Minutes SRPEN Thursday 13 February 2014 At City of Casey Offices Attendees: Bayside City Council ʹ Matt Thornton, Jane Sommerville, Jason Stubbs City of Port Phillip ʹ Wayne Moore, Jeanene Simmons, Kelly Kirkpatrick Mornington Peninsula Shire (MPS) ʹ Craig Cinquegrana, Julie Rowe Shire of Cardinia ʹ Leanne Thomas City of Kingston ʹ Darryn Paspa City of Glen Eira ʹ Aubrey Jansen City of Greater Dandenong (CGD) ʹ David Russell City of Stonnington ʹ Dominic Bonaddio City of Casey ʹ Thor Hansen, Paul Belli, Fran Miller Apologies: Danielle Watts (Kingston), Amanda Minniti (DTPLI) and Gerard Vellin (CGD) 1. Presentation by Steve Dalton on Casey Cultural Precinct. (Copy attached). Procurement of Architect included a probity plan, probity advisor (Thor) and a probity auditor. Process consisted of a 2 stage process, a public EOI and shortlisted tender. Jury included 2 external architects and 2 internal staff as the jury. The jury agreed to terms of reference including the evaluation criteria and weightings. There were 3 options for engaging builder ʹ 1 lump sum, 2 design & construct, 3 managing contractor contract. (Manningham have used this before). Final decision is lump sum. Pictures of the design can be accessed at http://www.caseyculturalprecinct.com.au/ 2. Agencies Aubrey and Noel Irwin (Moreland) met with PA and MAV Procurement and discussed improvements from both the council side and agency side. Agencies agreed to work with them to improve outcomes. The improvements from PA are relatively easy. The harder part is LG side due to difference in requirements. Councils use different contractors on panels thereby not utilising aggregated spend. As a procurement region Aubrey would like this RPEN to agree on a set list of evaluation criteria and weightings. Wayne mentioned that due ƚŽŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚĐŚĂŶŐŝŶŐĂƚWƚŚĞŝƌĨŽĐƵƐŝƐĐŚĂŶŐŝŶŐƚŽƚƌLJƚŽĐƌĞĂƚĞďĞƐƚǀĂůƵĞĨŽƌ>'͛Ɛ͘ ACTION -‐ All councils to email Aubrey with criteria and weightings for tenders before end of Feb. 3. LGPro Training Two years ago ƚĂƐŬĨŽƌĐĞƐĞƚƵƉƚŽŝĚĞŶƚŝĨLJ ƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐƉƌŽŐƌĂŵƐĨŽƌ>'͛ƐĂƚƚǁŽůĞǀĞůƐ ʹ non-‐ procurement staff and procurement professionals. LGPro need our support to continue. They can come to your council instead of attending at Melbourne office. Please promote within your Council. 4. Shared services Kingston, Glen Eira and Port Phillip have received a grant to tender parks services. Turns out certain parts can collaborate, even though timetables different. A Consultant is doing all the work. Aubrey outlined the process. Thor explained that another round of funding is due, this time $2.9M. What can we do together? ACTION -‐ Bring our contract timetable to next meeting. 5. Maddocks Long & Short Form Contract Conditions Casey, Cardinia, Port Phillip, Glen Eira and CGD all currently use Maddocks. All others use Russell Kennedy and are happy. Costs around $2000, and are happy to amend if needed. Thor will put pressure on Mark Hayes at Maddocks to update the documents. If not, Casey will investigate opportunities with Russell Kennedy. 6. Treatment of variations CGD ʹ over $500k and +10% and fortnightly update, MPS ʹ superintendent makes decision and lets council know at contract finalisation via report, Port Phillip ʹ delegation, 4 different parameters, 15% significant change scope, Glen Eira ʹif within delegation whatever. 7. Who is using Construction supplier Register (CSR)? CGD, Port Phillip, Glen Eira, MPS, Casey and Kingston are all using to differing degrees. Most are generally satisfied and will continue to use. 8. Purchase Order Authorisation Glen Eira allows staff within their delegation to authorise their own PO. All members of the group suggested that this should change. Aubrey to action. All other councils have two person authorisation process. 9. Secured Signing Demonstration by Secured Signing was given at Casey and seemed a cost effective proposal for electronic signatures on contract agreements. Marked for possible region interest. ACTION -‐ Demo next meeting. 10. RPEN Convenor Aubrey is busy and wants to stand down as convenor for our region. Along with current members Darryn and Wayne, Thor offered to pick up Aubrey͛s position. Next meeting scheduled to be held at Cardinia in May.
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