Have you, or someone you know, had a a stroke?

Have you, or someone you
know, had a a stroke?
National Stroke Foundation is proud to host another StrokeConnect Queensland
forum for stroke survivors, their carers and family members.
Self-management after stroke
Rockhampton Leagues Club – 24 November 2014
Come and join us for:
•Talks from local organisations that can support you to take control of your life
after stroke.
•Opportunities to meet other stroke survivors.
•Updates on programs being delivered in Qld by National Stroke Foundation.
•A sneak peek at an exciting self-management tool being developed by
National Stroke Foundation.
To register your interest for this free event please contact Kelcie Howard
(Coordinator, StrokeConnect QLD) via email [email protected]
or phone 07 3218 7303.