ICC-23(6)Cover.qxd 11/21/14 3:42 PM Page 1 Industrial and Corporate Change Credit constraints and exports: a survey of empirical studies using firm-level data Joachim Wagner The role of credit constraints on firms’ exporting and importing activities David Aristei and Chiara Franco volume Access to banking finance and exporting Roberto Álvarez and Ricardo A. López Exchange rate exposure under liquidity constraints Sarah Guillou and Stefano Schiavo 23 Financial constraints and R&D and exporting strategies for Spanish manufacturing firms Juan A. Máñez, María E. Rochina-Barrachina, Juan A. Sanchis-Llopis and Óscar Vicente number 6 The micro patterns of export diversification under financial constraints Angelo Secchi, Federico Tamagni and Chiara Tomasi vo lu m e 23 nu m b e r 6 d e cem b e r 2014 Industrial and Corporate Change Latent submarket dynamics and industry evolution: lessons from the US laser industry Ajay Bhaskarabhatla and Steven Klepper Advancing the field of organizations through the study of military organizations Mie Augier, Thorbjorn Knudsen and Robert M. McNab SPECIAL SECTION Indigenous innovation vs. teng-long huan-niao: policy conflicts in the development of China’s flat panel industry Tain-Jy Chen and Ying-Hua Ku december Special Section: Financial Constraints and Firm Behavior in International Markets Guest Editor: Stefano Schiavo 2014 Financial constraints and firm behavior in international markets: an introduction to the special section Stefano Schiavo Contents Continued on Back Cover ® MIX Paper from responsible sources FSC® C007785 ISSN 0960-6491 (PRINT) ISSN 1464-3650 (ONLINE) http://icc.oxfordjournals.org ICC-23(6)Cover.qxd 11/21/14 3:42 PM Page 2 Industrial and Corporate Change Published for Associazione ICC by Oxford University Press. A journal founded by Fondazione ASSI, Milan. Sponsored by the Institute of Management, Institute for Business Innovation, University of California, Berkeley, USA and by Università Commerciale L. Bocconi, Milan, Italy. Editorial Offices North America David Teece (editor) Institute for Business Innovation, F402 Haas School of Business #1930, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1930, USA Tel. +1 510 6421075; Fax: 1510-6422826 Email: [email protected] Glenn Carroll (editor) Graduate School of Business Knight Management Center 655 Knight Way Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-5015, USA Tel. + 1 650 7361152 Email: [email protected] Managing Editor: United Kingdom and Scandinavia Daniel Levinthal (editor) 3207 Steinberg-Dietrich Hall Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6370, USA Tel. +1 215 8986826; Fax: +1 215 5738602 Email: [email protected] Josef Chytry ([email protected]) Paul Nightingale (editor) SPRU, Freeman Centre University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QE, UK Tel: +44 1273 877315 or 873624; Fax: + 44 1273 685865 Fredrik Tell (editor) KITE Research Group Department of Management and Engineering Linköping University SE-58183 Linköping Sweden Tel. +46(0)13 282599; Fax: +46(0)13 281101 Email: [email protected] Continental Europe Giovanni Dosi (editor) Laboratory of Economics and Management St’Anna School of Advanced Studies Piazza dei Martiri della Libertà 33 56127 Pisa, Italy Tel: + 39 050 883343/26; Fax: + 39 050 883344 Email: [email protected] Franco Malerba (editor) CRIOS – Università Bocconi Via Roentgen, 1 20136 Milan, Italy Tel. +39 02 56363391; Fax +39 02 56363399 Email: [email protected] Stefano Brusoni (editor) ETH Zürich Department of Management, Technology and Economics D-MTEC Weinbergstrasse 56/5 8092 Zürich, Switzerland Email: [email protected] Please send all correspondence to Adriana Mongelli ICC Editorial Manager Continental Europe Università Bocconi Via Roentgen, 1 20136 Milano, Italy Tel: +39 02 5836 5473; Fax +39 02 5836 3399 Email: [email protected] Please visit the journal’s website at http://icc.oxfordjournals.org Scientific Committee Mario Amendola (University of Rome, “La Sapienza”) Masahiko Aoki (Stanford University) Kenneth J. Arrow (Stanford University) Ronald S. Burt (University of Chicago) Robert Boyer (CEPREMAP-ENS Paris) Mario Cimoli (ECLAC, United Nations) Benjamin Coriat (University of Paris XIII) Paul David (Stanford University) Ronald Dore (London School of Economics) Gunnar Eliasson (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) Patrick Fridenson (École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris) Jean-Luc Gaffard (SKEMA Business School) Akira Goto (University of Tokyo) Michael T. Hannan (Stanford University) Ken-Ichi Imai (Stanford University) Jürgen Kocka (WZB Berlin Social Science Center) Maurice Lévy-Leboyer (University of Paris X) Bengt-Åke Lundvall (Aalborg University) Stanley Metcalfe (University of Manchester) Richard R. Nelson (Columbia University) Ikujiro Nonaka (Hitotsubashi University) Luigi Pasinetti (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan) Nathan A. Rosenberg (Stanford University) Richard Rumelt (University of California, Los Angeles) Vernon L. Smith (George Mason University) Luc Soete (Maastricht University) Joseph E. Stiglitz (Columbia University) Peter Temin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Nick von Tunzelmann (University of Sussex) Oliver E. Williamson (University of California, Berkeley) Sidney G. Winter (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania) Gavin Wright (Stanford University) Associate Editors Ashish Arora (Duke University) Thomas E. Åstebro (HEC Paris) Carliss Y. Baldwin (Harvard University) William P. Barnett (Stanford University) David Barron (University of Oxford) Eric J. Bartelsman (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam) Stefano Breschi (Bocconi University) Guido Buenstorf (University of Kassel) Gino Cattani (New York University) Sea-Jin Chang (National University of Singapore) Michael S. Dahl (Aalborg University) Andrew Davies (University College, London) John de Figueiredo (Duke University) Giovanni Federico (European University Institute) Koen Frenken (Utrecht University) Xiaolan Fu (University of Oxford) Louis Galambos (The Johns Hopkins University) Alfonso Gambardella (Bocconi University) Giovanni Gavetti (Dartmouth University) Bronywn H. Hall (University of California, Berkeley) Joachim Henkel (Technische Universität München) Michael G. Jacobides (London Business School) Keld Laursen (Copenhagen Business School) William Lazonick (University of Massachusetts, Lowell) Aija Leiponen (Cornell University) Richard Locke (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Robin Mansell (London School of Economics) David C. Mowery (University of California, Berkeley) Fiona E. Murray (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Jackson A. Nickerson (Washington University of St. Louis) Luigi Orsenigo (University Institute of Advanced Studies, Pavia) John G. Padgett (University of Chicago) Anne Parmigiani (University of Oregon) Gary Pisano (Harvard Business School) Joel Podolny (Apple University) Andrea Prencipe (LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome) Slavo Radosevic (University College, London) Ammon Salter (University of Bath) Francesco Silva (University of Milano, Bicocca) David Stark (Columbia University) Scott Stern (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) David Strang (Cornell University) Toby Stuart (University of California, Berkeley) Gianni Toniolo (Duke University) Marco Vivarelli (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Piacenza) Arjen van Witteloostuijn (Tilburg University) Maurizio Zollo (Bocconi University) Ezra W. Zuckerman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Notes for Contributors Aims and Scope The Journal is committed to present and interpret the evidence on corporate and industrial change, drawing from an interdisciplinary set of approaches and theories from e.g. economics, sociology of organization, organization theory, political science, and social psychology. The Journal will be a forum where industrial historians explicity relate their analyses to the state of the art in the relevant social sciences and propose conjectures and theories. Conversely, economists and practitioners of other social disciplines will be encouraged to apply their models to the historical evidence. The Journal covers ∑ the internal structures of firms ∑ the history of technologies ∑ the evolution of industries ∑ the nature of competition ∑ the decision rules and strategies ∑ the relationship between firms’ characteristics and the institutional environment ∑ the sociology of management and of the workforce ∑ the performance of industries over time ∑ the labour process and the organization of production ∑ the relationship between, and boundaries of, organizations and markets ∑ the nature of the learning process underlying technological and organizational change double-spaced typing at the end. The title, author's name (including all co-authors), affiliation, and contact information including e-mail address, should appear at the beginning of a separate sheet. Submitted articles should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 80 words. Comments on Published Articles Comments on any article published in the Journal are welcomed. Comments should not exceed 2000 words. Copies should be sent both to the editors and to the author of the original article with a request for a response to any point on which the author feels that he or she has been misunderstood. References References to published literature should be quoted in the text by giving the author(s) and year of publication, e.g. Chandler (1962: 123). The recommended style for references at the end of the manuscript is: Stiglitz, J. (1988), ‘Why financial structure matters,’ Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2, 121–126. Williamson, O. E. (1973), Markets and Hierarchies. Analysis and Antitrust Implications. The Free Press: New York. Rosenberg, N. (1974), ‘Science, invention organization: a proposal for research,’ in V. R. Fuchs (ed.), Policy Issues and Research Opportunities in Industrial Organisation. NBER: New York. Advance Access Papers Advance Access contains papers that have recently been accepted but have not yet been included within an issue. Advance Access is updated daily. 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