February 2014 Volume 1, Issue 1 Student Success Program Newsletter MESSAGE FROM TRACEY POITRAS -COLLINS, PROJECT MANAGER Tansi ~ Abawashded, Aneen ~ Greetings! On behalf of YTC FNSSP, we would like to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication on the success of our students. In this edition, we have asked communities to submit highlights in the following areas: Key literacy activities, Key numeracy activities, Key student retention activities & Cultural Activities. Also featured in this edition are photos from our work with our Youth Leadership Team. Our conference was a success and we thank everyone involved and especially the communities that continue to support this project. We appreciate and thank everyone for their feedback. We welcome more information for our next newsletter to be released in April of 2014. 2014 YTC FNSSP STUDENT LEADERSHIP TEAM Our Student Leadership Team is selected by each respective school. Students are involved in: Leadership Training, Planning the YTC FNSSP Youth Conference on Education and assisting the YTC Leadership Team in delivering Student Speak Out Forums in their respective schools. It’s always good to have our Elders participating. Jim O'Chiese (Knowledge Keeper) provides advice to our students. We appreciate his presence in this project. We also have Glenn Zacharuk mentoring our youth providing them with activities and opportunities to grow as future leaders. Alexander 1. Jayde Arcand 2. Jacob Auigbelle 3. Kara Burnstick 4. Simon Burnstick Alexis 1. Kobe Alexis 2. Mathias Alexis 3. Rocky Kootenay 4. Clayton Cardinal O’Chiese 1. Mathew Bremner 2. Theron Goodrunning 3. Jerome Strawberr Sunchild 1. Jacinda Bird 2. Dustin Crookedlegs 3. Laval Jerry 4. Marissa Lagrelle March 6, 2014 - YTC FNSSP Education Directors Meeting in Calgary, Education Act March 14, 2014 - YTC FNSSP Teacher Leader Group Meeting (Language Arts) Language Arts (PD) Mar 10 - Sunchild (K-3) Mar 10 - Edmonton (7-12) Mar 11 - Sunchild (4-6) Mar 12 - Alexander (K-3) Mar 13 - Alexander (4-6) Math (PD) Mar 24 - Alexander (K-2) Mar 25 - Alexander (3&4) Mar 26 - Alexander (5&6) March 25 - YTC FNSSP Student Engagement Coaching @ Paul School. March 26 - YTC FNSSP Student Engagement Coaching @ Alexis & Alexander School. Inside this issue: Alexander Update 2 Alexis Update 2 O’Chiese Update 2 Sunchild Update 3 Paul Update 3 Youth Conference 3-4 YTC FNSSP 5 FNSSP Resources 6-7 YTC FNSSP 8 Page 2 YTC First Nation’s Student Success Program Newsletter KIPOHTAKAW Alexander FNSSP Contact: Sandra Auigbelle, Vice Principal Email: [email protected] Address: Box 3449, Mornville, Alberta T5R 1S3 Phone: 780-939-3868 Fax: 780-939-3991 “Action is the foundational key to all success.” Pablo Picasso ALEXANDER FIRST NATION SCHOOL (K -12) Tansi from Kipothakaw. This year with FNSSP we have invested in much needed technology. We are working on getting a smartboard in each class. We have Ipads that have been in use for the past couple years. In the second semester of last year we uploaded a music program onto the ipads. Students in jr/sr high had a music option and learned music notes. They were able to use the flute recorders to play tunes. The grade six class uses the ipads for math and science. The Ipads are also used as part of our weekly super surprise event. Students who have good attendance and good behavior have the opportunity at the end of the week to participate. K5 have also begun to use the Ipads, they are used during centre time for practice in numbers, letters, words, colors, patterns and short stories. In Literacy we have been busy looking for appropriate reading materials to help assist teachers with class libraries. We continue to use the balance lit program here at the school. We have shared reading groups where upper elementary students are paired up with primary grades. We are also going to begin a shared Cree reading group with upper elementary and k5 students. Our high school English class had the opportunity to attend a live theatre to complement their high school English. We continue to look at other opportunities and resources to help enhance our math program. We still struggle in this area, but we have a great working team that makes sure every effort is made for our students to achieve success We have a Cree Development room where our Cree resources and materials are stored for all teachers to use during the year. This room is kept operational by our Cree Team. Learning and teaching our students the ways of our people is incorporated and shown daily. There are five elders who are in the school on different days of the week. At K.E.C. we are also looking for many ways to teach our students good citizenship skills, volunteering and leadership. We take our students out to volunteer their time to help others less fortunate. Our highlight this year was helping the St. Albert Kinettes prepare food hampers for families at Christmas. This spring and summer our students will participate in the annual graveyard cleanup. For our student retention we have planned our second ski trip for grades 4 to 6 and 7 to 12. This is always a big event and the students really look forward to skiing. We also begun our minute to win it monthly event with our students in jr/sr high. This event is for all students who display a positive attitude towards school and have good attendance. We also have our monthly whiter feather award, where students in jr/sr high will get the opportunity to a night out at the movies or some other event. We had an awesome time at the YTC annual school conference. Hiy Hiy, ALEXIS NAKOTA SIOUX NATION SCHOOL (K -12) Ms. Cassidy’s Gr. 3 Class Alexis FNSSP Contact: Kent Johnson, Vice Principal Email: [email protected] Address: Box 27, Glenevis, Alberta T0E 0X0 Phone: 780-5919 Fax: 780-967-2671 Ms. Cassidy uses her Smart Board during daily math lessons for she believes that it actively stim- Literacy ulates student’s enthusiasm and creativity. This combination of technology and teacher instruction benefits all learning styles and promotes better understanding of complicated math concepts. Miss Cassidy states her top three reasons for incorporating Smart Board technology into her math lessons Numeracy are: “I am able to save notes from previous math lessons to review later with students, I can to draw manipulatives which students can then manipulate, and I can cut and paste pictures bringing to life difficult word, multiplication and division problems”. The Smart Board has become a fixture in her classroom because simply put, it makes Retention Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 1 -12) At O’Chiese School the grades 3 and 4 continue to devote their mornings to Language Arts and Mathematics; and have successfully implemented the D.E.A.R.S. (Drop, Everything, And Read / Share) Sessions. Students are actively reading aloud in front of the entire class. Majority of students are doing more math. They love learning new math concepts and work with each other to complete projects. There are many math games on the class set of iPads that help engage students when there is time available. Having this technology is definitely good for retention purposes. The grade 3/4 class is also fundraising to go on a swimming adventure. Students are practicing positive student behavior to go on field trips. O’Chiese FNSSP Contact Denise Webster, Vice Principal Email: [email protected] Address: Box 337, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta T4T 1A3 Phone: (403) 989-3911 Fax: (403) 989-2122 SUNCHILD FIRST NATION (K -12) Sunchild School continues to use balance literacy as a methodology to improve student reading skills. Miss Pepitjean, our grade 2 teacher, likes the guided reading section of balance literacy. “During guided reading students work in smaller groups which allows them to work at their own reading and comprehension level. It enables me to better transition the students to independent reading.” Through the reading resources that have been provided by FNSSP and our dedicated teaching staff, Sunchild School has seen an improvement in its reading scores. Sunchild FNSSP Contact: Susan Collicut, Principal Email: [email protected] Address: Box 1149 Rocky Mountain House T4T 1A8 Phone: (403) 989-3476 Fax: (403) 989-3614 PAUL FIRST NATION SCHOOL (K -9) Paul FNSSP Contact: Nicole Birk-Calliou, Principal Paul School is undertaking the effective use of laptops on learning grade 7-9 math and experiential learning. Email: [email protected] Address: Box 63 Duffield, Alberta T0E 0N0 Phone: (780) 892-2675 Literacy Numeracy Retention Page 4 Volume 1, Issue 1 2014 YOUTH CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION Chief Tony Alexis, Alexis Councilor Kurt Burnstick, Kipohtakaw Grand Entry / Invocation Councilor Lisa Daychief, Sunchild Laverne Arcand, YTC A/Executive Director Tracey Poitras Collins, Project Manager Jody Kootenay, Ed. Director - Kipohtakaw Laverne Arcand, YTC Interim Executive Director Welcoming (Ice Breaker) Daphne & Arnold Alexis Youth Cultural Workshop Ryan McMahon Comedy Show Francis Alexis Knowledge Keeper Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation Elizabeth Letendre Knowledge Keeper Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation Ryan McMahon Youth Advocate Jordan Millar Youth Advocate REAL SCHOOL Literacy Rocky Kootenay Simon Burnstick Master of Ceremonies Jerry Redbear Knowledge Keeper Sunchild First Nation Fawn Wood Youth Advocate Saddle Lake First Nation Numeracy Retention Tracey Poitras-Collins YTC FNSSP Manager Opening Address Jim O’Chiese, Knowledge Keeper O’Chiese First Nation Isabel Arcand & Roy Arcand Sr. Knowledge Keepers Alexander First Nation Elizabeth Letendre YTC FNSSP Advocate Page 5 Youth Leaders Eugene Alexis Artist / Language Instructor Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation YTC First Nation’s Lisa Daychief Band Councilor Sunchild First Nation Youth Arts & Crafts Session Volume 1, Issue 1 Ruyan McMahon & Tracey Poitras-Collins Youth Arts & Crafts Session Camp Nakamun Recreation Camp Nakamun Recreation YTC FNSSP Door Prizes & Awards YTC FNSSP Students Traditional Give Away YTC FNSSP Students Traditional Give Away YTC FNSSP Students Traditional Give Away Special Thanks to Our Sponsors! Camp Nakamun Cafeteria Camp Nakamun Recreation Veronica Hayward & Paulie Cardinal - YTC Volunteers Closing Ceremonies Page 6 Volume 1, Issue 1 YTC FNSSP STUDE NT SUCCESS PLANNING (K -12) YTC FNSSP holds regular meetings with the school Education Directors, Principals, Vice Principals/FNSSP Coordinators to: Provide leadership to the expectations of the project, Discuss effective ways of providing implementation support to schools in the FNSSP initiatives, Keep schools posted on the reporting requirements of the FNSSP, Seek the input of the schools and community into the annual funding proposals, Develop consensus on in-service delivery, proposal development, review templates and overall project direction. Discuss how the directors, administrators and FNSSP coordinators can provide leadership to their staff. Model some leadership tools, and Develop shared ownership of the FNSSP direction. "Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." Alexander Graham Bell These meetings are effective and provides educators with the opportunity to NETWORK, LEARN STRATEGIES and BUILD CAPACITY for IMPLEMENTING STUDENT SUCCESS PLANS into their classrooms and schools. Meetings take place five (5) times a year and are hosted by each First Nation School. As part of the program operations, YTC School Surveys Surveys can be useful when a researcher wants to collect data on questions that cannot be directly observed (such as opinions on school services). Surveys are used extensively to assess attitudes and characteristics of a wide range of subjects. Data are usually collected through the use of questionnaires. Schools were asked to review their individual student, parent and teacher survey results relative to questions about student proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and knowledge of First Nation culture and history. This information was useful in helping schools develop their student success plans. Student Success Plans are a work in progress. “Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. “ William Feather The 2013-2014 data will be published in our April 2014 Newsletter. Literacy Numeracy Retention Page 7 FOUNTAS & PINNEL READING ASSESSMENT RESOURCES YTC FNSSP is using Founas & Pinnel to assess and evaluate student reading comprehension. It addresses the unique decoding, vocabulary and comprehension needs of readers in the intermediate and middle grades. After one year of implementation, we are excited to see the results! Literacy Numeracy Retention Page 8 A partnership program enhancing & supporting student success! For more information: Contact: Tracey Poitras-Collins, Title: Project Manager Address: #304, 17304-105 Ave Edmonton, AB, T5S 1G4 Bus: 780-484-0303 Fax 780-481-7275 Toll Free: 1-877-982-3382 Email: [email protected] Newsletter editor: Stephanie Alexis Project Officer Email: [email protected] YTC FNSSP Literacy @YTC_FNSSP Numeracy Retention
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