Top Five Ways Swiss Mobiliar Improved Business Value with Oracle Database In-Memory Thomas Baumann Head of IT Performance Management Paolo Kreth Head of Data Management 1 In-Memory Making Headlines at Swiss Mobiliar New business insights due to real-time analytics REPORTS AUF OLTP DATEN ANALYTICS ON OLTP DATA In-Memory Making Headlines at Swiss Mobiliar Massively reduced tuning efforts for SQL query texts IN 9 VON 10 FÄLLEN KEIN SQL QUERY TUNING MEHR 9 OUT OF AUF REPORTS 10 QUERIES OLTP DATEN DON‘T NEED SQL TUNING 3 In-Memory Making Headlines at Swiss Mobiliar A paradigm change: “Bring Analytics to the Data“ REDUCED VerzichtETL aufFLOW ETL 4 Agenda Swiss Mobiliar in a Nutshell Analytics on OLTP data – where we are today Analytics on OLTP data – PoC with Database In-Memory PoC Database In-Memory Results Further Experiences and Next Steps with Database In-Memory at Swiss Mobiliar Summary 5 Swiss Mobiliar Switzerland‘s most personal insurer legal form of a cooperative association (mutual company). Switzerland’s number one insurer for household contents, business and pure risk life insurance. close to customers throughout the country thanks to around 80 general agencies at 160 locations. over 1.7 million insured persons or firms. over 4,400 employees and 325 trainees. 13x continuously 2003-2015 6 Overall Non-Life Insurance Market Growth in Switzerland Close to 2/3 of Market Growth to Swiss Mobiliar in 2014 Growth Mobiliar Market Growth in Mio CHF. Source: Schweizerischer Versicherungsverband 7 Swiss Mobiliar‘s IT Misson Statement: Deploy and Run innovative technologies for efficient business processes Systems: iOS, Linux, Windows and z/OS 5000 Notebooks, 1800 iPhones, 300 iPads DBMS: Oracle, DB2, IMS, MS SQL Server, Neo4j Standard-SW (ArcGIS, SAP, BO, Siebel, COR Life etc.) Many home-grown applications 8 The Speaker Thomas Baumann Born in 1963 MSc. at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich Computer Sciences and Statistics Today, this mix is called Big Data Has been focusing on Database Management Systems and Performance since 1992 Speaker at numerous international conferences „Performance Minister“ at SwissMobiliar „dedicated to performance – since 1963“ also produces this search result: dedicated to performance – since 1963 9 Agenda Swiss Mobiliar in a Nutshell Analytics on OLTP data – where we are today Analytics on OLTP data – PoC with Database In-Memory PoC Database In-Memory Results Further Experiences and Next Steps with Database In-Memory at Swiss Mobiliar Summary 10 Analytics on OLTP Data at Swiss Mobiliar Architecture 2014 Analytical (OLAP) Data Mart Decision Support Data Warehouse Cross Information Systems Operational (OLTP) Business Intelligence Access Information Systems OLTP Core Information Systems OLTP Analytics Scope Analytics on OLTP data at Swiss Mobiliar Architecture 2020 Analytical (OLAP) Data Mart Decision Support Data Warehouse Cross Information Systems Operational (OLTP) Business Intelligence Access Information Systems OLTP Core Information Systems OLTP Analytics Scope Architecture 2014 IDAA (IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator) Value Delivery SQL Query (to DB2) Automatic query re-routing of searchintensive queries1) to data copy at Netezza appliance Result In-Memory Set Similar design patterns for Oracle Database For applications which don‘t require transactionally consistent data, and can DB2similar zOS results IBMas well? Are there (“Mainframe“) Netezza 1) accept data delayed by a few minutes Design Patterns Major Results Column oriented data storage Increased OLAP query performance 100 times faster in average Data replication close to real time based on log records, not transactionally consistent Faster inserts on DB2 and higher scalability Query Re-Routing decided by optimizer, transparent for application Due to elimination of most indexes No need for indexes Very high compression rate Short timeframe between data ingress and analysis 13 More Real-Time Analytics Headlines at Swiss Mobiliar Reduced CPU consumption during peak time IDAA in more detail (or what is different to Oracle Database In-Memory) Massive Parallel Processing Architecture 32 nodes on 2 blades at Swiss Mobiliar Max Capacity 1024 nodes (8 racks) Data Processed Locally FPGA (HW encoded logical arrays): Decompression, Projection, Predicate Application all done locally within FPGA Joins processed locally if possible, data redistribution among nodes otherwise Data clustering within node to support skips for data scanning (zone maps) Tuning Knobs: Data distribution among nodes Data clustering within nodes Both are independent of DB2 partitioning and clustering 30% REDUKTION REDUCTION OF MAINFRAME MAINFRAME CPUCPU RESSOURCEN Tables completely replicated (all rows/columns) 14 Step-by-Step IDAA Usage 12 month from installation to broad usage First Business Applications Ad-hoc reports from business end users Improved end-of-month processing Log analysis based on DB2 tables for access pattern analytics Improved ETL flow We expect a similar timeline for Oracle Database In-Memory (see later) Streamline Mainframe for OLTP Eliminating indexes used for analytics only Eliminate MQT and other auxiliary structures for analytics Reduced demand for reorg More efficient inserts New Business Functions 12 months 15 New Business Reports (1 of 2) How Swiss Mobiliar‘s CRM system is used? 47.8 “The more distant from HQ, 47.6 the less they care about instructions“ 47.4 47.2 47 46.8 HQ How was that this morning (CEO visit at Hochdorf agency)? 46.6 46.4 46.2 46 report produced with 3.8sec response time 45.8 The larger the surface of the8 ball,8.5the more the agency is following HQ‘s 6 6.5 7 7.5 9 9.5 10 instructions on how to use Swiss Mobiliar‘s CRM system. 16 New Business Reports (2 of 2) Cross Selling Owner of which car makes do also have many other contracts at Swiss Mobiliar? with partner_MFZ (PNR, Make) as (SELECT DISTINCT PAR.C97251 AS PNR, MFZ.D63538 as MAKE FROM DB2PVIEW.VGESGPA2 PAR, DB2PVIEW.VALL0800 VER, DB2PVIEW.VPA08091 VER_OBJ, DB2PVIEW.VOBMFZP1 MFZ WHERE PAR.C95826 = VER.C95826 AND VER.C95826=VER_OBJ.C95826 AND VER_OBJ.C95836_1=MFZ.C95836 AND VER_OBJ.C95862=MFZ.C95862 AND PAR.C97150 = 417 AND PAR.C99996 = 0 AND YEAR(PAR.C99992) = 9999 AND YEAR(PAR.C99995) = 9999 AND YEAR(VER_OBJ.C99995)=9999 AND YEAR(VER_OBJ.C99992)=9999 AND YEAR(MFZ.C99995)=9999 AND YEAR(MFZ.C99992)=9999 AND VER.C95836 = 1 AND VER.C99996 = 0 AND YEAR(VER.C99995) = 9999 AND YEAR(VER.C99992) = 9999 AND VER.D95893 IN (24,25,26,27) ), partner_all (PNR, Number) as (SELECT PAR.C97251 AS PNR, COUNT(*) FROM DB2PVIEW.VGESGPA2 PAR, DB2PVIEW.VALL0800 VER WHERE PAR.C95826 = VER.C95826 AND PAR.C97150 = 417 AND PAR.C99996 = 0 AND YEAR(PAR.C99992) = 9999 AND YEAR(PAR.C99995) = 9999 AND VER.C95836 = 1 AND VER.C99996 = 0 AND YEAR(VER.C99995) = 9999 AND YEAR(VER.C99992) = 9999 GROUP BY PAR.C97251) select make, avg(number) as number_of_contracts, count(*) as number_of_customers from Partner_mfz, partner_all 17 where partner_mfz.pnr=partner_all.pnr group by make having count(*) > 1000 order by 2 desc Response time in sec 10000 100 1 DB2 IDAA 17 Real-Time Analysis: Risks Unvalidated correlations No. of storks observed No. of new-born children in same area and year Both statistics, number of storks observed, and number of new-born children counted in same area and year, are correlated with time, and both were decreasing, independent from each other. 18 Agenda Swiss Mobiliar in a Nutshell Analytics on OLTP data – where we are today Analytics on OLTP data – PoC with Database In-Memory PoC Database In-Memory Results Further Experiences and Next Steps with Database In-Memory at Swiss Mobiliar Summary 19 Oracle Database In-Memory PoC Objectives The PoC (Beta-test) of Oracle 12c Database In-Memory shall prove that comparable, if not better, response times might be achieved for the same data and the same query compared with DB2/Netezza. the number of queries with demand for manual query statement tuning will reduce by at least 90%. analytics on OLTP data will be, after migration DB2Oracle, • very efficient. • transparent for users and applications. • without impact on OLTP processing. 20 Oracle Database In-Memory So far: Data organized in rows, data loaded into memory at first usage New: Additional: Data organized in columns, permanently stored in memory automated, near real-time replication designed for transactions Memory Memory data row-oriented data column-oriented designed for analytics 21 Oracle Database In-Memory PoC Configuration Offer and Contract data Migration DB2Oracle of 97 tables with No. of rows between 0 and 2.4 billion Offer data (550K contracts in progress) Contract data (5.4M contracts) In other words: Every 10th contract is in progress. This data is not part of the traditional data warehouse. Analytics of this data needs to be close to real time All tests were performed by applying 13 real user reports with real data. 22 Oracle Database In-Memory PoC The PoC should answer the following 6 questions 1. How expensive is the migration of the DB2 data into Oracle? 2. How much tuning effort was required after activating Oracle Database In-Memory? 3. Are the response times better than with DB2? Which part of the improvement is due to Database In-Memory? 4. How much administration effort is necessary to deploy and run Database In-Memory? 5. Which are the prereq‘s to apply Database In-Memory? 6. Which are the strengths and weaknesses of Database In-Memory? 23 Agenda Swiss Mobiliar in a Nutshell Analytics on OLTP data – where we are today Analytics on OLTP data – PoC with Database In-Memory PoC Database In-Memory Results Further Experiences and Next Steps with Database In-Memory at Swiss Mobiliar Summary 24 The Speaker Paolo Kreth Born 1968 in Genoa, Italy Master Degree in Informatics at Genoa University Working with Oracle since 1998 – Oracle 8i Object Relational Database Since 2010 OracleTechnical Lead @Mobi 1968 – Ferrari 365 GTC Coupé 25 Question 1: Database migration from DB2 to Oracle • Data was successfully migrated from DB2 to Oracle: 3 days effort. • Adjustments from DB2 to ORACLE TIMESTAMP Data Type conversion 24:00 23:59:999999 (Oracle does not recognize 24:00) Adjustments on DDL-definitions for empty Strings/Numbers/Timestamps (DB2) CREATE TABLE TEO_TBENPRO ( C43087 CHAR(30) NOT NULL, C…. NUMBER(30) NOT NULL, …. ) ‘ 0 • DEFAULT ON NULL ' DEFAULT ON NULL No runtime errors. 26 Question 2: How much tuning effort was required after activating Database In-Memory? • • No tuning was required. One single optimization: We changed the partitioning layout of a table to optimize it for the required report (Amount: 1 hour) 27 Question 3 : Comparison Oracle Native – Oracle In-Memory • Comparison based on Elapsed Time: … Oracle (native) vs. Oracle Database In-Memory 100.00 10.00 1.00 Oracle native 0.10 Oracle IM Column Store Total elapsed time (s): ORACLE native ORACLE IM 194.21 44.7 28 Question 3: HW-Comparison between IDAA and Oracle IBM Netezza IDAA vs. Oracle 12c Database In-Memory … in the blue corner…. IBM Netezza IDAA: • • • PureData System for Analytics N1001-002 • 24 Cores • 72 GB RAM Netezza V 7.02 IDAA V3 … in the red corner…. Oracle 12c mit OIMO: • • • • Hitachi Unified Compute Platform • 16 Cores • 384 GB RAM no attache PCI Flash Disks OS: RedHat 6.4 Oracle Beta 3 29 Question 3: Oracle 12c Database In-Memory vs. IBM Netezza • Comparison of elapsed time … … Netezza IDAA vs. Oracle Database In-Memory 100.00 IDAA 10.00 1.00 Oracle IM 0.10 Column Store Total elapsed time (s): IDAA 76.74 ORACLE IM 44.73 30 Question 4: Adminstration of Oracle Database In-Memory • 50 GB RAM was reserved for the in-memory column store …41 GB used (Memcompress for Query) …on SAN-these data occupied 170 GB. Compression Ratio : about 4.15 • Data modifications were propagated near real time to the Column Store in our test. • Oracle Database In-Memory allows us to drop all „non-unique“ Indexes • We did not have to load the whole table into memory, we loaded only selected partitions or even columns. 31 Question 5: Pre conditions for optimal usage Which are the pre conditions for an optimal usage of Oracle Database In-Memory? a) Use of ORACLE built in functionalities to restrict the data set (Partitioning) The optimal partitioning method can significantly improve the query performance b) Find the optimal degree of parallelism in 12c In our tests we found that the optimal degree of parallelism was 8 (this value depends on hardware we tested on – the CPUs were unable to get more data from memory) More parallel slaves produced only more overhead For different hardware this value could differ c) Plan Stability Of relevant importance is the stability of execution plans. Therefore the optimizer statistics have to be up to date. 32 Question 6: Strengths and Weaknesses of Database In-Memory Strengths: • It scales very good incrementing the degree of parallelism. Also small degree increments show big performance improvements. • Read and Filter of large data volumes • Easy administration You can improve the performance of an application within minutes Weaknesses: • Sorts of large data volumes is still a bottleneck ( 100+ GB) Sorts still use temporary tablespace • Proposal to ORACLE: Temp Segment in Memory for Column store ? Feedback to Oracle has been provided. 33 Agenda Swiss Mobiliar in a Nutshell Analytics on OLTP data – where we are today Analytics on OLTP data – PoC with Database In-Memory PoC Database In-Memory Results Further Experiences and Next Steps with Database In-Memory at Swiss Mobiliar Summary 34 Results within the MobiliarFIS Project What were the straits within the MobiFis Project: MobiFis eDWH is still in development We could work only on a small set of queries and reports Solution: We did the tests only on Queries on a fact table and the corresponding dimension tables Beside the small query set on top of the reports we got from development we built synthetic queries trying to simulate future reports by creating: Sums, averages and other group functions on the existing tables Grouping of values We issued these queries on the following data volumes • 1 Fact-Table with1.9 Mrd. Rows • Up to10 Dimension Tables between 100 and 2.5 Mio. Rows 35 Results on MobiliarFIS Comparison of elapsed times Query Elapsed Time(s) 11g 12c 12c InMemory Overview Tb Level (BO-Report) 949 183 135 Numer of contracts for one product in 01/14 32 29 4 Building blocks per single contract 274 306 0,3 Sums on single contracts 270 310 0,053 Sums and group by on single contracts 289 245 0,5 1 0,045 0,018 1815 ~ 1073 ~ 140 1 ~ 1.7 ~ 13 All contracts for a product Sum Factor 36 Resume MobiliarFIS Summary • The Results from the PoC on Oracle 12c "In-Memory Column Store" showed an improvement of one or two magnitudes. • Typical DWH queries like sums, averages etc. can be improved dramatically . • The assumptions made at the start of the PoC could be confirmed. Next Steps • MobiliarFis has been migrated on and we are beginning to develop reports which will benefit from Oracle Database In-Memory. 37 Test on an existing Application - RICO We tested on the database of our risk controlling application (RICO) The Rico Database occupies about 1 Tb of Data The Rico application is over 20 Years in production We collected the most important queries from the user‘s perspective These queries were the candidates for improvement. 38 Tests on RICO – Before starting We analyzed the existing application and investigated performance optimization we could get before 12c: Compression Optimization of PCTFREE parameter Change of the partitioning schema of some tables We started using In-Memory after these changes 39 Results RICO Speed Up Oracle 12c (without In-Memory) vs. Oracle 11g Parallel Degree Query 1 Query 2 Query 3 Query 4 Query 5 All 1 3.53 1.82 0.78 2.52 2.32 2.57 2 2.66 0.94 5.82 2.42 1.63 2.23 4 2.87 1.06 5.49 2.39 2.44 2.56 8 2.65 1.40 5.89 1.95 2.70 2.44 16 2.72 1.73 6.41 2.79 2.73 2.75 32 2.69 2.16 7.79 2.74 2.74 2.73 On average the queries were running 2.5 times faster. 40 Results RICO Speed Up Oracle 12c In-Memory vs. Oracle 12c Parallel Degree Query 1 Query 2 Query 3 Query 4 Query 5 All 1 108.89 25.31 48.77 38.50 46.12 46.89 2 138.89 4.66 6.25 51.20 49.80 49.10 4 261.17 4.81 5.67 88.12 87.58 86.15 8 280.25 4.28 4.67 154.45 144.61 135.51 16 370.25 3.46 3.40 212.10 233.79 191.44 32 404.91 2.58 0.32 262.35 234.53 130.24 On average the queries were running between 46 and 191 times faster. 41 Results RICO Both slides combined: Speed Up Oracle 12c In-Memory vs. Oracle 11g Parallel Degree Query 1 Query 2 Query 3 Query 4 Query 5 All 1 384.04 46.16 37.84 96.91 107.03 120.40 2 370.11 4.39 36.38 124.10 81.15 109.43 4 750.78 5.13 31.11 210.42 213.33 220.82 8 743.44 6.00 27.50 301.76 390.77 330.33 16 1007.25 6.00 21.80 591.14 638.32 525.94 32 1087.73 5.58 2.48 717.65 642.95 354.92 On average the queries were running between 109 and 525 times faster. 42 Summary RICO Rico has been migrated on July on A development environment has been built to test the upgrade and the effects of InMemory We are using the SQL Performance Analyzer of the Real Application Testing option to identify improvements and regression We are involved in the Oracle 12c Reference Program and we are working closely with Oracle. Oracle In Memory will be activated after the Mobiliar Software Release by end of October 43 Agenda Swiss Mobiliar in a Nutshell Analytics on OLTP data – where we are today Analytics on OLTP data – PoC with Database In-Memory PoC Database In-Memory Results Further Experiences and Next Steps with Database In-Memory at Swiss Mobiliar Summary 44 Oracle Database In-Memory Benefits End User Perception Like an additional, fast, access path Fastest way from San Francisco to Chicago? 31 hours 4h 30min Beam me up, Scotty (+1h 30min) SQL Tuning DB In-Memory 45 Thank you! Thomas Baumann [email protected] [email protected] Paolo Kreth [email protected] [email protected] 46
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