Police: Man shot Sunday at Arbor Crest a gang

A6 News & Record, Thursday, September 25, 2014
Police: Man shot Sunday at Spanking incident
Arbor Crest a gang member leads to suspension
n Investigators trying
News & Record article at
the time. Munn’s charges
to determine how
were dropped because of a
he and the man killed lack of evidence, according
to the Guilford County Disare connected.
trict Attorney’s Office.
In January 2010, Munn
BSNW was
convicted of [email protected]
ing a weapon into occupied
property, as well as possesGREENSBORO — The sur- sion with intent to sell and
vivor of a double shooting
deliver cocaine and two
on Sunday is known by the counts of malicious connickname “Murder” and
duct by a prisoner, records
has been identified by poshow. He was released
lice as a gang member.
from prison Sept. 1, 2013.
Kenneth Lamont Munn,
His parole ended May 29.
31, was shot in the finger
Investigators are still
outside Building 15 of the
trying to determine what
Arbor Crest Apartment
Munn and Vandross were
Homes on Covey Lane
doing Sunday night at
about 9:30 p.m. Police said
Arbor Crest and their
he was treated at Moses
connection. So far, invesCone Hospital and released. tigators have only deterMichael Thomas Vanmined that the men are
dross, 27, died in the same acquaintances. Both are
considered homeless,
Police said they don’t
Richey said.
have a motive.
Vandross was a regular
“Right now we don’t
at meals served on Monknow who was the target
days and Saturdays for the
or if either man was the
homeless community, actarget,” Capt. Mike Richey cording to officials. They
said Munn attended more
On Wednesday, Richey
said Munn is a validated
“Michael always seemed
gang member, though he
to be happy-go-lucky,” said
declined to give additional Mike Murray, a co-founder
of Church Under the
Police consider someone Bridge, which serves hot
a validated member if they meals on Saturday nights
admit to being in a gang,
to 250 people. The meals
are seen on a regular bainclude a worship service
sis being with other gang
and giveaways of donated
members, wear gang cloth- items.
ing or symbols, write gang
“He was a free spirit.
symbols, are identified as
He never seemed to have
being in a gang by a rival
any issues,” Murray said
gang, or correspond with
of Vandross. “He was alknown gang members.
ways there, always joking
Munn, according to the
N.C. Department of CorMurray said he had seen
rection website, goes by
Vandross hanging around
the nicknames “Murder,”
Elm Street in downtown
“K Murder” and “Paper
the past few years, though
he didn’t know how he
In 2007, Munn was
ended up homeless. When
charged with murder,
Vandross saw Murray, he
along with two others, in
would come up and say
the death of a music store
owner, according to a
Murray saw Vandross
B A H
on Saturday night for the
last time. Murray said Vandross always made sure to
talk to the people he knew.
“I wish that I had spent
some more time with him,”
Murray said.
He was pretty certain
Munn was there on Saturday, as well.
“He’s quiet and kept
to himself,” Murray said.
“He’d shake your hand if
you walk by, but he would
sit by himself.”
He couldn’t recall if
Munn and Vandross had
ever sat together at Church
Under the Bridge.
The death of Vandross
was a topic of discussion
among those in the homeless community who came
to eat a weekly evening
meal Monday downtown
provided by the group
“We announced it Monday, because a lot of people
didn’t know that Michael
was who got killed,” Murray said. “It was a shock to
a lot of them.”
He said there were grief
counselors available for
those who needed it.
By the time of this week’s
Church Under the Bridge,
he thinks the shock will
wear off, but people may
still be talking.
Contact Sarah Newell
Williamson at (336)
373-7076, and follow
@snewell_NR on Twitter.
Winston-Salem Journal
assistant principal at
Piney Grove Elementary
has been suspended after allowing a parent to
come into a classroom to
spank his or her child in
front of other students.
Bonnie Brown was
suspended with pay
Tuesday pending an
investigation into the
spanking at the school on
Theo Helm, a spokesman for the WinstonSalem/Forsyth County
Schools, said a parent
was allowed into the
classroom to discipline
the child.
Helm said school system officials were made
aware of the situation
late Monday afternoon
and found the account to
be true after investigating on Tuesday.
He declined to release
the grade or any other
information about the
student, citing privacy
“That should not happen,” he said. “We have a
policy that prohibits staff
from using corporal punishment. We don’t have
anything in place that allows parents or family
members to use corporal
punishment at school.”
Brown will be suspended with pay while
the school system continues its investigation and
determines its next steps,
Helm said. He said there
is no timeline for when a
final decision will be made
about Brown’s position at
the school.
Brown had been in
charge of the school while
its principal, Susan Frye, is
on leave.
Deborah Grace, a retired
assistant principal, will
serve as interim administrator.
There is no set date for
Frye’s return, Helm said.
Grace retired from
Kernersville Elementary,
where she served briefly
as interim principal. Helm
said the school system frequently uses retired administrators to fill interim
No action was taken
against anyone else at the
A message was sent
home to all parents at the
school Tuesday. Helm said
any parents or students
who have concerns should
talk to their teacher or
guidance counselor.
Cabinet member
questions N.C.
airport dispute
The Associated Press
Transportation Secretary
Anthony Foxx says the
dispute over who controls Charlotte Douglas
International Airport is
what he calls “an unnecessary mess.”
The former Charlotte
mayor told The Charlotte Observer he doesn’t
know when the Federal
Aviation Administration
might make a decision.
“I think it behooves everybody to have the community decide,” Foxx
North Carolina lawmakers last year approved a plan to take
control of the airport
from the city and give it
to a regional commission.
They said that would
prevent what they called
“meddling” by the city.
Opponents called it a
power grab.
While the 13-member
commission was created
under the legislation last
year, it has not been allowed to run the airport
because of a lawsuit by
the city.
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