Draft Minutes of Ordinary General Meeting Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare Inc. Held at Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare Office 1-3/103-107 West High St. Coffs Harbour Wednesday 5th February 2014 These minutes are DRAFT only until accepted at the next general meeting at which time the minutes are filed as FINAL. Present: Larry Langman (Nana Glen LCG), Rosemarie Watkins (Park Beach DC), Ron Smith (Karangi LCG), Greg Robinson (Sapphire Reserve LC), Peter Franklin (Nana Glen LCG), John Ross (Karangi LCG), Kris Hely (Korora Basin LC), Elisabeth Edwards (Friends of Coffs Creek LC), Peta Fairbairn (Sandy Beach LC), Maree Lane (Sandy Beach LC), Helen Davies (Friends Coffs Creek LC), Charlie England (Sawtell BC), Leah Sjoberg (Jarrett Ck LC)*, Judy Quickenden (Park Beach DC)*. The notes of the Secretary as reflected in these minutes suggest that the above indicated members participated in the meeting. However their names are not recorded in the Attendance record of the meeting. Either these minutes will require amendment or variation of the Attendance Record of the General Meeting 5th February 2014 will need to be changed to reflect their attendance. In Attendance: Jude Turner (Project and Administration Officer - CHRL), Rebekah Abood (CHRL), Pia Dollmann (Landcare Project Officer) Apologies: Vern Treilibs (Red Rock DC), Rose Treilibs (Red Rock DC), Lindy Davis (Eastern Dorrigo LC), Bob Piper (Arrawarra DC), Barry Powells (South Boambee LC), Les & Heather Fairey (Sawtell DC). The meeting commenced at 4.11pm. WELCOME The President Ron Smith, in welcoming attendees acknowledged the Gumbaynggirr people, the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet. The President then welcomed our Guest Speaker, Mick Andren, Office of the Environment, to address the meeting on a project CHRL is successfully partnering with the Northern Rivers CMA. The partnership is to undertake works on private lands in the Pine Creek Bonville area to protect the habitat of an endangered grass species – Floyds Grass (Alexfloydia repens) and the butterfly that has this grass species as its habitat – Grass Dart butterfly (Ocybadistes knightorum). This project aims to protect these two endangered species (Floyds Grass and Grass-dart Butterfly) on private land through a number of approaches. Firstly, in the form of on-ground works, to control broad-leaf paspalum and lantana, through physical removal. Secondly through fencing to prevent livestock grazing. Finally through landholder engagement and community education in the need to protect this habitat. This project will entail a combination of chemical control (spraying) and hand weeding of two primary target weeds – broad leaf paspalum and lantana – along the banks of 5 properties which adjoin Pine Creek, Bonville. The strategy for this project looks to create large areas of contiguous grass to support both the grass and the butterfly. Currently there are widely separated clumps of grass with intervening paspalum and lantana infestations. Page 1 of 6 One of the challenges in this project is to consider the possible effects of sea-level rise. As the area in question is only 1-2 metres MSL/AHD. Recent king tides have shown that while 60% of the proposed area is protected in the event of future sea level rise, much of this area could be at risk. During the presentation the possibility of extending the distribution of this grass was considered. A transplanted patch does exist in the Botanic Gardens. However one concern could be the range of the butterfly….believed to be only a “few hundred metres” Following a brief break the meeting resumed at 5:05pm MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the previous meeting having been circulated prior to the meeting, and no corrections recorded, the following motion was put: Motion: That the minutes of the meeting held on 6th November 2013 be accepted. Moved: Larry Langman. Second: Greg Robinson. Carried PRESENTATION OF LANDCARE OFFICER REPORTS. CHCC Environmental Levy Project 2013-14 – Jude Turner Insect shield coveralls - Members are reminded that all volunteers working on NPWS and CHCC managed land are required to wear insect shield coveralls. The insecticide treatment is effective for 70 washes. We will be developing guidelines for when and how coveralls will be replaced. For those volunteers that work weekly, coveralls should generally be replaced after a year and a half. Training – We have EL funds for Kara Smith (Generation Green) to visit sites and work with volunteers in a training or support role. Ideally, she should visit each site at least twice in the financial year. This is an excellent opportunity for volunteers to keep up with what they can and should be doing on their sites. I would ask all site contacts to take advantage of this support. Lindy Davis is also providing this training/support at a couple of sites (Kinchela, Green Bluff, Eastern Dorrigo). On-ground works – bush regeneration works are progressing well. Contractors submit quarterly reports on progress. These will in future be forwarded to the relevant site contact to ensure that all parties are kept in communication about site activities. Plants from the CHRL nursery – a limited number of species are available for planting at Landcare sites. The nursery mostly specialises in coastal species. Where possible we apply for funding to provide plants on our sites as this helps the nursery meet it’s costs. It is important that species appropriate to your site be planted. If this information is not available on your sites workplan, advice from the CHRL office or the Land manager should be sought before planting. Dates – Jude Turner Sunday 9th February – Planting Day at Kinchela reserve Toormina from 8.30am. All welcome.q1 Sunday 2nd March – Clean Up Australia Day. I have registered a site at Diggers Beach, Landcare members also have sites registered at Park Beach, Jetty Beach & Sapphire Beach. Details for all sites are on the Clean Up Australia Day website Sunday 23rd March – BRANCH members (local bush regenerators) have organised a John Lee memorial working bee at Murray’s Beach, Sawtell; from 9am with a BBQ to follow. All welcome. At this point additional dates were added:Saturday 26th February – CurryFest. This had been a successful event last year. Page 2 of 6 Sunday 25th May – Emerald Beach Fair. This too had been a successful event last year. Greg Robinson suggested that we should also be participating in ChilliFest in July. Financial Report - Jude Turner The following reports were available for inspection by the membership;- Cash at Bank as at 3rd February 2014, Balance Sheet as at January 2014, Profit and Loss Statement July 2013 – January 2014. In summary our Cash at Bank at 3rd February 2014 = $357,373 and we have a Surplus (profit) year to date of $14,570. This is in line with current projections. Jude Turner noted that she was always happy to explain or discuss financial management issues with members. Following presentation of this report the following motion was put; Motion: That the financial report as presented be received. Moved: Elisabeth Edwards Second: John Ross. Carried New Members to be approved – Jude Turner Pacific Villas Landcare: Max Brinsmead (site contact) Pamela Brinsmead Julia Stary Jan Baker Terry Baker Green Bluff Headland Landcare: Darren Moon Park Beach Dunecare: Mark Carron Janet Clare Friends of Coffs Creek Landcare: Sarah Hazell Pickering Thomas Lee Red Rock Dunecare: Kathryn Shaw Warren Rendell Motion: That the above referenced sites and memberships be approved. Moved: Larry Langman Seconded: Greg Robinson. Carried CCB contract – Pia Dollmann Received progress reports from the other networks. Will collate and send on to LLS tomorrow for second payment. Page 3 of 6 CMA Partnership projects – Pia Dollmann 1. Floyds Grass: Engaged Kris Hely to sub contract on this project. There are significant issues with landholders who are not happy to sign the Landholder Management Agreement. Kris is still negotiating. 2. Coffs Harbour Aboriginal Land Council: Engaged Brian Hawkins to conduct wildlife surveys with the aboriginal team and Kris Hely to undertake the vegetation management plans as a training exercise with the team. Some wildlife surveys have been completed. CMA Small Incentives Project – Pia Dollmann Four applications from the CHRL area were successful. Two are for vegetation management plans and two for on-ground works. All paper work is completed for those. Community Nursery – Pia Dollmann Woopi High School has signed a new agreement for our use of their grounds for the nursery. Doug Prendergast is unwell. We wish him all the best. He has left the coordination duties for the nursery to Ian Turnbull for now. Ian has installed the water tank and pump, has removed the old heatbed and is working on the replacement for that. The nursery have done regular stocktakes and EnviTE are supplying local seeds for propagation. CLG Workshop program – Pia Dollmann The first workshop was last week in horse property management and on the 19th February we have ‘Passion Mashin’. This was strongly recommended by Kara as an inspirational event for our Landcarers. Please take a description from here today and motivate your fellow Landcarers to come along. This workshop is expensive and we wanted to run it especially for our site coordinators to help energise their groups. We now have a program of workshops to June 2014: 26 March – Dungbeetle I.D. and management 23 April - Pasture species recognition and management 25 June - Fencing options for all situations Community Landcare Erosion Control project – Pia Dollmann Working on this with Simon Proust (ex CMA). We have developed plans for 4 of the 5 farms involved and delivered compost to stabilise the soil to one banana and one blueberry farm. Simon is working on the design for several erosion sites on another farm and other sites still require further development. Indian Myna control Pia Dollmann This Environmental Trust funded project is coming to an end and new strategies to continue the work will be discussed at the steering group meeting in two weeks’ time. See also the Presidents Report below. North Coast Regional Landcare We are getting together next week for a two day program with the landcare staff of the north coast region and the regional landcare facilitator. Amongst other things, we will have an opportunity to meet with the LLS general manager and board members who have been appointed to date. They will also go on a tour of the Orara Valley with Ron Smith and Gary Dew on the Wednesday, to be introduced to Landcare work sites and priorities. PRESIDENTS REPORT The President drew the meeting’s attention to the decision by Steve Clemesha to step down from the Executive. Steve’s association with conservation pre-dates Landcare and he has been a strong supporter of the Landcare movement and Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare in particular, having served on the Executive for many years. Page 4 of 6 The gathering at Darlington Park over the 11th and 12th of February will be an important gathering for our regional Landcare organisations as it will afford us the first opportunity to hear from the Executive of the North Coast Local Land Services organisation. We will have an opportunity to discuss the future and as has been mentioned elsewhere, will have an opportunity to conduct Executive members through some of the projects in the Orara Valley. On the 20th February I’ll be attending a meeting of the Indian Myna Control Program. This program will end as an Environment trust project at the end of March. This project has been undertaken in two stages, the first of 2.5 years and then 3 years. Tien Pham was the first project officer of this program, Dave Hitchcock took over when Tien went on maternity leave. Dave has done a wonderful job. We now have in place an extensive network of volunteer “trappers”. We are far from eradicating this pest and we need to ensure that the good work continues. Crown Lands have called for nominees for trustees of the Red Hill Nature Reserve. I’ve served as a trustee of this reserve for many years and along with Charlie England we’ve ensured that there is local control of this important piece of land. It’s been a way to ensure that this area is not logged which could happen if there is no local control of this reserve through participation on the Trustee board. In discussion Judy Quickenden indicated some interest in becoming involved. Finally The President urged members who were eligible to vote at the LLS elections to ensure that they were registered. Executive member Barry Powells has nominated for a board position as had a number of other supporters of Landcare. The President wished Barry well in this election. BUSINESS ARISING Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Jude Turner advised this this MoU had been signed and was now in place. Volunteer Spray Program Jude Turner advised that this program and its processes were now in place and were operating well. CORRESPONDENCE IN/ OUT The folder of recent correspondence was presented to the meeting. GROUP/SITE REPORTS Jarrett Creek Leah Sjoberg advised that the investigation of a biological –control for Madeira Vine in the form of a leaf feeding beetle, Plectonychna correntinahas, had commenced. This was being undertaken with the guidance of DPI Grafton. GENERAL BUSINESS Conflict of Interest Following the continued review of our policies and procedures the need for the development of procedures around the management of conflict of interest have been identified. It is proposed to establish a register of instances of potential conflict of interest and ensure that there is transparency in those situations when a perception of conflict of interest might arise. Further details on this initiative will be provided as these policies and procedures are put in place. Page 5 of 6 Landcare Essentials Landcare NSW together with TOCAL and the Department of Primary Industry, Landcare Support Programme have developed a formal course of education and training called Landcare Essentials targeting improvement in executive skills of Landcare groups. These skills revolve around Planning, Governance, Financial Management and Project Acquittal. This training will be conducted in Taree over the 11th and 12th March and 21st May. A subsequent course could be conducted in the region. This training is being considered as highly desirable for all Landcare Networks. LLS Elections. Refer to comments in the Presidents Report. Indian Mynah Control Refer to comments in the Presidents Report. OTHER BUSINESS No “Other Business” was identified. Meeting Closed: 6:35 pm Next General Meeting: 7th May 2014 Page 6 of 6
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