Pleasant Bay Initial Non-Traditional Bookend for

Pleasant Bay
Initial Non-Traditional Bookend for Subwatersheds in Pleasant Bay
 The Orleans Initial Non-Traditional Bookend illustrates a range of non-sewer options that achieve regulatory
compliance for nitrogen, address priority impaired ponds and satisfy septage disposal needs for Orleans,
Eastham and Brewster.
 The Orleans Initial Non-Traditional Bookend modifies the 208 Plan’s Preliminary Non-Traditional Scenario using
additional preliminary data and analysis
 The Orleans Initial Non-Traditional Bookend is not intended as the most practical, desirable or cost-effective
solution for each subwatershed. It is proposed as an initial “straw man” plan that will be further customized
and modified based on technical, financial, and environmental criteria as well as public preferences through the
stakeholder workshop process. From this process a “hybrid” options will be defined and further tailored to the
needs of Orleans, resulting in a consensus wastewater and septage management plan for the Town.
 Some mitigation measures are shown on the Orleans Initial Non-Traditional Bookend Map to address nutrient
issues that impact freshwater ponds, but specific calculations are not included in this document.
Assumptions used in calculating nitrogen removal rates for Non-Traditional Technologies
Permeable Reactive Barriers - A subsurface zone of reactive material designed to intercept and remediate contaminated
 Injection well delivery of carbon source
 Installations only in road rights-of-way
 80% removal of groundwater nitrogen upstream of PRB
 Mass (kilograms) of nitrogen based on water use records for area upstream of PRB, and nitrogen
concentration entering the groundwater of 26.25 mg/L
 No nitrogen removal credit taken for stormwater and fertilizer entering groundwater from collection
 Sources: Falmouth PRB Demonstration Project Working Group Reports/CDMSmith Technical
Memoranda, EPA Workshop on PRBs, and Technology Matrix
Aquaculture shellfish - Shellfish farming using gear to grow and harvest organisms that uptake nitrogen from the water
 Quahog: 0.24 grams of nitrogen/2” quahog (240 kg/1 million quahogs removed)
 Oyster: 0.26 grams of nitrogen/3” oyster (260 kg/1 million oysters removed)
o No credit for denitrification
 Aquaculture involves gear, off-bottom growing of oysters, and quahog bottom-planting
 Acreage proposed is based on data collected from different growing systems, and Macfarlane
 Source: Barnstable County Cooperative Extension data and analysis for Cape Cod shellfish
Oyster reef – Growing oysters on suitable substrate with the expectation that a reef habitat will develop to remove
 Oyster: 0.50 grams of nitrogen/3.5” oyster (500 kg/1 million oysters removed)
o Does not include nitrogen removal credit for denitrification/removal by associated species
 Source: Mashpee Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan, Appendix 5
Coastal Habitat Restoration – Creating an ecosystem that includes a combination of shellfish and associated organisms
and plants that remove nitrogen
117 kg nitrogen/acre
Acreage proposed is based on either oyster reef or quahog propagation
Some shellfish harvest for nitrogen removal
Where identified in Orleans subwatersheds, it was assumed this natural ecosystems approach would be
preferred to gear-based aquaculture operations (bags, racks, cages)
Source: Technology Matrix
Floating Constructed Wetlands – Islands created using porous substrate planted with grasses and other plants that
uptake nitrogen. Root systems also serve as a substrate for nitrogen-removing microbes and/or aquatic species to grow
0.4 kg nitrogen/cubic foot (should be verified in a field test)
1’ deep
Source: Technology Matrix
Fertigation - A system that uses irrigation wells to capture nitrogen-enriched groundwater and deliver it to plants for
both watering and fertilization
3.8 kg nitrogen/acre/year (revision should be considered)
Source: Technology Matrix
Eco-toilet - Composting and/or urine-diverting systems that separate human feces and urine from the wastewater
system of a house or business
6 kg nitrogen/year (revision should be considered)
Source: Technology Matrix
Innovative/Alternative (I/A) Septic Systems – Septic systems that are engineered and operated to remove more
nitrogen than standard Title 5 systems
5 kg nitrogen/year (revision should be considered)
Source: Technology Matrix
Methodology used to develop Orleans Initial Non-Traditional Bookend
1. Detailed review of the Cape Cod Commission’s Technology Matrix, and planning tools (Watershed MVP, Tracker,
Calculator, and Preliminary 208 Scenarios). Some field verification of tools based on known wastewater values.
2. Review of Orleans groundwater information
 Maps of depth to groundwater prepared by Town
 Irrigation well information for properties in Town Cove area (depths, soil types, chemical data)
3. Initial survey of shellfish activity in Orleans
 Interviewed staff at Harbormaster and Shellfish Department
 Interviewed Jerry Dorman regarding Arey’s pond oyster propagation project
 Summarized and reviewed 2013 operations data from holders of Shellfish Grants in Orleans
 Interviewed Sandra Macfarlane
 Studied Macfarlane publication that chronicles the 20 year history of quahog management in Orleans
entitled "The evolution of a municipal quahog (hardclam), Mercenaria mercenaria management program, a
20-year history: 1975-1995." Journal of Shellfish Research 17.4 (1998): 1015-1036
 Incorporated information from 2 years of experience overseeing Falmouth’s Little Pond Shellfish
Demonstration Project (growing approximately 2 million seed annually from seed in upweller, with relay into
Little Pond and end of season relay to other waterbodies)
4. Preliminary map and field review of roads, open space and other physical features in the Town
5. Review of eco-toilet and I/A Septic Systems installation numbers generated by Tracker and Calculator
Next Steps:
Feedback from Stakeholders on subwatershed-specific approaches
Refine nitrogen-removal assumptions for Non-Traditional Technologies
Review phosphorus loading and other data for freshwater ponds
Additional analysis of current Shellfish Grants, criteria for various types of programs
Review and refinement of capital and operating cost estimates for the range of technologies
Arey’s Pond
Reduction Target: 141 kg/year
SOURCE: DRAFT Cape Cod Area Wide Water Quality Management Plan Update (208 Plan)
208 Preliminary Non-Traditional Scenario - Nitrogen-Removal Rates:
28 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
114 kg/year from Coastal Habitat Restoration
Orleans Initial Non-Traditional Bookend – Nitrogen Removal Rates:
28 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
114 kg/year from Aquaculture (~ 1.5 acres of quahog/oyster aquaculture)
+ Inlet Dredge: nitrogen-removal to be determined
+ Septage treatment at Tri-Town Facility
Lonnies Pond (Kescayo Gansett)
Reduction Target: 193 kg/year
SOURCE: DRAFT Cape Cod Area Wide Water Quality Management Plan Update (208 Plan)
208 Preliminary Non-Traditional Scenario - Nitrogen-Removal Rates:
45 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
150 kg/year from Floating Constructed Wetlands
Orleans Initial Non-Traditional Bookend – Nitrogen Removal Rates:
45 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
150 kg/year from Floating Constructed Wetlands (20’ x 20’ x 1’ raft)
153 kg/year from Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB)
Herring Brook Way (approximately 700 feet/56 properties)
+ Inlet Dredge: nitrogen-removal to be determined
+ Septage treatment at Tri-Town Facility
Meetinghouse Pond
Reduction Target: 1602 kg/year
SOURCE: DRAFT Cape Cod Area Wide Water Quality Management Plan Update (208 Plan)
208 Preliminary Non-Traditional Scenario - Nitrogen-Removal Rates:
189 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
234 kg/year Coastal Habitat Restoration
500 kg/year Floating Constructed Wetlands
250 kg/year Aquaculture
250 kg/year Eco-toilets
180 kg/year I/A Septic Systems
Orleans Initial Non-Traditional Bookend – Nitrogen Removal Rates:
189 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
256 kg/year from Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB)
Loomis Lane (approximately 1500 feet; 78 properties)
250 kg/year Coastal Habitat Restoration (shellfish growing + habitat split between CHR and Aquaculture)
230 kg/year Floating Constructed Wetlands (24’ x 24’ x 1’ raft)
250 kg/year Aquaculture (shellfish growing + habitat total split between CHR and Aquaculture)
250 kg/year Eco-toilets (42 homes)
180 kg/year I/A Septic Systems (36 homes)
+ Inlet Dredge: nitrogen-removal to be determined
+ Septage treatment at Tri-Town Facility
Namequoit River
Reduction Target: 340 kg/year
SOURCE: DRAFT Cape Cod Area Wide Water Quality Management Plan Update (208 Plan)
208 Preliminary Non-Traditional Scenario - Nitrogen-Removal Rates:
69 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
275 kg/year from Floating Constructed Wetlands
Orleans Initial Non-Traditional Bookend – Nitrogen Removal Rates:
69 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
275 kg/year from Floating Constructed Wetlands (26’ x 26’ x 1’)
+ Inlet Dredge: nitrogen-removal to be determined
+ Septage treatment at Tri-Town Facility
Pah Wah Pond
Reduction Target: 400 kg/year
SOURCE: DRAFT Cape Cod Area Wide Water Quality Management Plan Update (208 Plan)
208 Preliminary Non-Traditional Scenario - Nitrogen-Removal Rates:
56 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
344 kg/year from Coastal Habitat Restoration
Orleans Initial Non-Traditional Bookend – Nitrogen Removal Rates:
56 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
323 kg/year from Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB)
Lockwood Lane, 1200 feet, 87 properties
100 kg/year from Coastal Habitat Restoration (1 acre oyster reef or quahog propagation)
+ Inlet Dredge: nitrogen-removal to be determined
+ Septage treatment at Tri-Town Facility
Pleasant Bay LT10
Adaptive Management Approach
Pochet Neck
Reduction Target: 1434 kg/year
SOURCE: DRAFT Cape Cod Area Wide Water Quality Management Plan Update (208 Plan)
208 Preliminary Non-Traditional Scenario - Nitrogen-Removal Rates:
242 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
750 kg/year Floating Constructed Wetlands
200 kg/year Eco-toilets (34 homes)
250 kg/year I/A Septic Systems (50 I/A Systems)
Orleans Initial Non-Traditional Bookend – Nitrogen Removal Rates:
242 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
750 kg/year Aquaculture - Oyster Reef (approximately 3 acres)
200 kg/year Eco-toilets (34 homes)
250 kg/year I/A Septic Systems (50 I/A Systems)
+ Septage treatment at Tri-Town Facility
Quanset Pond
Reduction Target: 186 kg/year
SOURCE: DRAFT Cape Cod Area Wide Water Quality Management Plan Update (208 Plan)
208 Preliminary Non-Traditional Scenario - Nitrogen-Removal Rates:
37 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
150 kg/year from Floating Constructed Wetlands
Orleans Initial Non-Traditional Bookend – Nitrogen Removal Rates:
37 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
150 kg/year from Floating Constructed Wetlands (20’ x 20’ x1’ raft)
+ Inlet Dredge: nitrogen-removal to be determined
+ Septage treatment at Tri-Town Facility
The River - Upper
Reduction Target: 417 kg/year
SOURCE: DRAFT Cape Cod Area Wide Water Quality Management Plan Update (208 Plan)
208 Preliminary Non-Traditional Scenario - Nitrogen-Removal Rates:
60 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
117 kg/year Coastal Habitat Restoration
120 kg/year Eco-toilets
120 kg/year I/A Septic Systems
Orleans Initial Non-Traditional Bookend – Nitrogen Removal Rates:
60 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
240 kg/year Floating Constructed Wetlands
60 kg/year Coastal Habitat Restoration (CHR) (1 acre reef/total split between CHR and Aquaculture)
60 kg/year Aquaculture (1 acre oyster reef or quahog propagation; total split between CHR and Aquaculture)
+ Inlet Dredge: nitrogen-removal to be determined
+ Septage treatment at Tri-Town Facility
The River - Lower
Reduction Target: 454 kg/year
SOURCE: DRAFT Cape Cod Area Wide Water Quality Management Plan Update (208 Plan)
208 Preliminary Non-Traditional Scenario - Nitrogen-Removal Rates:
106 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
350 kg/year Floating Constructed Wetlands
Orleans Initial Non-Traditional Bookend – Nitrogen Removal Rates:
106 kg/year from Fertilizer and stormwater
145 kg/year Floating Constructed Wetlands
100 kg/year Coastal Habitat Restoration (CHR) (~2 acre oyster reef or quahog propagation; total split between
CHR and Aquaculture)
100 kg/year Aquaculture (~2 acre oyster reef or quahog propagation; split between CHR and Aquaculture)
+ Inlet Dredge: nitrogen-removal to be determined
+ Septage treatment at Tri-Town Facility