IECEx Gert¡f¡cate of Gonformity INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION IEC Gertification Scheme for Explosive Atmospheres for rules and details of the IECEx Scheme visit Certificate No.: IECEx SIR 09.0098X Status: Gurrent Date of lssue: 2014-07-02 Applicant: Topwon lnc. 9pftjlqalç lrtsþry, . lssue No. 10 (2014-7-2) lssue No. I (2014-6-6) lssue No. I (2014-2-21) lssue No.7 (2013-5-23) lssue No.6 (2013-1-14) lssue No. 5 (2012-9-4) lssue No. 4 (2012-5-2) lssue No. 3 (2012-3-23) lssue No. 2 (2011-6-7) lssue No. 1 (2010-5-7) lssue No. 0 (2009-1028) issue No.:10 Page 1 of6 3300 Fern Valley Road Louisville Kentucky 402'13 United States of America Electrical DX* -**0****0000***** Switch þparatus: box Optionalaccessory.' Type of Protection: Marking: lntrinsic safety and dust Refer to the Annexe for marking Approved for issue on behalf of the Ceñification Body: IECEx Position: C Ellaby Deputy Certification Manager n Signature: (for printed version) Zot Date: 1. This certificate and schedule may only be reproduced in full 2. This certificate is not transferable and remains the property of the issuing body. 3. The Status and authenticig of this certifìcate may be verified by visiting the Offìcial IECEx Website Certificate issued by: SIRA Gertification Service Rake Lane Eccleston Ghester CH4 9JN United Kingdom srra I CERTIFICATION IECEx Cert¡f¡cate B of Conformity Certificate No IECEx SIR 09.0098X Date of lssue: 2014-07-02 lssue No.: 10 Page 2 of 6 Topworx lnc Manufacturer: 3300 Fern Valley Road Louisville Kentucky 4021 3 United States of America Additional Manufacluring location(s): This certificate is issued as verification that a sample(s), representative of production, was assessed and tested and found to comply with the IEC Standard list below and that the manufacturer's quality system, relating to the Ex products covered by this certificate, was assessed and found to comply with the IECEx Quality system requirements. This certificate is granted subject to the conditions as set out in IECEx Scheme Rules, IECEx 02 and Operational Documents as amended. STANDARDS: The electrical apparatus and any acceptable variations to it specified in the schedule of this certificate and the identified documents, was found to comply with the following standards: IEC 60079-0 : 2004 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 0: General requirements Edition: 4.0 IEC 60079-0 :2007-10 Explosive atmospheres - Part 0:Equipment - General requirements Edition: 5 IEC 60079-11 :2006 Explosive atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i" Edition: 5 IEC 60079-26 : 2006 Explosive atmospheres - Part 26: Equipment with equipment protect¡on level (EPL) Ga Edition: 2 IEC 60079-31 : 2008 Edition: I Explosive atmospheres - Part 31 : Equipment dust ignition protect¡on by enclosure 't' This Certificate does not indicate compliance with electrical safety and peiormance requirements other than those expressly included in the Standards listed above. TEST & ASSESSMENT REPORTS: A sample(s) of the equipment listed has successfully met the examination and test requirements as recorded in Test Report: GB/SlF/ExTRO9.01 73100 GB/S FVExTRI 1 .0297 I 00 GB/S FVExTRI 2.021 I I 00 I I GB/Sl RiExTRl 0.0097/00 GB/S R/ExTR I 1 .02981 00 GB/S R/ExTR 1 3.0040 t 02 GB/SlR/ExTRl 1.0124100 GB/StRVQARo7.0025t02 GB/SrR/QARo7.0025105 GB/StR/OARo7.OO251O3 I I 1 2.00921 00 GB/Sl R/ExTR1 4.0037/00 GB/S I RVExTR Qualitv Assessment Reoort: GB/Sf RVQARoT.0025t01 GB/StFvQARo7.0025t04 IECEx Cert¡f¡cate of Gonformity Certificate No.: IECEx SIR 09.0098X Date of lssue: 2014-07-02 lssue No.: l0 Page 3 of 6 Schedule EQUIPMENT: Equipment and sysfems covered by thís certificate are as follows: to be fìtted to a valve, damper or actuator to give a current (a-20m4) of its position to a control system - PLC or DCS. A digital signal (HART Protocol) is superimposed on the current signal to give feedback digitally of the position and health of the assembly as well as the ability to calibrate the unit via a hand-held device. There are three enclosure material DXP - aluminium alloy DXS - 316 stainless steel DXR - resin (Valox) On top of all units, the valve position is given by a visual indicator, enclosed ¡n a transparent plastic cover. options: CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION: YES as shown below: to IECEx Gert¡f¡cate B of Conformity Certificate No. IECEx SIR 09.0098X Date of lssue: 2014-07-02 lssue No.: 10 Page 4 of 6 EQUIPMENT(continued): The DX*-"H.... and DX*-*X.... versions of the Switchbox contain a 4-20 mA board (HART or non-HART respectively), which has the following safety description: Ui=28V li = 100 mA Pi =0.7W Ci =14nF Li = 2.06 mH ln addition to the 4-20 mA board, the equipment may contain up to two additional devices, which are simple mechanical switches or NAMUR sensors. The simple switches have a maximum input power (Pi) of 1.3 W from an intrinsically safe supply. The NAMUR sensors are covered by the following certificate .-.Y1 .-....../... IECEx KEM 06.0036X Turck two wire proximity sensor, type . IECEx PTB 11 0021X P+F Cuboidal lnductive proximity Sensor, type NJ2-V3-N... (input types I, 2 & 3) .- Conditions of manufacture The Manufacturer shall comply with the following: The manufacturer shall subject 100% of completed units to the dielectric strength test in IEC 6007911:2006 clauses 6.3.12 and 10.3, by applying a voltage of 500Vrms between all inputterminals and the outer enclosure for a minimum of 60 s. Alternatively, a voltage of 700 Vrms may be applied for 1 s. The current flowing during the test shall not exceed 5 mA. The manufacturer shall supply an up{o-date copy of IECEx KEM 06 0036X and/or IECEx PTB 11.0021X with each DXx-Nx0>o<xx unit or batch of units supplied. When the equipment incorporates a 4-20 mA Transmitter Module (lECEx SIR 12.0076U), a TO temperature class is not permitted. The ambient temperature is limited to a maximum range of -400C to +500C, but this range may be reduced, depending on the enclosure and gasket type, as well as the internal subassemblies fitted. Additionally, the output from the 4-20m4 Transmitter Module shall only be connected to a Novotechnic WAL305 potentiometer 4 When the equipment incorporates an ASCO Electro-valve Module type 3021 . lA (lECEx INE 10.0002X), the maximum ambient temperature range is -40oC to +500C. The lower ambient temperature may be higher depending on the enclosure type, O-ring material and other modules fÌtted. The certification coding is "Ex ia llC T4 Ga; Ex tb lllC T70oC Db" The manufacturer shall supply an up{o-date copy of IECEx INE 10 0002X with each unit or batch of units supplied. 1. 2. 3. IECEx Gert¡f¡cate of Conformity Certificate No.: IECEx SIR 09.0098X Date of lssue: 2014-07-02 lssue No.: 10 Page 5 of 6 DETAILS OF CERTIFICATE CHANGES (for issues lssue I to lssue 8 - I and above): to lssue9-th¡slssue ntroduced the followinq chanqe: two I Co. Ltd Fisher Controls Division Bao Heng Technology lndustry Park locations: Emerson Process Management Magyarorszag Kfr. Fisher Controls lntemational LLC H€001 Székesfehérveár Berenyi U North Hong Long 2nd Road District 68 Bao'an District Shenzhen 5'18101 72-100 Hungary China 1 ExTR number GB/SIRfExTR13.0040102 replaced C IEGEx Gert¡f¡cate B of Gonformity Certificate No IECEx SIR 09.0098X Date of lssue: 20'14-07-02 lssue No.: 10 Page 6 of 6 Additional information: The user and installer shall comply with the following Conditions of Certification The DXP version of the Switchbox has an enclosure that is manufac-tured from aluminium alloy. ln rare cases, ignition sources due to impact and friction sparks could occur. This shall be considered when the equipment is installed, especially in zone 0 locations. The DXR version of the Switchbox has an enclosure that is manufactured from a non-conductive plastic that may generate an ignition-capable level of electrostatic charge. Therefore the equipment shall not be installed in a location where the external conditions are conducive to the build-up of electrostatic charge on such surfaces. This is particularly important if the equipment is installed in a zone 0location. ln addition, the equipment shall only be cleaned with a damp cloth. The switchbox may contain simple switches, which shall have a maximum input power (Pi) of 1.3 W for T4 or 0.7 W for T6 from an intrinsically safe supply. The Switchbox may contain the following IECEx-certified device: /.... covered by IECEx KEM 06.0036X. Turcktwowire proximitysensor, type...- . P+F Cuboidal inductive proximity sensor, type NJ2-V3-N. , covered by IECEx PTB'1 1.0021X P&F slot-type initiators, types SJ... & SC , covered by IECEx TUN 04 0016X. 4-20 mA Transmitter Module, covered by IECEx SIR 12.0076U ASCO Electro-valve Module type 3021....I4, covered by IECEx INE 10.0002X lf fitted, the installer shall confirm which certified sub-assembly is contained within the Switchbox and ensure compliance with the entity parameters with the appropriate certiflcate. The supplies to the 4-20 mA board, switches and/or sensors shall be installed as separate intrinsically safe circuits. The DXR (resin) enclosure shall only be installed in a location where there is a low risk of mechanical damage. For a T6 temperature class, the Turck proximity sensors listed in certificate IECEx KEM 06.0036X shall have maximum input parameters as follows: Type AX & GX: Ui = 15V, li = 20m4, Pi = 200mW. All other sensors: Ui = 15V, li = =60mA, Pi = 130mW. For a T6 temperature class, the P&F Slot-type initiators SJ... and SC... listed in certificate IECEx TUN 04.0016X shall have maximum input parameters as follows: Ui = 1ôV, li = 25m4, Pi = 64mW. For a T4 temperature class, the switchbox may contain simple switch and resistor arrangements, which shall have a maximum input power (Pi) of 0.7 Wfrom an intrinsically safe supply. These are not permitted for a T6 temperature class. 1. 2. 3. 4. -Y1.- 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Annex: IECEx SIR 09 0098X_lss10 Annexe.pdf Annexe to: IECEx SIR 09.0098X Issue 10 Applicant: Topworx Inc. Apparatus: DXx-xx0* x* x o00ox*** switchbox srra CERTIFICATION The certifìcate marking is as follows: Ex ia IIC T4 Ga/Gb Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb Ex tb IIIC 160170oC Db IP67 (DXR enclosures) or IP66|IP67 (DXP or DXS enclosures) (Ta = -OoC to +@oC) O The minimum ambient temperature marking depends on the enclosure/O-ring materials and the sensor used in the construct¡on @ of the Switchbox, whichever is the highest; the following temperatures are applicable: -20oC or -25oC or -30oC or -40"C or -50'C The maximum ambient temperature marking depends on the enclosure/O-ring materials and the sensor used in the construction of the Switchbox, whichever ¡s the lowest; the following temperatures are applicable: +50'C or +55oC Product Description The Switchbox is designed to be fitted to a valve, damper or actuator to give a feedback of ¡ts position to a control system, The position of the valve ¡s monitored by various combinations of internal sub-assemblies, which are reflected in the model number and have the following entity parameters: 4-20 mA board (HART or non-HART) Mechanical switches U' 28V 30v I P' 100 mA 0.7 w C' 14 nF L 2.06 mH Ceftified devices Refer to relevant ceftificate 0 0 There are three enclosure mater¡als: DXP->uO>ooc< - aluminium enclosure DXR->x0)c(rc( - resin (plastic) enclosure DXS->xO)coc( - stainless steel enclosure . . . On top of the unit, the valve position is given by a visual indicator, enclosed in a transparent plastic cover, common to all models. Date: Sira Gertification Service O2July 2OL4 Form 9530 Issue 1 Page 1 of 1 Rake Lane, Eccleston, Chester, CH4 gJN, England Tel: +44 (0) 1244 670900 Fax +44 (0) 1244681330 Ema¡l: info( Web: www.siracertificat¡
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