fir examp A he knew what mate, the AgV far cry what the i they l! told the re and d on a Hawks' Rally Halts Explorers capped an ed n* i t going to do any irot a fighting Hawks almost unbelievable oring 16 point CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR PROMPT RESULTS I.aSal team a for the City Title in the ■I game of last nig Al Cook put the Hawk- in front in the fouls, and '1 i. who tii Hoffman will I ■art of In it 'be Hut from wouldn't mind in the there on in. th comft" all of a sudden found something \ points m Murphy Field. half} the Explorers i empty ed their lead fritter aw i and l'ir g to keep them out one of t llui impion Hungai . which di mpic water nals, alop| «itfa swimming ymnastic xhibition the Philadelphia Comfor H ingarian Olympians. for the benefit can be Franklin n-ed at one a ill admit one to both tra and Hutehinaon PooL Frosh Fencers aaaon this rurd Colli II will Bill Gutman. The foil squad will consist of Kaye and Jay Kodner, and Dick Russman. Jim Hill, of Montgomery, N. Y-; Ed Parmacek, from Chciago, and Al Tyler will fence in the divisl the face of the spirited Hawk rally. Trailing by six points with a mins charges crept to within four, at 81-77, with left. Kurt Bngi ind high-man in the • with 27 promptly in for a layup a; Baling a -session. The Hawks called time and decided to play for one shot. They passed the ball around with a cool, confident air, until Al Julia*ia— who, seconds before, had refused iot three times from the right corner—sank a jump shot to tie tS* A CALL: EV 6-0100, EXT. 535 DAILY BETWEEN 3:00 and 5:00 P.M. e* 0 PAGE FOUR THE NOTICES FINANCE SOCIETY DAILY Penn Wins ' man Dill Classified Ads RECORD INTERNATIONAL AXFAIRS ASSN. ■ FORTS CAB CX.UR Mangan for 20 had ■ eight minu when . th-of ■ Bayne took Bown In the Thanks tional in the - with nlnjr. Th. OPTICAL REFAIRS — PROMPT. lUudent service, broken lenea« rail, rramett und on. paired glansea adjusted. Scientific Kiamination. To avoid inconvenience have us copy your pre acription from your lenses. No obliKB' warn, OPOpen until 9 p <Iny. STUDENT ft rACULTY I , bill | I'd BRIPOB CLUB eight mini PHOTOORAPHIC SOCIETY PEMM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP SOCIBTY TOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF MANAGEMENT from that (loint on with th. 16 left. ■eLucia'i jump shot put the Quaki SPECIAL SALE in fine Ryan. KI ON THESES (MASTERS, PR.D'S.) mai". IU.H-M faral BANSOM in In I [All. UNDERORAD. SOCIOLOGY CLUB NATIONAL JASS FRATERNITY Jazz RED AND BLUB PHILATELIC SOCIETY \ I i Blue NlOUfh \, /, added two free when See page 3 for Varsity Shop Annual Sale . . . come to save. SPECIAL BOXED STATIONERY REDUCED 25% ST. — IIW1T SIX FOOTER SCARFS KITE AND KIT SOCIBTY SPANISH CLUB THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, PENNSYLVANIAN NOW $2.95 FOR SALE -RI PI SPEAKER up the Boon to 73-70. iyne on a beautiful play to make I o and I two free throws after Jordan hail .sunk a junij. the win. UNFUBNISKED i APARTMENTS: bath, ZAVELLE'S 3427 WOODLAND AVE. 3409 WALNUT ST. CAMP MENATOMA KENTS HILL, MAINE I ill. ARMY ROTC StafF openings for faculty, graduate and undergraduate students. BOYS' CLUB iiy at l i ■ r.iii. Specialty openings in archery, athletics, campcraf', dramatics, golf, nature, nurse, photography, riding, secretarial, tennis, trips, waterfront, groundsman, general. Outstanding facilities. Couples considered. THE DAILY PENNSYLVANIAN 50,000 Books Interviews Tuesday, January 15, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Room 200, Logan Hall. Inquire at Student Placement Office for appointment. TRIANOLB All One Price Thurs. - 30«! S. W. Cor. 21st & Market On the dairy products honor roll" for 80 years '• 7. Phone: SHerwood 7-0805 STUDENTS - 45c All Times with Matric Card NIXON COLETTES 52nd I Mark** Stt -SH 7-8910 * Cameras, Films, Flash PIT OF LONELINESS Continuous from 2 P.M. 55* Today Until 6:00 P.M. Bulbs JAMES CAGNEY-HUMPHREY BOGART JINE DAIRY PRODUCTS. HUMPHREY BOGART-BETTE DAVIS 3700 Walnut S'reet Nearest Drug Store to Dorms MARKED WOMAN *CHOCOV* ABBOTTS DAIRIES, INC. 1 i CHINESE RESTAURANT 4018 Chestnut St. 146 N Delicious Jumbo Sandwiches 10th STREET Open - 11 A.M. to 3 A.M. WE DELIVER TO GROUPS The Most Outstanding Food in the Heart of Chinatown Party Catering Dinners Hot & Cold Lunches i Full Course Italian Dinners UNIVERSITY SHOP Pizza Pie Baked Right Before Your Eyes $ :♦: I Now Celebrating Our 10th Anniversary :♦: "The Home of the Annual Penn Football Banquet" Sale! Imported Loden coats Open from 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. % CONTINUOUS CLASSICAL MUSIC Car Tied Up for Repairs? CLOSED MONDAYS Need Dependable Transportation? •:♦;• •;♦> .;♦> .;«. .;♦;. .;♦> <♦> .x. 1889 Chestnut St. Planning a Special Trip? till 12 :♦;• •:♦> :♦: Fonzos Italian Restaurant Moderate Prices CALL BA 2-8471 THE PASSIONATE 3 NEXT ATTRACTION - EERNANDEl IN RED INN PIUS MAGOO FESTIVAL :♦:• •:♦;• •:♦;• •:♦:• •:«• LEE WOLKOV'S Delicatessen WITH ANNABEILA IN SIHCI 1B74 SOO OKLAHOMA KID Penn Pharmacy Open Tonight 42 Bus Stops at Door 2 NEW, VERY UNUSUAL FILMS * Lowest Cut Priced Drugs * Men's Toiletries, Yardley, Old Spice, Seaforth * Unusual Stationery 60th and Spruce Sts. STARTS TODAY PLR IMMEDIATE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE SPRUCE THEATRE :♦: 4» *• :♦:• •:♦> :♦> •:♦> :♦: :♦> •:♦: :♦> :♦: :♦> :♦;. 29.95 IT PAYS TO RENT FROM YALE CARS, STA. WAGONS, LIGHT TRUCKS By Day, Week, Month or Y«ar Most Makes $3.50 a Day Weekly or $2 50 a Day Monthly Reg. 37.50—the hit Plus Mileage—Incl. Insurance coat on campus! Our YALE AUTO RENTAL 130 N 22nd own Bavarian-import loden cloth, with leather toggles, twoway Kamel fan. Sizes 36 Makr career planning There are plenty of good angles to a life insurant with the head of our college unit will teli you a lot about this absorbing busii if you're interested in actual sales ou can start now—while you're stul in school. MR. RICHARD L. WOHLMAN 119 S. 39th ST. BA 2-4670 7mJf&. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY hood-collar. to 44. Write, p( save—while they last! UNIVERSITY valuable booklet The Reading Laboratory, Inc. 708 Western Savings Fund Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. PE 5-7906 ranches in New York and London INDIVIDUAL TRAINING 'SPECIAL STUDENT RATES' ame .-BBBBBBBBBBBB' • Address A L SHOP SECOND FLOOR CH! PHILADELPHIA
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