Palm Beach W atercolor Upcoming Meetings T h u rs . 6 :3 0 -9 :0 0 p m in the Boca Raton Comm. Center 150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton Feb 13, 2014 Demo - Mel Stabin Mar 13, 2014 Demo - Sally Cooper Apr 10, 2014 Demo - Marilyn Johansen May 8, 2014 Demo - Marion Axley May 8, 2014 We are honored to have Mel Stabin demo at our next general meeting. He has been known to help artists discover that watercolor is at its best when it is set free. Emphasis is placed on simplifying approaches to subject matter and painting with energy and focus. Mel has always b ee n d es cri b ed as a superb instructor, helping artists bring more vitality to their work. M e l JAN-FEB 2014 February General M eeting Demonstration by M el re c e iv e d th e h o n o r o f Master Status from the Transparent Watercolor Society of America. He has been named one of the "Top Ten Watercolor Masters of Today”. Stabin He is the author of numerous magazine articles & is the author of Watercolor:Simple, Fast & Focused & The Figure in Watercolor: Simple, Fast and Focused. Edi t or - L ynn H ol land [email protected] PRE SI D EN T S’ M E SSAGE Palm Beach Watercolor, is now in its 32nd year and still growing. W e a re c u rre n tly p la n n in g a n d a cc e p tin g a p p lic a tio n s fo r o u r O P E N S H O W a t th e C o ra l S p rin g s C e n te r F o r th e A rts . A ll fo rm s o f w a te rm e d ia w ill b e a c c e p te d . S u s a n H a n ss e n w ill b e g iv in g a o n e d a y w o rk s h o p o n M a rc h 2 7 in o u r B o c a R a to n C o m m u n ity C e n te r. It is fillin g fa s t b y w o rd o f m o u th , so if in te re s te d , s e e p g . 3 . V S A n e e d s a fe w a rtis ts w illin g to te a ch a c la s s to S p e cia l h a n d ic a p p e d s tu d e n ts . O n e 1 /2 d a y a m o n th w o u ld b e g re a t. F a v o rite d e m o n stra to rs s u g g e s te d b y m e m b e rs w e re c h o s e n fo r th is c o m in g y e a r, s o y o u r fe e d b a c k is a lw a y s lis te n e d to a n d ve ry im p o rta n t. T h e n e w b o a rd m e m b e rs a re w o rkin g h a rd to ru n P B W S b e tte r b y th e m o n th . O u r m e m b e rs a re a m o n g s t th e fin e s t a rtis ts in F lo rid a . H a n d s A rt S u p p ly in D e lra y h a s in v ite d u s to s e t u p a ta b le a n d g iv e o u t flie rs in th e ir s to re to s p re a d o u r ta le n ts a n d o p p o rtu n itie s . Vo lu n te e rs a re w h a t h e lp to m a k e a n o rg a n iz a tio n a s u c c e s s . P le a s e fe e l fre e to v o lu n te e r to h e lp k e e p u s o n th e to p . E v e ry jo b is im p o rta n t. L e t u s k n o w in w h a t c a p a c ity y o u w o u ld lik e to h e lp a n d w e w ill fin d a p la c e fo r y o u . Upcoming Art Exhibits 32nd ANNIVERSARY JURIED OPEN EXHIBITION AT THE Coral Springs Center For the Arts Delivery... Mar 4, 2014 Pick Up..Mar 31, 2014 Reception : Wed. March 19, 2014 3pm - 5pm in the Lobby Gallery ! Juror.....Susan Hanssen C h a irs - Donna Jenner & Adrienne Walker & Lynn Holland Prospectus is on our website: Current Board & Committee Heads Lynn Holland Co-President Donna Jenner Co-President Adrienne Walker Treasurer/ Workshops Paula Epstein Recording Secretary Ellen Altman Director Candy Dennis Susan Pecker Susan Eustace Peter Notaro Flora Zolin 561-638-9927 561-325-1392 c 561-997-6151 [email protected] 561-498-3605 516-885-4199 c 561-499-0304 [email protected] 561-732-2031 561-735-1736 c Director/Education 561-496-6416 Director/Guest Relations Director [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 561-499-0304 [email protected] 561-455-6049 c [email protected] 561-372-9629 205-260-8480 c Director/ 561-381-7835 [email protected] Membership 516-382-4291 c [email protected] Director/Workshops 561-865-0013 561-504-4518 Heather Butler Refreshments Margara Heilman Refreshments 310-625-1941c 561-638-9015 [email protected] [email protected] Jorge Leon Dona Nenner 954-565-0561 561-362-5506 [email protected] [email protected] Social Media Paint Ins Susan Hanssen, 1 DAY WORKSHOP: Jumpstart Your Thinking Thursday, March 27th, 2014 ... 9:00am - 4:00pm We will be painting on an “old” watercolor with watercolor and gouache… Plenty of surprises and always the unexpected. Abstract or objective painting … student’s choice. I will show some “shortcuts” to abstraction and talk about design. In a few hours you will create an unexpected painting that is rich with an amazing underpainting. You only need a “mind set” that will let you try something new. I will demo and discuss as well as provide individual attention. The day will end with an informal critique. Cost: $65 for members $75 for non- member Place: Boca Raton Community Center 150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL Info - Flora Zolin - 561- 865- 0013 To charge tuition ... Adrienne Walker - 561- 498- 3605 vvv Don Andrews, will be teaching a workshop, Dec. 10, 11, 12th, 2014. PBWS Member’s Price...$380.00 Non Member’s Price...$410.00 You may reserve a spot with a $100.00 deposit mailed to: Adrienne Walker... Workshops will are held in the: Boynton Beach Womans Club 1010 N Federal Hwy, Boynton Beach, FL 6442 Emerald Breeze Way Boynton Beach, FL 33437 Home: 561.498.3605 Cell: 516.885.4199 MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Ruth Koster had a one person October exhibit at a Coffee House in Rockford, MI. Ruth also had 2 paintings accepted in the 29th Annual Miniature Art Exhibition at the Council For the Arts, Chambersburg, PA and both sold. Way to go Ruth. Congratulations. Closer to home at the Delray Center for the Arts, held in the Crest Theater, two of our own Board Members, Flora Zolin and Adrienne Walker were awarded prizes for their entries. Flora won 1st Place for her sensitive color photograph, and Adrienne won 2nd place for her lovely abstract painting on canvas. Judy Thoreau would like to notify all her friends of her new email: [email protected] Palm Beach Watercolor Workshops DON ANDREWS, AWS DEC. 10, 11 & 12, 2014 A n a c tiv e m e m b e r & p a s t d ire c to r o f AW S . B y p o p u la r re q u e s t, a 3 d a y w o rk s h o p o n th e L a n d s ca p e w ith F ig u re s . Workshops held in the Boynton Beach Womans Club 1010 N. Federal Hwy, Boynton Beach, FL Name___________________________ Address_________________________ City_____________________________ State________Zip Code____________ Home Phone_____________________ Cell Phone_______________________ Are you a member? Y____N_____ ! 3 full days, M e m b e rs $ 3 8 0 .0 0 n o n -m e m b e rs $ 4 1 0 .0 0 MEMBERSHIP PRICE - $40.00 a year BENEFITS - Members can exhibit their art in our shows and get workshop discounts. To use your credit card for membership or tuition: Adrienne Walker, 561.498.3605 N o n -re fu n d a b le b u t m a y b e u s e d to w a rd a n o th e r P B W S w o rk s h o p w ith in a y e a r. $100.00 deposit to register F o r in fo : F lo ra Z o lin M a il to Phone 561.865.0013 : A d rie n n e W a lk e r 6442 Emerald Breeze Way Boynton Beach, FL 33437 ! ! Artist of the M onth….Candy Dennis Candy grew up in Hempstead Long Island. She attended Syracuse University and graduated with a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts degree. Her early career was working in New York City at a custom wallpaper showroom painting color on murals to match home décor. She did wood constructions and collages with Harriet Feland. Candy was part of a two person show at the Stanford, CT museum. She then went back to school for a masters degree in Art Education and taught art in the Stamford CT school system for 22 years. After moving to Florida she decided to try watercolor. Candy is presently painting with WOW….Women of Watercolor with Sue Archer as her mentor. Last year she won on award in an exhibit at the Crest Theater for one of her beautiful “poured” paintings”. Candy is married and has two children. We are lucky to have her as a member of the Board of Palm Beach Watercolor Society where she has been working as the coordinator for us to give money to public school art programs. T h is s p a c e is a va ila b le fo r a fe a tu re a rtic le , ”A rtis t o f th e M o n th ”. P le a s e c o n ta ct F lo ra Z o lin , if y o u h a v e n ’t y e t b e e n in te rv ie w e d a n d w o u ld lik e to b e . 5 6 1 .8 6 5 .0 0 1 3 New Videos in our Library Roses in Crystal with Jan Kunz Figure D esign in Gouache: The Process with Carla O’Connor Using Your H ead, H eart and H and with Frank Webb Breaking the Rules of Watercolour with Shirley Trevena Members Showcase... at the Armory Art Center Jan. 9th - Feb. 16th, 2014 WINNERS PAGE Papers & Images #4- 1st Place Carol Z. Brody Too Much Fun - 2nd Place Carol Ann Sherman Sidewalk Series #3 - 3rd Place Carol Staub T h e C h a irp e rs o n s o f th is a rt s h o w w e re : P a t B o ld iz a r a n d C a ro le S t. C y r W e T h a n k H e a th e r B u tle r a n d M a rg a ra H e llm a n fo r p ro v id in g th e re fre s h m e n ts Days Gone By - Special Recognition Gustave Wander Union Square, Hon. Mention Ellen Postrel Doodles, Hon. Mention Carole St. Cyr Skeletons (NY), Hon. Mention F. Max Tucker WAT E RCOL OR CL ASSE S Beginner to Advanced N ationally acclaimed artist Carol Z . Brody N W S, F W S (561) 792-0806 [email protected] PAINT-IN Info Paint -Ins w ill be held in t he Silver Ro o m o f t he Bo ca C o mmunit y C ent er, 9:30 am t o 12:30 pm o n t he 2nd & 4t h Tuesdays o f each mo nt h. D o na N enner, 561.362.5506 fo r addit io nal info r mat io n. Lo r r aine M ar ks, mo del o n Feb 11 & D avid Ko ehler o n Feb 25. REMINDER - N E X T G E N E R A L M E E T IN G F E B R U A R Y Palm Beach Watercolor Society 7767 D oubleton Drive D elray Beach, FL 33446 13, 2014
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