Omar Khaled Yaghi
P.O. Box 15440 Ÿ Stanford, CA 94309 Ÿ (512) 573-6570 Ÿ [email protected]
9/10 – present
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Pursuing Bachelor of Arts degree in Biological Chemistry, expected June 2014.
GPA: 3.96
MCAT: 37
6/08 – 7/08
Research Assistant, Yaghi Laboratory, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
• Synthesized Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) and Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks (ZIFs) for carbon
dioxide capture. Engineered a novel ZIF called ZIF-171.
• Resulting publication: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132 (32), pp 11006–11008
7/09 – 8/09
Research Assistant, Long Laboratory, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
• Continued research on the innovation of materials for carbon dioxide storage.
• Learned additional basic and advanced laboratory techniques.
• Conducted individually-designed experiments resulting in the successful synthesis of a novel MOF.
5/11 – present
Research Assistant, Dai Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
• Apply biocompatible single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) for biological purposes.
• Used SWCNTs as theranostic agents capable of tumor imaging and photothermal therapy.
• Isolated two new chiralities of nanotubes, (6,5) and (6,4), which were used for the first ever biological
application of single-chirality single-walled carbon nanotubes.
• Resulting publications: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134 (25), pp 10664–10669 - (NIR-II imaging work)
: Co-first author, ACS Nano, 2013, 7 (4), pp 3644–3652 - ((6,5) work)
• Pending publication: Co-first author, in preparation for submission to JACS - ((6,4) work)
1/11 – 6/11
Stanford Service Ambassador, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
• Selected by Haas Center for Public Service, along with a group of 15 other undergraduates, to undergo a
comprehensive two-quarter program to become leading members in service.
• Gained highly practical skills including running well-coordinated fundraisers and planning large events.
1/11 – 6/12
9/12 – present
Night Outreach Core Member, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Night Outreach President, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
• Develop relationships with the homeless community of Palo Alto, providing compassion, conversation, and
essential supplies.
• Lead the core group members’ efforts in recruiting, holding events to improve campus awareness of
homelessness and increasing the number of services the student group provides to the unhoused community
(yearly bike drive, quarterly dinners with the homeless, etc.).
11/11 – 1/13
1/13 – present
Alpha Chi Sigma Founder/Core Member, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Alpha Chi Sigma President, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
• 1 of 5 founding group members of the Stanford chapter of this professional chemistry fraternity.
• The national fraternity dates over 100 years old with over 64,500 members and 48 active branches, bringing
together men and women pursuing a wide variety of chemistry-related careers.
• Conduct outreach events (speak to high school students about research and college applications, perform
science experiments at homeless shelters, etc.) and professional events (have guest speakers such as
professors, career development center personnel and members in industry speak to the group).
• Bing Grant (6/12 – 8/12): Competitive undergraduate research fellowship awarding a 10-week $6000 stipend.
• Symposia of Undergraduate Research & Public Service (10/12): Presented poster of summer research.
Omar Khaled Yaghi
P.O. Box 15440 Ÿ Stanford, CA 94309 Ÿ (512) 573-6570 Ÿ [email protected]
• Goldwater Scholarship (Honorable Mention) (03/13): 1 of 4 students selected from the mathematics, naturals sciences
and engineering fields from Stanford University and 1 out of 300 selected from the national pool for honorable mention.
• Nominated for the Dean’s Award (01/08): Award that honors five to ten students “whose brilliant academic
accomplishment places him or her among the best ten current Stanford undergraduates.”