APHRS Cardiac Device Therapy Curriculum Evaluation Summary 2014 St. Jude Medical Advanced Technology Center Asia Pacific Beijing, China Heart Failure & Basics of CRT Virtual Reality Workshop Module 3C: April 26 –27, 2014 Module Director Dr. Anil Saxena (India) Faculty Prof. Wei Hua (China) Prof. Yen-Bin Liu (Taiwan) Delegates (14) 9 x Korea 6 x China 2 x Thailand 1 x Indonesia CRT Module 3C: Apr 26-27, 2014 Topics: Case selection and Guidelines for CRT Implantation: What’s new? Selection Criteria: CRT-P or CRT-D & Unipolar, Bipolar or Quadripolar Lead? Pre-procedural preparation and CRT Implantation procedure: when all go well Difficult & Complex CRT Implants: Tips, Tricks and Tools and how to avoid/manage complications ECG Understanding in CRT Virtual Reality Simulator Workshop + Slitting Guiding Catheter Hands-On Causes of Non-responders and Optimization to Ensure Optimal Outcome Routine follow up of a CRT Device Post-Implant CRT Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Programming Simulator Workshop CRT Module 3C: Apr 26-27, 2014 Delegates’ Evaluation How comfortable are you performing CRT implantation procedures before & after attending the course? CRT Module 3C: Apr 26-27, 2014 Delegates’ Evaluation How did this workshop improve your CRT implantation knowledge? (Multiple selections are permissible) CRT Module 3C: Apr 26-27, 2014 Delegates’ Feedback What was the most useful part of this workshop? • Virtual Reality workshop • CRT implantation procedure • Programming simulator workshop • Handling complications & difficult veins • ECG understanding • Practical components of the workshop, eg. VR component, interpretation of ECG in CRT, programming CRT & case examples Other comment? • More time on VR • I enjoy the course very much • Thank you for your training class/program. What I learn from here will improve my CRT implantation knowledge. I will do more CRT cases in future. • Want to learn more information about the new device CRT/D and routine follow-up of a CRT device • How to manage complication to the CRT/D implantation • Excellent program • Good program, good focus on importance CRT Module 3C: Apr 26-27, 2014 Programming & Slitting Workshop CRT Module 3C: Apr 26-27, 2014 Virtual Reality Simulator CRT Module 3C: Apr 26-27, 2014 Faculty Group APHRS CRDT Curriculum & Certification Overview Module 2: SCD & ICD Module 1: Brady & Pacing Enrollment Criteria: Observe 5 logged Implantation & Clinical Skills Pacemaker Implants Alternative& Site Pacing APHRS member Post-Implant Management APHRS Certificate in Pacing Enrollment Criteria: Observe 2 logged ICD Implants & Certified in Pacing & APHRS member Module Module3:3: HF HF&&CRT CRT APHRS Certificate in ICD Enrollment Guideline Update Criteria: Observe logged CRT CS2Anatomy & Dissection Implants & Implantation & Clinical Certified inSkills Pacing & ICD & CRT Optimization APHRS member Module 1 @ ATC Module 2 @ ATC Virtual Reality Simulation Module 3 @ ATC Hands-On 20 logged Pacemaker Implants (1º or 2º operator) Hands-On 10 logged ICD Implants (1º or 2º operator) Programming Workshop Hands-On 5 logged CRT Implants (1º or 2º operator) APHRS Certificate in CRT
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