Sunday 10:30am Family Service RISE & SHINE HOLIDAY CLUB Receiving, Living and Sharing Christ as Lord For 5 to 11 year olds - in Church 10.00am to 3.00pm Mon 25th - Fri 29th August. £3.00 per child per day - limited free places for those in financial difficulties. JUNE 1st All Age 8 Trust Jesus’ kindness Mt.7:7-12 th Free BBQ for children and their families 6.00pm - 8.00pm Thursday 28th August. Every day church life Pentecost Sunday Acts 2:41-47; Jn.17:20-23 Trinitarian God at work! Trinity Sunday Acts 3:1-26; Mt.11:1-6 Sign your children up for this action packed week of adventure discovering what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. 22nd Ups and downs of talking about Jesus HC Acts 4:1-22; Mt.13:9-13 Booking forms from the church office. Further information from Sarah Bennett 828797 29th Praying when things get tough Acts 4:23-31; 2Tim.2:1-13 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………….. HC 15 th PREPARING FOR RISE & SHINE JULY 6th All Age TRAINING FOR VOLUNTEERS Trust Jesus’ power Mt.4:18-20 13th Authentic community? HC Acts 4:32-5:11; Lk.8:1-3 20 th Miracles then and now Acts 5:12-16; Mt.7:15-23 27th What keeps you going when the going HC gets tough? Acts 5:17-32; Mk.13:9-13 3 All Age 10 th +HC SETTING UP HOLIDAY CLUB Sunday 24th August from 1.30pm in Church Mt.14:22-33 Living for the gospel Acts 5:29-42; Jn.15:18-27 17th A Mission Action Plan Acts 6:1-7; Num.11:1-17 th 24 Baptism – it’s for believers and their children B+HC Acts 16:25-34; Lk.9:46-48 st Holiday Club Service 31 Rise and Shine! All Age All Age – All Age Worship (Children & Youth stay in church for the whole service) HC - Holy Communion B - Baptism PASTORAL NEED If you feel in need of pastoral care, or know of someone in such need, please contact Phil, the vicar, on tel 827214. SUNDAY 8.00AM BCP HOLY COMMUNION A traditional quiet contemplative service lasting 45 to 50 minutes. It follows the teaching programme of the 10.30am services, but with Prayer Book liturgy and no music. This is an ideal service to find spiritual nourishment if you are unable to make the 10.30am service. SUNDAY 10.30AM PROGRAMME AUTUMN DATE FOR YOUR DIARY HARVEST FESTIVAL SUN 5TH OCT St Jude’s Church 21a St Jude’s Road Wolverhampton WV6 0EB Trust Jesus’ love A warm welcome to you and do please stay for coffee after the service so we can meet you. If you are new to the area, or just new to St Jude’s, and wonder about making St Jude’s your home church please do fill in a Welcome Card and hand it to one of the welcome team at the door, or one of the people leading the service. This will enable us to invite you to a meal so we can start to get to know one another. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………….. AUGUST rd Thursday 3rd July 7.00 - 9.00pm in the Church Hall NEW TO ST JUDE’S? Alita Caine Church Office Phil Robertson Vicar Ivor Saunders Local Minister Sarah Bennett Children’s W’k Will Davies Youth Work Tel 753360 [email protected] Tel 827214 [email protected] Tel 751162 [email protected] Tel 828797 [email protected] Tel 078 0784 7787 [email protected] A contemporary service with good Bible teaching and music. Our children and youth teaching programme runs during this service, but on most first Sundays of the month everyone is in church together for 'All Age' worship [see the programme for the actual dates]. On the second and fourth Sundays of the month we usually celebrate Holy Communion. We are looking at the book of Acts to find out what it tells us about Jesus and the early church and what this shows church should be like today. On first Sundays of the month we will be thinking about trusting Jesus. MIDWEEK HOLY COMMUNION On the first Thursday of each month – through th rd the summer this falls on 5 June, 3 July, and th 7 August - a service is held in the church hall, starting at 12.00 noon, followed by a light lunch. SEVEN MARKS OF A HEALTHY CHURCH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Energised by faith rather than just keeping going or trying to survive Outward-looking focus with a ‘whole life’ rather than a ‘church life’ concern Seeks to find out what God wants discerning the Spirit’s leading rather than trying to please everyone Faces the cost of change and growth rather than resisting change and fearing failure Operates as a community rather than functioning as a club or religious organisation Makes room for all being inclusive rather than exclusive Does a few things and does them well focussed rather than frenetic ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………… CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE SUPPORTING ST JUDE’S There are many ways you can play a part in the life of St Jude’s. Giving time to pray for it and help as a volunteer are excellent things to do, and so too is giving money for its work. If you value what goes on at St Jude’s please consider giving money in support of its Christian mission. There is a leaflet - What should I give? – available at the back of church or from our website - to help you think about this and you can always talk to Phil, the vicar, or our Planned Giving Secretary, Howard Perrin, on 424164. Trust Jesus ST JUDE’S HOME GROUPS If you want to know about a mid week group that can help you to get to know people and grow you in your Christian faith and life of witness, talk to either Phil Robertson or Simon Fenner (tel 896434). ST JUDE’S PRAYS TOGETHER ON… Learning about Church from Dr Luke in the book of Acts Sundays from 9.45 to 10.10am in the Barnabas Cabin – the white hut in the church car park off St Jude’s Road. th During our 10.30am Sunday services we run events for children and young people. J Team, for primary school aged children, meets in the hall; and YOZ, for young people, meets in the Parish Room. If you would like to know more about what they get up to on Sundays, and during the week, speak to Sarah Bennett (828797) for children, or Will Davies (078 0784 7787) for young people. The second Wednesday of each month – 11 June, th th 9 July, 13 August – from 7.30 to 8.30pm in the church hall. SUNDAY CRÈCHE Come along to St Jude’s Church Hall (on the No.1 bus route) between 2.00pm and 4.00pm on a Wednesday afternoon. You will find help with online job searches, interview skills, writing your CV and letters, and benefits advice. To find out more call Ian on 077 6378 3663 or email [email protected] . During Sunday 10.30am services we run a crèche for babies and nursery aged children. It is held in the Parish Room on “All Age” Sundays and in the Vicarage on other Sundays. Ask one of the ‘Welcomers’ to show you where to go, or ask to speak to Jane Hill if you would like to know more. Receiving, Living and Sharing Christ as Lord Saturdays from 9.00 to 10.00am at the front of church. SATURDAY OPEN CHURCH From 10.00am to 1.00pm come and have a cup of coffee and a chat, or sit quietly and pray. JOB CLUB CARERS & TODDLERS ENCOURAGING WORDS FROM THE BIBLE Carers and Toddlers is a group for babies, toddlers and their carers. It meets from 9.30 -11.45am every Tuesday morning in the Church Hall. To find out more call Sarah Bennett on 828797 or visit St Judes Toddlers on Facebook. Jesus says: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8 (NIV) SUMMER PROGRAMME JUNE – AUGUST 2014 Follow us on Facebook at St Judes Church Community
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