53rd International Swim Meet Merck Super Trophy DSW 1912 Darmstadt 1st – 3rd July 2016 Invitation DSW 1912 Darmstadt Alsfelder Str. 31, D-64289 Darmstadt phone +49 6151 783042 mobile +49 171 2864610 e-mail: [email protected] schwimmen.dsw-1912.de General Regulations and Information Promoter: DSW 1912 Darmstadt - Olympic size (10 lanes, 50m each with wave killer lines) outdoor pool, water temperature 26°C/79F - Electronic time system! - The competition will take place at Schwimmleistungszentrum Darmstadt/Bürgerpark Nord, Alsfelder Strasse 31. 1. Rules and regulations Start takes place to the one-start-rule! The meeting will be run according to the general rules of the German Swim Association (DSV) and the FINA, including the anti-doping-rules. It is open to clubs, selected and national teams from member-federations of the FINA. Handicapped swimmers swim according to the rules of the German Handicapped Association (DBS) Only swimmers born in 2004 and older will be admitted for the regular competition. Younger swimmers can take part in the children competitions. Swimmers born in 2006 and younger are allowed to enter for not more than six starts per day. 2. Registrations and registration fees Registration through starting-lists with exact information (name, first name, sex, year of birth, best performance). Floppy-Discs or the internet can be used to submit entries. In this case please use the wsv standard. DSW 1912 Darmstadt Alsfelderstr. 31, D-64289 Darmstadt mobile: +49 171 2864610 e-mail: [email protected] Entry deadline is Sunday 26th June 2016 – 8 p.m.! The registration fee is 6,00 € for each individual start and 10€ for each relay. The children competitions have a reduced registration fee of 4€ per entry. Registration fees should be permitted in form of a crossed cheque or should be transferred to Volksbank Darmstadt – Südhessen e.G., S.W.I.F.T./BIC-Code: GENODEF1VBD IBAN: DE66508900000001415700 The entry fee has to be paid until June 29th . In case of bank transfer you are kindly asked to prove payment when collecting the registration list. In exemptions pays can be made directly before the meet by cheque. Please notify us about registrations in writing by using the enclosed form. At the same time we should be glad about some information on national success on your team. The protocol and the certificates can be sent home to you after a payment of €5. Please note that the children competition will take place in between the heats and the finals of the regular competition. In case of too much entries for this schedule we will limit the number of entries to a certain maximum per swimmer and day. 3. Judges German teams are asked to bring judges according to the following schema - At least one judge per session for up to 10 entries per session - At least two judges per session for up to 30 entries per session - At least three judges per session for 31 or more entries per session Foreign teams don’t have to bring any judges! Free lunch will be provided for all judges acting in two or more sessions of the same day. Free drinks and snacks are provided for all judges. 4. Scoring The 50m distances are open. The eight fastest swimmers in the 50m, 100m and 200m distances qualify for the finals. In the heats the three fastest swimmers of the age-groups 2004-1999 in the 100m and 200m distances receive awards. The 50m distances are open class only. The 400m, 800m, 1500m distances and the relays are open class only. They are swum in timed finals. For the 800m and 1500m freestyle there are max. 2 heats. A list with the time needed for these distances is created. The best 16 swimmer will be qualified for the races. The rejected swimmers will get their entry fee back. 5. Awards The first three in the finals and in the age groups will receive medals. Merck SUPER-Cup for the best team in the finals The organizer does not participate in this scoring. The best team will receive the MERCK SUPER Cup. All participants of the finals and the results of the events 3, 4, 9, 10, 23, 24, 33, 34, 35, 36 will score. Rank 1 = 10 points, rank 2 = 8 points, rank 3 = 6 points, rank 4 = 5 points, rank 5 = 4 points, rank 6 = 3points,rank 7 = 2 points, rank 8 = 1 point. Relays get doubled points. Consulation Prize of Hessen`s Minister of Inner Affairs and Sport The organizer does not participate in this scoring. This is the prize for the best performing youth team. All heat participants are scored according to their age group results (1999-2004). The best team receives the Cup of the Minister of Inner Affairs. rank1 = 10 points, rank 2 = 8 points, rank 3 = 6 points, rank 4 = 5 points, rank 5 = 4 points, rank 6 = 3 points, rank 7 = 2 points, rank 8 = 1 point. The best relays The first three relays in the events 23, 24, 35, and 36 will receive the following awards: € 60 for the 1st place, € 40 for the 2nd place and €20 for the 3rd place. The best individual performance (male and female) The best individual male and female performance will receive a money award of € 200 each. The scoring will follow the latest FINA point list . The first three of every final will receive money awards: 1st rank = € 60 2nd rank = €30 3rd rank = € 20 Each new meet-record will be awarded with an extra prize of 150 Euro. Children competitions Each participant in the childrens competition will get a certificate. Participants in the children competitions can’t qualify for any finals. Places 1-3 will receive medals. The best childrens team will receive a trophy (1st place = 3 points; 2nd place = 2 points; 3rd place = 1 point). Additionally we will have some “bonus heats” where winners will receive non-cash prices. 6. Data privacy By giving us your entries you confirm that all the participants of their legal representatives don`t have any objections against the publishment of names or photos that go in line with the protocol or news coverage about this event. 7. Responsibility The organizer doesn`t vouch for property damage, lost valuable things and accidents concerning participants and spectators. Requirements of the sport accident insurance are not touched. 8. Catering During the swim meet the promoter and the staff of the club restaurant will offer meals and drinks for sportsmen. 9. Schedule Friday 1st July 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. warm up start of competition Saturday 2nd July 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. warm up start of competition warm up for the finals start of the finals with victory ceremony for each event Sunday 3rd July 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. warm up start of competition warm up for the finals start of the finals with victory ceremony for each event Depending on the entries, the organizer reserves his right to change the starting-times. 9. Get-Together DSW 1912 Darmstadt likes to invite all coaches and officials for a get-together on Saturday after the finals session with snacks and drinks. We’re looking forward to meet old friends and make new ones. DSW 1912 Darmstadt e.V. - Schwimmabteilung - Richtzeiten/Expected Times 50m 50m 100m 100m 200m 200m Brust/Breaststroke Brust/Breaststroke Brust/Breaststroke Brust/Breaststroke Brust/Breaststroke Brust/Breaststroke Internationales Schwimmfest MERCK SUPER TROPHY Offen 1999 2000 2001 2002 Männer/Men 0:34 Frauen/Women 0:40,5 Männer/Men 1:14,5 1:21 1:21 1:22,5 1:29,5 Frauen/Women 1:27,5 1:27,5 1:27,5 1:27,5 1:28,5 Männer/Men 2:44 2:57 2:57 2:57 3:14 Frauen/Women 3:04 3:04 3:04 3:05 3:06 50m 50m 100m 100m 200m 200m 400m 400m Freistil/Freestyle Freistil/Freestyle Freistil/Freestyle Freistil/Freestyle Freistil/Freestyle Freistil/Freestyle Freistil/Freestyle Freistil/Freestyle Männer/Men Frauen/Women Männer/Men Frauen/Women Männer/Men Frauen/Women Männer/Men Frauen/Women 0:27 0:30,5 0:58 1:06,5 2:08 2:22 4:35 5:05 200m 200m 400m 400m Lagen/I. Medley Lagen/I. Medley Lagen/I. Medley Lagen/I. Medley Männer/Men Frauen/Women Männer/Men Frauen/Women 2:27 2:42 5:10 5:35 50m 50m 100m 100m 200m 200m Rücken/Backstroke Rücken/Backstroke Rücken/Backstroke Rücken/Backstroke Rücken/Backstroke Rücken/Backstroke Männer/Men Frauen/Women Männer/Men Frauen/Women Männer/Men Frauen/Women 50m 50m 100m 100m 200m 200m Schmett./Butterfly Schmett./Butterfly Schmett./Butterfly Schmett./Butterfly Schmett./Butterfly Schmett./Butterfly Männer/Men Frauen/Women Männer/Men Frauen/Women Männer/Men Frauen/Women 2003 2004 1:34,5 1:31,5 3:23 3:13 1:40,5 1:36 3:34 3:24 1:01 1:06,5 2:12 2:22 1:02 1:06,5 2:14 2:24 1:03 1:07 2:17 2:25 1:06,5 1:08 2:25 2:28 1:11 1:10,5 2:34 2:33 1:16,5 1:14,5 2:45 2:41 2:30 2:43 2:32 2:44 2:35 2:45 2:47 2:47 2:59 2:53 3:09 3:02 0:31 0:36,5 1:08 1:18 2:27 2:43 1:12,5 1:18 2:35 2:43 1:12,5 1:18 2:35 2:43 1:14 1:18 2:37 2:43 1:19,5 1:19 2:51 2:46 1:24,5 1:22,5 2:57 2:54 1:29,5 1:26,5 3:08 3:03 0:29 0:34,5 1:04,5 1:19 2:36 3:02 1:11,5 1:19 2:50 3:02 1:12 1:19 2:50 3:02 1:14,5 1:19 2:52 3:02 1:23,5 1:21,5 3:28 3:08 1:31 1:25,5 3:43 3:29 1:40,5 1:32,5 4:05 3:49 We kindly ask you to give us some information about extraordinary swimmers in your team (title or rank in national, international or continental championchips, world championchips, Olympic Games, national and international records a.s.o.) Freitag/Friday 01.07.2016 Einschwimmen/Warm up 15:30 / Beginn 17:00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 50 m Freistil/Freestyle 50 m Freistil/Freestyle 400 m Lagen/I.Medley 400 m Lagen/I.Medley 50 m Brust/Breast 50 m Brust/Breast 50 m Rücken/Back 50 m Rücken/Back 400 m Freistil/Freestyle 400 m Freistil/Freestyle 50 m Schmet./Butterfly 50 m Schmet./Butterfly Frauen/Women Vorlauf/Heat Männer/Men Vorlauf/Heat Frauen/Women Direkt Finale Männer/Men Direkt Finale Frauen/Women Vorlauf/Heat Männer/Men Vorlauf/Heat Frauen/Women Vorlauf/Heat Männer/Men Vorlauf/Heat Frauen/Women Direkt Finale Männer/Men Direkt Finale Frauen/Women Vorlauf/Heat Männer/Men Vorlauf/Heat Samstag/Saturday 02.07.2016 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Vorläufe/Heats Einschwimmen/Warm up 09:00 / Beginn 10:30 Finale/Finals & Staffeln/Relays Einschwimmen/Warm up 15:30 / Beginn 17:00 200 m Lagen/I.Medley 200 m Lagen/I.Medley 200 m Freistil/Freestyle 100 m Freistil/Freestyle 100 m Brust/Breast 200 m Brust/Breast 200 m Rücken/Back 100 m Rücken/Back 100 m Schmet./Butterfly 200 m Schmet./Butterfly Vorlauf/Heat 107. 108. 111. 112. Frauen/Women Vorlauf/Heat 113. Frauen/Women Vorlauf/Heat Männer/Men Vorlauf/Heat Frauen/Women Vorlauf/Heat Männer/Men Männer/Men 115. Vorlauf/Heat 116. Frauen/Women Vorlauf/Heat Männer/Men 117. Männer/Men Vorlauf/Heat Beginning 30 minutes after end of event 22 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 100 m 114. Beginn 30 Minuten nach Ende von Wettkampf 22 902 120. Vorlauf/Heat Frauen/Women Vorlauf/Heat Nachwuchswettkämpfe / children competition 901 119. 50 m 50 m 50 m 50 m 200 m 200 m 200 m 100 m 100 m 200 m 200 m 50 m Freistil/Freestyle Mädchen/girls Jungen/boys 50 m Brust/Breast Mädchen/girls 50 m Rücken/Back 50 m Schmet./Butterfly Jungen/boys Mädchen/girls 200 m Lagen/I.Medley Jungen/boys 200 m Lagen/I.Medley 200 m Freistil/Freestyle Mädchen/girls Jungen/boys 100 m Freistil/Freestyle Mädchen/girls 100 m Brust/Breast Jungen/boys 200 m Brust/Breast Mädchen/girls 200 m Rücken/Back Jungen/boys 100 m Rücken/Back 100 m Schmet./Butterfly Mädchen/girls 118. 100 m 122. 200 m 121. 2005-2008 23. 4x100 2005-2008 24. 4x100 2005-2008 2005-2007 2005-2006 2005-2006 2005-2007 2005-2008 2005-2007 2005-2006 2005-2007 2005-2008 2005-2006 Rücken/Back Rücken/Back Schmet./Butterfly Schmet./Butterfly Lagen/I.Medley Lagen/I.Medley Freistil/Freestyle Freistil/Freestyle Brust/Breast Brust/Breast Rücken/Back Frauen/Women Männer/Men Frauen/Women Männer/Men Frauen/Women Männer/Men Frauen/Women Männer/Men Frauen/Women Männer/Men Frauen/Women Rücken/Back Männer/Men Schmet./Butterfly Schmet./Butterfly Freistil/Freestyle Freistil/Freestyle Frauen/Women Männer/Men Frauen/Women Männer/Men Sonntag/Sunday 03.07.2016 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Vorläufe/Heats Einschwimmen/Warm up 08:00 / Beginn 09:30 Finale/Finals & Staffeln/Medley Einschwimmen/Warm up 14:30 / Beginn 16:00 200 m Schmet./Butterfly Frauen/Women Vorlauf/Heat 100 m Schmet./Butterfly Männer/Men Vorlauf/Heat Frauen/Women Vorlauf/Heat 100 m Rücken/Back Männer/Men Vorlauf/Heat 200 m Rücken/Back Frauen/Women Vorlauf/Heat 200 m Brust/Breast Männer/Men Vorlauf/Heat 100 m Brust/Breast 100 m Freistil/Freestyle Frauen/Women Vorlauf/Heat Männer/Men Vorlauf/Heat 200 m Freistil/Freestyle 800 m Freistil/Freestyle Frauen/Women Direkt Finale Männer/Men Direkt Finale 1500m Freistil/Freestyle 101. 102. 105. 106. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 50 m Freistil/Freestyle Frauen/Women Männer/Men 50 m Freistil/Freestyle Frauen/Women 50 m Brust/Breast Männer/Men 50 m Brust/Breast 200 m Schmet./Butterfly Frauen/Women 100 m Schmet./Butterfly Männer/Men Frauen/Women 100 m Rücken/Back Männer/Men 200 m Rücken/Back Frauen/Women 200 m Brust/Breast Männer/Men 100 m Brust/Breast 100 m Freistil/Freestyle Frauen/Women Nachwuchswettkämpfe / children competition 132. 200 m Beginn 30 Minuten nach Ende von Wettkampf 34 35. Beginning 30 minutes after end of event 34 36. 4x100m 4x100m Jungen/boys 50 m Freistil/Freestyle Mädchen/girls 50 m Brust/Breast Jungen/boys 50 m Rücken/Back 50 m Schmet./Butterfly Mädchen/girls 100 m Schmet./Butterfly Jungen/boys Mädchen/girls 100 m Rücken/Back Jungen/boys 200 m Rücken/Back Mädchen/girls 200 m Brust/Breast Jungen/boys 100 m Brust/Breast 100 m Freistil/Freestyle Mädchen/girls Jungen/boys 200 m Freistil/Freestyle 2005-2008 2005-2008 2005-2008 2005-2007 2005-2006 2005-2008 2005-2007 2005-2006 2005-2007 2005-2008 2005-2007 Freistil/Freestyle Männer/Men Lagen/I.Medley Lagen/I.Medley Frauen/Women Männer/Men Veranstaltungsrekorde / Meeting records 50m 100m 200m 400m 800m 4x100m 50m 100m 200m 50m 100m 200m 50m 100m 200m 200m 400m 4x100 50m 100m 200m 400m 1500m 4x100 50m 100m 200m 50m 100m 200m 50m 100m 200m 200m 400m 4x100 F F F F F F B B B R R R S S S L L L F F F F F F B B B R R R S S S L L L Britta Daniela Annika Annika Reva Middlesex County Janne Janne Hrfnhildur Janine Ekaterina Nicole Antje Annika Franziska Nicole Emily Middlesex County Steffen Götz Liebs Lurz Foos ASA Team Schäfer Schäfer Luthersdottir Pietsch Avramova Hetzer Buschschulte Mehlhorn Hentke Hetzer Siebrecht ASA Team Frauen/Women DSV SSG Erlangen DSV SV Würzburg05 DSW 1912 Virdhawal Khade Attila Zubor Yannick Lebherz Yannick Lebherz Benoit Debast Deutscher Schwimmverband Nationalteam Mark Warnecke Johannes Neumann Marco Koch Thomas Rupprath Helge Meeuw Yannick Lebherz Thomas Rupprath Thomas Rupprath Thomas Rupprath Kamil Kasprowicz Yannick Lebherz DSW 1912 Darmstadt TV Jahn Wolfsburg TV Jahn Wolfsburg Sundfelag Hafnarfjardar DSV Middlesex County ASA Team DSV SG Bayer Wupp./Uerd. DSV SV Halle DSV TSV Hohenbrunn-Riemerl Männer/Men National Team India Ungarn Potsdamer SV Potsdamer SV Ille de France SG Essen SC Riesa DSW 1912 Darmstadt SG Bayer Wupp./Uerd. DSV DSW 1912 Darmstadt SG Bayer Wupp./Uerd. SG Bayer Wupp./Uerd. SG Bayer Wupp./Uerd. SV Wfr. Hannover e.V. DSW 1912 Darmstadt 0:24,96 0:55,01 1:58,79 4:12,21 8:57,69 3:53,32 0:31,65 1:08,93 2:29,69 0:28,63 1:01,97 2:13,37 0:26,71 0:59,60 2:10,45 2:15,82 4:47,11 4:19,67 (2006) (2005) (2006) (2008) (2014) (2010) (2007) (2007) (2014) (2006) (2010) (2006) (2006) (2006) (2009) (2006) (2014) (2010) 0:22,96 0:50,38 1:49,17 3:50,27 15:39,05 3:22,29 0:28,24 1:01,11 2:10,06 0:25,42 0:54,94 1:59,13 0:24,15 0:53,17 1:59,38 2:01,88 4:19,07 3:49,35 (2009) (1998) (2013) (2013) (2014) (2006) (1999) (2009) (2009) (2002) (2006) (2011) (2002) (2001) (2001) (2007) (2011) (2015)
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