Report to Committee of the Whole February 10, 2014 Inspired Learners – Tomorrow’s Leaders SUBJECT: Development Area School Boundary Assignments – Kitchener ORIGINATOR: This report was prepared by Marilyn Allen, Executive Superintendent of Business and Financial Services, Dennis Cuomo, Manager of Planning and Lauren Manske, Senior Planner, in consultation with Executive Committee. PURPOSE/STRATEGIC PLAN: The purpose of this report is to provide information regarding the school assignments for plans of subdivision that have registered within the development areas as identified in the Huron Village Boundary Study and to identify a development are in the Grand River South community of Kitchener. The assignment of these development areas to a facility that can accommodate the students report relates to the Waterloo Region District School Board’s (Board’s) strategic direction of promoting forward-thinking. BACKGROUND: On January 14, 2013, recommendations resulting from the Huron Village Boundary Study were presented to Committee of the Whole and the following motion was passed: That the Waterloo Region District School Board designate the areas as illustrated on Appendix B attached to this report, dated January 14, 2013, as “development areas,” allowing staff to assign each registered phase of development to a school that has space to accommodate the projected enrolment until a permanent solution can be established. Since some of the plans of subdivision in these development areas have registered, staff have assessed where students can be accommodated until new schools are constructed in the area and assigned these subdivisions to schools temporarily. On January 20, 2014, the Board approved a motion to delay the opening date of Chicopee Hills Public School in the Grand River South area of Kitchener to September 2016. Prior to the approval of the construction of Chicopee Hills Public School, some students in the area had already been directed to Sheppard Public School to address over-enrolment at Lackner Woods Public School. This area continues to grow and Sheppard Public School cannot accommodate any additional development; therefore, a second holding school needs to be identified. STATUS: Mattamy “Wildflowers” Subdivision Stages 1-3, & 6 (Registered Plans 58M-562 to 565) In early 2013, Mattamy Homes opened a sales centre for their newest master-planned community that has been named “Wildflowers” (see map on Appendix A). The first stages of this development registered on October 29, 2013, and the sales team anticipates that the first building permits will be issued in the Spring of 2014. A total of 318 lots will be released in the first phase of development. Of those 318 lots, 228 homes are designates to be single detached and 83 as street townhomes. It is anticipated at build-out these plans will yield approximately 125 JK-8 students. The Wildflowers subdivision will remain designated as a “development area;” however, students moving into the area will be directed to Queen Elizabeth Public School. Although Queen Elizabeth Public School is not the closest school, it is the only school within a reasonable distance that has enough space available to accommodate the number of students anticipated in the first phase of the Wildflowers subdivision. With the opening of Jean Steckle Public School this year, and the phasing out of students from that boundary at Laurentian Public School next year, it will be the most able to accommodate students in Grades 7 and 8. -1- Transportation will need to be provided to students attending Queen Elizabeth and Laurentian Public Schools. The secondary school for this community will be Huron Heights Secondary School. Table 2 below shows the enrolment and capacity of schools in South Kitchener. Table 2: Enrolment and Capacity of Schools in South Kitchener as of October 31, 2013 School Full-Time Total On-theCapacity with # of Equivalent Students Ground Porta-pack Portables Students Capacity Alpine P.S. 230.5 270 273 273 2 Country Hills P.S. 263 309 291 291 4 Driftwood Park P.S. 396 345 331 469 0 Glencairn P.S. 340.5 381 297 435 2 Jean Steckle P.S. 447 531 636 636 0 Laurentian P.S. 446 446 435 435 1 Queen Elizabeth P.S. 209.5 250 340 340 0 Queensmount P.S. 470 470 432 432 2 Rockway P.S. 153.5 186 271 271 0 Southridge P.S. 371 420 494 494 0 Trillium P.S. 216.5 251 230 230 2 W.T. Townshend P.S. 639 728 710 710 6 Westheights P.S. 552 552 308 446 5 Williamsburg P.S. 692 788 698 698 7 FDK year 4 5 3 4 4 N/A 1 N/A 4 3 3 4 N/A 4 Grades JK-6 JK-6 JK-6 JK-6 JK-7 7-8 JK-6 7-8 JK-6 JK-6 JK-6 JK-6 7-8 JK-6 It is anticipated that students from this development will need to be accommodated at Queen Elizabeth and Laurentian Public Schools until a new elementary school is approved for funding and is built in a subsequent phase of development. The targeted opening date for a new elementary school is September 2017. “Huron Woods” Subdivision (Registered Plans 58M-568 and 58M-569) Many stages of the “Huron Woods” subdivision are built out; however a few stages remain. Stages 4a and 5a of this development registered on December 12, 2013, with a total of 126 lots and 6 blocks created (see Appendix B). It is anticipated at build-out these plans will yield approximately 55 JK-8 students. These stages of the Huron Woods subdivision will remain as a designated “development area;” however, students moving into the area will be directed to Jean Steckle Public School for Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8. The secondary school for this community will be Huron Heights Secondary School. It is anticipated that Jean Steckle Public School can accommodate these additional students until such time as a new elementary school can be built in the area. The majority of students within these registered plans are within walking distance of Jean Steckle Public School. Grand River South Subdivisions (Registered Plans 58M-371 to 373, 58M-566 and Draft Plan 30T-10202) There are several registered lots in the Grand River South area that have seen no development activity yet (registered plans 58M-371 to 373) and one plan that registered in late November 2013 where only model homes given building permits to date. It is anticipated at build out these registered plans will yield approximately 45 JK-8 students. These registered vacant lots, as well as the draft plan of 30T-10202 (see Appendix C) are currently assigned to Sheppard Public School. It is projected that Sheppard Public School will require portables to accommodate its current boundary until Chicopee Hills Public School opens; therefore, staff have designated the aforementioned plans as a “development area.” Students moving into the development area will be assigned to Crestview Public School for Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 until such time as Chicopee Hills Public School opens and the students from these areas will be directed to Lackner Woods Public School. Without this development area assignment, Crestview Public School is projected to operate at approximately 75% capacity in the 214/15 school year. COMMUNICATIONS: Letters were sent to the Mattamy Homes and Freure Homes sales centres in February, 2013 to advise them that the holding school for the area was to be determined (see Appendix D). Follow-up letters will be sent in the next week advising the sales centres of the school assignments. Maps indicating these school assignments will be posted on the Board’s website for the general public to view. -2- Further, once municipal addressing is assigned, the “School Finder” application on the Board’s website will be modified to display the correct school assignments and transportation eligibility. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There will be transportation implications to these development area assignments, however, given these are short-term solutions; there will be no long-term transportation costs. It is difficult to determine a cost for transportation until the bus routes have been established. By utilizing existing unused classroom spaces, there will be a cost-savings to the Board because there will a minimal number of portables that will need to be placed on the sites to accommodate increasing enrolment. RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation. For information only. -3- AN AL PIN E CR T CRT SANDSPRIN GS DA VE FO U E BE T PL SO UM TR ILLI PA R K GR O PL L FF P HU R RD W INDY O O DR N C AR HB RT E P HIG H B O L W O BLA C D D TW DR BIEH N DR C R ES D M C LE O ST W O P IN HO E LL C R OW T EE D NB BA N DU N IE FFS H IR BANFFSHIRE CRES T CR IR E SH NF F DR BA FE L IF C K WC C NE RO C IN P S TO L PL S Brigadoon P.S. E Queen Elizabeth P.S. Boundary AS ST LE ST A O NC R CU LL OD C RT R CE T CR L T Legend W L E BAY ST EW NFR D SR D DR HEAR OOD R C DD R ID G E S THW TH B HE AR HEAR IN T PL A CR N AM A ST CA HE ARTH OO Development Area assigned to Queen Elizabeth P.S. RE M P E II ST PO D B INE ES C ME A M TS ER H EN RS PL OB RT N TO M IT R AN C R E KER E APPL O W R S T ORT ST E ST T RT S DO SP ST DR U O W TUD SH A C EA D CRT DR AN EW ST K W K IL E CR T A S H ME M BI R AL ANSO N R H EF S T A NE SD DO W DR L SH W R U AD O ME T CR D NE RU T LE AS TO ST OC C R ES TE M P L E W O C RS N EA K IL HE S TO N E A T H AT ER E F CR ES R H ADO E FO E LE IN MA D M ST H RO C ST A EN H LY NT IL CH A T AV E NA S B INE RD T ST KF U R N LM A ST NE S CA N TO T T ES O VE R FR A N -H AL NA SIEN C RT MA IT A CR D WO O N SIE N ST LA ND M AC A HIA C SO P RD DR CR W OO R ES N L RO HU FE GG CR E S Jean Steckle P.S. DR O OK ABR IC CORS ST IN FALL IA TAN BRIT M AR N T O ST VA LE PA R K LE CRT NC IA VALE AV E N V I S TA DR HER F IS C ST GL E LE BY AP P km ES 0.8 SE N GL E PIN E IA ST OL IV ST 0.4 LP H 0 CRE S LUDO O SEA BR R OK D CR R EE N H IL L RR E A RT VA E AC SO PA RK IN NC CR IA M AR L M C K WA B M D EA O W L M CR AR T LA R T B RL K CR D VE N TO W OO R LY CA O PL RO TE M L EL L LD HU RO W ON P SIEN C SE X MA Huron Heights S.S. LO RT C R HUR HURON CRT E CA LV ON LD OL D R O E DR V I S TA DR BA TT LE RD R IN ST LPH MCB N GLE N GLE PINE IA ST OLIV R D C RES DR IUM LE Y D N KE L PL E APPL ING G FALL L TR IL T BY S LUDO S RD BE A S A E PL E APPL EA L R IN MCB RE AV E ST AV E R OO R M SIE N PL BRITTO JO S SE EL RIN G CR T SS RIE FER PL STECKLE TT L C R ER S T DR Y CR ES L ST DR K ROO SEAB DR SO R RT H TH IR SE C AV E RK HI AC PA L AP B CRT MCCABE R YA R W O OD PL S C DA VE FIR NA UG HT PL ON DIX SHELLEY DR BONIFACE AVE CL A E RC ES CR UR AV ST Y LE O N D RR Y PL DR ES AD AM EP ST ES LLA R M O NW TH D U RN OW BE R E EN O UX B ES BA R G HO CR SEAB SIC COR ST K ROO T ER S B E M AK SH ES SH O U NCIA VALE AVE R DD HILL OO CR RES R ON PL H C WARWICK CRT N LE REST IR C FA CRT NG TI SU TT CRES YR D AR LA R W IE LV T CR M KIL FA L NS SO T CR E RO S H T PRIM PA R ES K RO O R EA DR C OD WO CRT IN T MC BY ST AS C FE CR C OM E ISA B WER ES AF CR ER LE EN N EY N T H CRE S LD D WFIE S RY HI LL MCIN TYRE D R HB WA S SIA S TA DR FAL LV I EW ST Y PL TH W SO U REE N C LL O H AY U TH GD R S A NA DR NDS P RIN G S R SO IN RY S I D E C R E HI L C O U NTR DR A NE FA BR I R OL D RY D ER R ES R ES W E Y R RE ST DR B BR IS B A NE C RT UR FO CE NTU DR LE CR E R ES A Country Hills P.S. H ILL C O U NTRY ES NT DR Y WA SPRI N G RN ER AS HU S CR U N T RY BU T NO V HIL L SA DEVONGLEN D E V CRT ONG L EN D NY HO RY IL L RH CO RR RS COLO DR IC ER ID E Inset NT T HE LE KE SS EL R COU R R KD OO SE TT GO UN D B ER HA CRES AY W HILLSBO IS C OA C H DR DA CR C LS H IL U OL D C O N MA G DIN NA FR C OPP O Williamsburg P.S. RD INE KL DR CE IE R R L IS C BL O IL L CR T N R DR L IL H CK OW ED DR D IR K H D W ES K K IR SE L R T C K SE L BA LZ CH TU E L IST NE J AY CR T MU R O KF BR O TH RT E RE S TO GENE V A C R LD ST O ES EDG CRES RD E LE FL INT X DR O HIL L M O U NT S T LD AC E F I E G DR OO K FAIR BANK PL BR K AS H L E Y CR T N R EE PIPER S G C RT NK B A RT C ES R GE GR R BU LA R DR AS A HA DR VE A NN W OAD R K LE OD DR NNY BO HE D C N IE AR HP LL HI RK RT C PA BR N VA VE G HI A E AV G N VE DA T E IP L IN E AV SO AR YW HA N E C RE OR S CR E S GE RI D N BA N AR LE MO D IE ER E AV MASSE Y A V AN T EL WO RD R ST C K HORNE SE RO P L K AN EB ES S RD E RO CR US TONE HO L KS EN FO PL TT I R ES CR E K S T ON TA M VA LE H LE HE ST WO O ROCK BL A D DR L FO OK RO RT C RN T IN T OF T CR IN B ER C DR ER TA R AY C EALTH ST M A E D N MCLEN NA PA RK GATE LL ES WHITE SANDS CRT R IDGEW ONW ST RI ST EH VE NA UG HT S E AV Glencairn P.S. JULIA CR ES R ES CE CR E DR HIGHCR K ST AF S GS LU O W R ES B A CR LM NO B R I AR K N OLL PL DR DU T I L L SLE Y DR COMM LE C RE RIC K DU B AL PIN E Alpine P.S. R B RIA RK CK R ES C N EY NE D IN C RT T ST RTZ RL D KIN CR E CA NO EE GATE DR CLI FF RA D R OO ER SS R AR C R ES TS S S EN H E AT GR I AR B HIG H OK B RO CRT BR S CR E S C RE M RO DR ER E K OO BR L E CRT RI S T TA U R IS PL AU CAR LIN AVE E VE RA V GE T LS E AV C R ES N RE S D R TH C OO T AYW CR GR PP L LIA M OL IN INZ H KE LE DA O PL IA NT PL FE LIF DC CO SW A M B AL ME H UT SO G FF S BA N CR E R DD RE AU CO RA B OS W N CO T CR O DINISON PL ES AS ON GR COTT BRIDLEWREATH BER O DR RIA TE IS W CRT KLE ST RO DR LA N R PE CRT R SM E E DU N CR T CR ES MA R HIG H CRT N ER LD FIE W DR S DU N ST ES CR CR ER OV (H S HE A YP L E LD ON R RY S BE T B U S H CL ALB ION CRT ALB I O N IS C K D K E C RD N DI HA SD AL PL ELT AR D N HA D'AR G UR L D Y CRT IE R J AS L RD E R OUNT SB T E CR P IN E P KY Rockway P.S. OV E DR RIA L 8) Trillium P.S. Laurentian P.S. R AL A TOG 7/ WY CO NN A SHELLEY PL O LT WA E R A VE APPENDIX A C R ST S WA OTTA A RT S LE F I LIT T P OP P R N BO LE M HO GH AM N D AN RE RLY C K IM BE OU LI PI ED Queen Elizabeth P.S. AV E N F OD WO T CR CH EL DR CR ES D NS PL ON M D KI S NE CO PL GIL IL W IL W R ON B LVD A EY R AL AV W EST M S NE ES CR ST RE AC LE R T C E A AR VD BL AL HO M FF I LV KE T NS YL OO D D G AT W D IN SO UTH M OO JU N I P DR DR IA R BR RD PI RO OK DR RB BA E AV IR N W E N NI GR EE NB O ET C R ES YA YB ON OK RO ER W ATS CARW C DR A M E SW HO M Forest Hill P.S. A NC DU ES C SY PL ST AD E O OR A M PL K FARMBR OO E GO L E Y M PI EC KE RT ST C ON R ST AN HU AV L VIL RD D DR FP E AV OA BR A LE IM HE IMP E D ER EV ES CR E AG E OD R D ER HE SC T TT C R CRES E ID W ON KE S E RN WO LO E AV E E AV TE EN ER ID G SHAD O YW O YS T LA M L H IL R ES I GA DR P AS BL U CRES T CR OR N ST BO Mattamy "Wildflowers" Subdivision Stages 1-3, & 6 E CA PATTAN D ON AV E LL AVE C A RW OO D NP KY ER DE S US TH O R E A M OS L C MA PL C RA CO BE PL TA ES E ID NS E AV N S RL UR H HA VI AY THW ST G R EE N CRE S R SE AB RES NA C SIEN WO O MA D ST ITLAN EL MAD E TOTT D WOO -H H ER F IS C ST EBY AP PL GLE T T HE RS CR NE AN A NE C TO H AT ER FE C R ES E EINE ST LY NTIL CHA ST MS NHA ST NES CAN VERO ST LPH LUDO T T RT S H EFO ROC CRE S TANIA BRIT A DO IR AVE BIN E T NA S T ST KFUR FRAN D AN R ALLM N Development Area assigned to Jean Steckle P.S. NA SIEN CRT DR N T O ST A Jean Steckle P.S. RE VALE PARK SO R BI AN C H MA C H FFS T W RS T ST S CA T BANFFSHIRE CRES RT EC HIR S F F R BAN ED IFF K CL C NE W CA RO SH AW S E AL SD ST NE N RO HU RD RD RU S H MEA CRT DR US ANSON TE M P L E W O TE M Huron Heights S.S. BA TT LE R H ME A ME MARL M A DO A DO ME C W RT SH W RU ADO ME T CR RL MA W W EL L CLOS H D CR C RT O D O W DR N IE EA ERT CALV RID GE ST Jean Steckle P.S. Boundary SICA C OR ST RES HIA C SOP RT BA N V I STA DR TO C PARK VA EN CH RO N GLE PINE IA ST OLIV K DR ROO SEAB SO RR WO O DB IN E RT B RTH HEA Legend ES CR DR OOK HILL km 0.4 PIN HO E LL CR OW T 0.2 ING FALL E A PPL M P E II ST PO DR RD UR ON H LD O 0 T CR E I NCIA VALE AV E D B I NE ST O LE ST PL AIN S T UD C RE S LE CRT E R RD RT NB L O D ST OW AC TL E D AS C DU VE TW EE D FE RE S WC S T ON D O R NE D R EW NFR BI KI L R CE EN RT C SP RE S ERRAN CRE KILK L E BAY S T X MA Huron Village Subdivision (Phases 4a and 5a) MC L PL K O DR O D BR O H O T R EW O N PL CR E S DR APPENDIX B L M AR CRT ST A T EF OR ST S PE M S RE VE EA R PE UP CRT ID GE DR NT CA Q UE R LM ES km EN HA MP O D M EE RD CG N IA NE EW KE A VE CO AY NW P HO B IS T CR RE S YP T HON L DR EN PL N KE O O LB HO RA DR HW TC NO RT C O O D V IE W C PL LA RN DR DR IC W SE Y RO B NA R CA L P HE NE TC K RY BU BY N BA T S S WA ES TA CR T BY O NA R CA N W ES I AT R DE Crestview P.S. TN AN T ON WM SE CL O O O M OK DC LO E B E BR W V FT CRT HU N TO BE L EH ST BU RN BR DR IE R DALE PL Y SE S ER WO OD D T ON R IC A D NC BA R M E ICH R R NE D OU N T M BR AN RE G G N E O SD TI AL BL VD ZEL LER CR T R CR ES PL LY N EW AY RW RD A D OW CR N I BR G E FI AR R EA ST B LD D E DE RC T P UM S O NT CR E S D I A RFIEL B R RT C R L E TR E E D RE DR LD AC CORFIELD PL C O R F IE T ING C RT RO LL N CR E EK T BR ID S EK RE ER DR F A IR W A A Y CR W T IR PL Y ST L RO FT OO D ND R SIMS E S TA T E D S IM OC N LA CR S ES LS RT DG IR T EN S R IS E YS ST VE NT CR T B RA PE EC UR IN L BB ER C EK ST DR JA R CI NI NE W ST AT RIVE R RID G R TE WA LE VA E D E N OA ER C W E R M E RC E C ER DN R ST D LE VA ER U PP ER M AY R RW I FA ON LT CO IA EL AM C RT RE T Future Lackner Woods P.S. boundary Crestview P.S. Boundary Development Area assigned to Crestview P.S. Legend Z EL L KC Y CLA ER N TR PL E DR M AI N R E BE C R GRA S A TE E O TR C AP G EMIL L CR ES ZELL K B RO O VAL E Lackner Woods P.S. S U S AN IDLE CR E E K DR R ID GE LE ID CR T T CR G BRANWOOD WRENWOOD PL ES PL CR W O RI AR ME ER D O D PL EN D NDY WE CRT W AIS ST ER AI CA NI RT C R E V R DA IM L B RE C K WO N QU TR S R VE N LE O LE P L S TO T E DR YS IST AL M YD TT K O A BA T CR PL X W OOD FO PL A MPTO N CR T P LE CA DR LE DA C RT Y EB DA IN G RO NT TE R CRT E DR B R ID G ED EN DUN N IN G J T CR T CR S CE B R EM U R Y DR N E R SB ST OU GL C RT N DE GA E E D N RT U SH VIE IDL DR Q UE E CRT IC O C VE HA E AV W H DC OD T IN WA DR OL E PE WO E KE OO W LL O N RT D UN C N DA G IN NT L U P W DO L EN T O H I DR NNIE Y PL E AV R NS 0 0.1 0.2 TEC U ES GO I I NIP G WE T CR EN CRT W OS IN ST ER PL ES CR A N M ORE AVE DE AN GA S T CR E T EB AN T ER S K C N RE L NS T DE R NP L I N GTO D AR T LS BE M R ES LC D E STON E A ES TC HE R ES UM DR DI R PA W R ST FO RW E LL CRT MCGIB BON CRT EI N ER B TT O RT C ST AR NE AY W ED ES L E PE IR CR T CH O IC D CR LD UN TWE EDSM U AY BR A ME AR AD G AR B ME S O G IN PL IDE ZE F F ER PL LB HO N OR BO O BR PL T AR RI KF PL C A LL CR T E T N CR IR ID G E D E NB R PL OU GM D E A YF MA T CR WE RT T EM HE D W OO L PL A CH N S PR I C AI N E AV EL RT MI AR L EW S A ND W E MB R CH R O LI L AC R ES AP TR E M CR T ILL C RT RD RT NE T C JA S RE U S AN C CR DE ER CR RK YO LD T YD TR LD S O GE M M BR ID SO N ES N VE CO SP R ER R EE TR T CR FA HU D M SEH C R DR BL D LE D DESMOND ST N TO PL TR CO U N R CL A I RE S ST ON C L FIE DR KN WILLIAM YC K I NG OL D P AP G N FU P L W DR LA T ER CR U TO NS N ME MB L AC ST S C TE E AL RES ST ST N O S RE A RD IA EL AM O OD ST E SH IE BR DR DR SW S G TA RI E AL YD EB DR ER AIS QU T CR YC PE HE BR ST CR T ST AN BRY T CR ER T ES EN FE R DR EA D O KM ST ER DE E EK CR PL D W IL DO W A ME ST LL G HU ES CR AY TE R WA W O RDSWOR TH PL AK ST B K EE ZE ED B RO S CR LE D OL E RE ES ES RE C D MA NO T CR EK ON ET DR RE ER RIVER C ST S P R I N GC R S RE L RS T IVE RB ANK DR W I MB F RT E ST T A OK SK U C RT E N CL I F VE RI RB AN K DR M TA IC GR CR TR IA R ON GL TY IS T M CR A IL TR ER BR G GI E OR IG N IP L P CR K T CR ST DR TY IS ES RIDGE CRT OK BR O VALE C RT A M CR IL LW OR GE AN GI AN IG DY WO N OL R Grand River South Development Areas APPENDIX C AIL LO ES R K R DR APPENDIX D Education Centre 51 Ardelt Avenue, Kitchener ON N2C 2R5 phone: 519 570 0003 fax: 519 570 2172 February 27, 2013 Freure Homes Sales Centre 27 Rockcliffe Drive Kitchener, ON Re: Public Schools for the Huron Woods Community, Kitchener Dear Freure Homes Sales Team: It has come to our attention that your website for the Huron Woods community in Kitchener is inaccurately advertising which school attendance areas this community is assigned to. As a result, I wish to update you with the most recent information so that you can provide purchasers accurate information as to which public schools they will be attending. On January 14, 2013, the Waterloo Region District School Board (Board) voted to change the public elementary school boundaries in this area of Kitchener. As part of this change, the Board has established a boundary that defines several “development areas” in Southwest Kitchener, including the future phases of the Huron Woods community. A development area is an area with planned future residential development where there are no existing students or homes. Staff will be assigning each phase of registered development areas to a school that has space to accommodate the projected enrolment until a permanent solution can be established. As of the date of this letter, staff have yet to determine which elementary school(s) students in the remaining unregistered phases of the Huron Woods community will be assigned to. We are in the process of assessing which school(s) can accommodate students from this community temporarily and will notify you as soon as we reach a decision. Please be advised that this may take a few months. Through the community planning process the Board has identified the need for an elementary school site in this community. This school site has been identified in the plan as being located on Tartan Drive, Kitchener. Since the Board relies on Ministry of Education grants to construct new facilities, it cannot control if/when funding will become available to construct a school and therefore cannot be certain of an opening date for this future elementary school. Since the abovementioned development area boundaries only apply to elementary school students, we can advise you that the secondary school (Grades 9-12) attendance boundary for this area is Huron Heights Secondary School, located at 1825 Strasburg Rd, Kitchener. Elementary school students in existing phases of this development will be directed to Jean Steckle Public School, located at 130 Woodbine Avenue, Kitchener, starting in September 2013. I have attached a map to this letter showing the approved public school boundaries for the Huron Woods community for your information. APPENDIX D Please feel free to share this information with perspective purchasers. We will be in touch with you once any new information becomes available. Sincerely, Lauren Manske Senior Planner, Planning Department 519-570-0003 ext. 4596; [email protected] APPENDIX D Education Centre 51 Ardelt Avenue, Kitchener ON N2C 2R5 phone: 519 570 0003 fax: 519 570 2172 February 25, 2013 Mattamy Homes Sales Centre 1571 Fischer Hallman Road Kitchener, ON N2R 1P6 Re: Public Schools for the Wildflowers Community, Kitchener Dear Mattamy Homes Sales Team: It has come to our attention that the sales centre for the Wildflowers community in Kitchener has recently opened and that purchasers are interested to know which public schools they will be attending. On January 14, 2013, the Waterloo Region District School Board (Board) voted to change the public elementary school boundaries in this area of Kitchener. As part of this change, the Board has established a boundary that defines several “development areas” in Southwest Kitchener, including the Wildflowers community. A development area is an area with planned future residential development where there are no existing students or homes. Staff will be assigning each phase of registered development areas to a school that has space to accommodate the projected enrolment until a permanent solution can be established. As of the date of this letter, staff have yet to determine which elementary school(s) students in the Wildflowers community will be assigned to. We are in the process of assessing which school(s) can accommodate students from this community temporarily and will notify you as soon as we reach a decision. Please be advised that this may take a few months. Through the community planning process the Board has identified the need for an elementary school site in this community. This school site has been identified in the plan as being located at the corner of Amand Drive and Seabrook Drive, Kitchener. The Board has also identified the need for this site in the most recent Capital Priorities grant request to the Ontario Ministry of Education (Ministry); however, this project has yet to receive funding. Since the Board relies on Ministry grants to construct new facilities, it cannot control if/when the funding will become available and therefore cannot be certain of an opening date for this future elementary school. Since the abovementioned development area boundaries only apply to elementary school students, we can advise you that the secondary school (Grades 9‐12) attendance boundary for this area is Huron Heights Secondary School, located at 1825 Strasburg Rd, Kitchener. Please feel free to share this information with perspective purchasers. We will be in touch with you once any new information becomes available. Sincerely, Lauren Manske Senior Planner, Planning Department 519‐570‐0003 ext. 4596; [email protected]
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