4410 W Streetsboro Road Richfield, Ohio 44286 MEETING HELD AT THE TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES (The Village’s brick building behind the Village Town Hall) RICHFIELD TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014 10:00 A.M. Trustee Ms. Jankura began the Regular Trustee Meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 10:00 a.m. followed by Roll Call taken by Township Administrator, Mrs. Mindy Remec. Roll Call: Janet Jankura – Chairperson Jeff Shupe - Vice Chairperson Robert Luther Also in Attendance: Mrs. Mindy Remec, Township Administrator Ms. Laurie Pinney, Township Fiscal Officer Chief Keith Morgan, Village of Richfield Police Department Mr. Jeff Gorman, West Side Leader Publications, Ms. Kristen Wevemeyer Goss, Richfield Times Approval of Minutes: October 16, 2014 Regular Meeting: Dispensing with the reading of the minutes, Trustees Shupe and Luther had no corrections or additions. MOTION by: Mr. Shupe and seconded by Mr. Luther to approve the October 16, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. FURTHER DISCUSSION: NONE MOTION PASSED BY MAJORITY PRESENT: Jankura (abstain), Luther (yea), Shupe (yea) October 23, 2014 Special Meeting Work Session: Regular Meeting Page 2 November 6, 2014 Dispensing with the reading of the minutes, Trustee Ms. Jankura had corrections there no other corrections or additions provided from Trustees Shupe and Luther. MOTION by: Ms. Jankura and seconded by Mr. Shupe to approve the October 23, 2014 Special Meeting Work Session as corrected that states: “Trustee Ms. Jankura began the meeting” And on page 2 that “All in attendance understood the rationale for a design that would include multiple floors.” And that Handwritten corrections were noted on the Minutes for October 23, 2014. FURTHER DISCUSSION: NONE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (yea), Luther (yea), Shupe (yea) October 31, 2014 Special Meeting: MOTION by: Ms. Jankura and seconded by Mr. Shupe to approve the October 31, 2014 Special Meeting as presented. FURTHER DISCUSSION: NONE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (yea), Luther (yea), Shupe (yea) Department Head Reports: Police Report: Chief Morgan distributed the monthly report and stated that there were 131 calls for service in the Township and 1170 calls for service in the Village. The following hunting information was provided: Species White-Tailed Deer: Archery White-Tailed Deer: Antlerless Deer Muzzleloader White-Tailed Deer: Youth Gun White-Tailed Deer: Gun White-Tailed Deer: Muzzleloader Opening Date September 27, 2014 October 11, 2014 Closing Date February 1, 2015 Daily Bag Limit October 12, 2014 November 22, 2014 December 1, 2014 January 2, 2015 November 23, 2014 December 7, 2014 January 5, 2015 Refer to the Deer Hunting Section for details on zone and bag limits Revere High School will be hosting a Veteran’s Day Breakfast & Ceremony on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 9:15 a.m. All veterans are invited to attend and for reservations call Revere High School at telephone number 330.523.3203. Regular Meeting Page 3 November 6, 2014 Fire Report: There were 16 Township EMS calls for the month of October, 3 for Fire, 6 Mutual Aid Given and 1 Mutual Aid Received. A grant was awarded through the State of Ohio Bureaus Worker’s Compensation for a power-load system and power-cot. This system helps lift patients into the rescue squads which are safer and more efficient for the patent and the firefighters. The amount of the grant was in excess of $24K. Fiscal Report: None Zoning: Zoning Inspector, Ms. Pinney, stated that two (2) zoning certificates were issued in October making the year to date activity twenty-seven (27). (4 new residences, 4 residential additions, 7 residential accessory buildings, 2 agricultural accessory buildings, 3 decks, 2 swimming pools with fences and 5 fences) An appeal of the Board of Zoning Appeals Case 596-14 Club MotorPlex was filed with the Court of Common Pleas on March 27, 2014. All required documents have been provided and more discussion on the matter with legal counsel will occur at a future date. The Trustees have applied to the Board of Zoning Appeals for setback variances to construct a government center at the service department site, 3038 Boston Mills Road. The hearing is scheduled for Monday, November 17, 2014 and it is anticipated that the discussion will continue to the December 15, 2014 BZA meeting. The Board of Zoning Commission discussed composing a letter of response to the JEDD Board regarding their proposals to amend the Light Industrial-Office regulations. The Board of Trustees declined to take action on the matter stating that the change should be initiated by the property owner. The property at 3538 Medina Line Road that was issued an Unsafe Building Order is still pending with no further action anticipated in the near future. Vacant property on Boston Road is being used for commercial storage of equipment and materials. The owner was contacted in 2013 but did not comply with removing the items. After recurring requests from the residents in the area, additional letters were sent June and September of this year with no compliance from the property owner. It is being suggested that the township file injunctions to begin the process of legal enforcement to bring the property into compliance. Park: Trustee Mr. Luther stated that the soccer season is over for the year and the Park Administrator, Chris Eastwood, is putting the park “to bed.” Local Boy Scouts have used the park for their camp outs recently. Regular Meeting Page 4 November 6, 2014 Roads: Trustee Mr. Luther and Administrator Mrs. Remec presented bids for the Wakefield Run Boulevard Storm Sewer Repair. The scope of work involves repairing two pipe joints in the right of way and affecting sanitary sewers from Medina and water lines from Cleveland. MOTION by: Mr. Luther and seconded by Mr. Shupe to approve in an amount not to exceed $1,000.00 to Haeberle Excavating Company, Inc. from General Funds for the Wakefield Run Boulevard Stormwater Repair Project. FURTHER DISCUSSION: NONE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (yea), Luther (yea), Shupe (yea) Trustee Mr. Luther stated that approval was required to purchase a replacement water pressure washer. Administrator Mrs. Remec stated that washer lost in the fire was purchased in 1997 for approximately $2354 and a comparable unit costs $3099. MOTION by: Mr. Luther and seconded by Ms. Jankura to approve the purchase of a water pressure washer from Shearer Equipment in the amount of $2,754.00 from the General Funds Fire Replacement Insurance Claim. FURTHER DISCUSSION: NONE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (yea), Luther (yea), Shupe (yea) Administration: Administrator Mrs. Remec stated that the final lease documents were completed and funds were available. Payments for the first truck and backhoe have been made. Upon notification of the delivery for the Freightliner is received, payment will be made. Fee schedules to review construction and architect contracts were received and distributed to the Trustees. The engagement for legal services is for limited services that can be modified in writing and confirmed by counsel in writing. MOTION by: Mr. Luther and seconded by Ms. Jankura to approve Brouse McDowell in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00 for legal services from the General Fund to advise the Township in connection with the construction and financing of the new service and administration building (Township Government Center Project) and with revising the existing Employee Handbook. FURTHER DISCUSSION: NONE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (yea), Luther (yea), Shupe (yea) Regular Meeting Page 5 November 6, 2014 Administrator Mrs. Remec will be out of the office on Friday, November 7, 2014 attending the Ohio Township Administrators Network Forum. Old Business: None New Business: Discussion of upcoming holidays: The Trustees discussed the actual days of the week the 2014 holidays fell. Fiscal Officer, Ms. Pinney stated that the discussion was necessary now rather than later since it was necessary to approve the time off in advance MOTION by: Ms. Jankura and seconded by Mr. Luther to authorize additional time off as follows: half day for Friday, November 26, 2014, Wednesday, December 24, 201r, Friday, December 26, 2014 and Friday, January 2, 2015. FURTHER DISCUSSION: MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (yea), Luther (yea), Shupe (yea) Discussion of Safety Services Contract: Trustee Ms. Jankura asked Trustee Mr. Shupe for a status of the negotiations and discussions with the Village regarding the police and fire contracts. Trustee Mr. Shupe stated “all the Township needs to know is what was printed in the Richfield Times.” Trustee Ms. Jankura tasked Trustee Mr. Shupe to schedule a meeting with the Village regarding the matter in order to resolve before the end of the year. Announcements: None Citizens Forum: None Regular Meeting Page 6 November 6, 2014 Agenda Requests and Follow-Up Actions Items: Meeting with Village regarding Safety Contracts. Adjournment: MOTION by: Ms. Jankura and seconded by Mr. Luther to adjourn at 10:50 a.m. FURTHER DISCUSSION: NONE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ____________________________ Trustee ______________________________ Secretary
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