YLOA Board Meeting August 18, 2014

30250 Yosemite Springs Parkway
Coarsegold, CA 93614
Phone: 658-7466 Fax: 658-7866
Call to Order – Michael Ratley
Flag Salute – Michael Ratley
Invocation – Tom Swire
IV. Roll Call & Establishment of Quorum – Board Members Present
Michael Ratley, President
Bob McDonough, Vice President
Felecia Chancey, Treasurer
Tom Swire, Director
Mark Zoeller, Director (absent)
Michael Ratley, Director
Rick Woods, Secretary
New Business
1. Appointment of YSPUC Directors – Michael Ratley
MOTION. A motion was made to assign the Directors for YLOA as Directors for YSPUC.
M/S/C (Woods, Swire), Voice vote. Ayes: 6, (Longcor, Woods, Chancey, Ratley,
McDonough, Swire), Nays: 0, Motion carried.
August 19, 2014 YLOA Minutes
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YLOA BOARD MEETING MINUTES August 19, 2014 - Unapproved
30250 Yosemite Springs Parkway
Coarsegold, CA 93614
Phone: 658-7466 Fax: 658-7866
Call to Order – Michael Ratley
Flag Salute – deffered
Invocation – deferred
IV. Roll Call & Establishment of Quorum – Board Members Present
Michael Ratley, President
Bob McDonough, Vice President
Felecia Chancey, Treasurer
Rick Woods, Secretary
Mark Zoeller, Director (by phone)
Veronica Longcor, Director
Tom Swire, Director
Approval of Minutes - July 19, 2014 & July 21, 2014
MOTION: A motion was made to approve the July 19 and July 21, 2014 Board Meeting
minutes. M/S/C (Ratley, McDonough), Voice vote. Ayes: 7, (Woods, McDonough, Zoeller,
Ratley, Chancey, Swire, Longcor), Nays: 0, Motion carried.
VI. Public Comment –
Before the Approval of the Minutes, President Ratley opened the floor for Public
Comment. He introduced Girl Scout Troop #661’s speakers, Amanda Anderson and Kara
Cole. The girls received their Silver Award (which is the second highest award given to
Girl Scouts) by working on projects at the YLP Rec Center. They repaired the stairs to the
glass dumpster, they showed how they replaced the plexi-glass windows with wood and
painted them to look just like windows. They have sturdier Recycle signs. They thanked
YLOA and also Yosemite Lumber (for the wood), Jeff Anderson and Jaime Cole for all
their help with their project. Michael Salvador spoke to the audience about his campaign
for Sheriff. Steve Ordway, Lot 1070 thanked Security for roping off extra parking spaces
for the Handicap. Neil Ordway asked about the Rec Center Com. V.P. McDonough
explained how the recycling center works. The proceeds are divided 50/50 to the Rec
Center and the nonprofit group that worked. Director Longcor thanked Victoria Woods for
all the work she does at the Rec Center/Recycling. Victoria explained to the audience and
Board that the GM took the recycle test that enabled YLOA to obtain the permit.
Vll. Financial Report – Felecia Chancey
Treasurer Chancey stated that the report was prepared by the General Manager. She
stated that she’s been finalizing the signature cards. Accounts receivable is doing a great
job. A/P is keeping a tight control over purchasing. The Tops software still has problems
and she will be working with John on this. The May books aren’t closed yet because they
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still need to have an outside CPA come in. They have received bids, but are going for
more in order to pick the right person. The dues are coming in fast and they have them in
short term investments.
Vlll. Lien Resolutions – Bob Civello
GM Civello explained the lien process. He stated that as of August 31st, if they haven’t
paid YLOA, they will turn it over to Cimarron. The company charges the homeowner for
their services, not YLOA. They have collected over $1million in July. Director Longcor
asked about the past delays in bank deposits. The GM stated that they are making
deposits daily. He spoke about the new employee to help the A/P department. Treasurer
Chancey had also helped the department a great deal.
IX. YLOA Update Report
a. Security Report – Tammy D’amore
Ms. D’amore introduced herself to the audience explaining that she is the new
Security and Safety Manager for YLOA. She stated that her main goal is to make
sure everyone’s safe and that security is out there patrolling. Her cell phone is on
24 hours for your convenience. There were 450 house checks, 10 medical aids
which security marks the scene so that the emergency vehicles know where they
are going. She recommended that everyone have their address signs posted on
the road. She added that they had a couple of vegetation fires, couple of snake
calls, 4 vandalisms, 1 attempted break-in and suspicious vehicles reported. She
explained that she will have handicap parking for the YLOA events. John Manning,
Lot 0633 stated that you can get the address forms from CDF. Tammy stated that
she also has forms.
b. GM Report – Bob Civello
GM Civello stated that his report for the month of July was a positive one. He
showed and explained the peak performance report to the Board and audience. He
noted that the departments are 100% compliant with turning in the report on time to
Each department is responsible for their budget. He explained to the
audience his Budget Variance Review sheet. He noted that last year YLOA was
over budget by $400k and this month we are $117k under budget. Treasurer
Chancey added that the Profit and Loss is pretty close. Roger Hoff, Lot 1300 told
the GM that his Manager’s Report on the website wasn’t up-to-date, as of today.
The GM explained that it will be. GM Civello stated that they are getting tougher on
the vendors. He noted that they have saved $9k on insurance. Accounts
Receivable collected a record amount of $1.4 million through August 15th. It was
also noted that in June of 2013 the A/R department collected a total of $15,879 in
delinquent accounts and in July and August of 2014 Thora and Vickie collected a
total of $49,847, which is a total increase of $33,968. The General Manager
informed the audience of the Engineering Committee meeting. They went over
water conservation issues. They have received bids from Cal Paving. They toured
the 55 miles of roads with Bruce from Cal Paving.
X. Committee Reports
1. Environmental Control Committee – Tom Swire
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Mr. Swire stated that the committee met once last month and approved solar
panels, and a garage. The Dog Leash Committee met before the ECC meeting
and may have a document soon.
2. YLGA Committee – Layton Gillette
Mr. Gillette reported that they are having the True Value Hardware Tournament on
September 6 . He invited all to attend. The funds made will go back into the golf
course or to the Fire Department. They are expanding the water storage at the golf
course. They will expand #1 & #2 ponds. This will be cheaper than pumping water
from the ponds to water. Volunteers cleaned out mistle toe from 5 separate places.
He welcomed men to join the men’s club. It’s only $10 plus golf fees.
3. Finance Committee – Felecia Chancey
Treasurer Chancey stated that they are lowering the check signing amounts. She
is working with the Board toward getting an independent internal audit.
4. Engineering Committee – Rick Woods
Mr. Woods stated the dates that the committee met. There’s to be a presentation
later in the meeting by Steve Brannon. They are getting quotes for the water tank
on Lilley Mountain, checking out the wells from water quality and working on the
mainline replacement project.
Xlll. New Business
1. Live Feed Streaming of Board Meetings – Felecia Chancey
(This item was discussed after the New Business item #5.)
Treasurer Chancey asked the Board to consider the live feed streaming of the
Board meetings. She explained to the Board and audience that they would tape
the board meeting and put it on the internet. President Ratley stated that they will
be meeting with the attorney and this will be an item to discuss with him. Secretary
Woods recommended they have John Nino put together a package for the Board
and to discuss it at the next board meeting. Lydia Mayberry, Lot 1815 spoke up
and added that she would like the live streaming and have it saved so that it could
be seen at a later time.
President Ratley announced that the Equestrian Center has made $1368.00 at the
gymkhanas. He thanked Hillary and Belinda Callen for all they have done. He
stated that Hillary opened up the center for the fire animal evacuation. She had
one horse, two ponies and two goats.
2. Consideration of new Community Involvement Committee – Veronica Longcor
Director Longcor explained that this committee is for the benefit of the community.
She read aloud a statement asking the Board to consider her request.
MOTION. A motion was made to create the Community Involvement Committee. M/S/C
(Chancey, Woods),
A conversation took place regarding the new committee’s involvement possibly
being doubled due to the Ladies of the Lakes trying to do the same. A change to
the wording of the motion was decided and voted on.
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MOTION. A motion was made to create the Community Involvement Committee being a
subcommittee of the Communications Committee. M/S/C (Chancey, Woods), Voice vote.
Ayes: 7, (Woods, McDonough, Zoeller, Ratley, Chancey, Swire, Longcor), Nays: 0, Motion
3. Highway Patrol Meeting – Michael Ratley
President Ratley stated that he invited the Highway Patrol Lieutenant to a meeting
to ask her about the policies and procedures of the CHP within YLP. He did so due
to the many complaints he had heard. She made it clear that they can come into
the park; that we have no control over that. He added that the officers are not
supposed to park, but they may stop at Revis and the Parkway where there’s a bus
stop. The officers will be patrolling around YLP more. He apologized to the
audience if this meeting had started any controversy. He only wanted to know what
their policies are.
5. Engineering Committee Request – Steve Brannon
Mr. Brannon explained about the three lakes at the golf course. The Committee
would like to install a culvert between lake #1 and #2. They’ve received a bid from
a local contractor to install the culvert. The Road Department will repave the cart
path. This project is budgeted.
MOTION. A motion was made to approve the installation of a culvert at the golf course
between lake #1 and lake #2 not to exceed $12,000. M/S/C (Woods, Longcor), Voice vote.
Ayes: 7, (Woods, McDonough, Zoeller, Ratley, Chancey, Swire, Longcor), Nays: 0, Motion
XlV. Announcement of Previous Executive Session
Not at this time.
XV. Directors Comments
Director Longcor stated that she stopped by YLCC where they were housing evacuees.
There was an outpouring of donations and volunteers. She stated that we live in a
phenomenal community. President Ratley stated that the Board puts in a lot of hours
and they don’t get paid. They donate their time. He thanked Tom Swire, Mark Zoeller
and Bob McDonough for all they’ve done over the years they have served on the Board.
XVl. Adjourn to Executive Session
Not at this time.
XVll. Adjournment of Meeting
The meeting adjourned at 8:38pm
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