U.S.W. Local 105 880 Devils'Glen Road Bettendorf, lA 52722 Phone # (563) 355-1 1 81 Fax # (563) 359-3529 Steelworkersl [email protected] Website: http://www.usw'1 05.org RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED United Steelworkers Local 105 Forerunner Local 105 Forerunner #14 lssue #12 Mailed lssue Date April 3, 2014 Volume Office Name President Jeff Hartford Vice. Pres Brad Greve Guide Robert Bartholomew ("Bart") Rec Sec Pat Stock Griev Chair Fin Sec UNITED STEELWORKERS Brad Greve UNITY AND STR,ENGIH FOR WORKERS Mike Nicholas Meetinss & Events Election of: Deleqates to the lnternational Gonvention April2014 413 4114 4114 4115 1:30pm 3:20pm 6:00pm 6:20am S.O.A.R. Mtg E-Board & Committeeperson Mtg Delegates @ Q-C Fed Regular Business Mtg The drawing for ballot order position of candidates for delegates to the Constitution Convention was held at the USW Local 105 Union Hall yesterday afternoon. As a result of the drawing, candidates will appear on the 7:20am 3:20pm 6:20pm 1 ballot in the following order: Jim Cowart Patrick Stock 1:20pm noon pm 4117 12 noon 4116 every 3 weeks 12 3 Local 105-2 (Sivyer Steel) Local 105-2 (Sivyer Steel) Local 105 Retirees Poiluck Roy Hutt Mike Nicholas "Bart" Bartholomew Josh Meyrer Bob All meetinss @ USW Local 105 Union Hall Unless desiqnated otherwise Brad Greve Mike Floto Negotiations At-a-Glance We will be electing 4 delegates from this list on Aprit 15,2014. Perthe lntemational Union Elections Manual, "No 'sticker' or'write-in'vote is permifted, and any such vote shall not be counted." - Opening session - May 15 - Contract negotiations 15 - Contract expires April 10 April 28 May The USW lnternational Convention will take www.unityatalcoa.org The United Stotes Attn: USW Members Government, throuoh the Notionol Lobor Relftions Act, gives you the right to: The vote for the election of delegates to the lnt. Convention will be Apri|15,2014. 11 ;-lelp form or ioin o union Voting times are as follows: 5:15 am - 8:00 am 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm 10:00 pm 12:00 am >> Borqoin over wooes. ben6fits ond worfino conditions with your- employer GET UPDATIs FROM YOUR UNION ABOUI BARGAINING. obout fhe union ot work os you would tolk obout on'y other subiect >> Tolk - Voting is at the: USW Local 105 Union Hall 880 Devils Glen Road Bettendorf, lowa >> Distribute union literoture in non-work oreos, on non-work fime (breoksf v1.r5!!:?+/i t rihi oil ",u,4,n$'.!t i, ."! i,i,i h,rs. ( 3oh (raq* *r,Ld Y.! Nt r{t. 4 b ! h k i*lldtry n.!r!ad Frm^tl. a.ttms*r tla.;, d jlo?roitred n' rii. krrtt b 4tard 'r,:o *1 >> Weor union buttons ond insionio ot place August 11-14 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, NV. work ia @ Feb 13,2014 "Solidarity for a Fair Gontract" Shirts The back of the gray pocket T shirt has a strong forward looking message we want to send to 2014 Rapid Response & Legislative Conference Wrap Up management as we go into contract talks. Help us, help More than 600 United Steelworkers from across the United States and Canada gathered in Washington available in the following sizes: small, medium, large, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL and SXL. All sizes of this style shirt D.C. from February 10-12 'for the 2014 you by wearing one proudly. We have these shirts Rapid Response and Legislative Conference. are only $10. This year, attendees heard from great speakers, including members from our lnternational Board of Bucket Gollection for Steve Directors, Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. Farrell There will be a Bucket collection for Union brother, Steve ("WAD") Farrell on Wednesday, April 16th & Thursday, April 17th, 2014. Steve is an oiler and has been off on red card since July of 2013. Please give to our fellow union brother in need. lf you would like to help out with collection duty, please call John Lane at 309 269-7767. Health Screeninq Numbers - Know Your The Davenport Works - Wellness Committee is hosting a Health Screening event April 8th-1Oth and all participants will be entered to win one of 15 prizes! This event is for ALL Alcoa employees, contractors, and temporary employees. Fasting for hours is recommended but not necessary. Your health screening includes but is t not limited to blood pressure, glucose, BMl, and cholesterol. Walk-ins are welcome but there is a sign up at center gate for a time as well. Date: April 8, 9, & 10 (Tue-Thur) Time: Each day 5-9am, 1-6pm, 9-1 1 pm Location: Main Cafeteria Prizes are 5 Fitbit Flexes and 10 $50 gift cards to places like Dicks Sporting Goods and Massage Envy spa. lf you get screened, you automatically get in the drawing. There is a referral program which gives you a chance to get your name in twice if you can get someone else to go! Referral cards and time sign ups are at Center Gate. lf you have any questions, Ellison and Warren were both honored with the Wellstone Award - recognizing their commitment to public service and the well-being of USW members and their families. The late Sen. Paul Wellstone of Minnesota, his wife, daughter and three campaign aides were killed in a plane crash prior to the election in 2002. The topic of the week was lnvest in America. From panel discussions, plenary sessions, workshops and district meetings, attendees got the facts that good, American jobs can be created by repairing our roads, bridges, pipelines, water lines and more. On Wednesday, February 12, Steelworkers took to the Capitol to meet with their is the Steelworkers' nonpartisan grassroofs education, Rapid Response communication, and action program that provides fhe necessary structure to inform every USW member about pending legislation concerning labor and work-related issues. Rapid Response provides opportunity for all active pari in the legislative activities that affect their daily lives and allows USW members to fight back on a daily basis on issues that affect them, their families, and their communities. Mark your Calendar! contact Dinah Lohmeier We will be holding our annual Workers Memorial Thanks Received: "Thank you for my retirement coat, watch, pin and pocket knife. I will wear/use them proudly. Most importantly, thanks for your support through the - Michael Bell (Machine Shop Retiree) "My thanks to Local 105 for the jacket, cap, pin and for my retirement. lt was all greatly appreciated." - Melvin Ploog (Gen Mech Retiree after 25 years) watch "On behalf of the Munoz family we would like to thank you for your kind words, thoughts, support and prayers during our time of grieving on the sudden loss of daughter Natalie." - Joe, Annette Munoz & Family USW members to have a strong voice and an Dav Service at our hall on Saturday, April 26. More details will be published as 105 Gontest Gontinues years." Senators and Congressman to talk about our infrastructure and to urge them to say no to "Fast Track" and the TransPacific Partnership (TPP). x3099 This week's number for direct deposit users to add to the cents of their deposit amount is 45 lf the sum equals 105, you win a free T-shirt. on America's failing infrastructure and explored ways they become available. New Hoodies Are ln! We just received a shipment of gray pullover hoodies in with the popular green and black Solidarity fist. Large $34.00 $34.00 xL xxL XXXL $37.00 $38.50 XXXXL $4O.OO With Deepest Sympathy: The Family of: Natalie Munoz (Joe Munoz's daughter) Barbara Holder (Luke Black's Mother in Law) Margery Jacobsen ( David Jacobsen's Mother)
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