MINOT CITY COUNCIL – Regular Meeting – Monday, February 2, 2015 – 6:30 p.m. Minot City Council Chambers – City Hall Any person needing special accommodation for this meeting is requested to notify the City Clerk’s Office at 857-4752. AGENDA 1. Roll call. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Approval of minutes of the January 12, 2015 regular City Council. 4. Approval of bills and transfers for January 2015 in the amount of $9,327,169.94 and payroll for the period of December 14, 2014 through January 24, 2015 in the amount of $2,446,895.97. 5. Personal Appearances. 1. George Withus – To give overview on current happenings with the Men’s Winter Refuge. 6. Reports: Mayor. Mayoral Appointment 1. Resolution of Support – Jail Expansion 7. Reports – City Manager – City Attorney 8. Consider report of the Planning Commission Minutes 1. Approve request by Jayson Nelson, Amgas Services, for a 5 year interim use permit to store hazardous materials in amounts in excess of the 2012 International Fire Code on Don’s Addition, Block 1, Lot 2. 2. Subdivision of Heidrich Homes 4th Addition, Block 1, Lot 2 into 3 lots to be known as Heidrich Homes 5th Addition, Lots 1-3; zone change from AG (Agricultural) District to RA (Agricultural Residential) District on proposed Heidrich Homes 5th Addition, Lot 2 and to C2 on proposed Heidrich Homes 5th Addition, Lot 3. Proposed Heidrich Homes 5th Addition, Lot 1 will remain AG (Agricultural) District; adopt resolution to amend the Future Land Use map to change the designation on proposed Heidrich Homes 5th Addition, Lot 3 from Medium Density Residential to Commercial. 3. Subdivision of Huntington Estates 2nd Addition, Lots 4 & 5 into 2 lots to be known as Huntington Estates 6th Addition, Lots 1 & 2. 4. Subdivision of Minot Prairie Industrial Park; Block 1, Lot 3; Block 2, Lots 1-4; Block 3, Lots 1-5 and vacated 75th St SE and vacated 5th Ave SE and a portion of 4th Ave SE into 5 lots to be known as Minot Prairie Industrial Park 2nd Addition, Block 1, Lot 1 and Block 2, Lots 1-4. 5. Approve request by Kevin Kiernan, KW Minot, LLC , for a conditional use permit to allow motor freight cross-dock terminal facility and outdoor trailer storage for FedEx Freight on proposed Minot Prairie Industrial Park 2nd Addition, Block 2, Lot 3. 6. Approve request by John MacMartin, Minot Area Chamber of Commerce, for a conditional use permit to allow a second pole sign on Schriocks 2nd Addition, less E15’ and less W40’. CITY COUNCIL February 2, 2015 Page 2 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 9. Schedule a public hearing to consider a resolution approving the request by Danny Schatz and Oakland Communities of Minot to vacate 13th Ave SE, that portion lying between 35th St SE; 37th ST SE; Feist Subdivision portion of Gold Nugget Addition, Block 1; Block 2, less E197.45’, and Southeast Ridge Business Park Addition, Block 1, Lot 17. Subdivision of Feist Subdivision of a portion of Gold Nugget Addition, Block 2, less E197.45’ and Section 29-155-82, Outlot 19 less Sublots A, B, & C and Southeast Ridge Business Park Addition, Block 1, Lots 12, 13, 14, 16, & 17 into 8 lots to be known as Southeast Ridge Business Park 2nd Addition; Block 1, Lots 1-3; Block 2, Lots 1-5; zone change from MH (Manufactured Home) District & M1 (Light Industrial) District to M1 (Light Industrial) District on proposed Southeast Ridge Business Park 2nd Addition; Block 1, Lots 2-3; Block 2, Lots 1-4 and to C2 (General Commercial) District on proposed Southeast Ridge Business Park 2nd Addition, Block 1, Lot 1; adopt resolution to amend the Future Land Use map to change the designation on proposed Southeast Business Park 2nd Addition; Block 1, Lots 1-3; Block 2, Lots 1-5 from Medium Density Residential District to Industrial District. Approve the request by Paul Strand, Swanston Equipment, for an interim use permit for 10 years to allow a 1000 gallon fuel tank on Swanston Addition, Lot 1. Subdivision of Whitetail Ridge Addition, Block 1, Lots 10 & 11 into 2 lots to be known as Whitetail Ridge 2nd Addition, Lots 1 & 2 for the purpose of a lot line adjustment. Approve correction to the Excerpt from the City Council meeting on August 4, 2014 with the legal description of Haugen Addition, Lots 1 & 2 should read as follows: Haugen 2nd Addition, Lots 1 & 2. Adopt proposed resolution to reenact a moratorium on billboards for a period of 6 months Approve change of Planning Commission meeting time Consider report of the Finance and Improvements Committee. Minutes 1. Final Payments 2. City of Minot – 2015 – 2016 Rental Rates 3. Award of Bids – Boiler and Humidifier Replacement – Minot Library (LIB013) 4. Proposed Ordinance – Amending the 2014 Annual Budget – Increase Information Technology Contract Agreement Expenditures and Revenues in General Fund – New World Software Upgrade – Decrease Capital Purchases Equipment Revenues and Expenditures for Noncapital Purchases (PD0025) 5. Proposed Ordinance – Amending 2015 Annual Recreation Budget – Increase Revenue and Expenditures Account Numbers – Municipal Court Relocation Remodel – Reduce and Reallocate Capital Equipment Purchases Fund Revenues and Expenditures – Plaintiff Table – Move Excess Funds to Relocation Remodel 6. Proposed Ordinance – Amending 2014 Annual Budget – Increase Department Budgets for Funds Spent Using Cash Reserves and Corresponding Revenues 7. Ordinances on Second Reading 8. Engineer’s Report – Street Lighting District 64 (4073) 9. Engineer’s Report – Storm Sewer District 119 (3630) 10. Downtown Parking Structures – Legal Counsel on Bond CITY COUNCIL February 2, 2015 Page 3 10. Consider report of the Public Works and Safety Committee. Minutes 1. Award of Bid – 2014 Traffic Division Bucket Truck (3890, TFC006) 2. 2015 Pavement Markings (4057) 3. Engineering Consultant Selection – Oak Park Bridge Replacement (4032) 4. Reject Bids – 2014 Engineering Vehicles – SUV & Sedan (4051, ENG005, ENG007) 5. Western District Signing Cost Participation and Maintenance Agreements (4072) 6. Request for Qualifications – 36th Ave NW Extension to Broadway (4071) 7. Request for Qualifications – 37th Ave SW Reconstruction – 16th St. to 30th St. (4070) 8. Urban Area Boundary Map 9. Highlander Estates 2nd Addition – Storm Water Maintenance Agreement 10. Ratify and Accept – Purchase of Police Patrol Vehicles on State Bid (PD0080) 11. Award of Bid – Municipal Courtroom Remodel 12. Enersafe Encroachment Request 13. Ordinances on Second Reading 14. Approve Plans and Specifications – Street Rehabilitation in Flood Areas (3873.0, 3873.1, 3873.2) 15. Proposed Ordinance – Amending 2014 Annual Budget – Increase Department Budgets – Funds Spent Using Corresponding Revenues and Special Assessments 16. Proposed Ordinance – Amending 2014 Annual Budget- Increase Revenues and Expenditures in Narcotics Task Force – North Dakota Office of the Attorney General Grant – Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Training 17. 21st Ave NW Street and Utility Improvements – Engineering Contract Amendment (3570) 18 THU Extensions 19. Removal of THU from Private Property 20. 2035 Transportation Plan (3562) 11. Consider report of the Airport Committee. 1. APP-139 Subscription Agreement 12. Consider report of the Liquor/Gambling Control Committee. Minutes 1. Administrative Approvals 2. Gaming Site Extension – Grand Hotel, Convention Center – MSU Alumni 13. Other Business 14. Adjournment Minutes
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