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StorageTek SL8500
Release Notes
Release FRS_8.36
October 2014
This document provides release information for Oracle’s StorageTek SL8500 library
firmware version FRS_8.36.
What’s New in this Release
Library firmware version FRS_8.36 includes the following enhancements:
Added the ability to obtain logs from local operator panels running Oracle Linux
using SLC FRS_6.51 and CLI.
The drive tray type displays along with the FPGA version in the SLC drive folder
and drive tray status tab and through CLI. For example, HBD-17 or LOD-52.
The display character is now retrieved from IBM drives through the ADI drive
If media validation completes while the door is open, the cartridge will be left in
the drive until the door is closed and will no longer result in the loss of
communication with the drive controller.
Reduced the possibility of an unexpected failover in a busy library.
Corrected the issue with drive bays discovering ADI drives after multiple drive
insertions or drive reboots.
Corrected the issue with rebooting an HP LTO5 drive using SLC.
Corrected the possibility of an early unload on IBM LTO drives.
Reduced the robot’s tape insertion velocity for HP drives to lower the risk of
breaking the drive bezel.
Improved the reliability of robot initialization after library controller failover.
Minimum Requirements for Related Software
StorageTek Library Console (SLC)
SLC FRS_6.50 is required for FRS_8.36. SLC FRS_6.51 is recommended.
Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS)
ACSLS 7.3.1+ or 8.0.2+ supports FRS_8.36.
Host Software Component (HSC)
The following HSC PTFs are required: 6.2 - L1H16EM(VM), 7.0 - L1H16EO, and 7.1 L1H16SJ, and 7.2 - PTF is integrated.
HLI Compatibility Level Support
Compat 23 and lower.
StorageTek Tape Analytics (STA)
STA 2.0+ supports FRS_8.36.
LTO Drive Firmware Versions
The following LTO drive firmware versions have been verified in the SL8500 library.
For the drives to work correctly in the library, ensure the LTO drives are at the
minimum versions specified in the table below.
Drive Type
Drive Firmware Version
HP Generation 3 2G
HP Generation 3 4G
HP Generation 4
HP Generation 5
HP Generation 6
IBM Generation 3 2G and 4G
IBM Generation 4, non-encryption
IBM Generation 4, encryption
94D7 in LDI mode with Belisarius code 2.36.23
C7QH in ADI mode with Belesarius card and VOP 2.1
IBM Generation 5
BBNH in LDI mode with Belisarius code 2.36.23
D2AC in ADI mode with Belisarius card and VOP 2.1
IBM Generation 6
C9T4 in LDI mode with Belisarius code 2.38.24
D2DA in ADI mode with Belisarius card and VOP 2.1
Installing Library Firmware
Only Oracle service representatives should download and install library firmware.
Contact Oracle Support for assistance. The Oracle Global Customer Support Contacts
Directory can be found at:
Related Documentation
SL8500 System’s Assurance Guide
SL8500 User’s Guide
SL8500 Host Connectivity Guide
SL150/SL500/SL3000/SL8500 SNMP Reference Guide
SL8500 Safety and Compliance Guide
SL8500/SL3000/SL500 Security Guide
SL8500 Third Party Licenses and Notices
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit or
visit if you are hearing
StorageTek SL8500 Release Notes, Release FRS_8.36
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