業務委託の公示 株式会社国際協力銀行が行う世界の下水処理 PPP

株式会社国際協力銀行が行 う 世 界 の 下 水 処 理 PPP 事 業 調 査 業 務 の 受 託 者 を 募 集
し ま す 。本 業 務 の 受 託 を 希 望 さ れ る 方 は 、別 添 の 応 募 要 領 に 従 い ご 応 募 下 さ い 。
世界の下水処理 PPP 事業調査に係る業務委託の応募要領
平成 28 年 8 月 2 日
企 画 ・ 管 理 部 門
本調査は、世界の下水処理事業における業界概要・マーケット概要及び Public-Private
(1) 世界の下水処理業界概況
(1)世界の下水処理業界概況では、PPP に限定せず、Pure Public、Pure
Private を含めたマーケット全体を調査すること。なお、調査内容には少なくとも以下の
・ 下水処理業界の市場規模及び成長見通し(地域別・EPC/O&M 等の分野別比較)
・ 下水処理需要、下水処理能力、下水道普及率、下水インフラ設備投資額、下水道料金
・ 世界の下水処理業界における主要プレイヤー(事業者・EPC コントラクター(処理場・
・O&M コントラクターの概要及び実績、各社の今後の取組み、各社の
・ 海外下水処理事業に対する日本企業の取組み方針及び現状(商社を中心に取りまとめ
(2) 下水処理施設の基本的な仕組み
・ 下水処理手法や処理プロセスに係る解説(標準活性汚泥法、膜処理法等)
・ 下水道の特徴
・ 下水処理水、下水汚泥の処理及び利用用途
(3) 下水処理事業で想定されるリスクや留意ポイント
成功事例/失敗事例(其々5~10 件ずつを目安)を選定した上で、(i) 各事例の概要作成、
(ii) 各事例の成功要因/失敗要因を分析すること。また、個別事例を踏まえながら下水処
・ 事例の選定に当たっては、特定の地域に偏り過ぎないように留意すること。
・ 各事例の概要の作成にあたっては、可能な範囲で下水道料金、IRR 等の収益情報、EPC・
O&M コントラクター及びオフテーカー等の主要関係者に係る情報、オフテイク契約の内
(4) 下水処理事業の資金調達方法
・ 分析対象とする案件は、原則として、プロジェクトファイナンス案件を中心に、アジ
ア、中南米、ヨーロッパ及び北米の各地域から 3~5 件ずつ選定すること。
・ 分析にあたっては、(i) 調達条件(返済期間、金利、D/E レシオ等)、オフテイク契約
からの借入の活用の有無、及び (iii) 為替変動や需要減に対するリスクコントロール策を
(5) 湾岸諸国における下水処理の現状と課題
・ 既往下水処理施設を可能な範囲でリストアップした上で、各施設の概要を作成(施設
・ 下水処理に関する各国の行政(行政機構、法体制、建設・操業に係る規制、環境関連
利用用途等)及び PPP 制度
・ 建設中・建設予定の下水処理場の概要(施設概要、処理方法と特徴、処理能力、放流
(6) 今後の海外展開に向けた提言や課題、将来予測
・ 過去 5 年以内に海外の水セクターに係る調査実績を 5 件以上有していること
方法:コンサルタント等への委託(9M/M 程度を想定)
(2) 成果物:・最終報告書(含む Executive Summary)
・プレゼンテーションマテリアル(Power Point)
提出形式:ハードコピー及び CD-ROM を各 2 セット
スケジュール:平成 28 年 10 月中旬 契約締結、業務開始
平成 28 年 12 月下旬 中間報告書提出
平成 29 年 1 月下旬 最終報告書提出
(1) 応募者は、下記書類の提出が必要となる(「提案書等の提出指示書」(別紙)参照)
① 提案書(日本語又は英語。業務の実施方針等、業務従事予定者の経験・能力(業務従
:正 3 部
② 見積書(見積価格及びその算出根拠):正 1 部
交付期間:平成 28 年 8 月 2 日~平成 28 年 8 月 23 日 15 時 00 分
(3) 提出期限:平成 28 年 8 月 23 日 15 時必着(持参若しくは郵送)
(4) 提出先:〒100-8144 東京都千代田区大手町 1-4-1
株式会社国際協力銀行 企画・管理部門 管理部第 1 課 調達担当
(5) 見積書は提案書とは分離し、封緘した上で提出者名及び対象業務をこれに表記し、提
(6) 一度提出した提案書等について、差し換え、変更又は取消しをすることはできない。
(7) 契約金額は交渉によって決定する。
(8) 提出及び問い合わせ受付時間
土曜日、日曜日及び祝日を除く平日 9 時 00 分から 17 時 00 分(12 時 00 分から 13
時 00 分を除く)
インフラ・環境ファイナンス部門 社会インフラ部第 4 ユニット
Public Notice
Invitation to Consulting Service
Japan Bank for International Cooperation invites consultancies to conduct a Study of
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in the Wastewater Treatment Sector. The interested
parties should apply in accordance with the Guide to Application for Consulting Service
Contract in the Appendix.
The Guide to Application for the Consulting Service Contract
Study of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in the Wastewater Treatment Sector
August 2 2016
Yasushi Sunouchi
Director General
Administration and General Services Department
Corporate Group
Japan Bank for International Cooperation
1. Background and Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is to gain an overview of the market and acquire a better
understanding of the trends in Public- Private Partnerships (PPP) in the
wastewater treatment sector. The outcome of the study will be utilized by JBIC in
pursuit of its mission to support the international business of Japanese water
companies. By analysing cases of success and failure, JBIC intends to learn of the
risk factors and points of consideration in the Wastewater Treatment projects and
effectively use such knowledge for financing transactions (particularly in project
finance transactions). The study shall cover a wide geographic area (Asia, Middle
East, Africa, North America, Latin America and Europe) and especially focus on the
growing market in Middle Eastern Countries (Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia,
Qatar and Bahrain) to develop understanding of the judicial systems, policies,
regulations etc.
The study requires a high level of skill in information gathering backed by
connections with host governments and project sponsors as public information about
individual PPP-based projects is limited. Furthermore, both strong expertise in the
water sector as well as analytical skills are essential to carry out analyses of
individual PPP-based projects.
2. Terms of Reference
Submit the final report covering the following items regarding PPP-based projects
in Wastewater Treatment Sector.
(1) General Overview of the Global Wastewater Treatment Sector
Analyze trends and provide a general overview of the wastewater treatment
sector in Asia, Middle East, Africa, North America, Latin America and Europe.
This section shall cover the entire wastewater treatment market including
projects implemented through PPP models, pure public procurement models and
purely private sector projects. The following issues, among others, should be
included in the analysis:
Market size and estimated future growth (include both regional and sectoral
(EPC, O&M) comparisons)
(ii) Projected demands for sewage treatment, total capacity of water treatment,
percentage of sewered population, invested amount and total budget, sewage
service charges.
(iii) Major players in the wastewater treatment sector (EPC contractors for
treatment plants, pumping stations and piping networks / O&M contractors /
others) (include description, track record, strategy, positioning in the value
chain etc).
(iv) Analyze the recent business models and strategies for major Japanese
companies in the overseas wastewater treatment market (with a focus on the
major Japanese trading companies).
(2) Basic structure of the Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Create a summary of the basic structure of wastewater treatment facilities
(including analysis on the regional trends). The following issues, among others,
should be included in the analysis:
Description of the techniques and the process of sewage treatment
(conventional activated sludge process, membrane treatment process etc).
(ii) Performance and features of piping networks.
(iii) Reuse and disposal of treated sewage / sewage sludge.
(3) Risk factors and consideration points in the Wastewater Treatment Sector
Select cases of both successful and failed projects (5~10 projects each) from
PPP-based wastewater projects in Asia, Middle East, Africa, North America,
Latin America and Europe, and (i) create overviews of each project, (ii) analyze
the process and main factors contributing to the success/failure. Based on the case
studies, analyze the general risk factors and points of consideration in the
wastewater treatment sector.
Sample projects should be selected equally from each region to the extent
Overview of each project should include information on profit and return
(sewage service charges, IRR etc), contractual coverages of offtake
agreement, major stakeholders such as sponsors, EPC contractors, O&M
contractors, off takers, and end-users to the extent possible.
(4) Source of finance
Analyze typical financing structures of wastewater treatment projects (PPP) in
Asia, Middle East, Africa, North America, Latin America and Europe.
Sample projects should be selected equally from each region to the extent
possible (3~5 projects each).
(i) Financial conditions (include borrowing period, interest rate, debt equity
ratio etc), terms of the offtake agreement (include the tail period between
the loan maturity date and the date of expiry of the offtake agreement etc),
(ii) use of project bonds, equity from infrastructure funds, loans from
international banks, (iii) hedging strategy to manage foreign exchange risk
and economic return should be taken into account in the analyses.
(5) Current situation and future prospects in the Middle Eastern Countries
Analyze the current situation and future prospects in the wastewater treatment
section in Middle Eastern Countries (Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar
and Bahrain). Create profile of each country including the following issues in the
analysis, among others:
List all the existing wastewater treatment facilities and create general
summaries (include overview of the facility, process and feature of sewage
treatment, capacity of water treatment, effluent quality, beginning of operation,
key participant, sources and methods of raising funds etc).
(ii) Administration system of each country, regarding the wastewater treatment
(administrative organs, legislative system, regulations on construction
/operation/environment (disposal of sewage sludge etc), future plans and
policies, governmental budget, structure of sewage service charge, usage of
treated water etc).
(iii) General summaries of new wastewater treatment facilities which are being
scheduled or under construction (include overview of the facility, process and
feature of sewage treatment, capacity of water treatment, effluent quality,
current status of construction, scheduled operation date, key participant,
sources and methods of raising funds etc).
(6) Suggestions for developing overseas wastewater treatment business
Make brief suggestions and analyze the future challenges as well as possible
tactics for the Japanese companies to continue their performance in the overseas
wastewater sector utilizing their strength, on the basis of the analyses on (1) – (5)
3. Criteria for applicants
Proposals from applicants who do not meet the following requirement will not be
considered for evaluation:
The applicant must demonstrate that they have conducted more than 5 studies
in the water sector in the past 5 years.
4. Schedule for Conducting the Study, etc
(1) Modality:
Assign the consultant(s).
The expected workload shall be approximately 9 man-months cost.
(2) Product of the Study: -Final report (including the executive summary) (Word)
-Numeric Data (Excel)
-Presentation Material (Power Point)
(3) Provide the outcome of study in both hard copy and CD-ROM (2 sets each).
(4) Schedule:
Middle of October 2016
Signing of the contract
Start of the study
End of December 2016
Submission of the interim report
End of January 2017
Submission of the final report
5. Submission of Proposal and Cost Estimate, etc
(1) The designated applicants shall be required to submit the following documents. In
preparing these documents, please refer to Instructions for Submitting Proposals.
A. Proposal (including Methodology for conducting the Assigned Study,
Experience and capabilities of the professional staff/personnel (Curriculum
Vitae (CVs) of Proposed Professional Staff Conducting the Assigned Study) :
3 original copies
B. Cost Estimate (showing unit prices and the basis of calculation): one original
(2) Deadline for Submission of the Proposal:
15:00 (JST), August 23, 2016
The Proposals must be submitted before the deadline. The Proposals may be mailed
or directly handed over to the above contact.
(3) Place of Submission:
Division 1, Administration and General Services Department
Corporate Group
Japan Bank for International Cooperation
4-1 Ohtemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8144, Japan
Tel: 03-5218-9212
(4) The Cost Estimate should be submitted simultaneously with the Proposal in a
separate sealed envelope. This envelope should bear the name of the submitting
consultancy and the name of the assigned work.
(5) Once submitted, the proposal or the cost estimate cannot be replaced, modified or
cancelled except for prior to the submission deadline.
(6) Consulting Fees:
To be determined through negotiations.
6. Further inquiry should be made to:
Division 4(water business), Social Infrastructure Finance Department,
Infrastructure and Environment Finance Group
Contact person: Ms.Chujo Tel: 03-5218-3483