St. Polycarp Parish 135 Ransom Lane, Smyrna, DE 19977-1617 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU Office Hours: 9:30 am - 3 pm weekdays (302) 653-8279 [email protected] diocesan website: BECAUSE WE SEE CHRIST IN YOU Rev. Thomas A. Flowers (Fr. Tom), Pastor Patricia Freedman, DRE, 653-4101 Bernadette Baker, Administrative Assistant and Bookkeeper Betty Sloven, Secretary, 653-8279 Lori Vien, Daybreak Counseling, 222-0517 Jack Molyneau, Finance Council Tom Hopper, Facilities Rentals, 653-2314 The Academy at St. Polycarp (Pre-School) 499 W. South Street Nancy Koska, Director, 653-1496 WE CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST 5 pm Saturday, 8 & 10:45 am Sunday (4 pm Nov. - Feb.) (10 am June - August) 8:30 am weekdays (except Thursday) 10:30 am Tuesday, DE Home for Chronically Ill WE FORM ADULTS & YOUTH IN FAITH Christian Formation Office, 653-4101 Judy Lamborn, DRE’s Assistant Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults St. John Bosco Home School Study Group Alison Seewald, 378-7198 ChristLife includes three 7-Monday programs Christ Renews His Parish weekends for men & women WE CELEBRATE FORGIVENESS Confessions 3:30-4:30 pm Sat. or by appointment in Fr. Tom’s office. No matter how long you may have been away, you are always welcome back! Image of St. Polycarp is from an original oil painting by Sean Faust which hangs in Mother Drexel Hall WE WELCOME NEW MEMBERS We will be happy to meet with you in our office or register you over the phone. You must attend Mass weekly for us to certify you to stand as a godparent for Baptism or a sponsor for Confirmation. Working adult children living with parents should receive envelopes. We mail contribution envelopes and have two collections every Sunday for diocesan & parish ministries. WE GATHER FOR PRAYER Eucharistic Adoration in St. Ann Chapel, 9 am – 9 pm Tuesday Sacred Heart Devotions, 9 am 1st Friday • Cenacle of Our Lady, 1st Friday, 9:30 am. Divine Mercy Devotions, 3 pm Friday, September-May BVM Sodality Knights of Columbus Br. Vincent Council Columbian Squires 4th Deg. Assembly Columbiettes Phyllis Ortiz 678-1212 Our Parish Mission We, are a welcoming Roman Catholic family of faith, a thankful, holy people sent forth from our celebration of the Eucharist to walk in faith, live in hope, and act with love for God and one another. Through our ministry we embrace the poor, the suffering, and the lost. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are committed to justice and peace through prayer, Christian formation the New Evangelization, and stewardship. Bud Whitlock 659-6962 Rich DeZao 677-1999 Rich DeZao 677-1999 Mary Lou Bush 883-2705 Holy Cross Elementary St. Thomas More Prep 674-5784 697-8100 Diocesan Vocation Office Rev. Dave Kelly 378-5800 Help With Pregnancy Post-Abortion Help 698-9311 472-0649 [email protected] Day Break Counseling Lori Vien 222-0517 Improve Mail Delivery: Use the ZIP + 4 1883 4th Sunday in Ordinal Time February 1, 2015 Musicians Next Weekend: Linda on organ (4 pm), Roxanne on harp (8 am), & Richie on guitar (10:45 am). Music Meeting – Monday, Feb. 2 at 7:30 in the office workspace. From Our Pastor’s Desk During his Sept. visit, our Holy Father will canonize Blessed Junipero Serra. Recently, he said that he’d like to have celebrated the occasion in California, where the Franciscan founded so many missions. This 1st canonization to take place on U.S. soil will occur in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. Fr. Serra joins St. Damien of Molokai as the only 2 saints whose images appear in the U.S. Capitol. (Each state has several individuals who are honored with a statue.) Other American saints are Isaac Jogues, John de Brebeuf, John de Lalande, & Rene Goupil (1930), Frances Xavier Cabrini (1946), Elizabeth Ann Seton (1975), John Neumann (1977), Rose Philippine Duchesne (1988), Katharine Drexel (2000), Theodora Guerin (2006), Damian de Veuster (2009), Marianne Cope (2012), Kateri Tekakwitha (2012), & Pedro Calungsod (2012). Unlike the papal Mass on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Philly, which will be open to all, the Mass of Canonization will probably be admission by ticket only. When information becomes available, we’ll be sure to share it with you. For info about participating in other events in the World Gathering of Families, check it out online. Fr. Tom Masses & Prayer Mon., Feb. 2 Presentation of the Lord 8:30 Joseph Orlando --PSR catechists & Blessing of candles assistants 11:30 BVM Sodality Rosary Tues., Feb. 3 St. Blase, bishop & martyr 8:30 Augustine Cofan --Rachel Cofan 9 am Eucharistic Adoration (St. Ann Chapel) 10:30 George Dunn --wife, Terri Wed., Feb. 4 St. Paul Miki & Companions 8:30 Charlie Williams --MaryAnne Goodine Thurs., Feb. 5 8:30 no Mass Fri., Feb. 6 8:30 Gates of Paradise Purgatorial Society 3 pm Divine Mercy devotions (chapel) Sat., Feb. 7 2:30 Reconciliation 4 pm Pastor’s Mass for our Parishioners Sun., Feb. 8 5th Sunday in Ordinal Time 8 am Carole D. Smith -Diane & Mike Dellinger 10:45 Stan Bryk --BVM Sodality LITURGY Bread & Wine for the Eucharist Today are given for all the dedicated volunteers in our office. Fr. Tom, Betty, Bernadette, Patricia, & Judy are very grateful for those who give so generously of their time & talent in so many ways! Our Sanctuary Lamp in Church burns for those who lovingly maintain the California mission churches, which are such a treasure of American Catholic history. Our Sanctuary Lamp in St. Ann Chapel burns for grandparents raising their grandchildren. Readings Next Sunday: Job 7:1-4, Psalm 147:16, I Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23, and Mark 1:2939 A New Liturgical Environment Committee will oversee decorating of our church throughout the year. Join us in the office tomorrow night, 2/2 at 6:30 pm to talk about Lent & Easter. We welcome those who have helped in the past, new parishioners, folks with creative ideas and anyone who would like to be involved. Monday’s Feast of the Presentation recalls the bringing of the Christ Child to the Temple to be dedicated to God as the firstborn son. Blessing of candles precedes 8:30 am Mass. (You can bring your own candles for a blessing.) At 11:30 am, our Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality invites all parishioners to pray the Rosary. Ladies of our parish are invited to a brown bag lunch at Noon. 301 PAGE TWO PARISH & FAMILY LIFE Tuesday’s Feast of St. Blase traditionally offers the blessing of throats. While this can be delegated to a deacon, it is not done by laity. Fr. Tom is kind enough to offer it after Masses today, even though he’ll have to do all the blessings himself. This Week in Our Parish First Friday Mass is offered for those enrolled in our Gates of Paradise Purgatorial Society. At the end of Mass, we pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart & the Consecration to the Most Sacred Heart. Our Lord, in revealing His Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, promised that those who participate in this devotion will die “a happy death,” that is, with the grace of the sacraments and in the peace of the Church. We strongly encourage you to set aside the time to participate in this wonderful tradition. Today 9 am PSR (gr. 1-4), 10:45 am PSR P/K and baptisms at Mass, Noon building survey committee Weekday Mass Is at 8:30 am on most weekdays (but usually not on Thursday). Those who no longer work outside the home are encouraged to make morning Mass part of your day. It’s a wonderful way to start the day, to meet some of your fellow parishioners, to bring your intentions to the altar, and to open your heart to God’s many graces Mon. 8:30 am blessing of candles, 11:30 am Rosary & Sodality lunch, 12:30 pm Academy Tues. 9 am adoration in chapel, 10:30 am DHCI Mass, 12:30 pm Academy, 6:30 pm R.C.I.A., 7 pm PSR (Gr. 5-8), 7:30 pm K of C 4th Deg. Assembly Wed. 8:30 am Academy, 9 am St. Vincent de Paul, 12:30 pm Academy, 6:30 pm Radiance of Joy & Portugal trip meeting Thurs. 8:30 am & 12:30 pm Academy, 5 pm counseling, 7:30 pm K of C 3rd Deg. Fri. 8:30 am Academy, 9 am Sacred Heart devotions, 9:15 am Altar Guild I, 9:30 am Columbiettes breakfast, 12:30 pm Academy 3 pm Divine Mercy Sat. 5 pm Cabin Fever dinner Sun. sign ups for 40 Days for Life, 9 am PSR (gr. 1-4) & 2nd Gr. parent meeting, 10:45 am baptism, gr. 3 & 4 at Mass and PSR P/K, 6 pm Confirmation Let’s Pray for the Sick Week I Rev. John Riley, Alice Hohman Week II Deborah Oset, Karen McKenna, Gerald Wong, Margaret Walters, Dave Brown Week III Diane Harman Week IV Bobby Bullins, Anthony Lennon, Lewis Blood Week V Shannon Leone, Iolanda Zikowitz, Sam Everage, Diane Bethard Week VI a special intention Let’s Pray for Our Deceased Deacon Jack Campbell (Sun.), Fr. James McKenna (Mon.), Fr. Joseph Delikat (Tues.), Frs. Charles Endres & Francis Fitzpatrick (Wed.), & Fr. Eugene Kraemer (Fri.) Feb. 4 Trip to Portugal Meeting Representative from Collette Tours will discuss the itinerary and questions you may have. We’ll meet at 6:30 in the Cardinal O’Connor Library. OFFICE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Please call the office if you would be willing to volunteer one morning or afternoon a week. Your responsibilities would be to answer the phone and door and some light clerical work when needed. Our number is 302-653-8279. 301 PAGE THREE SOCIAL CONCERNS Our Community Food Pantry needs nonperishable food to distribute to the needy in our community. This week they are requesting, canned soup, canned meat, beef stew, spaghetti & tomato sauce. Our assistance is often the only thing keeping a family from going over the edge. We are immensely grateful for your kind generosity in donating items in the basket under the coat rack in the hallway each weekend. Thanks to Margie Fox for hauling the food over to Asbury UM Church on Mt. Vernon St. And thank you to parishioners Patti Tigani & Brenda Russillo for heading the volunteers & managing the food pantry at Asbury. A Letter From Smyrna School District early last month expressed “gratitude for all you have done for the children and families” of the district, noting that “Your compassion for your fellow man brings relief to those in need.” Parishioners Pam Denney-Griffiths & Tracy Zlock from the Special Services Office reminded us of the community core values (compassion, integrity, perseverance, respect and responsibility) which the District seeks to foster in our young people. This year’s value is integrity, which teaches students “a steady and faithful observance of a code of moral values” which includes “honesty in word and deed and a sense of right and wrong.” STEWARDSHIP 3rd Sun. in Ordinal Time $ 4,660 Catholic University $ 647 SVDP Donations $ 697 There Was No Winner of the 50/50 on Jan. 25 (#1174). Today’s jackpot is $111.00 A New Community Garden Committee is being formed to grow fresh fruits & veggies on a plot of land next to the cemetery on Glenwood Ave. A student earning a Master’s Degree in Nursing at Wesley College has undertaken the project and is seeking volunteers to become board members and to help with planning, construction, maintenance, and present & future needs. Come to a meeting at Asbury Methodist at 7 pm on Feb. 12. [email protected]. CHRISTIAN FORMATION Bring It Home… This week’s readings include a reference to an unclean spirit. As we think about preparing our hearts & minds for Lent, consider how we can make ourselves clean. Take the Scriptures and Bring It Home this week by gathering at the kitchen sink. Wash one another’s hands before a meal and pray together that all might be cleansed of any unhelpful attitudes that cause us to be separate from the Lord. Next Weekend’s 2nd Collection supports the Youth Ministry here at St. Polycarp. We are so blessed to have a wonderful group of teens in our parish and adults who enjoy working with them to foster their growth in our holy faith. The money you donate will be used wisely to offer programs & activities that help our young to grow in their knowledge and love of God and of His holy Church. Thank you for your generosity. The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren… All are welcome to join our parish secretary, Betty Sloven, this Lent, by reading & discussing this bestseller. The book contains 40 chapters and is meant to be read one chapter a day for 40 days. Meet each morning, Monday thru Friday, from 9 until 9:30 am to discuss your reading. Call the office for more info, 653-8279. (We have to end on time because Betty needs to get to work.) 301 PAGE FOUR HAPPENING ELSEWHERE Feb. 8 Catholic Forum of the Air 10:05 am, 1150AM WDEL & Hear Diane Householder, Community fo Mary, 23rd order of Discalced Carmelites, Kate Meire, Minister of St. Clair Secular Franciscan Fraternity will discuss 3rd Order communities. Jan. 31 Art Auction at St. E Center in Wilmington, directly behind St. Elizabeth Church. Preview at 5 pm, auction opens at 6. $25 or $40 per couple from Kathleen Houghton, 225-8675 or [email protected]. Complimentary wine & cheese, door prizes. Marlin Art. Sponsored by SEHS Alumni Assn. Feb. 28 S.A.C.R.E.D. Salesianum Adult Christian Religious Education Day at Salesianum H.S. in Wilmington. Enter into the spirit of Lent with a day of Salesian Spirituality. Includes coffee, tea, light breakfast of yogurt, fruit, & pastries, and chicken parmesan for lunch, with bread, salad, dessert, lemonade, iced tea, coffee & tea. $35 before Jan. 31, $40 beginning Feb. 1. 2 contact hrs for elementary catechists for am session, 3 hrs for pm session. No paper requirement for these hrs, which will also be offered in Spanish. Sign-in & breakfast from 8 to 9, with Mass at 4 pm. Feb. 2 World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life will be led by Bishop Malooly at St. Joseph on the Brandywine, at 6:30 pm. For info, call 5733124. Feb. 13-15 Marriage Encounter Weekend 2209833 Non-refundable application fee of $75 confirms food & lodging. A donation is asked at the end of the weekend. Feb. 14 Victorine’s Valentine’s Day at Hagley Museum. A treat for you & your daughter or even the whole family. Create a Valentine card, nibble on gingerbread hearts, sip hot chocolate, decorate a candy bar, and design a bouquet of tissue paper flowers. Special exhibit features antique valentines & candy packaging. FREE event! 12:30-4 pm. 658-2400 Feb. 21 Solidarity Meeting with Guatemalans Folks from our sister Diocese of San Marcos will gather in the lobby of Sts. Peter & Paul in Easton for story-telling and faith sharing. Members of our diocese will speak about their visits to San Marcos. Contact Br. Chris Posch, 655-0518 or [email protected]. Don’t wait until you smell the aroma of Chicken Pot Pies in the oven when you are at Mass next weekend, before buying your tickets to the Parish Cabin Fever Dinner -- because their might not be any left!!! Please join us in the hall Saturday, February 7th from 5 until 7 pm for a scrumptious, homemade chicken pot pie dinner with a green salad & dessert. Cost is $10 per person, $7 for 12 to 4 year olds & under 4 eat for free. Join us for fellowship & good food! Please come out and support out church! Tickets are available at our office, Monday thru Friday, 9 – 3 pm. Call 6538279 for inquires. 301 W. A. Faries, Jr. FARIES FUNERAL DIRECTORS, INC. Robert M. Timblin Six Generations Since 1831 Family Owned Crematorium • Pre-Planning Counseling • State of the Art Facility 302-653-8816 29 S. Main St. • Smyrna Seewald Woodworks, Inc. Replacement windows Bridge Way For all your building needs Framing & Trim Family Restaurant Owner & Operator Decks & Designs Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Renovations & Additions RICHARD B. SEEWALD 15 E. Glenwood Ave., Smyrna Kitchen & Bath Over 20 Yrs experience Roofing & Siding (302) 378-7819 302-653-3466 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards 38 Deak Drive Smyrna, Delaware 19977 Board Certified Pediatricians Vicenta P.G.-Marquez, M.D. Ma Caridad P. Rosal, M.D. Jennifer C. Liquido, M.D. (302) 653-6174 FAX (302) 653-6029 Board Certified Internist Rufino V. Rosal, M.D. Board Certified Internist & Endocrinologist Blanca Ocampo-Lim, M.D. (302) 653-1669 FAX (302) 653-9563 Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Newark • Bear • Smyrna • Dover • Milford Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 FINDING GUIDANCE DURING A DIFFICULT TIME IS COMFORTING. Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: GARAGE DOORS THAT’S WHY PEOPLE TURN TO US. Burial & Cremation Services • Pre-Arrangements Cemetery Markers • Out-of-Town Arrangements Matthew R. Bryson - Funeral Director Carol L. Bryson - Parishioner 653-2900 “A Name You Can Trust” 123 W. COMMERCE ST. SMYRNA, DE Installation & Servicing all makes & models of Garage Doors & Openers TOLL FREE 1-855-844-DOOR (3667) FREE ESTIMATES MHIC #129239 Telephone: 653-6277 Telephone: 653-0503 Smyrna, DE 19977 Breakfast Buffet 7am-12noon Sun 7am-1pm Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Friday Dinner Buffet Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 302-653-9980 301 St. Polycarp ~ Smyrna, DE (back) FX 5pm-8pm 99 S.Cory Lane Smyrna Parishioner John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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