N 0., 6 9 5 3, 3 9. (No Model.) I/ A P a .I nu n t nu d M a r. RAUw .Fu Mm El EÜm GFm. PM TNmT_nuv.wrm. w Lm. ß 0 2. UNITED STATES PATENT EEICE. EZRA G. PETTIT, OF MARIETTA, OHIO. ROOF-FRAMING TOOL. SPECIFICATION forming part of letters Patent No. 695,339, dated March 1 1, 1902. Application filed May 21,1901. Serial No. 61,243. (No model.) T0 @ZZ whom, it may concern: Be it known that I, FZRA G. PETTIT, a citi 4, forming an adjusting means for spacing the above-mentioned bars apart. To the free zen of the United States, residing at Marietta, ends of the respective bars I pivot plates 7 55 in the county of Washington and State of Ohio, and 8, connected to the same by the right have invented new and useful Improvements angular flanges 9 and pivots 10, these plates being adapted to hang over the rafter or ridge in Roof-Framing Tools, of which the follow ing is a specification. This invention relates to new and useful beam, as will be presently explained. j Pivoted to the under side of the plates 7 improvements in roof-framing tools; and its and 8 are graduated secondary plates 11 and IO primary object is to provide a device of sim 12, provided with a centrally-located up ple construction whereby the rafters which wardly-projecting pins or bolts 13 and 14, which work in segmental slots 15 and 16 in the plates 7 and 8. These bolts carry, re the proper bevels for the different styles of spectively, a hollow tubel and a graduating compose the frame of a roof may be marked upon their faces and edges, so as to secure 15 rafters employed. 65 bar (designated by the reference-numerals 17 and 18) similar to the ones heretofore de that the same may be set after having been scribed and are for the purpose of spacing l Another object is to so construct the tool adjusted to the proper angles. the plates apart. The set-screw is utilized 70 With these and other objects in view the for holding the spacing medium in a prede invention consists in providing two arms, termined adjustment. The tube and rod are which are hinged together at their adjacent held in position with relation to the bolts 13 ends and the opposite ends of which are con and 14 through the medium of thumb-nuts nected by means of an adjustable rod pro 19 and 20. 75 vided with suitable graduations whereby the It will be noticed that the outer edges of .25 angle at which the arms are placed to each the respective plates are cut on an angle to other is readily indicated. the longitudinal edges thereof and with the The invention also consists in providing graduations or scale on the secondary plaies extensions which are hinged to the free ends are arranged so as to comprise a plurality of of the arms at right angles thereto and which diverging lines which register with the outer 30 are adapted to overlap the edges of the raft edge, so as to throw the edges of the second ers, upon which are placed the arms above ary plates at varying angles with relation to the plates 7 and 8, so as to provide for a dif nected by an adjustable rod bearing suitable ferent miter on the beam to be cut. The ver graduations and whereby the angle to be tically-extending bars 1 and 2 can also be ad marked upon the edge of the rafter may be justed to conform to the top cut made in ac referred to. These extensions are also con readily determined. cordance with the adjusting or secondary plates, or they may be arranged so as to guide features of construction and combination of the saw at an entirely diiferent angle thereto. 90 y The invention also consists in certain novel parts,whichwillbe hereinafterfully described and claimed, and illustrated in the accom panying drawings,~showing the preferred form of my invention, and in which l Figure 1 is a perspective view of the device in position upon a beam or rafter. It will be seen that a device made in ac cordance with the above will be cheap and durable in construction and that the securing ends of the tube 17 and rod 18 are made flat, so as to form washers constituting bearings 95 to rest between the plates 7 and 8 of the thumb-nuts 19 and 20. By use of a device of this character the beam may be cut at any Fig. 2 is 45 a sectional detail view of one of the arms and its extension. l and 2 designate a pair of flat bars piv desired angle without the necessity of any oted at their ends to form a hinge»joint 3. other tools, and so, while -I have described in Intermediate the ends of the bar 1 is pivoted detail what to me at this time appears to be 50 a tube 4, carrying a set-screw 5 and in which the very best means of accomplishing the de~ is slidably secured a graduated bar 6, secured sired result, I would have it understood that to the bar 2 and in connection with the tube I do not limit myself to the exact details of IOO 695,339 2 construction shown, but reserve the right to oted to the remaining arm and adapted to ex . make slight changes and alterations as might tend into the tube, means for locking the rod suggest themselves from time to time Without Within the tube, a plate hinged tothe free departing from the spirit of my invention. end of each arm and adapted to lie at right b'l Having thus described the invention, what angles to the arm, a tube pivoted to one of is claimed, and desired to be secured by Let the plates, a graduated rod pivoted to the re maining plate and adapted to extend into 45 ’ 1. The combination of arms having right-` said tube, and means forlocking the rod With angle extensions and hinged at their adjacent in the tube. ends, a tube pivoted at one end directly to 5. The combination with arms hinged to one arm and having its other end extending gether at their adjacent ends; of means for toward the other arm, a rod having gradua adjusting said arms from or toward each 50 tions and pivoted at one end directly to the other, plates hinged to the ends of the respec ters Patent, is“ IO last-named arm and having its other end ex tending toward the first-named arm and fit tive arms, of pivoted secondary plates piv oted to the ñrst-named plates and provided With a plurality of graduations adapted to aline with the edges of the iirst-named plates 55 and means for adjusting the graduated plates 2. The combination with arms hinged at With relation thereto. their adjacent ends; of a right-angle exten 6. The combination with arms hinged to. sion hinged to the free end of each arm, gether at their adjacent ends, of means for ted to the tube, means located on the tube for binding the tube and rod to their adjust ment. l p means for adjusting the arms from or toward `adjusting said arms from and toward each each other, and means for adjusting the an gles of the extensions to _each other inde pendently of the arms. 3. The combination With arms hinged at other, of plates pivoted to the free ends of the respective arms, and lie in aplane at right angles thereto, secondary plates hinged to the first-named plates, and having upwardly their adjacent ends; of means for adjusting projecting pins Working in slots in said iirst 65 said arms from or toward each other, a plate hinged to the free end of each arm and ar named plates, and means attached to said pins for adjusting the secondary plates with , ` 30 ranged in a plane at right angles thereto, a - relation to the iirst-named plate. tube pivoted to one of the plates, a rod piv oted to the remaining plate and adapted to extend into the tube, said rod being provided With suitable graduations, and means for binding the rod Within the tube. 4. The combination with arms hinged to gether at their adjacent ends; of a tube piv oted to one of the arms, agraduated rod piv In testimony whereof I afiix my signature in presence of Witnesses. ` EZRA G. PETTI'F. Witnesses: S. J. HATHAWAY, GEORGE THEIs, - FRANK MILLER.
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