at the „ALTER WARTESAAL“, Cologne and in many art-galleries, clubs and other cultural events. The music excursions led him with the project GINA X PERFORMANCE in the middle of the international pop-musicscene directly to London. Together with Claudia Simmler (Gina Kikoine), Ralph Morgenstern and Zeus B. Hero (producer) they aroused enthusiasm with groundbreaking Sounds&Beats, spectacular videos and shows. GINA X published between 1978 and `82 worldwide three LPs (NICE MOVER + X-TRAORDINAIRE INTRO Hinrich Sickenberger, born in 1955 in Aschaffenburg, Germany, developped his artistic talent already very early. As a child he signed on metre-long paper roles, later the expressionist painters Elisabeth Dering and Anton Bruder formed him. After 2 years of work in Darmstadt, with an engaged gallery project in the „Landgraf-Phillip-Anlage“, he moved to Cologne in 1975 to develop his own artistic language. His eccentric appearance and his strictly lived individuality predestined him for his numerous impressive live performances. He showed that for example in 1976 during the supporting programme of the FIAG, Paris (the first „LOVE SICK version),in 1979 on the ART Basel 10 ("TRANSITORRINESS" + "REFLECTION + VOYEUR). In 1981 Hinrich Sickenberger presented three big installations. During the ART 12 in Basel with "LOVE TEMPLE" (a giant space, forms with large-size drawings) + the photo installation „BLICKE MIR NICHT ZU TIEF IN DIE AUGEN…“ and at the „INTERNATIONALER KUNSTMARKT KÖLN“, Cologne ( today ART Cologne) with „MICHELANGELO TRIFFT AUF DEM WEGE NACH…..“ , a Space installation with drawings. 1981 was also the year of the scholarship of the DFJW/OFAJ (6 months Paris) and the series "KAMASUTRA" composed of drawings + performances + videos. In 1982 he showed his installation „BLICKE MIR NICHT ZU TIEF IN DIE AUGEN…“ once again on the PHOTOKINA at the „SPANISCHER BAU“ in Cologne. I"), in 1981 "POSING" with the performance festival „BEI His most innovative and most long-term artistic development took LEBENDIGEM LEIBE“ in Cologne and in 1982 in BETHANIEN, place since the middle oft he 70th in the area of video-art. Berlin "LOVE-SICK" (performance festival „performance, another Promoted by Ingrid Oppenheim („GALERIE OPPENHEIM“, dimension“). In 1979 the spectacular action „24-HOURS Cologne) he devoted himself in many works and exhibitions to this PROINHABIT“ took place in Cologne in a shop-window pavilion . medium. He also belonged in 1982/83 to the participants of the all At the same time he concentrated upon musical performance, among others, in 1982 at the „KUNSTVEREIN KÖLN“, Cologne with a première on the occasion of the "suitcase edition" and under the name KALA SIC (&Band) 1983 at the „RHEINISCHES LANDESMUSEUM“ Bonn, over Germany shown exemplary Exhibition „VIDEOKUNST IN DEUTSCHLAND 1963-82“ (Video-Art in Germany 1963-82), curatet from Wulf Herzogenrath („Kunstverein Köln“, „Kunsthalle Hamburg“, „Badischer Kunstverein Karlsruhe“, „Kunsthalle Nürnberg“, „Nationalgalerie Berlin“). In 1988 he showed his colourful video-installation „MÄRCHENPRINZEN LÜGEN NICHT - PRINCE CHARMING DO NOT LIE“ in the „KUNSTHALLE“, Cologne. Other exhibitions (video-installations, projections) took place in the „VIDEOKOOPERATIVE KÖLN“, Cologne, at the „KÜNSTLERBUND“ of Lüdenscheid and during the „VIDEO-TAGE – VIDEO-DAYS“ in Salzgitter. Till the end of the 90th he developed his Video-Stills (photographs of filmed video-sequences). This technology produced subtle results of quite special esthetic effects. At the end of the 80th he stopped his work with an exhibition at the „COMPU-NET“ Cologne. From1990 Hinrich Sickenberger dedicated himself to a quite different profession. He worked till 2001 intensely in the media area (television / film), first as an editor / realisator, then as a partner of the successful creative company „PMC“ together with Ica & Michael Souvignier in Cologne. A radical change of his life happened in 2001 – he moved to Marrakech, dedicating himself for some years again intensely to the art. After initial experiments he created large-size expressive pop-style paintings and drawings and developped as well digital art (photoexperiments /Mix-Media-Works). He showed results of his pictoral work during an exhibition in an ancient palace in the Medina of Marrakesh during the Arts-in-Marrakech BIENNALE in 2012. Hinrich Sickenberger still lives and performes in Marrakech and is an important part oft he local cultural and artistic scene.
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