St. Rene Goupil-St. Luke C.E.S. 135 Green Lane, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 6K7 September 2014 Principal: M. Zak Secretary: N. Triassi Trustee: C. Cotton Superintendent: N. Di Nardo Principal’s Message: Prayer for the Beginning of a New School Year On behalf of the staff at Rene Goupil-St. Luke, I welcome you back as we begin a new school year. I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer. To parents and students new to our community, I extend a very warm welcome. The staff, Parish and Catholic School Council look forward to working in partnership with parents and guardians in providing excellent programming and the very best educational experience possible for all our students. Loving God, You may have noticed silk peonies have been arranged on the altar, in the front foyer as well as the office. Research indicates that both St. Rene Goupil and St. Luke were surgeons and focused on healing others. Peonies also symbolize healing and thus make an excellent tribute to our two saints. M. Zak Mon. Sept. 22, 2014 P.A. Day—No School You give us this new year and new friends with whom to share it. Bless each student of St. Rene Goupil-St. Luke School as we begin A year of praying, working, learning and growing together. Bless our staff…… In their important work of service to this school. Bless the families….. Of our community in their work as the “first teachers” of our students. Grant that this year….. Will be one of growth, fulfillment and joy for all members of our community. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen School Mass Our first Mass of the 2014-2015 school year will be held at 11:00am on Wed. September 17th in the gym. All parents are most welcome to join us. St. Rene Goupil-St. Luke Staff 2014-2015 BELL TIMES JK/SK-Ms. Polsinelli / E.C.E.-Mrs. Connolly 9:00 a.m.— Morning Entry Gr. 1/2—Mrs. C. Rouse Gr. 2—Mrs. J. Bolzon Gr. 3/4—Mrs. R. Cupani Gr. 4/5—Mr. W. Tersigni Gr. 5/6—Ms. L. Del Mastro Gr. 7/8—Mr. G. Iaboni 10:25 a.m.--10:40 a.m.— Morning Recess 12:00 p.m.—12:20 p.m.— Lunch 12:20 p.m.—1:00 p.m.—Lunch Recess 2:25p.m.—2:40 p.m.—Afternoon Recess 3:30 p.m.—Dismissal EAs--Mrs. M. Nazareth & Mrs. A. Albuquerque Milk Program Core Resource—Mrs. P. Carmosino Our Milk Program begins on Monday September 15th. The deadline for returning Milk Order Forms is Fri. Sept. 5th . Please check your emails for the milk order form. Children will receive milk from Monday to Thursday every week. Students will receive their milk at the beginning of lunch. This milk session runs from September 15 to December 19th. Library—Mrs. R. Sperini ESL—Mrs. T. De Cicco French—Mrs. M. Nemr Physical Education—Mr. P. Magee Music—Ms. S. Busato Custodians—Mr. R. Thomas (day), and Mr. G. Bento (evening) Lunch Supervisors-Mrs. M. Reinhold, Mrs. K. Figarella and Mr. E. Li Secretary—Mrs. N. Triassi Principal—Mrs. M. Zak This year, we welcome a number of new staff members to the school: Mrs. Carmosino, Ms. De Cicco, Mrs. Albuquerque and Mrs. Sperini Pizza Program Pizza Tuesdays are back! Our first pizza day will be on Tuesday September 23rd. Pizza order forms will be sent to parents’ email addresses the week of Sept. 15th. If you are interested in purchasing pizza for your child(ren), please print the form and send it to school. The dates for the first pizza session are: September---23, 30 October--- 7, 14, 21, 28 November—4, 11, 18, 25 December—2, 9, 16 Curricuium Night Catholic School Council This year, Curriculum Night will take place on Thursday, September 18th from 6:45 p.m.—8:00 p.m. The Curriculum Night allows parents and staff to meet and share the plan for the school year. We will all gather in the gym at 6:45 p.m. for a brief introduction and individual teacher presentations to follow in the classrooms. Information sessions will take place in the classrooms. This will allow parents with students in more than one grade level a chance to get all the available information. This evening will allow you to meet your child’s teacher and allow staff to outline curriculum, homework and daily routines. Looking forward to seeing you there! We thank our Catholic School Council immensely for volunteering to work on behalf of our school community. Students have benefited directly from the programs implemented, resources purchased and all the initiatives, projects etc…which this council has successfully undertaken. Student Agendas The Grade 1 to 8 students at SRG-SLE will use an agenda. These can be valuable tools to assist students in organization and time management and are an extremely good means of communication between home and school. If you are new to the school and haven’t purchased an agenda yet, please send $5.00 in a sealed envelope, clearly labeled with your child’s and teacher’s name by Friday, September 5, 2014. Parent Handbook Please visit the Board website at to review the 2014-2015 Parent Handbook. It contains information about curriculum offered at each grade level and Board Policy information. The first CSC meeting will take place on Thursday, September 25, 2014 at 7pm in the library. All parents are welcome to attend. EMERGENCY FORMS…. Every student will be given a bright coloured emergency form within the first month of school. Please be on the lookout for this form. You are asked to do the following and then return it to school: • review form for accuracy • Make any necessary changes right on the form • A signature is required on all forms, regardless of whether changes were made on the form Parents and Visitors Parents/guardians, volunteers and visitors are welcome to our school. In the interest of safety and to prevent interruptions to classes, all visitors (parents, volunteers etc.) must first report to the office. Please sign in and wear a visitor badge. Punctuality Student Sign In / Out Book It is critical that students arrive at school on time. To avoid your child being marked “LATE”, please drop your child off at least 10 minutes before the bell sounds at 9:00 am. When students are late, it creates a disruption to both the classroom and the office. The student also misses out on the initial instructions and plans for the day. Ongoing patterns of lateness will be followed up with a letter to parents/guardians. If this continues, a meeting will be arranged with the attendance counselor. If you pick-up your child early from school for an appointment or your child arrives at school after 9:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m., it is requested that you sign your child in / out at the office. It is imperative to know the whereabouts of all students. In the event that another family member / friend must pick-up your child, you must inform your child’s teacher via a letter and they must follow the procedures. It is best that arrangements are made in the morning so a letter can be sent rather than calling the school as this cuts down on class disruptions. If your child is late, he/she must come to the office to have their agenda stamped. ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION If your child must take medication of any kind at school, please notify the teacher and the office. All medication must be sent to the office for safe keeping in its original container with the child’s name clearly marked on it. A signed request, Board Form S16 and S16a must be completed by the parents/guardians. SCHOOL YARD SUPERVISION St. Rene Goupil-St. Luke staff have been assigned school yard and bus supervision duties. Morning supervision begins at 8:45 a.m. so please do not have students arrive at school before this time as they will be unsupervised. Please note that all staff and supply staff on duty will be wearing yellow sashes so that students can easily identify the supervisor on duty. Also this will assist us in quickly spotting any strangers on our playground. Church News First Reconciliation and First Communion Info Meeting On Thursday, September 11, from 7 to 8 PM at St. Luke's Church, there will be an information meeting for all parents who would like their children to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion at St. Luke's this year. At the meeting we will discuss the program and a schedule will be distributed. If you have any questions or would like more information please contact John Humphries at [ mailto:[email protected] ][email protected] or by phone at 647-262-1346. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Policy 209 –The Protection of Notice to Parents… Anaphylactic Students During the 2014/2015 school year, your child(ren) will be involved in a variety of school related activities and events consistent with the purpose of educating students in accordance with the Education Act. Parents must complete/verify each question pertaining to your child. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Education Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. We bring to your attention the following areas that you and/or your child’s personal information may be disclosed: The York Catholic District School Board introduced a policy to help protect anaphylactic students, students with life threatening allergies. Protecting anaphylactic students from exposure to life threatening substances creates a major challenge to all elementary schools. Parents must inform the school of such allergies and are required to fill in S15 and S15a forms available in the office. Each form must have a passport size picture attached so that the student is easily identifiable to staff. Parents must ensure that students for whom epipens are prescribed have two epipens at school. One epipen must be worn by the student in a fanny pack at all times, this includes on the bus, on excursions, and all other school related activities and the other epipen must be stored in the school office for emergency use only. There are several fanny packs made solely for this purpose. One website is where they can be found. 1. School work/ with name to be displayed in our school and Board office as well as school newsletter and yearbook 2. Child’s picture to be displayed in school (bulletin boards, composite for graduation, etc.) as well at the Bd. office, in the yearbook and school’s or Board’s website 3. Child’s work with name and possibly photo give to media for school activities 4. Child’s name, grade, address give to Catholic school council for school activities (hot lunch, milk program, fundraising) 5. Child’s name, school, grade, address give to St. Luke Parish for preparation of the sacraments CELL PHONES / ELECTRONICS We would like to remind parents that students will always be allowed to use the school office telephone in EMERGENCY situations. Please make arrangements at home for after school activities or changes in pick up arrangements. Under no circumstances are cell phones to be used at school by students. These can get lost, stolen, damaged, passed around or used by children or their friends to make/take inappropriate or even dangerous calls. Students will be asked to leave their cell phones in their school bags which are out in the hallways. They are to be turned off and only brought out of their bag after school hours. If students are found using a cell phone, even at recess, it will be given to the office. Parents will be asked to pick up the cell phone from the office. Please help us by reminding your child of these rules. LUNCH TIME ROUTINES Most students stay for lunch at school on a regular basis; however, some students do go home. It is imperative that your children’s teachers are informed of this routine. Any changes in the routine need to be clearly communicated to the teacher. Parents wishing to treat their children to a “special” lunch are asked to come to the office to pickup their children and sign them out. This applies to all grades, including intermediate. swelling and have difficulty breathing. If the reaction is not stopped, the symptoms may become more severe leading to a drop in blood pressure, unconsciousness and even death. Immediate action must be taken by use of adrenaline (Epi-Pen). We wanted to share this information with you to let you know how severe this condition is and to heighten your awareness. We discourage parents from bringing in treats for birthdays such as cakes, donuts, cookies, etc., because of the risks to these students with severe allergies. Instead bring fruit trays, loot bags, cheese trays or other foods containing no nuts. Please remember, it is critical to read the product ingredient listing every time you purchase a product since ingredients can change without notice. Tim Horton’s Timbits are not guaranteed nut free and therefore not a suitable item for school. Students are NOT allowed to leave school property for lunch, unless: Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in ensuring that all children bring safe snacks to school 2) they go home for lunch everyday. PARKING / DROP-OFF & PICK-UP SRG-SLE School Nut Safe Plan The parking lot is only for the staff of St. Rene Goupil - St. Luke CES, Upper Canada Daycare, visitors and volunteers. When dropping off and picking up students, please do not park in the Staff parking lot. Please park on the road in front of the field area and walk your children to their area. Be mindful that buses need to use the bus lanes between 8:45-9:00 a.m. and 3:15-3:30 p.m. No vehicles should be stopped or 1) they are accompanied by an adult who picks the student up at the school office; In our school, there are many students with potentially life threatening forms of allergic reactions called Anaphylaxis. If by accident, the allergic child is to come in contact with even a small quantity of peanut or nut product, the child may develop hives, parked in the bus lane between 8:30-9:10 a.m. and from 3:15-3:45 p.m. Think safety for all children, staff and community. VOLUNTEERS WELCOME! Being a volunteer is a commitment from the heart! Whether you have a few hours a month or one hour a week, we need you! There are many ways that you can help: -Pizza program -Book Fair -Supervising on field trips -Coaching a sport -Scientist in the School -Healthy Snack program Anything you can give is appreciated. All volunteers will need a Police Check and volunteer application. Please call the office at 905-881-2300 for more information. Student Accident Insurance Package Each family will be receiving a Student Accident Insurance package. It is important to know that the Board does not provide medical insurance coverage for student injuries. If you are interested in securing private coverage, please complete the information card in the brochure and mail it with your payment in the pre-addressed envelope (do not send it to the school.) TRANSLATION SERVICE If you require this message or any letter translated into your native language, please call Annie @ 647-297-3902. Pakitawagan si Annie @ 647-297-3902. kung kailangan ninyo ng mensahe na ito sa Tagalog. Salamat. 이 메세지를 한국어로 원 하시면 캐시 신 (647-297-3902) 에게 연락 주십시오. 감사합니다. OUTDOOR CLOTHING The weather is changing and beginning to cool down. We continue to remind parents that the children must come appropriately dressed for outdoor recess periods. Only during inclement weather (i.e. rain) will children remain indoors. Fresh air is a necessary ingredient for a responsive child, as is exercise between periods of class work. If your child is too sick to go out for recess, then they are too sick to come to school. All students who come to school are expected to go out for recess. Si usted necesita este mensaje en Español ; favor de comunicarse con Annie @ 647-2973902. 如果你想要中文版的这个信息,请打电话给 Annie @ 647-297-3902. 谢谢。 ﻳﺭﺟﻰ، ﺍﺫﺍ ﻛﻧﺕ ﺑﺣﺎﺟﺔ ﺍﻟﻰ ﻫﺫﻩ ﺍﻟﺭﺳﺎﻟﺔ ﺑﻠﻐﺗﻙ ﺍﻷﺻﻠﻳﺔ ﺍﻻﺗﺻﺎﻝ ﺏ ﻛﺎﺛﻲ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﺭﻗﻡ647-297-3902. ﺷﻛﺭﺍ ﻟﻙ English, Tagalog, Korean, Spanish, Chinese, a n d A r a b i c St. Rene Goupil - St. Luke Catholic School Council News September 2014 Catholic School Council (CSC) Goal: To enhance our children’s educational experience Why is parent engagement important? Parent engagement or involvement in a student’s school life is building student success! Proven student benefits: • Improved student achievement • More consistent school attendance • More positive attitudes about school • Fewer behaviour problems • More success with homework • A brighter future for students at school and later in life • Higher rates of high school graduation Why parents should get involved? • To be involved in the life of the school & the community • To gain a better understanding about students & the school • To meet other parents who are also involved in the school • To understand & influence your children’s school experience • To offer your voice to CSC decisions How can you refuse? Here’s how you can help: CSC member - attend only 6 meetings per year-(attend the 1st meeting–to ensure your right to vote) Volunteer Co-ordinator – schedule CSC members to work at events Event Volunteer - help out at any CSC event (Movie night, Pancake Tuesday, Bingo night, Fun Fair) Donations Co-ordinator - ask local businesses to donate an item/service to be raffled or auctioned Recycling Program Co-ordinator - track items for recycling (cell phones, laptops, cartridges) Sub Lunch Volunteer - distribute subs to classes on Mondays from 11:30-12:05pm Come out to our 1st Meeting on Thurs. Sept. 25 @ 7pm Fall Fundraiser Each school year, the CSC organizes a Fall Fundraiser to help fund enhancements to students’ school life. A letter will be sent home the week of October 6th with more details asking families to sign up. In the past, we have funded Promethean boards, laptops, USB keys, sacrament celebrations, TV & DVD player. This year we will be raising money to buy iPads. As always, your support is appreciated! September 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Labour Day 2 First Day of School 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MADD Canada Presentation Gr. 7/8 10 11 12 13 14 15 Milk Program starts 16 17 School Mass 11am 18 Curriculum Night 6:45pm 19 20 21 22 PA Day—No School 23 Pizza Program starts 24 25 CSC meeting 7pm 26 Civvies Day 27 First Day of Fall 28 29 30 Pizza
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