"Understanding Persistence in MOOCS" [PDF]

Understanding Persistence in MOOCs Rachel Baker1, Thomas S. Dee2, and Brent Evans3 1 Stanford Graduate School of EducaEon 2 Stanford Graduate School of EducaEon & NaEonal Bureau of Economic Research 3 Vanderbilt University Digital Learning Forum, June 11 2014 CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS
IntroducEon !  My ongoing, collaboraEve research related to “digital learning” !  Blended learning !  Massive online professional network of teachers !  Web-­‐based plagiarism tutorial (Dee and Jacob 2012) !  Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) !  The pracEcal (and academic) appeal of digital learning? !  The heady promise of low cost, broad access, capacity to scale with fidelity, and the delivery of targeted content !  Digital environments are also a tractable “sandbox” for conducEng basic research on instrucEonal design and human-­‐capital development CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
IntroducEon !  Today’s focus is on MOOCs and the most basic form of student engagement: persistence !  What traits specific to courses, lectures, and students appear to influence student persistence? !  A field experiment: can a pre-­‐commitment “nudge” encourage sustained engagement among registrants? !  Caveats about persistence as a relevant outcome !  Deeper forms of engagement and learner outcomes ma`er also !  The opEmal level of persistence should not be 100% !  Other Experimental Research in Progress !  Study of the labor-­‐market effects of MOOC compleEon !  Study of peer dynamics in MOOC discussion fora CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
Exploring Persistence in MOOCs !  Unique data set based on n = 44 Coursera MOOCs offered in 2012/13 !  37 courses from Stanford, 6 from U Penn and 1 from U Florida. !  Most are in CS, mathemaEcs, and staEsEcs; 48k+ registrants per class on average !  Data on mulEple course traits (size measures, pre-­‐requisites, lecture length, offered previously) !  Key outcome measures !  % of registrants who watched 20%+ of lectures (mean = 38.5%, SD=12.3%) !  % of registrants who earned cerEficate (mean = 5.5%, SD = 4.8%) !  % cerEficate | 20%+ lectures (mean = 21.8%, SD = 10.6%) CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
Key Course-­‐Level Findings !  Results from basic cross-­‐secEonal regressions !  Second or higher offerings of a given course have substanEally lower levels of persistence (e.g., 10 percentage points less likely to watch 20%+ videos; 5.4 percentage points less likely to get cerEficate) !  IniEal offering of a given course a`racted matriculants with highest moEvaEon? !  However, courses offered more recently had modestly higher persistence: 10 weeks later " 1 percentage point more likely to get a cerEficate !  Growing public awareness of MOOCs during this 2012-­‐2013 sample window a`racted higher-­‐moEvaEon students? !  Increasing legiEmacy of MOOC cerEficate during study window? CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
Key Course-­‐Level Findings !  Courses with pre-­‐requisites have lower persistence on the intensive margin among engaged students !  7.7 percentage points less likely to get a cerEficate | Having watched 20%+ of lectures !  Surprising “null” findings related to course size !  The numbers of students per course and lectures per course appear to have small, staEsEcally insignificant effects on persistence !  Similarly, the average lecture length across courses is unrelated to the measures of persistence CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
Exploring Persistence across Lectures !  ~2,400 unique lectures in these 44 MOOCs !  Key outcome measure: % of registrants who watched the lecture (mean = 15.7%, SD=9.9%) !  General pa`ern across these courses !  High iniEal engagement that falls off rapidly (e.g., within 10 lectures) and stabilizes at lower level CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
Exploring Persistence across Lectures !  Quasi-­‐experimental analysis to model Yigt -­‐ % of registrants who watched lecture i, in course g, and “batch” t (i.e., week). !  Fixed effects for each course and each “batch” unrestricEvely control for differences across courses and over Eme. !  Thought experiment: Aser controlling for what makes a course unique and a moment in Eme unique, what features of a lecture, Xigt, predict student engagement? CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
Key Lecture-­‐Level Findings !  The first lecture of the week is 2.1 percentage points more likely to be viewed than addiEonal lectures !  Length of video has small, staEsEcally insignificant effects on watching !  Caveat about out-­‐of-­‐sample predicEons !  The Etles of each lecture are related to student engagement, even condiEonal on their sequencing within the week !  Lectures with “IntroducEon”, “Overview”, and “Welcome” in the Etle are 2 to 12 percentage points more likely to be watched !  Lectures with “Review”, “Conclusion”, “Exercise”, “OpEonal”, “Advanced” are 1 to 6 percent points less likely to be watched CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
Exploring Persistence across Students !  n = 2.1 million student registrants across 44 MOOCs but with limited student informaEon !  Key outcomes: Earned a CerEficate (mean = 5.3%), # of lectures watched (mean = 10.3) !  More detailed student informaEon from survey fielded at the beginning of one of the science MOOCs !  Basic econometric specificaEon with course fixed effects ! Thought experiment: among students within the same course, what student traits predict persistence? CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
Key Student-­‐Level Findings !  Those who register long before a course starts (5+ weeks) are 1.4 percentage points less likely to get a cerEficate !  Those who register a4er a course started are substanEally less likely to get a cerEficate (3 to 8 percentage points) and watch 1 to 5 fewer lectures !  Only parEal “catch up” on earlier missed lectures !  Students moEvated by an affiliaEon with a presEgious university watched significantly more lectures (7.5). CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
Possible Design ImplicaEons !  This analysis " several ripe candidates for more formal A/B tesEng? !  Lower long-­‐term persistence among otherwise engaged students in courses with pre-­‐requisites " role for tracks tailored to levels of desired engagement? !  The primacy of a week’s first lecture (and the seeming irrelevance of lecture length) suggests instructors should consider somewhat longer & fewer lectures !  Instructors should be aware that lecture 9tles suggesEng brevity & synopsis (e.g., “overview”) may drive uptake !  Embedding pedagogically criEcal exercises within such lectures may also promote uptake !  Shorter pre-­‐registraEon windows (<5 weeks) may promote persistence CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
Time Inconsistency and Choice !  An extensive literature in behavioral economics suggests individuals exhibit “Eme inconsistent” preferences: a choice for period t+1 is preferable in period t but not when t+1 actually arrives !  e.g., buy a gym membership for next month; don’t a`end !  ImplicaEon: individuals may value and seek out “precommitment” mechanisms (e.g., buy healthy food to bind tomorrow’s snacking) !  A growing empirical literature provides mixed evidence on the take-­‐up/
efficacy of precommitment devices with respect to employee effort, savings, and healthy behaviors !  Might precommitment opportuniEes influence MOOC persistence? !  Low persistence of registrants suggests Eme inconsistency !  As does lower engagement of those who registered 5+ weeks early CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
An Experiment: “Nudging” Persistence !  We randomly assigned registrants in a science MOOC (n = 18,043) to an opportunity to an opportunity to precommit to watch the coming week’s first lecture !  Treatment condiEon: email encouragement from instructor on scheduling lecture Eme with link to Qualtrics survey in which they could choose a day and Eme for watching the week’s first lecture !  Control condiEon: instructor email with Qualtrics survey about browser choice !  Theorized mechanisms of this “sos” precommitment device !  DeviaEng from a pre-­‐chosen day/Eme implies psychological costs (e.g., cogniEve acEvaEon and dissonance, regret aversion) !  Also, professional recommendaEon of the course instructor CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
The Experimental Sewng !  Science-­‐based Coursera MOOC offered for the first Eme in 2003 !  Not overly technical and no prerequisites !  3 available tracks (audiEng, qualitaEve, quanEtaEve) !  Course structure: 8 topics, each lasEng 1 week; ~12 lecture videos released per week (each 10-­‐20 minutes in length) !  Videos available for streaming or download; discussion forum also available for students CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
The Experimental Design !  “Blocked” random-­‐assignment design !  Divide sample by baseline traits related to persistence: baseline survey compleEon X email type (edu/gmail/other) !  Reduces risk of spurious imbalance across T/C condiEons !  Harnesses staEsEcal power for subgroup results !  Analysis of student traits affirms the internal validity of the experimental design !  Student traits are balanced across the T/C condiEons, both overall and for the sample that completed the pre-­‐course survey !  Treatment/control emails were sent shortly before the first week of lectures and again before the second week !  ObservaEon of discussion forum suggests no treatment contaminaEon CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
Results – Uptake & Compliance !  Modest uptake of an opportunity for precommitment !  10.2% of the 9,022 students assigned to the treatment condiEon completed the survey !  Even with parEal treatment compliance, large sample sizes " opportunity to detect effects on outcomes !  Preferred scheduling is for the day aser the video was released and in the evening (local Eme) !  Most students in treatment condiEon watch video on day they idenEfied and within an hour or two of the chosen Eme CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
Results – Lecture Watching !  Overall, 47% of students watched the first lecture for week 1 and 32% watched the first lecture for week 2 !  The treatment condiEon had no sta9s9cally significant effects on the probability of watching the first lecture of week 1 or of week 2 (point esEmates of -­‐0.01 and -­‐.003, respecEvely) !  Evidence that the treatment actually reduced longer-­‐run persistence & performance (p-­‐value < 0.10) !  CerEficate compleEon by 0.8 percentage points !  Number of lectures watched by 0.74 !  Grade in course by 0.64 on 1-­‐100 scale CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
Treatment Heterogeneity !  Some evidence that the treatment improved lecture persistence and grades among those who registered early (p-­‐value < 0.1) !  PosiEve effects among those for whom Eme inconsistency is most salient? !  More detailed data on the students that completed the baseline survey provides opportunity to explore this result further !  NegaEve effects of the treatment highly concentrated among those moEvated by curiosity about online environment !  Watched 14 fewer lectures !  10 percentage points less likely to get a cerEficate CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
!  Modest uptake of precommitment suggests a`enuated role for Eme inconsistency in explaining MOOC persistence (or low self awareness of self-­‐control problems) !  Some suggesEve evidence of intended effects for narrow subgroups (early registrants, those moEvated by presEge of university) !  Stronger evidence of nega9ve effects if moEvaEon is shallow. Instructor email signaled seriousness of purpose that pushed them away? !  A cauEonary tale? Treatment heterogeneity ma`ers! Nudges can interact with individual moEvaEons in possibly unanEcipated ways. This is why rigorous evaluaEon is important! !  Apart from lecture design, other possible ways to elicit engagement? CENTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS at STANFORD UNIVERSITY
Thank you!
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