PRESS RELEASE MARINE PRODUCTS EXPORTS CROSSES US$ 5 BILLION IN 2013-14 The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India. MPEDA is the nodal agency for promotion of export of marine products from India. MPEDA has presence in all the maritime states and is implementing its developmental schemes for export promotion / aquaculture production through its field offices. During the financial year 2013-14, exports of marine products reached an all-time high of US $ 5007.70 million. Marine product exports, crossed all previous records in quantity, rupee value and US $ terms. Exports aggregated to 9,83,756 MT valued at Rs. 30,213.26 crores and US $ 5,007.70 million. Compared to the previous year, seafood exports recorded a growth of 5.98 % in quantity, 60.23% in rupee and 42.6 % growth in US $ earnings respectively. The unit value realization also reached to record high from USD/Kg 3.78 during 2012-13 to USD/Kg 5.09 during 2013-14 and recorded growth of 34.55%. The increased production of L. Vannamei shrimp, has helped to achieve higher exports EXPORT PERFORMANCE SINCE 2002-03 (US $ MILLION) 6000 5008 5000 US $ Million 4000 3508 3512 3000 2000 1425 1478 2133 1644 1000 0 1331 2857 1909 1853 1899 Exports during 2013-14 compared to 2012-13 Export details Quantity Tonnes Value Rs.crore Value US $ Million Unit value (US$/Kg) 2012-13 928215 18856.26 3511.67 2013-14 983756 30213.26 5007.70 Growth % 5.98 60.23 42.60 3.78 5.09 34.55 Exports during 2013-14 compared to 2012-13 3500000 3021326 3000000 2500000 1885626 2000000 2012-13 2013-14 1500000 928215 983756 1000000 351167 500770 500000 0 Quantity Tonnes Value Rs. 10 lakh US $ '000 Major items of export Frozen shrimp continued to be the major export value item accounting for a share of 64.12% of the total US $ earnings. Shrimp exports during the period increased by 31.85%, 99.54% and 78.06% in quantity, rupee value and US $ value respectively. There was all time high growth in unit value realization of frozen shrimp at 35.05%. The overall export of shrimp during 2013-14 was to the tune of 3,01,435 MT worth US $ 3210.94 million. USA is the largest market (95,927MT) for frozen shrimps exports in quantity terms followed by European Union (73,487 MT), South East Asia (52,533MT) and Japan (28,719 MT). The contribution of cultured shrimp to the total shrimp export is 73.31% in terms of US $. The export of cultured shrimp has shown tremendous growth of 36.71% in quantity and 92.29% in dollar terms. The export of Vannamei has shown tremendous growth to 1,75,071 MT from 91,171 MT and US $ 1,994.27 million from 731.01 million compared to 2012-13. The export of Vannamei recorded a growth of 92.03% in quantity and 172.81% in dollar terms. 44.59 % of total Vannamei shrimp was exported to USA followed by 17.07% to EU, 16.54% to South East Asian countries and 4.01 % to Japan in terms US $. Export of Black Tiger shrimp reduced from US $521.33 million to 435.79 million and 61,177 MT to 34,133 MT compared to last year. Fish, has retained its position as the principal export item in quantity terms and the second largest export item in value terms, accounting for a share of about 32.97% in quantity and 14.15% in US $ earnings. Unit value realization of fish also increased by 21.65%. Export of Fr. Squid has shown growth of 15.98%, 25.68% and 10.78% in terms of Quantity, Rupee Value in and US $ terms. However it has shown decrease in unit value realization by 4.48%. Fr. Cuttlefish recorded a growth of 8.34% in quantity. Dried items have shown a positive growth in terms of rupee value by 21.72% and in dollar terms by 9.86%. Live items exports shown a growth by 16.17%, 42.43% and 26.81% in quantity, rupee value and US $ realization respectively compared to the previous year. The details of major items of exports are given in the following table Item wise Exports April- 2013 to March- 2014 V: Value in $: USD Q: Quantity in Tons, Rs. Crores, Million Apr 2013- Apr 2013(%) ITEM Share % Mar 2014 Mar 2014 change FROZEN SHRIMP Q: 31 301435 228620 31.85 V: 64.11 19368.30 9706.36 99.54 $: 64.12 3210.94 1803.26 78.06 UV$: 10.65 7.89 35.05 FROZEN FISH Q: 33 324359 343876 -5.68 V: 14.22 4294.81 3296.86 30.27 $: 14.15 708.63 617.59 14.74 UV$: 2.18 1.80 21.65 FR CUTTLE FISH Q: 7 68577 63296 8.34 V: 4.59 1386.98 1354.28 2.41 $: 4.56 228.13 251.54 -9.31 UV$: 3.33 3.97 -16.29 FR SQUID Q: 9 87437 75387 15.98 V: 5.73 1731.97 1378.08 25.68 $: 5.68 284.60 256.90 10.78 UV$: 3.25 3.41 -4.48 DRIED ITEM Q: 7 67901 72953 -6.93 V: 3.30 998.00 819.90 21.72 $: 3.35 167.89 152.81 9.86 UV$: 2.47 2.09 18.04 LIVE ITEMS Q: 1 5080 4373 16.17 V: 0.93 281.85 197.89 42.43 $: 0.93 46.70 36.82 26.81 UV$: 9.19 8.42 9.16 CHILLED ITEMS Q: 2 19755 26868 -26.47 V: 1.75 527.84 537.11 -1.73 $: 1.77 88.48 99.87 -11.41 OTHERS TOTAL DRIED ITEM 8% FR CUTTLE FISH 8% UV$: Q: V: $: UV$: Q: V: $: UV$: 4.48 109212 1623.50 272.34 2.49 983756 30213.26 5007.70 5.09 11 5.37 5.44 100 100 100 CHILLED ITEMS LIVE ITEMS 3% 0% 0% FR SQUID 10% FROZEN SHRIMP 34% FROZEN FISH 37% ITEM WISE 2013-14 (Quantity in MT) DRIED ITEM 3% CHILLED ITEMS LIVE ITEMS 2% 1% OTHERS 5% FR SQUID 6% FR CUTTLE FISH 5% FROZEN FISH 14% FROZEN SHRIMP 64% ITEM WISE 2013-14 (in US $) 3.72 112841 1565.78 292.86 2.60 928215 18856.26 3511.67 3.78 20.49 -3.22 3.69 -7.01 -3.92 5.98 60.23 42.60 34.55 Major export markets South East Asia continued to be the largest buyer of Indian marine products with a share of 26.38% in terms of US $ value realization. USA is the second largest market with a share of 25.68% followed by European Union (EU) (20.24%), Japan (8.21%), other countries (8.20%), China (5.85%) and Middle East (5.45%). The exports to South East Asian Countries as shown positive growth by 11.47%, 84.67% and 62.72% in terms of Quantity, Rupee value and US dollar terms respectively. Exports to US had registered a tremendous growth of 19.94% in quantity and 72.06% in US$ realization and is mainly attributed to the export of Fr. Shrimp which showed a growth of about 34.81% in volume and 92.40% in US$ terms. Exports of Vannamei shrimp showed a tremendous increase in US market by 59.63 % in quantity and 135.71% in US $ realization. Export to Japan registered increase in terms of US $ by 10.30%. Export of Frozen Shrimp increased by 7.38% in quantity terms and 28.23 % in dollar terms. Export to Middle East countries has shown good growth of 40.13%, 43.65% and 30.29% in terms of Quantity, Value and Dollar terms respectively. The details on major markets for Indian marine products are given in the following table. Market wise Exports - April- 2013 to March- 2014 V: Value Q: Quantity in $: USD in Rs. Tons, Million Crores Apr Apr 2012Country Share % 2013-Mar Mar 2013 2014 (%) JAPAN Q: 7.27 71484 76648 -6.74 USA V: $: Q: V: $: 8.16 8.21 11.27 25.63 25.68 2463.83 410.95 110880 7744.67 1286.04 1999.59 372.57 92447 4026.48 747.45 23.22 10.30 19.94 92.34 72.06 EUROPEAN UNION Q: 17.76 174686 158357 10.31 CHINA V: $: Q: V: $: 20.29 20.24 7.70 5.85 5.85 6129.69 1013.28 75783 1766.72 293.12 4176.42 777.41 87776 1444.86 269.47 46.77 30.34 -13.66 22.28 8.78 SOUTH EAST ASIA Q: 38.63 380061 340944 11.47 V: $: Q: 26.63 26.38 5.90 8046.59 1320.95 58040 4357.28 811.80 41419 84.67 62.72 40.13 MIDDLE EAST OTHERS Total OTHERS 8% V: $: Q: V: $: Q: V: $: MIDDLE EAST 6% 5.29 5.45 11.47 8.15 8.20 100 100 100 1599.37 272.65 112822 2462.40 410.71 983756 30213.26 5007.70 1113.34 209.26 130623 1738.29 323.71 928215 18856.26 3511.67 43.65 30.29 -13.63 41.66 26.88 5.98 60.23 42.60 JAPAN 8% USA 26% SOUTH EAST ASIA 26% CHINA 6% EUROPEAN UNION 20% Market wise 2013-14 (in US $) Major Port wise Exports: Marine products were exported through 26 sea/air/land ports. Exports improved from Vizag, Chennai, Krishnapatnam, Tuticorin and Mangalore compared to the corresponding period during the last year. Pipavav is the major port in terms of quantity (25.27%) and Vizag is the major port in terms of dollar value (22.59%). Outlook for 2014-15 MPEDA envisages target of USD 6.0 Billion for the year 2014-15. Increased production of L. Vannamei shrimp, Quality control measures and increase in infrastructure facilities for production of value added items are expected to help in achieving this target. AQUA AQUARIA INDIA – 2015 The 3rd edition of ‘AQUA AQUARIA INDIA’, the biennial aquaculture – ornamental fish culture exhibition organized by “The Marine Products Export Development Authority” (MPEDA) is slated to be held from 20th to 22nd February 2015 in Andhra Loyola College Campus Vijayawada. It is befitting to organize the show in Andhra Pradesh considering its reputation as largest producer of shrimp by aquaculture. Besides, the region also produces large quantities of fish culture its fresh water resources, and is emerging as a potential area of development for ornamental fishes. The upcoming event is proposed to have 300 stalls to showcase various production and harvest technologies, machinery and accessories in export oriented aquaculture as well as ornamental fisheries sectors. 20,000 delegates from India and abroad are expected to participate in Aqua Aquaria India 2015. The early bird scheme for exhibitors for registering at concessional rates closes on 30th November 2014. Aquaculture farmers and ornamental fish breeders, feed manufacturers, hatchery owners, machinery suppliers, exporters/importers, officials from fisheries institutions and State/Central Government Departments, researchers, students and aquarium hobbyists in India/abroad are expected to participate in the fair as well as in the technical sessions as delegates/exhibitors. MPEDA solicit the co-operation and active participation of the stakeholders in aquaculture and ornamental fisheries sectors in this event thereby taking the industry into further strides. Stall & Delegate registration details is available in the show website ******************** RGCA’S AQUACULTURE PATHOLOGY LAB IS INDIA’S FIRST NABL ACCREDITED LAB Central Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory of Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture (RGCA), Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA), Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India becomes the First Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory in the country accredited by NABL (National Accreditation Board For Testing & Calibration Laboratories) as per ISO/IEC 17025 : 2005. RGCA the R & D arm of MPEDA established a state-of-the-art Central Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory at its Head quarters in Sirkali, TamilNadu in September 2011. The laboratory has been serving aquaculture industry of the country by providing timely and reliable diagnosis of various diseases encountered during the culture of finfish, shrimps & freshwater prawns. The laboratory is equipped with all the latest disease diagnostic tools and has three component units for Molecular Pathology, Histopathology and Microbiology which together helps in diagnosis of various diseases encountered by the aquaculture industry. The Molecular Pathology Laboratory has been routinely engaged in screening/diagnosis of 16 Crustacean (shrimp/crab) pathogens including OIE listed pathogens besides 3 finfish pathogens. In addition, the laboratory conducts periodical & need based aquaculture disease surveillance in India for the benefit of the seafood export industry. All the known diseases affecting the shrimp/prawn/ fish are diagnosed at this lab which includes the recently emerged dreaded shrimp disease viz. Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS)/ Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (AHPND). The laboratory has been successfully participating in Proficiency testing conducted by Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory, University of Arizona, USA (a World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) reference laboratory for crustacean diseases). WITH THE ACCREDITATION OF NABL, THE AQUACULTURE PATHOLOGY LAB HAS BECOME THE ONLY NATIONALLY ACCREDITED LABORATORY FOR AQUACULTURE DISEASE DIAGNOSIS. Central Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory (CAPL), Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture (RGCA), Sirkali, TamilNadu Sl no 1. 2 3 Product(s) / Materials Tests (Pathogen detection using PCR method) of test Crab & Crab products White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) Artemia& products Shrimp & products Artemia White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) Shrimp 1. White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) 2. IHHNV (Infectious Hypodermal & Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus) 3. TSV (Taura syndrome virus) 4. YHV (Yellow head virus) & GAV (Gill associated virus) 5. IMNV (Infectious Myonecrosis Virus) 6. MoV (Mourillyan virus) 7. MBV (Monodon Baculo Virus) 8. HPV ( Hepatopancreatic Parvo Virus) 9. NHP –B (Necrotising hepatopancreatitis – αProteobacteria) 10. RLB - TAN ( Ricketssia like bacterial disease) 11. RLB - MAD ( Ricketssia like bacterial disease) 12. SMV (Spawner associated mortality virus) 4 Prawn products & Prawn MrNV ( Macrobrachium rosenbergii Noda virus)
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