~1~comR9~teJa CGU COIL PARTNER SEARCH FORM1 Name oCthe tcacher: Brenda Ivonnc García Portillo Institution: Universidad de Monterrey DepartrncntlDisciplinc: lntcrnational Education Position Title: Director of Internationalization Projccts Email: [email protected] Phone Numher: +52 (81)8215-1496 Skypc ID: brcndadcparral Name of)'our ¡ntended class/group: Interculturat Competences Brief dcscriptioll oC fhis c1ass and fhe type oC partocr c1ass yon are looking for: 1 would like to find a partner to do collaborative projects in the intercultural communication module in spccitic. [n this module, our studcnts \ViIIexpericncc fram tirsthand what is lo communicate with an individual from a foreign country. On a collaborative project students from both institutions can disCllSSissues relatcd to the topie ofintereultural eommunication, such as its barriers (stereotypes, prejudice, racism, among others) and dcvelop strategies to haye an efTectiye intercultural communication. PIC~lse, provide information abont the cxisting conrsc on which )'our proposed coursc may be bascd (programme, typc of degree, etc.): The course is for undergraduate students from all majors who are interested in going abroad or interested in international relations or eommunication. Numbcr of students that would participatc in the CDIL acti\'ities: begin with. But \Ve have other groups that can incorporate latero Preferred start and end date of exchang:c (formal: time bctween August until December) Firsl language ofsludents: day/month/year): 25 students to Fall 2015 (any Spanish Target language (if an)') and Ic\'eI2*: Spanish / English Target Compctencies: Intereultural Communication, Intercultural Understanding. Intereultural sensibility What are the primar)' reasons for \\'anting lo bring a COIL perspeetive lo your course? We would likc to expand our COIL aetivities with other partners from around the world. This course is a good start due to the nature ofthe tapies eovered (mainly intereultural tapies). It is also a goo opportunity to proYide an intemational experienee to those students who are not able to partieipate in our study abroad programs. 1Ple¡¡s~. lill in allthe liclds in blank with no lllore lhan 250 words (exeepl thc la~t une if )OU wish). The cnmplded form should bc senl,juintJ)' with a CV ofthc tcachcr lo noclhl.lllnrtinC7.cn¡!iaurHusc.es. 1 Sce hltp://www.coe.int/tldg4/linguistidcadrc_en.asp for lhe dcfinilinn uf lhe levets. Compostela Group 01 Unlv(lrsities Rua da Conga, 1 (Casa da Cuncha), 15782 Santiago de Compostela, (Spain) Tel.. +34 881 812934 I Fax: +34 881 812932 e-mail noelia.martinez.cagiao@usc,esl wwwgcompostela.org Are there specific topies or moduh.'s in your course that )'OU fecl urc especially interesting for eOIL collaboration? lntercultural Cornrnunication Picase describe any previous expericnec you have ,","'itbonlinc le~lrning aud/or using technology in your teaching3• \Ve have participated in previous COIL activities with this course with partners fram USA, South Africa and the UK. J E.Xp~'TiCllCC is nOl rcqlJircd. Compostela Group 01 Universities Rúa da Conga, 1 (Casa da Cuncha), 15782 Santiago de 8ompostela, (Spaln) Tel.: +34 8818129341 Fax.: +34 8(11812932 e-mail: noelia.marlinez.cagiao@Lsc,esl www.9compostela.org Brenda García es Directora de Proyectos de Internacionalización en la Universidad de Monterrey. Anteriormente se desempeñó como Directora de Estudios en el Extranjero y durante su gestión la UDEM se convirtió en la universidad mexicana con el porcentaje más alto de alumnos enviados al extranjero. También ha sido profesora asociada en el Departamento de Humanidades y actualmente imparte el Diplomado en Competencias Interculturales en la UDEM. Brenda cuenta con 14 años de experiencia en el área de educación internacional. En la actualidad, su mayor responsabilidad es la coordinación tanto del programa de Formación en Competencias Interculturales en la UDEM como de las actividades de internacionalización en casa. También ha hecho investigación en la evaluación de objetivos de aprendizaje en las experiencias internacionales y en el desarrollo de competencias interculturales. Ha sido miembro activo de la Asociación Mexicana para la Educación Internacional (AMPEI), desde 2001 y actualmente ocupa el cargo de Coordinadora del Capítulo Noreste. Ella tiene estudios de licenciatura en Estudios Internacionales y una Maestría en Educación, ambos de la Universidad de Monterrey. Cuenta con un Diplomado en Internacionalización de la Educación Superior por el Colegio de las Américas, así como varios certificados en el tema de Competencias Interculturales y Educación Internacional de instituciones norteamericanas y europeas. Actualmente cursa el Diplomado en Estudios Interculturales por la Universidad de British Columbia en Canadá Brenda García is Director of Internationalization Projects at Universidad de Monterrey. Previously she was Coordinator of Study Abroad. During her term, UDEM became the Mexican university with the highest study abroad participation rate. She also served as an associate professor in the Department of Humanities. Currently her main responsibility is the development of the Intercultural Competencies Program at UDEM as well as Internationalization at Home activities. She also does research on international learning outcomes and assessment. She has been an active member of AMPEI, the Mexican Association for International Education, since 2001, currently serving as the Coordinator from the Northeast Chapter. She holds a M.A. in Education and a B.A in International Studies, both from Universidad de Monterrey. M.A in Education (Universidad de Monterrey) Certificate Program in Internationalization of the Curriculum (Colegio de las Américas) B.A in International Studies (Universidad de Monterrey) I have been working in the international education area for about 14 years. I have attended several workshops related to the development of intercultural competencies. I have done research on assessment of intercultural competencies.
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