
 IARU Graduate Student Conference 2016 in Tokyo Application Form 必 要 事 項 を ご 記 入 の 上 、 高 齢 社 会 総 合 研 究 機 構 、 戸 張 宛 て に ご 返 送 く だ さ い ([email protected]­‐。7 月 15 日締切。 ご不明な点がございましたらご遠慮なくお問い合わせ下さい。 Please complete this application form and send directory to Ms. Tobari ([email protected]­‐ by 15 July. If you have any questions, of if you want to discuss your choices, please contact to Ms. Tobari. 1. Personal Details Home University 東京大学 The University of Tokyo Family name あ(日) あ(英) Given name (日) (英) Preferred name on (英のみ) conference name tag Gender (M / F) Date of Birth (DD-­‐MM-­‐YY) Contacts Home Tel No. (Including country code) Mobile Tel No. (Including code) country Email address 2. Academic Details What is your degree (日・英) programme? What is your current year (日・英) of study? 3. Special Requirements (Optional)
Dietary restrictions Special assistance