教員公募 職名・人員:教授・1 名 所属:科学技術創成研究院 未来産業技術研究所 融合メカノシステム研究コア 専門分野:極限バイオ探査分野 バイオアッセイ,細胞工学などのバイオテクノロジー分野と,MEMS・ナノファブリケー ションを用いたセンシングシステム分野の融合による,極限環境(海洋・地下・宇宙など) で利用可能な高性能なバイオ探査デバイスおよびシステムの研究と,その社会実装への道 筋を拓ける方. 応募資格: 1. バイオテクノロジー,機械工学の関連分野で博士の学位を有する方. 2. 上記分野について国際的な研究実績を有し,新規分野を積極的に開拓できる方. 3. バイオテクノロジーと機械工学の融合分野において,学部講義,大学院講義(英語),なら びに学生の研究指導が可能な方. 着任時期:平成 29年4月 1 日以降 提出書類: 1. 履歴書(学歴は高校卒業以降,写真添付) 2. 業績リスト 査読付論文,国際会議録,国内会議録,解説,著書,特許,受賞等に分類すること ※査読付論文には引用上位 10 編に引用数を個別記載し,h-index を末尾に記載 3. 主要論文別刷 5 編(コピー可) 4. 外部資金獲得状況一覧 科研費,受託研究,共同研究などに分類し,代表/分担の別を明記. 5. 学会および社会貢献の実績一覧 6. これまでの研究・教育の実績(A4 用紙 2 枚程度に要約) 7. 着任後の研究・教育の構想概略(A4 用紙 2 枚程度に要約) 8. 参考意見を伺える方 4 名(国内 2 名,海外 2 名)の連絡先 応募締切:2016 年 11 月 28 日必着 送付先:東京工業大学 未来産業技術研究所 事務室気付 教員選考委員長 226-8503 横浜市緑区長津田町 4259-R2-2 「融合メカノシステム研究コア 教員応募書類在中」と朱書きし,簡易書留にて送付 問合せ先メール:[email protected] その他: 1. 応募書類一式を印刷したもの, および電子ファイルを入れた CD/DVD ディスクをお送りください. 応募書類は返却しません.電子メールによる提出は受け付けません. 2. 書類選考の後,候補者には研究関連の講演と模擬講義を含む面接を実施します(応募締切後 2 か月 以内). 3. 本学では,多彩な人材を確保し,大学力・組織力を高めるため,外国人や女性の参画する均等な機 会を確保します. Faculty Opening Industrial Mechano-System Research Core, Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Science and Technology(FIRST) Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology Position : Full Professor Specialty : Bio-exploration under extreme environment 1. Creation and development of versatile exploration devices and systems under extreme environments such as the ocean, underground and space, based on the integration of biotechnology including bioassays and cell culture systems, and sensing systems using micro/nano-fabrication. 2. Their path development for social implementation. Qualifications: 1. Doctoral or PhD. degree in mechanical engineering, biotechnology, or related field. 2. The candidate should have international expertise and enthusiasm in the specialty. 3. Lectures for undergraduate and graduate school students in mechanical engineering or related field, and research supervision of students are required. Starting Date: 1 April 2017 or earliest date thereafter Dead Line : 28 November 2016 Application documents: 1. Curriculum vitae with photo, email address, postal mail address, education history starting from high school, and professional history 2. List of publications (classified into refereed journal papers, refereed conference proceedings, invited lectures, books, commentaries, patents, prizes, and awards). Refereed journal paper should include a citation count for the top 10 (the list of the refereed journal papers should include an h-index). 3. Reprints or copies of 5 major publications 4. List of acquired research funds (including the names of the funds, project titles, amounts, periods of research, and allotted amounts (if not the principal researcher)) 5. Summary of activities in academic societies, governmental committees, etc. 6. Summary of research activities and education to present (up to two A4 pages) 7. Future research and education plans (up to two A4 pages) 8. Recommendation letters (from at least 4 academic experts) Application Submission: Chairperson of the selection committee, c/o Office of FIRST, Tokyo Institute of Technology Nagatsuta-cho 4259-R2-2, Midoriku-ku, Yokohama 226-8503 JAPAN On the envelope, write 'Application Documents for the Professorship` in red and should be sent by registered postal mail. E-mail application is not accepted. Remarks: 1. Applicants should send the application documents and the files in a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM by registered postal mail or courier service. Documents will not be returned. 2. Interview (including mock class or lecture) will be carried out in the process of selection within 2 months after the dead line. The candidate will be asked to self-pay the travel expenses of the visit at this time. 3. The Tokyo Institute of Technology provides start-up funding through an internal support system. A new faculty member, if he/she is qualified, may have access to this system. Tokyo Institute of Technology values diversity and guarantees equal opportunities for women and foreign nationals.
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